



Call for Participants for Reimagining Flinderella

2nd January 2024
Archaeology , Arts and humanities , Arts
Petrie Museum
The Petrie Museum of Egyptian and Sudanese Archaeology, part of MyAV·¶ Museums, is excited to announce a 3-event series in late April 2024 based around the reimagining of the play Flinderella.

Photograph of three ancient Egyptian artefacts of clay pottery faces.

Are you interested in playwriting, performing, singing, theatre production? Or do you have a keen interest in discussing contemporary archaeology through alternative forms of engagement? Then this exciting opportunity is for you!

Flinderella was a MyAV·¶ student-produced play about archaeologist Flinders Petrie, to humorously commemorate the father of modern archaeology receiving his knighthood from King George V in 1923. The play posited provocative questions about the practice of early 20th century archaeology. We hope to creatively respond to this in a contemporary context with current MyAV·¶ students and staff as well as explore future trajectories for radical archaeology.  

Event Context:

This 3-part event will form part of MyAV·¶ Museums & Cultural Programmes exploration of speculative futures, asking: What are the tools required across disciplines to build more common and equitable futures? And, using our capacity to imagine, how can we feed into discourses about radical archaeological practice through the lens of public performance and forums? 

Proposed Events: 

Event 1: A discussion between MyAV·¶ staff and longtime friends of the Petrie Museum about the history of student-led dramatic productions

Event 2: A re-imagined MyAV·¶ student-led production of Flinderella (1 act, 40mins. max)

Event 3: A roundtable MyAV·¶ student/researcher forum to discuss the future of radical public archaeology

Timings (TBC):

21 Jan 2024 Deadline to register your interest

(Early) Feb 2024 Group planning meeting once all participants are on board 

Feb – Mar 2024 Playwright work begins for Event 2, Coordination work for Event 1 and Event 3 

Mar-Apr 2024Ìý¸é±ð³ó±ð²¹°ù²õ²¹±ô²õÌý

April 2024 All 3 events scheduled from week beginning 29 April 2024 

Who can apply?

This opportunity is open to all MyAV·¶ students and staff.

Project Team: 

  • Sarita Mamseri, Public Programmes Manager, MyAV·¶ Museums & Cultural Programmes 
  • Lisa Randisi, Curatorial and Collections Assistant, Petrie Museum of Egyptian and Sudanese Archaeology, MyAV·¶ Museums & Cultural Programmes 
  • Roberta Livingstone-McDonald, Independent Dramaturg and Schools Engagement Assistant, MyAV·¶ East 
  • Dr Anna Garnett, Curator, Petrie Museum of Egyptian and Sudanese Archaeology, MyAV·¶ Museums & Cultural Programmes

Find out more:

Register your interest/queries by Sunday 21 January 2024

Or contact one of the project coordinators, Sarita Mamseri, atÌý

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