

Innovation & Enterprise


The impact of storytelling

08 October 2024, 1:00 pm–3:00 pm

Two young people listening at an event at BaseKX

Learn how to tell powerful stories to sell your business idea. Free 2-hour beginners’ workshop for students, staff and recent graduates.

Event Information

Open to

MyAV·¶ staff | MyAV·¶ students | MyAV·¶ alumni




MyAV·¶ Innovation & Enterprise


MyAV·¶ BaseKX
103c Camley Street


Being able to tell a good story is essential in persuading people to buy what you are selling. You may be trying to persuade investors to invest in your business, customers to buy your product, or a company to hire you. 

In this workshop you’ll learn how to effectively sell the ‘why’ of a given product, service or business by studying well-known examples. You’ll learn how to tell a brand story with a ‘heart over head’ approach that’s genuinely impactful.

Who it’s for

Entrepreneurship is for everyone.

This workshop is for students, staff and recent graduates (within 2 years of graduating) who are new to entrepreneurship.

You don't need any business experience or a business idea to attend.

What you’ll learn

In this workshop you’ll study:

  • examples of successful brands and how they tell powerful stories through their associated value propositions
  • the importance of ‘mission’ and ‘why’ at the heart of any business

What to expect

This is an interactive, activity-based workshop held at BaseKX, MyAV·¶â€™s entrepreneurship hub in King’s Cross.

You’ll discuss well-recognised brands and advertisements, and what you can learn from their success to help you tell your business (idea) story more effectively.

About the tutor

Peter Ptashko is a social entrepreneur, funder and supporter of social entrepreneurs. He has over 15 years of experience working in the field of social enterprise globally. He launched his first venture in 2005, raising £25,000 in only 7 hours. Since then, he’s worked for UnLtd: the UK foundation for social entrepreneurs, supporting thousands of social entrepreneurs to start and grow their businesses.


If you have any accessibility requirements or requests, please let us know in the signup form.


Filming and photography will take place at this event for promotional purposes. The photographs and recordings will appear on our website and social media channels. If you do not wish to be filmed or photographed, please let a member of staff know on arrival.

Date and times

Tuesday, 8 October 2024, 1pm to 3pm.

Read our privacy notice to understand how MyAV·¶ Innovation & Enterprise will deal with your personal data.

MyAV·¶ Innovation & Enterprise reserves the right to make changes to the programme, location and/or speakers without prior notice. Such alterations are occasionally necessary due to circumstances beyond our control.


MyAV·¶ BaseKX, 103c Camley Street, London, N1C 4PF