

MyAV·¶ Institute of Health Informatics


Blog post: Improving the recording of problems and diagnoses in the NHS

29 August 2019

Dr Anoop Shah, Clinical Research Fellow at the MyAV·¶ IHI, authored a guest blog post for the Faculty of Clinical Informatics on the subject of improving the recording of problems and diagnoses in the NHS.

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is a postdoctoral fellow and clinical lecturer at MyAV·¶, and honorary consultant in clinical pharmacology and general medicine at MyAV·¶H. His research focuses on improving the recording of problems and diagnoses in electronic health records. In a guest blog post for the Faculty of Clinical Informatics he wrote about a project he led with the Professional Record Standards Body to develop professional guidance for recording diagnoses. 

"Clinical understanding of a patient’s condition evolves over time, and different clinicians may have different impressions. How can these be documented clearly in a shared problem list, and who is responsible for ensuring the list remains accurate, relevant and uncluttered? What do patients think about shared problem lists? I had the opportunity to work with the MyAV·¶H Biomedical Research Centre Patient and Public Involvement Group to explore these questions. I found that patients were able to understand the issues and were keen for a solution that enables data sharing with clear provenance."

You can read the full blog post on the Faculty of Clinical Informatics