

MyAV·¶ Faculty of Laws


Interception of Communications Commissioner to participate on MyAV·¶ Laws Masters course

28 September 2016

The external participants on this years’ popular Aspects of National Security Law LLM (ANSL) course have been announced to include Sir Stanley Burnton, the Interception of Communications Commissioner

Sir Stanley, a former Lord Justice of Appeal,  is chief inspector of the UK’s interception of communications regime and responsible for overseeing the interception work of the intelligence services.

Other participants will include Graham Smith, a solicitor at Bird & Bird and author of the Cyberlegal blog, and specialist in the interception of communications laws, and Ben Jaffey, a human rights barrister who has litigated all of the leading cases arising from the Snowdon leaks in the Investigatory Powers Tribunal. The lineup is completed by as yet to be named Special Advocate.

, who convenes the course said, “It is  fantastic that the ANSL course continues to offer students at MyAV·¶ the opportunity to hear from people working at the cutting edge of national security law,  this year promises really exciting opportunities for students interested in this area of law.” The ANSL course is now in its fourth year.