

MyAV·¶ Faculty of Laws


Dr Azaria appointed Chair of ILA Committee on Submarine Cables and Pipelines under International Law

15 May 2024

Dr Danae Azaria will chair the International Law Association Committee which examines how international law regulates submarine cables and pipelines.


On 11 May 2024, Dr was appointed Chair of the International Law Association (ILA) Committee on Submarine Cables and Pipelines under International Law, by the Executive Council of the ILA on the basis of the nomination by the ILA’s Director of Studies.

The ILA Committee on Submarine Cables and Pipelines in International Law was established in 2018 under the chairmanship of Captain J Ashley Roach. To date, it has produced two reports. The Committee examines how international law, and especially but not exclusively, the law of the sea, regulates this infrastructure, which is critical for telecommunications security as well as energy security. Currently, the Committee examines the environmental and security aspects of the legal framework that regulates this infrastructure.

For more information about the work and the published reports of the ILA Committee on Submarine Cables and Pipelines under International Law, visit the .