
Antigua 390 (Mathews or Constitution Hill)

22nd Jul 1839 | 158 Enslaved | £2571 17s 9d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Not listed in Parliamentary Papers.

T71/877: claim by Robert Hyndman, owner-in-fee. Counterclaim by Nathan Mayer Rothschild, of the City of London, a merchant, under a conveyance of said estate and 88 enslaved persons, for securing £3000, with the interest to be computed at 5% on £2650 part thereof from 02/04/1825 and on £350 from 01/11/1829 - '£600 of interest has been paid.' Counterclaim from John Jameson, of Dublin, as assignee of Robert Hyndman and John Elliott Hyndman, bankrupts: 'As such assignee of the whole compensation money'. Counterclaim from John Cunningham the younger and Robert Simms the younger, of Belfast, and John Jameson, of Dublin, as mortgagees. Counterclaim from Henrietta Rosco, of the City of London, by her attorney Rev. Thomas Harrison, as an annuitant and mortgagee due on 01/10/1834 for £845 13 03/4d. Counterclaim from Josiah Martin, a creditor. Counterclaim from Sir H.W. Martin, of 51 Upper Harley St., a creditor, for £214 1s 7d. Counterclaim from N.M. Rothschild and Baron James de Rothschild, of the City of Paris, 'A term of 1000 years by way of mortgage principal and interest £3878 8s 7d - this is described as an amended counterclaim'. Counterclaim from Samuel Thompson, of Muckamaore Abbey, Antrim, as judgement creditor for £3794 19s 9d. Counterclaim from John Jameson, of Dublin, for 'The whole compensation money for the benefit of the creditors', 'A duplicate'. Affidavit of Rev. Thos. Harrison with a List of Slaves for Dimsdale's Estate, dated 31/07/1834: 'annexed'. There was some form of litigation between J. de Rothschild and the Cunninghams. Henrietta Rosco received £1000 19s 9d; Charles Chatfield, as trustee of the executors of N. M. Rothschild, received £1570 18s.  

T71/1609: letter, dated 13/06/1839, from Chatfield, Wingate & Hart, referring to Matthews Estate, enclosing copies of an order from the Antigua Court of Chancery on 08/04/1839, 'by which the division of the slave compensation money in respect of this Estate is arranged'. The receivers balances are invested in government stock, 'and as soon as these are sold out we shall be enabled to acquaint you with the exact balance to be awarded to Mr Rothschild's executors'.

T71/1606: letter, dated 10/09/1835, from Dawes, Chatfield and Dawes, stating: 'on the claim by Messrs Rothschild, we have served notice on counterclaimants'. But for the counterclaim under the name of 'Henrietta Roscoe, of the City of London, by her attorney The Rev Thos Harrison', 'It is morally impossible for us to find out this Lady, under such an unlimited description'. N.M. Rothschild's claim (T71/1294) was as 'mortgagee under deed of this date (1/11/1829) for securing £3000 (illegible) to counterclaimant.'  

T71/1222: 'abstract of conveyance to trustees for N.M. Rothschild to secure £3000 upwards', received 13/07/1839, headed 'Case' deleted. Mr Horsford and Lord O'Brien were joint proprietors of Matthews estate. After Horsford's death, his representatives and Lord O'Brien contracted to sell the estate for £18,000 to Robert Hyndman, of Dublin. Consideration was paid except for £3000 which Lord (James) O'Bryen assigned to Messrs Rothschild for a valuable consideration; it was agreed between Baron Jas. de Rothschild and N.M. Rothschild that the amount should be secured to N.M. Rothschild.

The same documents show Hastings Elwyn as 'formerly of Antigua then (29/10/1830) of city of Bath' (Somerset).

Further Information

Claim No.
Mathews or Constitution Hill

Associated Individuals (14)

Beneficiary deceased (Mortgagee)
Unsuccessful claimant (Mortgagee)
Unsuccessful claimant (Judgement creditor)
Unsuccessful claimant (Mortgagee)
Unsuccessful claimant (Mortgagee)
Not a claimant
Unsuccessful claimant (Owner-in-fee)
Unsuccessful claimant (Assignee)
Unsuccessful claimant (Judgement creditor)
Unsuccessful claimant (Judgement creditor)
Awardee (Annuitant)
Awardee (Trustee)
Not a claimant (Attorney)

Associated Estates (1)