
Grande Riviere

Estate Details

Associated Claims (1)

£1,056 3S 9D

Estate Information (6)

What is this?

[MyAV·¶ of enslaved people] 69(Tot)  
[Name] Grande Rivire  

Return of Louis Isaac Martin Raphael, owner; this estate is written in English; sugar estate ; Gros Islet

T71/379 317-319
[MyAV·¶ of enslaved people] 64(Tot)  
[Name] Grande Rivire  

Return of St Martin Raphael, owner; sugar plantation; in French; Gros Islet

T71/381 813
[MyAV·¶ of enslaved people] 60(Tot)  
[Name] Grand Riviere  

Return of L J M Raphael, owner; sugar plantation; in English; Gros Islet

T71/383 921
[MyAV·¶ of enslaved people] 60(Tot)  
[Name] Grand Riviere  

Return of L J M Raphael, owner; sugar plantation; in French; Gros Islet

T71/385 1064
[MyAV·¶ of enslaved people] 48(Tot)  
[Name] Grand Riviere  

Return of Clement Juge and Victor Bretenet, owners; in French; Gros Islet

T71/388 1361-1363
[MyAV·¶ of enslaved people] 44(Tot)  
[Name] Grand Riviere  

Return of Clement Juge and Victor Bretenet, owners; sugar plantation; in French; Gros Islet

T71/390 1579