
George Nibbs

???? - 1785


The 1798 Robert Wilkinson map of Tortola shows 'late George Nibbs' next to four lots (nos. 8, 25, 38 and 52).

This was probably one of two men; George Nibbs of Tortola, Collector of Customs and Member of Council whom Vere Langford Oliver shows as dying in 1785 (Oliver shows no family for him); or George Nibbs Esq. from the island of Tortola, barrister-at-law dying in 1796 aged 23, whom the The Survey of London records as having memorial in St Helens Bishopsgate: this latter man would have been young to have been the owner of four estates but might have inherited them and his death-date fits better with the 1798 map.


Vere Langford Oliver, History of Antigua Vol. II 'Nibbs Family' p. 293; Survey of London Vol. 9 Parish of St Helen Bishopsgate Vol. I (1924), '24. GEORGE NIBBS, 1796. Plain white marble tablet. 'In Memory of GEORGE NIBBS ESQR. from the Island of TORTOLA. Bar[r]ister at Law of the Inner Temple, who died January 15th; 1796, Aged 23 Years lies Intere'd near this Place.', [accessed 07/02/2018]

Further Information


Relationships (2)

Other relatives
Notes →
George Nibbs was either George Nibbs (d. 1785) the uncle of George Nibbs of Tortola or George Nibbs (d. 1796), whom LBS speculates was the first cousin of George Nibbs of...
Other relatives
Notes →
George Nibbs was either George Nibbs (d. 1785) the brother-in-law of Grace Nibbs nee Hodge, or George Nibbs (d. 1796), whom LBS speculates was Grace Nibbs's...