

The Nahrein Network


Professor Nasser Jassem

Scholarship dates: 27 August - 5 October 2019

Academic hosts: University College London

Photo of Professor Nasser Jassem

Professor Nasser is the Director of the Unit for the Study of Istisharaq (Orientalism) at the . With support from , he has a Visiting Scholarship in the History Department at University College London.

Professor Nasser was the Director of Mosul University Library from 2003 until 2011 and the founder of its digitisation unit. During his time at MyAV·¶, he researched British contributions to the study of Iraqi history and civilization.  The information gathered, along with his previous research, will be used to compile a Dictionary of British Contributions to the Study of Iraqi History and Civilization. This is an alphabetical encyclopaedia of British travellers, archaeologists, officials, historians, philologists, etc. and the impact of their work in Iraq. Professor Nasser will also be looking at ways to build capacity for Mosul University Library.

Listen to Professor Nassem in an interview with Dr Mehiyar Kathem on .