

MyAV·¶ News


European students have better English, says university head

18 June 2006

British students could struggle to win places at university because of competition from European applicants who have "better English", the head of [MyAV·¶] has claimed.

Professor Malcolm Grant, President and Provost of MyAV·¶, said that the reputation of higher education in Britain made it a beacon for highly qualified English-speaking students from across Europe, including those from the European Union's new member states.

As universities are set quotas for the number of undergraduates they accept, an increase in places given to EU students, who are eligible for the same financial assistance, could result in a corresponding cut in the number of places offered to British sixth-formers. …

"Often, people who have studied a foreign language formally are better at it," Prof Grant told 'The Sunday Telegraph'.

"There are more students coming from continental Europe and the numbers from the accession states are growing, yet we do not see a corresponding flow of UK students going in the opposite direction. Inevitably it leads to greater competition." …

Julie Henry, 'The Sunday Telegraph'