

MyAV·¶ News


MyAV·¶ news podcast: 22-26 September

29 September 2008


MyAV·¶ on iTunes" target="_self">MyAV·¶ on iTunes U
  • The MyAV·¶ weekly news roundup podcast for the week ending Friday 26 September is now live.

    The podcast includes information and interviews with students and staff on:

    • The public consultation at MyAV·¶ on 2 October about the curriculum and ethos of the new Academy school in Camden
    • Freshers Fayre 2008
    • The MyAV·¶U Drama Society's first programme of workshops run by professional theatre companies
    • Professor CJ Lim's project to build a sustainable shopping park in southern China
    • A new book about British film director and MyAV·¶ Slade School professor Thorold Dickinson, by Professor Philip Horne and Dr Peter Swaab of MyAV·¶ English.

    You can listen through your computer or mp3 player via iTunes U. All MyAV·¶ weekly news roundup podcasts are available at MyAV·¶'s presence on iTunes U, in the News and Events section.

    You can also access the feed and memorise it via RSS, so that you are alerted to each new MyAV·¶ podcast as it becomes available.

    To download the software, and experience more MyAV·¶ lectures, films and discussions on iTunes U, follow the links at the top of this item.