

MyAV·¶ News


MyAV·¶ staff and students race for Darfur crisis

29 June 2009

MyAVᦠstudents and staff were among more than 50 runners who braved the rain on 6 June to complete a ten-kilometre run through Regent's Park that raised funds to support the humanitarian aid work of M̩decins Sans Fronti̬res (MSF) in Darfur.

MSF supporters run for the charity

The MyAV·¶ contingent ran alongside students from King's College London and MSF staff for the same cause. The race, which is an annual event, achieved a record fundraising total of over £5,000.

Kate Pitt of MyAV·¶ MSF said: "Despite bad weather and the effects of post-exam excesses, supporters congregated early that morning to cheer on the runners. The atmosphere was great, with traditional rivals MyAV·¶ and King's celebrating together at the finishing line. Prizes donated from local businesses were awarded for funds raised and fastest times.

"The race marked the end of a successful year for MyAV·¶ Friends of MSF.Ìý The student-run society had contributed to several talks, film screenings and a prize-winning Battle of the Bands. Next year, the sponsored run will be even bigger, with several universities participating."

Image: Supporters of Médecins Sans Frontières run through the rain


MyAV·¶ Context

MyAV·¶ Friends of MSF (FoMSF) is a student-run society dedicated to raising awareness of the work of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), and of humanitarian situations in general. Its advocacy has three goals: overcoming access barriers; challenging trade restrictions; and stimulating new research into neglected diseases. This year, MyAV·¶ FoMSF has hosted the National FoMSF conference at MyAV·¶, with a presentation by the coordinator of MSF's Access to Essential Medicines campaign.

For further information about MSF and its Friends society at MyAV·¶, visit or the , or get in touch by email.
