

MyAV·¶ News


My Green Idea competition: Putting 10:10 into action at MyAV·¶

17 February 2010


Recycling posters ly/cY5fho" target="_self">Go Green video
  • Video-making tips (Word document)
  • Our environment is in trouble. Each one of us needs to act now. What will you do?

    MyAV·¶ and the MyAV·¶ Union have signed up to 10:10, a campaign to cut carbon emissions by 10% in 2010. To make this university-wide initiative effective, we must enlist the support of everyone within MyAV·¶ and the MyAV·¶ Students' Union.

    The challenge

    Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to make a video up to 3 minutes long on how YOU personally can cut carbon emissions by 10% in 2010.

    The video can be recorded on your phone or video camera, animated or a series of photos and messages - whatever you do, just be creative. And be positive! Our green agenda shouldn't be about making people feel guilty but inspiring them to live greener, more sustainable lifestyles.

    Where the films will go

    To submit your video, upload it to the MyAV·¶TV YouTube channel as a response to our. We will select the best videos to go onto MyAV·¶'s environmental website when it goes live this spring.

    When you upload your film, don't forget to send us an email with your name and contact info so we can notify you if you've won.

    The winning videos will be screened from the MyAV·¶ homepage, on YouTube and on video screens around MyAV·¶. By entering the competition, you agree that MyAV·¶ has the right to show your film in these different contexts.

    The criteria

    Our esteemed panel of cineastes and green warriors will judge films on two main criteria: content of your green idea and the creativity with which you express it. Your video doesn't have to be an Oscar contender; it just has to have a good idea and an original way of expressing it. See the tips at the link above for guidance.

    The prizes

    Best film: £100, which you can pocket or donate to an environmental charity of your choice

    Best idea: £50, goes to best concept for sustainability

    Most creative: £50, goes to the most inventive film

    And many more prizes, including MyAV·¶ Fairtrade hoodies and vouchers for tea and coffee at MyAV·¶ cafes.

    Who can enter

    All MyAV·¶ students (undergraduate and postgraduate), researchers and staff.


    Sunday, 28 March, 2010


    Email Robert Eagle in MyAV·¶ Communications.

    Mind the copyright

    As a general rule, it's against copyright law to use popular music or photos from the internet in your video. We suggest composing your own music or finding a musically inclined friend to do it for you. If you're unsure about copyright issues in your film, don't be afraid to ask us. In accordance with YouTube official policy, by uploading your film, you acknowledge that you have cleared all copyright image and music.