

MyAV·¶ News


Spotlight on Alex Weedon

23 June 2011

This week the spotlight is on Alex Weedon, Head of Business and Legal Affairs, MyAV·¶ Business.

Alex Weedon

What is your role and what does it involve?

My role as Head of Business and Legal Affairs covers a broad portfolio including providing advice to the rest of the MyAV·¶ Business team on intellectual property (IP) and legal issues relating to the commercialisation of research at MyAV·¶.

I head up a team that is involved in many commercial and academic agreements across MyAV·¶ covering licenses, consultancy, research contracts, material transfers, confidentiality, companies and collaborations.

How long have you been at MyAV·¶ and what was your previous role?

I started working at MyAV·¶ seven years ago as Patent Portfolio Manager in MyAV·¶ Business's predecessor MyAV·¶ BioMedica. Before that I worked as a patent analyst for a weekly publication called Current Patents.

What working achievement or initiative are you most proud of?

I have been involved in many significant commercial deals such as the recent Bio Bank licence agreement with Becton Dickinson, but the most satisfying deals are those that bring MyAV·¶ technologies closer to market and maximise the impact of MyAV·¶'s research. I strongly believe that the real value in university research lies in the benefit that it brings to the general public.

I am currently working with colleagues on an online material transfer system which will enable scientists to access MyAV·¶ materials quickly and simply. I hope that this will increase the number of citations of MyAV·¶ publications worldwide as well as generate commercial interest.

What is your life like outside MyAV·¶?

I enjoy walking in the countryside, travelling and choral music. I am also interested in the interaction of intellectual property and competition law from an academic perceptive.
