

MyAV·¶ News


Call for proposals for science and technology workshops

5 July 2013

MyAV·¶ researchers are invited to submit funding proposals to run collaborative workshops with a science or technology focus as part of the MyAV·¶-French Embassy partnership.

The call for proposals marks the second year of a five-year partnership between MyAV·¶ and the French Embassy's Department of Science & Technology, supporting collaborative discussion between senior researchers in France and at MyAV·¶. Research leaders based at MyAV·¶ are invited to apply for funds to organise collaborative workshops involving up to eight participants from MyAV·¶ and up to eight from research institutions in France.

The scheme funds workshops on any topic linking science and technology. Applications can be for discussions addressing work at the frontiers of basic or applied science, of relevance to MyAV·¶'s Grand Challenges or resonant with the European Union's framework programme. Previous workshops have considered subjects as diverse as the seismic fragility of urban infrastructure, the theoretical foundations of network analysis, and the chemical origins of life on earth.

For more information on how to apply, visit the . The deadline for applications is 16 September 2013, with decisions announced on 14 October.