

MyAV·¶ News


myMyAV·¶: new weekly all-student e-newsletter to be launched in early October

18 September 2014

myMyAV·¶ is the new weekly all-student e-newsletter developed to help improve the way MyAV·¶ communicates with all undergraduates and postgraduates.

screenshot of myMyAV·¶ As part of MyAV·¶'s commitment to improving the student experience through MyAV·¶ 2034, the newsletter will promote MyAV·¶-wide announcements, news, events, opportunities and need-to-know information.Ìý

To be launched at the start of term, the aim is to use myMyAV·¶ as platform to collate content from across MyAV·¶ which is relevant to the vast majority of students. This email platform will also allow us to reduce the torrent of central emails currently pushed to students on a daily basis,which they have told us is counter-productive, causing annoyance and often preventing engagement with key issues.

Staff and students from all parts of MyAV·¶ have assisted in the process of developing myMyAV·¶ through a steering group made up of communications staff in various departments and MyAV·¶U, and a focus group comprising students from across MyAV·¶. We also launched a Facebook competition earlier in the summer for students to name the e-newsletter (the final choice was myMyAV·¶).Ìý

Specifically, the newsletter will flag important announcements, promote events open to all students, showcase opportunities to get involved with activities around campus and highlight suitable media items of interest. myMyAV·¶ also provides the opportunity for students to read more about the diverse range of people who make up the campus. There is also space for staff and students to feature their own images, infographics or media from around MyAV·¶.

Throughout the year, we are looking to colleagues across MyAV·¶ to feed in to the newsletter with items suitable for circulation to MyAV·¶'s 30,000 students. If you or your colleagues have items which you think may be ideal for inclusion, please send an email to

myMyAV·¶ will be sent out every Friday and the deadline for submissions each week is Wednesday midday.

Mark Sudbury, Director of Communications and Marketing, Communications and Marketing office