

MyAV·¶ News


Professor Stephen Caddick appointed as MyAV·¶'s Pro-Vice-Provost (UK)

22 July 2020

A Pro-Vice-Provost for the UK has been appointed as MyAVᦉ۪s strategic lead in relation to the UK, connecting with priority audiences and engaging partners (including commercial, public and third-sector organisations, and communities) in mutually beneficial relationships.

Professor Stephen Caddick

Professor Stephen Caddick, Professor of Chemistry in the MyAV·¶ Department of Chemistry, has been appointed to the newly established role through open competition, and will report to Professor David Price, Vice-Provost (Research). The role complements those of the existing Pro-Vice-Provost (London) and Pro-Vice-Provost (International).

Working with Vice-Provosts’ offices and the Public Affairs team, Professor Caddick will enable and deliver:

  • improved coordination of externally facing activity, and greater impact through increased collaboration (internally and externally)
  • an enhanced public profile across a broad range of MyAV·¶â€™s UK activities
  • effective communication and engagement with varied audiences, from local government to industry partners.

Professor Caddick has been a Professor of Chemistry at MyAV·¶ since 2003, and his MyAV·¶ posts have included Head of MyAV·¶ Chemistry and Vice-Dean (Research) for Mathematical & Physical Sciences. He was MyAV·¶ Vice-Provost (Enterprise and London) from 2010–2015, and was subsequently appointed Director of Innovation at the Wellcome Trust, a role he held until 2020.

Professor Caddick said: “I am excited to take on this role at such an important time for MyAV·¶ and for the UK. I have always been proud to be part of the MyAV·¶ community, which has done so much to create positive impact for society, globally and locally. Given the challenges we face, it is timely for us to think about initiatives and partnerships that could be of particular benefit to the UK. I look forward to discussing opportunities with the MyAV·¶ community and identifying partners who would like to work together, for the good of the UK.”

Professor Price commented: “Professor Caddick brings a depth of skills and experience in roles within and beyond MyAV·¶. I am delighted that he will take up this key role at a time when the UK – as a whole, and in its regions – faces a range of challenges which MyAV·¶ is uniquely equipped to help it to address.”