

MyAV·¶ 2034


Academic leadership grounded in intellectual excellence: review of progress

Since its foundation, MyAV·¶ has been a natural home for innovative thinkers from all backgrounds – those who bring fresh perspectives and new approaches to tackling complex global problems.

MyAV·¶2034 seeks to support those thinkers now and for the future, creating a supportive home and enabling environment for our academics to excel.

Some of our achievements this year have been high-profile, attracting media headlines, such as the Duchess of Cambridge’s recent visit to developmental neuroscientists in MyAV·¶ Psychology and Language Sciences. Others have been less prominent, but no less significant in their impact. Either way, they reinforce MyAV·¶â€™s reputation and pave the way for new opportunities.

Our academic achievements in 2018 have ensured that MyAV·¶ retains its place in the global top 10: we truly are a world-leading university.Ìı

MyAV·¶ President & Provost, Professor Michael Arthur

Case study: New Deepmind Professorship will push the frontiers of AI knowledge

AI pioneers Deepmind are to establish a Professorship of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence based in MyAVᦉ۪s Department of Computer Science.

Two of Deepmind’s founders, Demis Hassabis and Shane Legg, are MyAV·¶ alumni and met whilst carrying out postdoctoral research at the Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit. Since its formation, Deepmind has become one of the biggest names in AI, coming to prominence when its self-learning programme AlphaGo took on a human grand master of the complex Chinese game Go, and won four games out of five.Ìı

Deepmind’s mission is to “solve intelligence†and the company have maintained close links with MyAV·¶, supporting the university with philanthropic funding and looking for new ways to utilise AI. Recently Deepmind Health, with MyAV·¶ and Moorfields Eye Hospital, developed an AI system that was as successful as an expert clinician at recommending the correct referral decision for over 50 eye diseases.

As well as the Professorship, Deepmind’s gift will also support two post-doctoral research associates and one PhD student, creating new opportunities for discovery and engagement in this transformative and rapidly-evolving sector. The Deepmind Professor is expected to be in post by September 2019.

Image: Demis Hassabis at MyAV·¶ in March 2018 at a screening of the AlphaGo movie. L-R Professor David Price, Demis Hassabis, Larissa Suzuki, MyAV·¶ alumna and computer sciences entrepreneur, and Thore Graepel, Professor of Machine Learning at MyAV·¶. Image credit: MyAV·¶ Office of the Vice Provost (Advancement)


    Case study: POPREBEL research consortium awarded €3m Horizon 2020 grant

    POPREBEL research
    A consortium of six top universities, led by Professor Jan Kubik and Dr Richard Mole from the MyAV·¶ School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES), has won a Horizon 2020 grant of €3 million to carry out a three-year research project entitled ‘Populist rebellion against modernity in 21st-century Eastern Europe: neo-traditionalism and neo-feudalism’ (POPREBEL).

    The aim of POPREBEL is to take stock of the recent rise of populism in its various forms in Central and Eastern Europe. The research teams, comprising experts in subjects ranging from economics to cultural studies, will examine the causes, meanings and consequences of the rise in populism, as well as the potential implications for the continent as a whole.

    This is the second large project that the SSEES-led consortium has won, following the award of €3.5 million to fund an Innovative Training Network on ‘Delayed Transformational Fatigue in Central and Eastern Europe: Responding to the Rise of Illiberalism/Populism’ (FATIGUE).

    Image credit: MyAV·¶ SSEES

    Links: SSEES


    Case study:ÌıDigital Secretary opens new Quantum Laboratories at MyAV·¶

    MyAV·¶ Quantum Laboratories
    The Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, Jeremy Wright, has officially opened MyAVᦉ۪s new quantum laboratories.

    The new labs and cleanroom facilities are part of the MyAV·¶ Quantum Science and Technology Institute (MyAV·¶Q) and the London Centre for Nanotechnology. The labs will enable research into quantum technologies, offering tools for nano-fabrication and the measurement of quantum devices at ultra-low temperatures.

    As well as providing these critical research and fabrication tools, the facilities will be an integral part of MyAVᦉ۪s world-leading quantum technology training programmes.

    They will provide a boost to MyAVᦉ۪s world-renowned research into quantum technologies, helping to bring academic and business leaders together to accelerate the translation of quantum technologies into the marketplace and ensuring that the UK remains a world leader in quantum technology markets. UK government investment into quantum technology to date means that industries such as transport, finance, aeronautical and pharmaceutical are starting to consider how quantum computing could revolutionise their businesses.

    The labs are funded through a combined investment of £12 million, with support from the Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and the National Quantum Technology Programme.

    Image: Professor John Morton shows Digital Secretary Jeremy Wright around MyAV·¶Q's new laboratories. Credit: MyAV·¶Q

    Links: MyAV·¶Q

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    Integration of research and education