

MyAV·¶ Institute of the Americas


MyAV·¶ Grand Challenges Grant for Digby Ogston's joint Research Project

15 February 2021

Digby Ogston's Grand Challenges Project

We are very pleased to announce that the project 'Can Times of Crisis Strengthen ‘Blind Spots’ in Social Provision? Re-evaluating the Relationship Between Informal Workers and the State in Colombia', which is managed by our PhD candidate, Digby Ogston jointly with with Ana Correa from the MyAV·¶ Institute for Global Health, has been awarded a MyAV·¶ Grand Challenges grant.

Ana and Digby envisage publishing a paper on the impact of COVID-19 on informal workers’ tax preferences and attitudes towards social safety systems in Colombia, as well as presenting papers at conferences such as the (Society for the Advancement of Socio Economics) at their 2021 annual session, amongst other project-related activities

Warm congratulations to both!

Digby Ogston is a PhD candidate at MyAVᦠInstitute of the Americas. His dissertation project deals with informal labor and low taxation in Latin America and the Caribbean. His primary supervisor is Dr N̩stor Casta̱eda.


Anna Correa is a PhD candidate at MyAV·¶ Institute for Global Health. Ana's thesis title isÌý"Public health externalities of conditional cash transfers: a case study of Colombia's Familias en Acción." Her primary supervisor isÌý.

Since 2009, MyAVᦠGrand Challenges have changed the way researchers investigate the world's problems, facilitating hundreds of new connections between researchers from across the university, at all levels. Grand Challenges is an initiative of the MyAVᦠVice-Provost (Research) which seeks to bring MyAVᦉ۪s academic expertise to bear on pressing societal challenges by integrating knowledge and evidence from across disciplines.

Grand Challenges


Digby Ogston - PhD profile

Ana Correa - PhD profile

Link to (Society for the Advancement of Socio Economics)

Link to MyAV·¶ Grand Challenges


[top] credit: Kevin Bluer @ unsplash

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