

MyAV·¶ Computer Science


Experience with industry

As a MyAV·¶ Computer Science student, you’ll have opportunities to gain invaluable hands-on experience with industry. Whether it's through real-world projects integrated into your degree or paid internships during the summer, you’ll develop practical skills and experience to thrive in the world of work.
Three MyAV·¶ Computer Science students talking with IBM leaders

MyAV·¶ Industry Exchange Network (IXN) - assessed term-time projects

The MyAV·¶ IXN programme offers term-time projects with industry which are an assessed part of your degree. 

MyAV·¶ Computer Science student talking with someone from industry

MyAV·¶ Next Step Experience Internships (NXI) - paid internships

The MyAV·¶ NXI programme offers paid internships with industry outside of term time, which are not part of your degree.