

Innovation & Enterprise


Intellectual Property Policy: staff guidance

This guide aims to help you understand how MyAVᦉ۪s IP policy applies to intellectual property generated by MyAVᦉ۪s staff.


Introduction to MyAV·¶'s IP policy

Intellectual property, or 'IP', is a broad term that covers various categories of intellectual creation and assets generated by the MyAV·¶ community. It does not typically include technical expertise (however specialised) or general knowledge in the field. The categories most relevant to MyAV·¶ staff will typically be copyright and patentable inventions/patents.Ěý

MyAV·¶ employees can (and are expected to) use MyAV·¶â€™s IP, and take decisions in relation to it, in their day-to-day activities. For example, MyAV·¶ staff can decide to publish their research (rather than, e.g., first protect an underlying invention through patenting). They can also take decisions appropriate to their roleĚýin relation to licensing/sharing MyAV·¶â€™s IP (such as software and databases) with others for research, e.g. sharing on an open-source basis.Ěý

This guide aims to help staff understand how the policy will operate in a range of possible scenarios. It is not exhaustive and is for guidance only. It does not constitute policy in and of itself. The guidance is not intended to (and does not) limit, extend, amend or otherwise vary the position set out in the policy.

If you have any questions about applying the policy, contact the appropriate office listed at the end of the page.

A separate guide aims to help students and student-facing staff understand how MyAV·¶â€™s IP policy will operate in a range of possible scenarios relating to student IP.Ěý

Online IP training

To help staff and students understand and protect intellectual property, MyAV·¶ has developed online IP training. The training contains a range of examples you can draw on to help make sense of your specific circumstances in relation to IP at MyAV·¶.

Teaching materials and research outputs

MyAV·¶ staff own copyright in their teaching materials and scholarly materials (these terms are described in more detail in the policy).

There may be exceptions where MyAV·¶ will retain ownership of copyright, e.g. if MyAV·¶ commissions you to produce teaching materials for a specific purpose, e.g. for a third party or for a MOOC. See section 2.1.3 of the policy for details.Ěý

Whatever the ownership situation, MyAV·¶ also retains a right for use of these materials, so staff should be careful to recognise these rights if they license or transfer ownership of their materials to other parties.Ěý

Copyright operates to protect the expression of ideas, e.g. in written works such as teaching materials and publications. It does not protect ideas themselves, so does not generally apply in relation to ideas or concepts, creations of the mind etc. in the context of teaching or academic scholarship. It will, however, protect against others copying the expression of the idea/concept, e.g. in the way the idea/concept is described in written documentation, or how material is organised etc.Ěý

Using teaching materials to develop a textbook ĚýĚý

If you’re seeking to commercialise your teaching materials, you’ll need MyAV·¶â€™s permission. So if your textbook is intended to be marketed commercially, you’ll need MyAV·¶â€™s permission. Contact your Head of Department in the first instance to make this request.

MyAVᦠcan (and would) only refuse permission if there was a legitimate reason to do so, e.g. if the textbook undermined MyAVᦉ۪s taught programmes or examinations in some way.

Copyright only protects the expression of an idea. So if the text of the textbook is sufficiently different in its form and content from your teaching materials (i.e. if the ideas are expressed in a different way), it would not constitute a copy of the teaching materials. In this case it would not be subject to the requirement for permission (assuming it was done outside of your MyAV·¶ duties).

A colleague wishes to use your teaching materialsĚý

If another MyAV·¶ staff member wishes to use your teaching materials for their own teaching they should discuss this with you and should not use them without your consent (whether or not they contain research findings). If you let them use your materials, you may want to ask them to acknowledge your work.

Separately, MyAV·¶ has a licence to use your teaching materials, as described in section 2.4 of the policy. This would typically be co-ordinated with your department/faculty.

Software, apps, source code

MyAV·¶ owns IP in software created by staff, as the software represents an “intellectual asset” for the university (in the same way as a patentable invention or licensable dataset).

However, staff are encouraged to develop and use software as part of their research activity. You can decide how that software is shared with others (e.g. releasing under an open source licence), provided that there are no other restrictions on doing this (e.g. workĚýbeing done under a collaboration agreement with an external party may make different provisions for ownership of IP.)

The same applies to any programme developed by MyAV·¶ staff using open source software, e.g. via GNU General Public Licence (GPL). MyAV·¶ would own any IP in the new software created, but MyAV·¶ (acting through staff members) will need to comply with the terms of the GPL licence, e.g. to make the new software available on an open source basis. In practical terms this will involve MyAV·¶ staff members complying with the terms of open source licences.

Syllabus, curriculum and other “institutional materials”

The general principle around teaching materials (i.e. that staff own the copyright) does not apply to “institutional materials”. Institutional materials are MyAV·¶-level materials used by MyAV·¶ for administrative and operational purposes, e.g. to promote and manage its programmes and examinations.

Syllabi and curricula fall within this category as they describe the outline and summary of MyAV·¶ programmes and individual modules etc. This does not impact on ownership of teaching materials: any teaching materials used to teach in line with any such syllabus and curriculum will still be owned by the MyAV·¶ staff member.


MyAV·¶ takes ownership of any patentable inventions created by MyAV·¶ staff in the course of their duties.

Protection and commercialisation of patentable inventions, and revenue sharing with staff, is typically managed by .

Databases created as part of your research

MyAV·¶ owns IP in databases created by staff, as the database represents an “intellectual asset” for the university (in the same way as a patentable invention).

MyAV·¶ staff are encouraged to develop and use databases and data sets as part of their MyAV·¶ research activity. You can make decisions about how those data are shared with others as part of your research activity, where appropriate (e.g. sharing through a Creative Commons platform or licence).

Preparatory research materials, e.g. notes or images created in the context of research

Copyright in materials which are developed as part of your research and are preparatory to your research output will be treated as part of your scholarly materials. You’ll therefore own copyright in those materials (subject to the exceptions in paragraph 2.1.3 of the policy).

Publishing your research

MyAV·¶ academics can take decisions about publication of their research.

You should take care when making arrangements with third-party publishers, to ensure you’re able to retain the ability to use your own materials for academic purposes, and that MyAV·¶â€™s license rights are respected. ĚýIf you have any further questions about copyright in published research, the Library Services Copyright team can help.

MyAV·¶ has a licence to use your scholarly materials for academic, research and other charitable purposes. It has a right to sub-license these materials for these purposes only. MyAV·¶ has no right to commercialise (or allow others to commercialise) your scholarly materials.

IP created outside of normal duties using MyAV·¶ resources

MyAV·¶ will own the IP arising where:

  1. the resources used are not generally available to staff (e.g. laptops are generally available to most MyAV·¶ staff, but labs are not), and
  2. the use of the resources is more than incidental to the development of the IP (i.e. the specific MyAV·¶ resource played an important part in the development of the IP).

The policy does not apply to more typical everyday examples such as the development of written publications on a staff member’s laptop (although, separately, staff members should ensure they are aware of relevant policy on the appropriate use of MyAV·¶ IT).

Moral rights

Moral rights are a category of rights related to copyright, which arise in certain circumstances and provide specific protections for an author, e.g. to object to derogatory treatment of their work or to be identified as author.

Moral rights typically don’t arise in relation to employee-generated works. Where you do have moral rights, you are generally free to assert these against third parties.

Taking teaching and scholarly materials with you when you leave MyAV·¶

You’re free to take with you all teaching and scholarly materials that you own.

If you wish to take with you any IP or materials belonging to MyAV·¶, you should discuss this with your Head of Department in the first instance. For IP, this discussion should include the option of taking a licence of the IP for academic/research purposes.

You can also continue to make use of any IP or materials owned by MyAV·¶ which have been made available for use through a public access platform, in the accordance with the terms of any licence (e.g. under Creative Commons).

Individuals who are not employees or who are both students and staff members

The definition of “MyAV·¶ staff” in the policy is broad and covers individuals in various contexts, including contractors, secondees, visitors or those on honorary contracts. Care should be taken to ensure the documentation relating to the appointment of these individuals also makes clear that the IP policy will apply.

In certain circumstances, an individual may be both a staff member and a student at MyAV·¶. Typically their involvement as a student will be separate from their role as staff member, and in that case the relevant aspect of the policy will apply to the particular activity. In cases where it is not possible to distinguish student and staff activity, the default position would be to treat the individual as a member of staff. This approach (or any alternative position) should be set out clearly in any appointment documentation.

Find out more about the ownership and management of student IP at MyAV·¶.


It’s possible that IP you create at MyAV·¶ may be used in the context of consultancy activity, e.g. through MyAV·¶ Consultants, where the terms of MyAV·¶â€™s consultancy policy and MyAV·¶ Consultants’ operating arrangements allow for this.

If you’re involved with consultancy activity outside of MyAV·¶ Consultants it will be your responsibility to ensure you have the right to use any IP in the context of your consultancy. The MyAV·¶ policy on consultancy provides further details on private consultancy arrangements.

If you have further questions about consultancy, please contact MyAV·¶ Consultants.

Rewards when IP you create is exploited commercially

Where MyAVᦠcommercialises IP generated by a MyAVᦠstaff member, that staff member will be entitled to a share of revenue received by MyAVᦠon the terms of MyAVᦉ۪s Revenue Sharing Policy. In certain circumstances students may also be brought into the Revenue Sharing Policy, particularly where IP may have been jointly created with a member of academic staff.

Find out more about the ownership and management of student IP at MyAV·¶.

Disagreements about IPĚý

Staff should seek to resolve any disputes with their department or faculty where possible. Heads of Department and Faculty Deans are responsible for Ěýimplementing the policy and seeking to resolve disputes.

If issues cannot be resolved by your department or faculty, the matter may be referred to the Vice-Provost (Enterprise).

Artificial intelligence (AI) and IP

The role of artificial intelligence (AI) in research and innovation is a live and complex issue that raises many questions around IP.

AI tools such as ChatGPT can create plausible answers to assignments, construct essays, and write computer code, all in seconds.

The latest information, resources and MyAV·¶ guidance on using artificial intelligence in education is available on MyAV·¶'s Generative AI hub.

In addition to this, it’s essential that researchers at all levels are aware that inputting ideas into AI tools might constitute an IP disclosure or a breach of confidentially where we have undertaken to third parties to keep certain things confidentially. This is because AI tools might use your input ideas to create subsequent outputs, sharing your IP without either your permission or acknowledging your role in its creation.

If your IP is shared in this way, it means that your ideas have been disclosed. This could potentially make it impossible to secure a patent or other legal protections.

Example: If a MyAV·¶ individual uses an AI tool to write up their notes into an appropriate style for a paper, and these notes contain new IP, this might constitute a disclosure.

Questions and contacts

Implementation of the policy at faculty level is the responsibility of Faculty Deans and Heads of Department. You should also seek to resolve questions or disagreements concerning IP at the faculty level where possible.

Overall responsibility for the policy and its implementation at MyAV·¶ lies with the Vice-Provost (Enterprise), supported by the Library in relation to copyright issues.

General IP Policy support is provided via Innovation & Enterprise

Commercialisation of IP generated by MyAV·¶ staff is typically handled via .

IP may also be exploited in connection with consultancy activity via MyAV·¶ Consultants Limited.

Further information

MyAV·¶ has developed online IP training to help staff and students understand and protect intellectual property.

MyAV·¶ Business have produced a helpful .

The is a great source of background information and training materials relating to IP.

The is another good source of background information relating to IP. Ěý