

Office of the President and Provost (Equality, Diversity & Inclusion)


Religion and Belief Guidance for Managers

Why do MyAV·¶ managers need specialist guidance?

MyAV·¶ is an inclusive, secular university that prides itself on its long-standing commitment to equality and diversity. MyAV·¶â€™s commitment to religious equality in particular is integral to its identity and heritage. Moreover, for MyAV·¶ to merit its reputation as London’s Global University it needs to ensure that its managers are equipped with the skills and knowledge to make fairness and equality a reality for staff of different faiths and none. While MyAV·¶â€™s policies and procedures are inclusive there is still a risk of negative attitudes and behaviour towards religious staff, and also non-religious staff. Ignorance and indifference do not themselves constitute discrimination but in organisational settings, they can contribute to an environment in which prejudice thrives. This guidance is designed to raise awareness among managers about their role as leaders in ensuring the working environment is inclusive for those of all faiths and none, to give an overview of the most common requests related to faith and explore how to deal with those requests in a fair and practical way.