

Institute of Communications and Connected Systems


Measurements and discrimination of drones and birds with a multiâ€frequency multistatic radar system

IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation | Palamà R, Fioranelli F, Ritchie M, Inggs M, Lewis S, et al. | This article presents the results of a series of measurements of multistatic radar signatures of small ...

9 April 2021

Measurements and discrimination of drones and birds with a multiâ€frequency multistatic radar system


This article presents the results of a series of measurements of multistatic radar signatures of small UAVs at L†and Xâ€bands. The system employed was the multistatic multiband radar system, NeXtRAD, consisting of one monostatic transmitterâ€receiver and two bistatic receivers. NeXtRAD is capable of recording simultaneous bistatic and monostatic data with baselines and twoâ€way bistatic range of the order of a few kilometres. The paper presents an empirical analysis with rangeâ€time plots and microâ€Doppler signatures of UAVs and birds of opportunity recorded at several hundred metres of distance. A quantitative analysis of the overall signalâ€toâ€noise ratio is presented along with a comparison between the power of the signal scattered from the drone body and blades. A simple study with empirically obtained features and four supervisedâ€learning classifiers for binary drone versus nonâ€drone separation is also presented. The results are encouraging with classification accuracy consistently above 90% using very simple features and classification algorithms.

Publication Type:Journal article
Publication Sub Type:Article
Authors:Palamà R, Fioranelli F, Ritchie M, Inggs M, Lewis S, Griffiths H
Publisher:Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) 
Publication date:09/04/2021
Journal:IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation
Status:Published Online
Print ISSN:1751-8784

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