

MyAV·¶ Queen Square Institute of Neurology


Spin Out @ MyAV·¶

Spinning out can be a way to bring academic innovation to have a real-world impact. There are several schemes to spin out, and this will depend if you are 1) MyAV·¶ staff, honorary or student, and you have 2) protectable IP or not.

  • You are MyAV·¶ staff and have protectable IP: a spin out might be a viable option (but not the only one). MyAV·¶B will help you create a company, manage and pay for IP protection, recruit the team and advisors, train you for pitching with investors and take a seat on the board in the early phases. For these services, MyAV·¶B will have an equity stake in all the companies they help create, and continue to support and nurture MyAV·¶ spinouts over the long term.
  • You are MyAV·¶ staff but have non patentable IP: Usually, if your IP isn’t patentable (e.g. software, know-how or algorithmic methods), a spinout might still offer the best route to market/impact. MyAV·¶B’s  is designed to help MyAV·¶ researchers develop spinout companies based on IP developed at MyAV·¶.
  • You are MyAV·¶ staff and have a non-profit business idea: If your research has the potential to make a difference in people’s lives, tackle environmental issues or meet community needs, MyAV·¶B can help you to .
  • You are a MyAV·¶ student and have protectable IP: the situation for students and PhD students is different from MyAV·¶ staff (post-doc, professors..) because they own their IP. Please contact MyAV·¶B to discuss your situation or you might want to see whether MyAV·¶ Innovation and Enterprise has a solution that fits you. Enterprise | MyAV·¶ Queen Square Institute of Neurology - MyAV·¶ – University College London

Please contact Dr Eleonora Lugara' or your MyAV·¶B manager to discuss your options.