

MyAV·¶ Institute of Ophthalmology


Millionsacross UK will go blind by 2050, warns new report

22 November 2016

A new report endorsed by experts at the Institute of Ophthalmology has warned that millions of Britons will go blind from age-related macular degeneration (AMD) by 2050.

The Macular Society’s report, ‘Age-related macular degeneration: collaboration to find a cure’, funded by the Clothworkers’ Foundation, predicts that the number of people affected by AMD will rise from 600,000 today to 1.3 million by 2050 – equivalent to 400 new cases every day.

AMD is a progressive disease that is currently incurable. Professor Phil Luthert of the IoO said, “AMD is increasingly recognised as a colossal healthcare challenge and, despite major advances in genetics, epidemiology, pathogenesis and imaging, we still don’t understand how to prevent early disease progressing to blinding disease.â€

The Macular Society reports that that of the £22.7m spent on eye disease medical research in 2014, just £6m was spend on AMD research; AMD costs the UK £1.6bn annually. The report recommends bringing researchers together in a unified approach to AMD research, and securing a new funding model to support it.

A number of eye experts are leading the campaign for funding, including, from the IoO: Professor James Bainbridge; Dr Christos Bergeles; Dr Amanda Carr; Professor Andrew Dick; Professor Glen Jeffery; Professor Stephen Moss; Sobja Sivaprasad; and Dr Anthony Vugler.
