
Information Services Division


Connecting to Print@MyAV using Red Hat 9

This guide will explain how to enable your standalone RHEL 9 computer to print to a Print@MyAV device.

Please note: You will need to repeat this process every time you.

Print @ MyAV logo…

This guide is aimed at...

  • Staff
  • Students
  • IT Administrators
  • SLMS staff
  • Researchers

Before you start...

  • A MyAV card and user ID.
  • You will need a computer running a RHEL 8 operating system and connected to the internet. Please note, Ubuntu is the only fully supported Linux OS. All other versions will be supported on a best efforts basis.
  • You will need to have thesmbclient, Samba-client, samba-krb5-printing & krb5-worstation packages installed before connecting to the printer. You will be able to install this using your normal Red Hat distributions package management system.

to install these run the following command on terminal:


sudo dnf install samba-client samba-krb5-printing krb5-workstation smbclient

  • The CUPS service activated on your OS
  1. Activate CUPS using the following commands
sudo dnf install cups
  1. Start the cups service:

sudo systemctl start cups

  1. Configure the cups service to be automatically started at boot time:

sudo systemctl enable cups

  1. Optionally, check the status of the cups service:

system status cups

The Red Hat customer portal has more information on


    These steps were created on RHEL 9. You may need to enter your root password a number of times during this process.

    1. Download the Xerox driverand save to your home directory.

    2. Open your web browser and type localhost:631 in the address bar.


    Fig 1. locahost:631 in web browser

    3. Under CUPS for administrators click Adding Printers and Classes

    4. Click Add Printer

    CUPS Add Printer

    Fig 2. CUPS Add Printer Window

    5. On the Add Printer screen click Windows Printer via SAMBA, click continue

    6. In the Connection field type smb://, click continue

    7. In the Name & Description Field type Print@MyAV, click continue

    8. Under the Provide a PPD file section browse and select the PPD you downloaded in step 1. Click Add Printer

    9. Click Set Default Options

    10. You should now see a screen telling you that you have successfully setup Print@MyAV and then the queue details will be displayed

    print@MyAV details window

    Fig 3.print@MyAV details window

    11. Next you need to tell print queue to request authentication. You will need to enter your password during this process. Open a terminal window and type the following commands.

    12. Stop the cups server:

    $ sudo systemctl stop cups

    1. Edit the printers.conf file

    $ sudo nano /etc/cups/printers.conf

    1. Near the top of the file either add (if not present) or edit the AuthInfoRequired line as follows:
    AuthInfoRequired username,password

    Edit Printer.conf file

    Fig 4. Edit Printer.conf file

    1. Save and exit using Ctrl + X
    2. Restart the cups server
    $ sudo systemctl start cups 
    1. Now send a test print. Close all windows and Click on Activities (top left of screen) > Settings > Devices > Printers You should see the Print@MyAV printer you just created listed.
    2. Click the Cog > Printing Options
    3. Click Test Print
    4. Close the window by click the X and you should now see 1 job in the print queue. Click the button that says 1 Job

    Print@MyAV Authentication window

    Fig 5. Print@MyAV Authentication window

    1. At the top of the print queue there should be a blue Authenticate banner displayed. Click Authenticate.
    2. Enter your MyAV user ID and password. Note: you need to putad/before your user ID.

      Username: ad/<user ID> e.g. “ad/ccaaxxx”
      Password: your normal MyAV password (the same one you would use for email)

    3. The document will be sent to a Print@MyAV printer. Use your MyAV ID card to log in to the printer and print it there.

    Please Note: Authentication as above is required for every job sent. It is not possible to save your credentials as you can in other operating systems.


    We are continually improving our website. Please provide any feedback using the feedback form.

    Please note: This form is only to provide feedback. If you require IT support please contact the IT Services Help desk. We can only respond to MyAV email addresses.