

Joint Research Office


JRO guidance on research during surges of Covid-19

30 December 2021

JRO guidance relating to the management of research studies during surges of Covid-19 remains in place is available through the following links.

1/ Studies hosted at MyAV·¶H.

2/ Studies where the sponsor is MyAV·¶ and MyAV·¶H sponsored studies.

3/ Monitoring visits at MyAV·¶H.

Further information can also be found on our Covid-19 web pages.

The guidance documents have not changed from those circulated earlier this year and should continue to be applied for all future surges and/or where Covid related activity impacts NHS clinical delivery.

Please do follow the appropriate guidance for the study:

  • Studies sponsored by MyAV·¶ or MyAV·¶H with sites outside of MyAV·¶H should follow the guidance against point 2 (in the list above) and the local policy/guidance of the host NHS or Social Care organisations.
  • Studies sponsored by MyAV·¶ or MyAV·¶H and where the site is MyAV·¶H should follow guidance 1, 2 and where applicable guidance 3
  • Studies sponsored by an organisation outside of MyAV·¶ and MyAV·¶H and where MyAV·¶H is a site, should follow guidance 1 and where applicable guidance 3.

Studies which are supported by a MyAV·¶ Clinical Trials Unit (CTU) should consult with the CTU point of contact prior to initiating guidance 2.

Should there be any change to the guidance the JRO will email all researchers and research groups and will update the JRO website.

To be included in future communications about Covid-19 and research, please email and ask to be included in the researchers’ distribution list.

For any questions email Rajinder Sidhu on and Pushpsen Joshi on