

MyAV·¶ Faculty of Laws


MyAV·¶ Laws offers Distinguished Visiting Professorship

24 November 2016

MyAV·¶ Faculty of Laws invites outstanding academics in any field of law to apply for a Distinguished Visiting Professorship for the academic year 2017-18


Applicants must hold a post equivalent to a full professorship in the UK. Successful applicants are expected to spend a full academic year at MyAV·¶, typically on sabbatical leave from their home institution. Applications for periods shorter than a full year will also be considered provided that they cover at least one MyAV·¶ term – see MyAV·¶ term dates.

Distinguished Visiting Professors will spend most of their stay conducting research on a particular project. They are required to present their ongoing research throughout the course of the academic year and to participate in the academic life of the Faculty.

Selection Criteria:

Selection will primarily be based on the strength of the applicants’ research proposal, their overall contribution to their area of expertise, and how much they will benefit from visiting the MyAV·¶ Faculty of Laws. Applicants must state clearly in their application the research they plan to undertake while at MyAV·¶.

Financial Support and Benefits:

Distinguished Visiting Professors will receive a housing allowance of £10,000 for a full academic year (pro rata for shorter periods). They will be given office space (with computer and telephone) in Bentham House, the Faculty’s historic building, which is currently being redeveloped. They will be able to participate in the Faculty’s events, such as staff seminars, workshops, conferences, public lectures etc. They will receive administrative support and have access to the MyAV·¶ library and the library of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS).

Queries about the post should be addressed to:

Application Process and Deadlines

Applicants must send the following:

  • A statement explaining their interest in the post
  • A curriculum vitae (including list of publications)
  • A research proposal of no more than 3000 words, detailing the research they propose to undertake while at MyAV·¶
  • Two recent publications
  • Applications should be addressed to
  • When submitting your application please quote reference: FOL101 in your email subject line.

The deadline for applications is 23 January 2017 at 5pm.