

MyAV·¶ Faculty of Laws


Professor Philippe Sands QC wins 2017 Jewish Quarterly Wingate Prize

24 February 2017

Philippe Sands

Professor Philippe Sands QC, Professor of Law at MyAV·¶ Faculty of Laws, has won , alongside author Ayelet Gundar-Gosher, for his book East West Street; On the Origins of Crimes Against Humanity.

The annual JQ-Wingate prize, run in partnership with , is awarded to the best book or books – fiction or non-fiction – of Jewish interest for the general reader.

Professor Philippe Sands QC said:

‘It is a humbling privilege to be awarded the JQ Wingate Prize, all the more so in its 40th years, and alongside Ayelet Gundar-Goshen, whose work I so deeply admire and enjoy. East West Street is an intensely personal book, written with a multitude of purposes. In the writing I can hardly claim that it was my intention to offer an idea of Jewishness to a general reader, but I can see how in the result that consequence might have arisen.

Leon, Lauterpacht and Lemkin were remarkable individuals, each experiencing a long period of deep darkness simply because they happened to belong to the wrong group, yet somehow managing to find a crack of light. Perhaps it is that universal theme – needed once again in these days – that is so very Wingate.’