
Library Services


Russian and Soviet feature films, television films and television serials, listed by director

Director index to the Russian and Soviet feature films, television films and television serials held by MyAV SSEES Library.

The Call numbers of the discs and tapes on which these films are held are given after the entries. Follow the link to retrieve full details.

DVD language options

For DVD material the original language is indicated, together with brief details of the subtitle options. Many of the DVDs in the collection offer optional subtitles in a range of languages. For further information on these language options, follow the link.

Collection contents

Browse by Director name:


The Vasil'ev brothers



  • Taina sinikh gor [The Secret of the Blue Hills] 1981, 72 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

ABAKAROV, Askhab and ORDOVSKII, Mikhail

  • Skazanie o khrabrom Khochbare [The Tale of Brave Khochbar] 1986, 91 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

ABALOV, Eduard and MELIAVA, Tamaz

  • U tikhoi pristani... [By the Quiet Jetty...] 69 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number

ABALOV, Eduard

  • Kogda igraet klavesin [When the Harpsichord Plays] 1966, 45 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Na dal´nei tochke [At a Distant Point] 1970, 67 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


See underParadzhanov and Abashidze

ABBAS, Khwaja Akhmad

See underPronin and Abbas

ABBASOV, Shukhrat

  • Ty ne sirota [You are not an Orphan] 1962, 75 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number

Abram Room


  • Slovo dlia zashchity [Counsel for the Defence] 1976, 96 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    Call number
  • Povorot [The Turning Point] 1978, 98 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    Call number
  • Okhota na lis [Fox hunting] 1980
    Call number95 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    Call number92 minutes, in Russian
  • Ostanovilsia poezd [A Train Stopped] 1982
    Call number94 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    Call number90 minutes, in Russian
  • Parad planet [Parade of the Planets] 1984, 91 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Pliumbum ili opasnaia igra [Plumbum or A Dangerous Game] 1986, 92 minutes
    Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
    Call numberin Russian without subtitles
  • Sluga [The Servant] 1988, 136 minutes,
    Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
    Call numberin Russian
  • P´esa dlia passazhira [Play for Passenger] 1995, 98 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Vremia tantsora [The Time of the Dancer] 1997, 157 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Magnitnye buri [Magnetic Storms] 2003, 89 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call number


  • Armavir [The Armavir] 1991, 130 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

ABDULOV, Aleksandr

  • Bremenskie muzykanty & Co [Bremen Musicians & Co] 2000, 100 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number


  • Sputnik, 2020, 109 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number


  • Lurdzha Magdany [Magdana's Donkey] 1955
    Call number49 minutes, in Georgian with optional Russian dubbed version and with optional Russian, English, French, Spanish, Italian and German subtitles
    Call number64 minutes, dubbed into Russian from Georgian


  • Chuzhie deti [Someone Else's Children] 1958, 73 minutes, dubbed into Russian from Georgian without subtitles
    Call number
  • Me, bebia, Iliko da Ilarioni [Ia, babushka, Iliko i Illarion] [Me, Granny, Iliko and Illarion] 1962, 85 minutes, dubbed into Russian from Georgian without subtitles
    Call number
    Call number
    Call numberdubbed into Russian from Georgian, with optional Russian and English subtitles
  • Vedreba [Mol´ba] [The Invocation] 1967, 75 minutes, in Georgian with optional Russian dubbed version and optional subtitled versions
    Call number
  • Ozherel´e dlia moei liubimoi [A Necklace for my Beloved] 1971, 71 minutes
    Call numberdubbed into Russian from Georgian without subtitles
    Call numberdubbed into Russian from Georgian with optional French subtitles
  • Natvris khe [Drevo zhelaniia] [The Tree of Desire] 1976, 101 minutes, in Georgian with optional subtitles, dubbed and voiceover versions
    Call number
  • Monanieba [Pokaianie] [Repentance] 1984, 144 minutes, in Georgian or Russian with optional subtitles or dubbed versions
    Call number

ADABASH´IAN, Aleksandr

  • Azazel´, 2003, 146 minutes, in Russian only without subtitles
    Call number


  • Koma [Coma] 1989, 64 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Dom na peske [The House on the Sand] 1991, 74 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Okhota na zolushku [Hunting for Cinderella] 1999, 100 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

ADOMENAITE, Nijole and DOLININ, Dmitrii

  • Eshelon [Echelon] 2005, 346 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call numberParts 1-4, 173 minutes
    Call numberParts 5-8, 173 minutes


  • Bessmertnyi garnizon [The Immortal Garrison] 1956, 90 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • Leningradskaia simfoniia [Leningrad Symphony] 1957, approximately 90 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

AGRANOVICH, Leonid and SEMAKOV, Vladimir

  • Chelovek, kotoryi somnevaetsia [The Man Who Doubts] 1963, 82 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number


  • Svoi [One's Own] 1969, approx. 80 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Srok davnosti [Statute of Limitations] 1983, approx. 88 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


See underIankovskii and Agranovich


  • Zemlia ottsov [Atameken] [The Land of the Fathers] 1966, 86 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • Konets atamana [End of the Ataman] 1970, 146 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Ubiitsa [The Murderer] 1993, 80 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

AITUAROV, Amanzhol

  • Prikosnovenie [Touch] 1989, 75 minutes, in Russian or in Kazakh
    Call number


See underKokshenov and Aizenberg

AKHADOV, Valerii

  • Kto poedet v Truskavets? [Who Will Go to Truskavets?] 1977, approx. 66 minutes held, in Russian
    Call number,lacks start
  • Ia obeshchala, ia uidu.. [I Promised, I'll Leave...] 1992, 89 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zhenshchin obizhat´ ne rekomenduetsia [Offending Women is not Recommended] 1999, 81 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Podmoskovnaia elegiia [Elegy Near Moscow] 2002, 104 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

AKHADOV, Valerii and KARIUK, Gennadii

  • Besy [The Devils] 2006, 299 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number


  • Byk [Bull] 2019, 100 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Chempiony. Bystree. Vyshe. Sil´nee [Champions. Faster. Higher. Stronger] 2016, 104 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number
    Call number(Blu ray disc)

See also underShurkhovetskii and Aksenenko


  • Rodnye [The Relatives] 2021, 98 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

ALARCON, Sebastian

  • Padenie kondora [Fall of the Condor] 1982, approx. 88 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Vyigrysh odinokogo kommersanta [The Lonely Businessman's Win] 1984, approx. 85 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Istoriia odnoi bil´iardnoi komandy, 1988, approx. 92 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Agenty KGB tozhe vliubliaiutsia [KGB Agents Also Fall in Love] 1991, 88 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Cicatriz. El Atentado a Pinochet [Shram. Pokushenie na Pinocheta] [The Scar. The Attempt on Pinochet's Life] 1996, 85 minutes, in Russian without subtitles with some Spanish with Russian voiceover
    Call number


  • Metastazy [Metastases] 1984, 16 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Ia kholoden, nu i chto? [I am Cold, So What?] 1987, 15 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Revoliutsionnyi etiud [Revolutionary Etude] 1987, 7 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Traktora [Tractors] 1987, 12 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zhestokaia bolezn´ muzhchin [The Cruel Illness of Men] 1987, 10 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zdes´ kto-to byl [Someone Was Here] 1989, 42 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Liubov´ frantsuzskaia i russkaia [French and Russian Love] 1994, 75 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Priiut komediantov [The Comedians' Halt] 1995, 78 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Utoli moia pechali [Soothe My Sorrows] 1989, 89 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Veselie rebiata [The Jolly Fellows] [Les Joyeux Garçons] 1934, 90 minutes
    Call numberin Russian
    Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
    Call numberin Russian without subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with French subtitles
    Call numberin Russian, restored, colourised version
    Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
  • Tsirk [The Circus] 1936, 90 minutes
    Call numberin Russian
    Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
    Call numberin Russian without subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles, colourised version (NB the English subtitles are badly synchronised with the original Russian dialogue)
  • Volga-Volga 1938, 99 minutes
    Call numberin Russian
    Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
    Call numberin Russian without subtitles
    Call numberin Russian, restored colourised version
    Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
  • Svetlyi put´ [The Radiant Path] 1940, 97 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
  • Vesna [Spring] 1947
    Call number104 minutes, in Russian
    Call number104 minutes, in Russian
    Call number103 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
  • Vstrecha na El´be [Meeting on the Elbe] 1949, 104 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Kompozitor Glinka [The Composer Glinka] 1952, 105 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Russkii suvenir [Russian Souvenir] 1960, 94 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • Skvorets i lira [The Starling and the Lyre] 1974, 136 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

See also underEizenshtein


  • Ne soshlis´ kharakterami [They Did Not Get On] 1989, 77 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Milostivye gosudari [Dear Sirs] 1992, approx. 65 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Pravda - khorosho, a schast´e - luchshe [Truth is Good but Happiness is Better] 1951, 139 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
  • Pigmalion [Pygmalion] 1957, approx. 92 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

ALEKSEEV, Sergei and VOITETSKII, Vitalii

  • Gore ot uma [Woe From Wit] 1952, in Russian without subtitles
    Call numberPart 1, 66 minutes
    Call numberPart 2, 79 minutes

ALENIKOV, Vladimir

  • Bindiuzhnik i korol´ [The Carter and the King] 1989, 138 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zhil-byl nastroishchik... [There Once Was a Tuner...] 1979, 69 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Ulybka Boga, ili chisto odesskaia istoriia [The Smile of God, or a Purely Odessan Story] 2008, 122 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles and some English with Russian voiceover
    Call number


  • Oblepikhovoe leto [Sea Buckthorn Summer] 2018, 87 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Apokrif: Muzyka dlia Petra i Pavla [Apocrypha: Music for Peter and Paul] 2004, 140 minutes, in Russian with optional English and French subtitles
    Call number

ALIEV, Murad

  • Ofitsery [Officers] 2006, 400 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number


  • Pantsir´ [Coat of Mail] 1990, 88 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

See alsodocumentaries by Alimpiev

ALOV, Aleksandr and NAUMOV, Vladimir

  • Trevozhnaia molodost´ [Anxious Youth] 1954, 93 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Pavel Korchagin 1956, 96 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • Veter [The Wind] 1958, approx. 96 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Mir vkhodiashchemu [Peace to Him Who Enters] 1961, 89 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • Moneta [The Coin] 1962, 87 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Skvernyi anekdot [A Nasty Anecdote] 1966, 96 minutes
    Call numberin Russian
    Call numberin Russian
    Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
  • Beg [Flight] 1970, 184 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed versions and subtitles
    Call numberDVD 1, 89 minutes
    Call numberDVD 2, 95 minutes
  • Legenda o Tile. Fil´m pervyi. Pepel Klaasa [The Legend of Till. Film 1. The Ashes of Klaas] 1976, 148 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Legenda o Tile. Fil´m vtoroi. Da zdravstuiut nishchie! [The Legend of Till. Film 2. Long Live the Beggars!] 1976, 149 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Tegeran-43 [Teheran-43] 1980, 144 minutes
    Call numberin Russian with some French and Farsi with Russian dubbing
    Call numberin Russian with some French and Farsi with Russian dubbing and with optional Russian subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with some French and Farsi with Russian dubbing and with optional English subtitles
  • Bereg [The Shore] 1983, 135 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

AL´PIEV, Amanbek

  • Sladkii son vnutri travy [A Sweet Dream within the Grass] 1984, 62 minutes, in Russian or in Kazakh
    Call number

AL´TSEV, Leonid and PEREL´SHTEIN, Rafail

  • Priemshchik katastrof [Catastrophe Receiver] [Boevoi kinosbornik No. 7] 1941, 8 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number

AMELIN, Aleksandr

  • Pautina [The Spider's Web] 1992, 78 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


See underMaslennikov and Andersen


  • Zashchitniki [Guardians] 2017, 85 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles or in English dubbed version
    Call number


  • Shamara 1994, 95 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Poslednii den´ Bukina I.S. [The Last Day of I.S. Bulkin] 2009, 12 minutes 58 seconds, in Russian
    Call number
  • Shpion [The Spy] 2012, 104 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Voin [The Fighter] 2015, 87 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Robinzon Kruzo [Robinson Crusoe] 1947, 72 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number

ANDRIEVSKII, Aleksandr andDOLLER, Mikhail

  • Gibel´ Sensatsii (Robot Dzhima Ripl´) [The Death of Sensation (Jim Ripple's Robot] 1935, 86 minutes
    Call number


  • Severnaia povest´ [A Northern Tale] 1960, 73 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Kazneny na rassvete... [Shot at Dawn...] 1964, 82 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


See underRoshal´ and Andzahparidze


  • Medved´ [The Bear] 1938, 43 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
    Call number
  • Chelovek v futliare [The Man in the Suitcase] 1939, 80 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Piatyi okean [The Fifth Ocean] 1940, 74 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
  • Svad´ba [The Wedding] 1944, 60 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
    Call number
  • Anna na shee [Anna Around the Neck] 1954, 82 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call number
  • Kniazhna Meri [Princess Mary] 1955, 96 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
    Call number
  • Ekaterina Voronina 1957, 91 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Matros s "Komety" [The Sailor from the "Comet"] 1958, 88 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • Bessonnaia noch´ [A Sleepless Night] 1960, 88 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Pervyi trolleibus [The First Trolleybus] 1963, 82 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Talanty i poklonniki [Talents and Admirers] 1973, 85 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

ANNENSKII, Isidor and PETROV, Vladimir

  • Neulovimyi Ian [Elusive Jan] 1942, 56 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number


  • Polumgla, 2005, 105 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number


See underDzigan


  • Graffiti, 2005, 105 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Talanty i poklonniki [Talents and Admirers] 1955, 85 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Slomannaia podkova [A Broken Horseshoe] 1973, 76 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • I drugie ofitsial´nye litsa [And Other Official Personages] 1976, 84 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Letniaia poezdka k moriu [A Summer Trip to the Sea] 1978, 88 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Rafferti [Rafferty] 1980, 64 + 65 + 69 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Torpedonostsy [Torpedo Carriers] 1983, 90 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed versions and subtitles
    Call number
  • Protivostoianie [Resistance] 1985, 64 + 56 + 59 + 63 + 63 + 64 = 369 minutes, in Russian
    Call numbers,and
  • God sobaki [The Year of the Dog] 1994, 122 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

See alsodocumentaries by Aranovich

ARAVIN, Aleksandr

  • Krasnaia kapella [The Red Capella] [The Red Chapel] [The Red Choir] 2004, 704 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call numberParts 1-4, 176 minutes
    Call numberParts 5-8, 176 minutes
    Call numberParts 9-12, 176 minutes
    Call numberParts 13-16, 176 minutes
  • Mertvoe pole [The Dead Field] 2006, 112 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
  • Reshenie o likvidatsii [Decision: Liquidation] 2018, 96 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number


See underEfremov


  • Koma [Coma. Esprits Prisonniers] [Coma] 2019, 111 minutes, in Russian with optional French subtitles and with optional French language version and optional English language version with French subtitles
    Call number(Blu ray disc)


  • Ladoni [Palms] 1993, 139 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • Mesto na zemle [Place on Earth] 2001, 121 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number


  • Pryzhok s kryshi [A Leap from the Roof] 1977, 84 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Svoiaki [Brothers in Law] 1978, 28 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Trostinka na vetru [A Reed in the Wind] 1980, 141 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Porokh [Powder] 1985, 87 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Trudno pervye sto let [The First Hundred Years Are Hard] 1988, 130 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Satana [Satan] 1990, 102 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    Call number

ARISTOV, Viktor and MAMIN, Iurii

  • Dozhdi v okeane [Rain in the Ocean] 1994, 76 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Kletka [The Cage] 2014, 102 minutes, in Russian Call number


  • Moi muzh - genii [My Husband is a Genius] 2008, 111 minutes, in Russian
    Call number(followed by 73 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)


  • Spiashchie. Sezon 2 [Sleepers. Season 2] 2018, Total running time: 188 minutes, in Russian with some English with Russian voiceover
    Call number


  • Podrugi [Girl Friends] 1935, 92 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Druz´ia [Friends] 1938
    Call number95 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number108 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
  • Zoia, 1944, 79 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
  • Glinka, 1946, 110 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
  • Piat´ dnei, piat´ nochei [Five Days, Five Nights] 1960, 106 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Sluchai na telegrafe [Incident at the Telegraph Office] [Boevoi kinosbornik No. 2] 1941, 1½ minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
    Call number

ARON, Efim

  • Prikaz vypolnen [The Order is Carried Out] [Boevoi kinosbornik No. 4] [Fighting Film Collection No. 4] 1941, 19 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • Molodoe vino [Young Wine] [Boevoi kinosbornik No. 10] [Fighting Film Collection No. 10] 1942, 24 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Botagoz, 1957, 94 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

ARONOV, Grigorii

  • Zelenye tsepochki [Green Chains] 1970, 92 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
  • Vesennie perevertyshi [Spring Turncoats] 1974, 88 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

ARONOV, Grigorii and GERMAN, Aleksei Iur´evich

  • Sed´moi sputnik [The Seventh Satellite] 1967, 84 minutes
    Call numberin Russian
    Call numberin Russian
    Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles

ARONOV, Grigorii and SHREDEL´, Vladimir

  • Dlinnoe, dlinnoe delo [A Long, Long Case] 1976, 87 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Spasite utopaiushchego [Save the Drowning Boy] 1967, 66 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
  • Smiatenie chuvstv [Confused Feelings] 1977, 75 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • S liubimymi ne rasstavaites´ [Don't Leave Those You Love] 1979, 72 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Gost´ia iz budushchego [The Guest from the Future] 1984, 315 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
    Call numbersand
  • Lilovyi shar [The Lilac Globe] [The Lilac Ball] 1987, 74 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
    Call number

ARTAMONOV, Anatolii and FIKS, Dmitrii

  • Khoroshie i plokhie [The Good and The Bad] 1999, 76 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Vozdushnoe prikliuchenie [An Aerial Adventure] 1937, 22 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number


  • Rudol´fio, 1969, 24 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Ne bolit golova u diatla [The Woodpecker Doesn't Get a Headache] 1974, 75 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Kliuch bez prava peredachi [Restricted Key] 1976, 96 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Beda [Misfortune] 1977, 89 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zhena ushla [My Wife Has Left Me] 1979, 86 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • Nikudyshnaia [Good For Nothing] 1980, 89 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Chto by ty vybral? [What Would You Choose?] 1981, 75 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Patsany [Lads] 1983, 92 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • Milyi, dorogoi, liubimyi, edinstvennyi... [My Sweet, My Dear, My Beloved, My Only One...] 1984, 66 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number

See also adocumentary on Asanova


  • Iskushenie [Temptation] 2007, 78 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
  • Delo gastronoma No. 1 (Okhota na Berkuta) [The Case of Food Store No. 1 (The Hunt for Berkut)] 2011, 8 x 48 = 384 minutes, in Russian
    Call numbersand
  • Liubov´ za liubov´ [Love for Love] 2013, 4 x 48 minutes = 192 minutes, in Russian and Ukrainian with English subtitles
    Call number

ASHUMOV, Mirza-aga

  • Guliat´, tak guliat´. Streliat´, tak streliat´ ... [If you're walking, walk. If you're shooting, shoot ...] 1990, 39 minutes, in Russian only without subtitles
    Call number

ASKOL´DOV, Aleksandr

  • Komissar [The Commissar] 1967, 104 minutes
    Call numberin Russian
    Call numberin Russian with optional dubbed versions and subtitles
    Call numberadditional material


See under BELEVICH, Kirill (as Kirill Astakhov) with IL´IN, Iurii


  • Izydi! [Get Thee Hence!] 1991, 83 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Ty u menia odna [You Are My Only One] 1993, 95 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
    Call number
  • Chetvertaia planeta [The Fourth Planet] 1995, 88 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Vse budet khorosho [Everything Will Be All Right] 1995, 100 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call number
  • Iz ada v ad [From Hell to Hell] 1997, 102 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Perekrestok [Crossroads] 1998, 105 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zal ozhidaniia [The Waiting Room] 1998, 520 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
  • Podari mne lunnyi svet [Give Me the Moonlight] 2001, 89 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zheltyi karlik [Yellow Dwarf] 2001, 102 minutes, in Russian only without subtitles
    Call number
  • Ledi na den´ [Lady for a Day] 2002, 149 minutes, in Russian only without subtitles
    Call number
  • Temnaia noch´ [Dark Night] 2004, 101 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Nochnoi taverny ogonek [The Light of the Night Tavern] 2010, approx. 100 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Detochki [Little Children] 2012, 101 minutes
    Call numberin Russian
    Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles

ATANESIAN, Aleksandr

  • 24 chasa [24 Hours] 2000, 81 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • Letnii dozhd´ [Summer Rain] 2002, 98 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Svolochi [Bastards] 2006, 98 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • Montana [Mountana] 2007, 90 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • Blizkii vrag (Ubit´ korolia) [A Close Enemy (To Kill a King)] 2010, 82 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

ATNEV, Gurii

  • Zvezdochet [The Astrologer] 2004, 528 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call numberParts 1-3, 132 minutes
    Call numberParts 4-6, 132 minutes
    Call numberParts 7-9, 132 minutes
    Call numberParts 10-12, 132 minutes


  • Stepen´ riska [Degree of Risk] 1968, 90 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Drama iz starinnoi zhizni [A Drama From the Old Life] 1971, 81 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • Monolog [The Monologue] 1972, 94 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • Chuzhie pis´ma [Someone Else's Letters] 1975, 89 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Ob´´iasnenie v liubvi [Confession of Love] 1977, 125 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • Fantazii Fariat´eva [Fariat´ev's Fantasies] 1979, 144 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
  • Golos [The Voice] 1982, 87 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Doroga na Lemz [The Road to Lemz] 2009, 16 minutes 56 seconds, in Russian
    Call number


  • Savoi [Savoy] 1990, 77 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

AZAGAROV, Georgii and VOLKOV, Aleksandr

  • Kulisy ekrana [Behind the Screen] 1917, 13 minutes, preserved without titles, added music track
    Call number
    Call number

AZAROV, Villen

  • Vzroslye deti [Grown Up Children] 1961, 72 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Eto sluchilos´ v militsii [It Happened in the Police] 1963, 82 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zelenyi ogonek [The Little Green Light] 1964, 69 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • Konets "Saturna" [The End of "Saturn"] 1967, 92 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
  • Put´ v "Saturn" [The Journey to "Saturn"] 1967, 79 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
  • Boi posle pobedy... [Battle after Victory...] 1972, 157 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Neispravimyi lgun [The Incorrigible Liar] 1973, 70 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number

Also see underDostal´ and Azarov


BABAEV, Sanzhar

  • Barkhan, 1989, 77 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Rys´ vykhodit na tropu [The Lynx Steps on to the Path] 1982, 68 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian, English and French subtitles and optional English and French dubbed versions
    Call number


  • Pervoe svidanie [The First Meeting] 1960, 88 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Polovod´e [Time of Flood] 1962, approx. 95 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Muzhiki!.. [Men!..] 1981, 93 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Prosti menia, Alesha [Forgive Me, Alesha] 1983, 92 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Solntse nespiashchikh [The Sun of the Wakeful] 1992, in Georgian with Russian voiceover and optional subtitles
    Call number


  • Povest´ o "Neistovom" [The Tale of the "Furious"] 1947, in Russian
    Call number86 minutes
    Call number90 minutes
  • Dachniki [Dacha Dwellers] 1966, 98 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number


  • Oranzhevaia liubov´ [OrangeLove] 2006, 79 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian subtitles
    Call number

BAISAK, Gennadii

  • Agape, 1996, 76 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Angel proletel [An Angel Flew By] 2005, 85 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BAKAEV, Khasan

  • Vozle etikh okon... [Near These Windows...] 1973, approx. 89 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number


  • Shul´tes, 2008, 99 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number(followed by 67 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)
    Call number
  • Okhotnik [The Hunter] 2011, 120 minutes, in Russian
    (followed by 56 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)
    Call number


  • Schastlivye dni [Happy Days] 1991, 82 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • Zamok [The Castle] 1994, 110 minutes
    Call numberin Russian without subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
  • Brat [The Brother] 1997, 95 minutes
    Call numberin Russian with optional subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
  • Pro urodov i liudei [Of Freaks and Men] 1998, 95 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    Call number
  • Brat 2 [Brother 2] 2000, 122 minutes
    Call numberin Russian with optional subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
  • Reka [The River] 2000-2002, 48 minutes
    Call number
  • Voina [War] 2002, 120 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number
    Call numbermusic from film (15 tracks, 69 minutes)
  • Mne ne bol´no [It Doesn't Hurt] 2005, 101 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • Zhmurki [Dead Man's Bluff] 2005, 105 minutes
    Call numberin Russian without subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
  • Gruz 200 [Cargo 200] 2007, 86 minutes
    Call numberin Russian without subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
  • Morfii [Morphine] 2008, 107 minutes
    Call numberin Russian without subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
  • Kochegar [The Stoker] 2010
    Call number87 minutes, in Russian
    Call number84 minutes, in Russian, followed by 53 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series
    Call number84 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
  • Ia tozhe khochu [Me Too] 2012, 80 minutes
    Call numberin Russian
    Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles

BALAGOV, Kantemir

  • Pervyi ia [First I] 2013, 17 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles and with some untranslated Kabardian
    Call number
  • Tesnota [Closeness] 2017, 118 minutes
    Call numberin Russian with some Kabardian with Russian subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with some Kabardian with Russian subtitles (better quality copy)
    Call numberin Russian with some Kabardian with Russian subtitles and with optional English subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with some Kabardian with French subtitles (Blu ray disc)
  • Dylda [Beanpole] 2019, 137 minutes
    Call numberin Russian
    Call numberin Russian with French subtitles (Blu ray disc)
    Call numberin Russian with optional English, Portuguese, Spanish and Turkish subtitles and optional English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing (Blu ray disc)


  • Effekt Romashkina [The Romashkin Effect] 1973, 62 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Kashtanka, 1975, 63 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Biriuk [The Lone Wolf] 1977, 74 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Polety vo sne i naiavu [Dream Flights] [Flying in Dreams and in Reality] 1982, 86 minutes
    Call numberin Russian
    Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
  • Potselui [The Kiss] 1983, 71 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Khrani menia, moi talisman [Protect Me, My Talisman] 1986, 69 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Filer [The Tracker] 1987, 78 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Ledi Makebt mtsenskogo uezda [Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk] 1989, 76 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Dve luny, tri solntsa [Two Moons, Three Suns] 1998, 87 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Noch´ svetla [The Night is Light] 2004, 92 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Raiskie ptitsy (Izbrannik) [Birds of Paradise (The Chosen One)] 2008, 94 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number(followed by 55 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)


  • Eti nevinnye zabavy [Those Innocent Pleasures] 1969, 67 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Prizvanie [A Vocation] 1975, approx. 77 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Sumka inkassatora [The Cashier's Bag] 1977, 87 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BAL´TSER, Ruslan

  • Dazhe ne dumai! [Don't Even Think About It!] 2003, 82 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BANKE, Anders

  • Goriachie novosti [Newsmakers] 2009, 102 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    Call number

BARANOV, Aleksandr

  • Shankhai [Shanghai] 1996, 101 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Den´ duraka [Day of the Fool] 2014, 87 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BARANOV, Aleksandr and KILIBAEV, Bakhyt

  • Troe [The Three of Them] 1988, 64 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zhenshchina dnia [Woman of the Day] 1989, 81 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Fartsa [Black Marketeers] 2015, 8 episodes, total running time 423 minutes, in Russian
    Call numbersand
  • Ierei-San. Ispoved´ samuraia [Priest-San. A Samurai'sConfession] 2015, 98 minutes, in Russian
    Call number(Blu ray disc)
  • Gogol´. Nachalo [Gogol´. The Beginning] 2017
    Call number102 minutes, in Russian
    Call number107 minutes, in Russian (Blu ray disc)
    Call number102 minutes, in Russian wth English subtitles (the subtitles are of extremely poor quality)
  • Gogol´. Strashnaia mest´ [Gogol´. A Terrible Vengeance] 2018, 107 minutes
    Call number, in Russian
    Call number, in Russian with English subtitles
  • Gogol´. Vii, 2018, 99 minutes
    Call number, in Russian with optional English subtitles(Blu ray disc)
    Call number, in Russian with English subtitles
  • Avanpost [The Blackout. Invasion Earth] 2019, 127 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles or in English dubbed version
    Call number(Blu ray disc)


  • Rossiia 88 [Russia 88] 2009, 104 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    Call number
  • Gop-stop [Hop-Stop] 2010, 93 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BARKAN, Mikhail

  • Korotkoe dykhanie [Short Breaths] 2006, 180 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number


  • Devushka s korobkoi [The Girl With the Hatbox] 1927
    Call number67 minutes, Russian titles, English subtitles
    Call number65 minutes, Russian titles with optional English subtitles, Russian and English Hyperkino commentary version
    Call number65 minutes, Russian titles with optional English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese subtitles
  • Dom na Trubnoi [The House on Trubnaia] [La Maison de la Rue Troubnaïa] 1928, 63 minutes
    Call numberRussian intertitles
    Call numberRussian titles, French subtitles
    Call numberRussian titles, with optional English subtitles, restored, silent with added music track
  • Ledolom (Anka) [Icebreak (Anka)] 1931, 62 minutes, silent with added music track
    Call number
  • Okraina [Outskirts] [The Patriots] 1933, 92 minutes
    Call numberin Russian
    Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles, Russian and English Hyperkino commentary version
    Call numberin Russian with optional Russian, English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese subtitles
  • U samogo sinego moria [By the Deep Blue Sea] [By the Bluest of Seas] 1935, 69 minutes
    Call numberin Russian without subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles, Russian and English Hyperkino commentary version
    Call numberin Russian with optional Russian, English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese subtitles
  • Noch´ v Sentiabre [A Night in September] 1939, 82 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Staryi naezdnik [The Old Jockey] 1940, 90 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Muzhestvo [Courage] [Boevoi kinosbornik No. 3] [Fighting Film Collection No. 3] 1941, 23 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Bestsennaia golova [An Invaluable Head] [Boevoi kinosbornik No. 10] [Fighting Film Collection No. 10] 1942, 24 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Slavnyi malyi (Novgorodtsy) (Mstiteli) [The Fine Fellow (Men of Novgorod) (The Avengers)] 1942, 65 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Odnazhdy noch´iu [One Night] 1944, 77 minutes
    Call numberin Russian without subtitles
    Call numberin Russian without subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
  • Podvig razvedchika [The Secret Agent's Exploit] 1947, 88 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
    Call number
    Call number
  • Shchedroe leto [The Generous Summer] 1950, 82 minutes
    Call numberin Russian
    Call numberin Russian
    Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
  • Liana, 1955, 73 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Annushka, 1959, 84 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Alenka, 1961, 84 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Polustanok [The Halt] 1963, 67 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

See also underIudin and Barnetand underOtsep and Barnet

BARSHAK, Aleksandr

  • "Kedr" pronzaet nebo ["The Cedar" Pierces the Sky] 2011, 352 minutes, in Russian
    Call numbersand


  • Tiazhelyi pesok [Heavy Sand] 2008, 800 minutes, in Russian
    Call number(double-sided disc)


  • Dve glavy iz semeinoi khroniki [Two Chapters from a Family Chronicle] 1982, approx. 93 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Moskovskaia saga [Moscow Saga] 2004, 1104 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call numberParts 1-4, 207 minutes
    Call numberParts 5-8, 206 minutes
    Call numberParts 9-12, 210 minutes
    Call numberParts 13-16, 203 minutes
    Call numberParts 17-20, 197 minutes
    Call numberParts 21-22, 81 minutes

BASAEV, Aleksandr

See underDE VITAL, William AND BASAEV, Aleksandr

BASHIROV, Aleksandr

  • Zheleznaia piata oligarkhii [The Iron Heel of the Oligarchy] 70 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Rahu Tänav [Ulitsa mira] [Peace Street] 1991, 98 minutes, in Estonian with Russian overdubbing
    Call number

BASKOVA, Svetlana

  • Za Marksa [For Marx] 2012, 102 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BASLA, Varis

  • Vesenniaia putevka [A Spring Trip] 1978, 83 minutes, in Latvian dubbed into Russian
    Call number

BASOV, Aleksandr and RAFIKOV, Marat

  • DMB-002 [Demobbed 002] 2000, 70 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number

BASOV, Vladimir Pavlovich

  • Neobyknovennoe leto [An Unusual Summer] 1956, approx. 96 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Pervye radosti [First Joys] 1956, approx. 100 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Sluchai na shakhte vosem´ [Incident at Mine No. 8] 1957, 87 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zhizn´ proshla mimo [Life Passed By] 1958, 89 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Bitva v puti [Battle Along the Way] 1961, 180 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Tishina [Quiet] 1963, 196 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • Metel´ [The Snowstorm] 1964, 75 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Shchit i mech [Shield and Sword] 1967, 326 minutes
    Call numberDVD 1, 182 minutes,in Russian with optional Russian subtitles
    Call numberDVD 2, 144 minutes,in Russian with optional Russian subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles (very poor English)
  • Neilon 100% [100% Nylon] 1973, 80 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • Dni Turbinykh [Days of the Turbins] 1976, 212 minutes
    Call numberin Russian
    Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles

BASOV, Vladimir Pavlovich and KORCHAGIN, Mstislav

  • Nakhlebnik [The Hanger-On] 1953, 93 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Shkola muzhestva [School of Courage] 1954, 94 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BASOV, Vladmir Vladimirovich

See underBasova and Basov

BASOVA, Ol´ga and BASOV, Vladimir Vladimirovich

  • Odinokii igrok [A Solitary Player] 1995, in Russian
    Call number88 minutes
    Cal number92 minutes
  • Vmesto menia [Instead of Me] 2000, 104 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zharkii noiabr´ [Hot November] 2006, 90 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BATALOV, Aleksei

  • Shinel´ [The Overcoat] 1959
    Call number70 minutes, in Russian
    Call number70 minutes, in Russian
    Call number71 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
  • Igrok [The Gambler] 1972, 94 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BATALOV, Aleksei and SHAPIRO, Iosif

  • Tri tolstiaka [The Three Fat Men] 1966, 85 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number

BATALOV, Vladimir

  • Baby [The Women] 1940, 83 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number

BAUER, Evgenii

  • Sumerki zhenskoi dushi [Shadows of a Woman's Soul] 1913, 48 minutes, with Russian titles and English subtitles, added music track
    Call number
    Call number
  • Ditia bol´shogo goroda (Devushka s ulitsy) [Child of the Big City (A Girl from the Street)] 1914, 37 minutes, Russian titles, English subtitles, added music track
    Call number
    Call number
    Call number
  • Nemye svideteli [Silent Witnesses] 1914, 64 minutes, Russian titles, English subtitles, added music track
    Call number
    Call number
    Call number
  • Deti veka [Children of the Age] 1915
    Call number37 minutes, no titles, added music track
    Call number39 minutes, Russian titles only, added music track
  • Grezy (Obmanutye mechty) [Daydreams (Deceived Dreams)] 1915, 37 minutes, Russian titles, English subtitles, added music track
    Call number
    Call number
    Call number
  • Posle smerti [After Death] 1915, 46 minutes, with Russian titles and English subtitles, added music track
    Call number
    Call number
  • Tysiacha vtoraia khitrost´ [The Thousand and Second Ruse] 1915, 18 minutes, Russian titles, English subtitles, added music track
    Call number
    Call number
    Call number
  • Zhizn´ za zhizn´ (Za kazhduiu slezu po kaple krovi; Sestry-sopernitsy) [A Life for a Life (A Drop of Blood for Every Tear; The Rival Sisters)] 1916
    Call number67 minutes, Russian titles, English subtitles, added music track
    Call number44 minutes, Russian titles only, added music track
    Call number67 minutes, Russian titles, English subtitles, added music track
    Call number43 minutes, Russian titles only, added music track
  • Revoliutsioner [The Revolutionary] 1917, 35 minutes, Russian titles, English subtitles, added music track
    Call number
    Call number
    Call number
  • Umiraiushchii lebed´ [The Dying Swan] 1917, 49 minutes, Russian titles, English subtitles, added music track
    Call number
    Call number
  • Za schast´em (K schast´iu) [In Pursuit of Happiness] (For Luck) (To Happiness) 1917, 41 minutes, Russian titles, English subtitles, added music track
    Call number
    Call number

BAUER, Evgenii and Ol´ga RAKHMANOVA

  • Korol´ Parizha [The King of Paris] 1917, 62 minutes, Russian titles, added music track
    Call number


  • Trener [The Coach] 1969, 79 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

See also underParadzhanov and Bazelian


  • Uzkii most [The Narrow Bridge] 2004, 192 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number


  • Pesn´ o Manshuk [The Song of Manshuk] 1969, 74 minutes, in Russian or in Kazakh
    Call number


  • Khrani svoiu zvezdu [Preserve Your Star] 1975, 83 minutes
    Call numberin Russian or in Kazakh
    Call numberin Russian

BEKMAMBETOV, Timur and KAIUMOV, Gennadii

  • Escape from Afghanistan [a re-edited version of their 1994 film 'Peshavarskii val´s'] 2002, 80 minutes, dubbed English version
    Call number


  • Nochnoi dozor [Night Watch] 2004
    Call number117 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number109 minutes, in Russian with optional English dubbed version or subtitles
    Call number109 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
  • Dnevnoi dozor [Day Watch] 2005, 140 minutes
    Call numberin Russian with optional Russian subtitles
    Call numberin Russian or in English with Greek subtitles
  • Ironiia sud´by. Prodolzhenie (Ironiia sud´by. 30 let spustia) [The Irony of Fate. Continued (The Irony of Fate. 30 Years Later)] 2007, 109 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
    Call number

See also under Trofimov and Bekmambetov, and seeWestern feature films by Bekmambetov.


  • Namus [Chest´] [L'Honneur] [Honour] 1926, 84 minutes, Russian titles, French subtitles
    Call number
  • David-Bek, 1943, 88 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Edinichka [A Single One] [Battery No. 1] [Combat Unit] 2015
    Call number104minutes, in Russian with some Polish and German
    Call number105minutes, in Russian with some Polish and German with optional English subtitles

BELEVICH, Kirill (as ASTAKHOV, Kirill) and IL´IN, Iurii

  • Sem´ par nechistykh (Reis 13-01) [Seven Pairs of Unclean (Voyage 13-01)] 2018, 78 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BELIKOV, Mikhail

  • Kak molody my byli [How Young We Were] 1985, 92 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Raspad [Collapse] [Disintegration] 1990, 96 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    Call number

BELINSKII, Aleksandr

  • Lev Gurych Sinichkin, 1974, 72 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Dva golosa [Two Voices] 1981, 64 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Maritsa, 1985, 64 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Chapliniana, 1987, 64 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zhenit´ba Bal´zaminova [Bal´zaminov's Wedding] 1989, 64 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BELINSKII, Aleksandr and VASIL´EV, Vladimir

  • Aniuta, 1982, 68 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Katen´ka [Katenka] 1987, 73 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Dvoe na goloi zemle [Two Men on the Bare Earth] 1989, 72 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Poezdka cherez gorod. [A Journey across Town] 1979, 45 minutes, part of Al´manakh. Poezdka cherez gorod [An Almanac. A Journey Across Town] in Russian
    Call number


  • Kriminal´nyi otdel [Criminal Department] 1997, 70 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Neitral´nye vody [Neutral Waters] 1968, 101 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

See also underGurin and Berenshtein


  • Duel´ [The Duel] 1961, approx. 86 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


See also underSavel´eva and Berezantseva


  • Shtepsel´ zhenit Tarapun´ku [Shtepsel´ Marries off Tarapun´ka] 1957, 74 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

See also underTimoshenko and Berezin

BEREZKO, Georgii

See underDzigan


  • Sluga dvukh gospod [The Servant of Two Masters] 1953, 102 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
  • Riadom s nami [By Our Side] 1957, 89 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Dver´ bez zamka [The Door Without a Lock] 1973, 87 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Devochka, khochesh´ snimat´sia v kino? [Little Girl, Do You Want to be in a Film?] 1977, 82 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Ottsy i deti [Fathers and Sons] 1958, 96 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BERGUNKER, Adol´f and EGOROV, Mikhail

  • Ostrov Bezymiannyi [Bezymiannyi Island] 1946, 72 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number


  • Lermontov, 2014, 91 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number


  • Srochnyi vyzov [Immediate Summons] 1978, approx. 90 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Samaia obaiatel´naia i privlekatel´naia [The Most Charming and Attractive] 1985, 80 minutes
    Call numberin Russian
    Call numberin Russian
    Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
  • Gde nakhoditsia nofelet? [Where is the Phonetel?] 1987, 77 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number

BIBARTSEV, Aleksandr

  • Ob´´ezdchik [The Warden] 1983, 29 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Eskadra ukhodit na zapad [The Squadron Leaves for the West] 1965, 86 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BIL´ZHO, Anton

  • Zerkala krasavitsy Lilii Vorontsovoi [Mirrors of the Beautiful Liliia Vorontsova] 2014, 14 minutes 57 seconds, in Russian with English subtitles
    Call number
  • Ryba-mechta [Dreamfish] 2016, 79 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Ambivalentnost´ [Ambivalence] 2018, 117 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Istoriia chetvertaia. Stiralka [The Fourth Story. The Washing Machine] 2020, 15 minutes, in Russian, part ofOchen´ zhenskie istorii [Very Female Stories] 2020, 93 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Khronika pikiruiushchego bombardirovshchika [Chronicle of a Dive Bomber] 1967, 74 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Volshebnaia sila iskusstva [The Magic Power of Art] 1970, 29 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Uchitel´ peniia [The Singing Teacher] 1972, 81 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Ia sluzhu na granitse [I Serve on the Border] 1973, 80 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Shag navstrechu. Neskol´ko istorii veselykh i grustnykh [A Step Towards Each Other. Several Merry and Sad Stories] 1975,73 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Troe v lodke, ne schitaia sobaki [Three Men in A Boat] 1979, 127 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number(Blu ray disc)
  • Voskresnyi papa [Sunday Dad] 1985, 80 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BITOKOV, Vladimir

  • Glubokoe reki [Deep Rivers] 2018, 71 minutes, in Russian with some Kabardinian with Russian voiceover
    Call number

BLANK, Aleksandr

  • Tsygan [The Gypsy] 1979, 338 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call numberParts 1-2, 175 minutes
    Call numberParts 3-4, 163 minutes
  • Vozvrashchenie Budulaia [The Return of Budulai] 1985, 290 minutes, in Russian
    Call numberParts 1-2, 156 minutes
    Call numberParts 3-4, 134 minutes

BLANK, Boris

  • Kar´era Arturo Ui. Novaia versiia [The Career of Arturo Ui. A New Version] 1996, 100 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Dolg [The Debt] 2009, 114 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BOBROV, Sergei

  • Poslednii zaboi [The Last Coalface] 2007, 89 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
  • Prikazano unichtozhit´. Operatsiia "Kitaiskaia shkatulka" [Ordered to Destroy. Operation "Chinese Box"] 2008, approx 160 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Oi, vy, gusi [Oh You Geese] 1991, 83 minutes
    Call number
  • V toi strane [In That Land] 1997, 85 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Babusia [Grannie] 2003, 95 minutes, in Russian with optional French, English and Dutch subtitles
    Call number


  • Chelovek bez pasporta [The Man without a Passport] 1965, 94 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Vozvrashchenie "Sviatogo Luki" [The Return of "St Luke"] 1970, 90 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Niurkina zhizn´ [Niurka's Life] 1971, 93 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Chernyi prints [The Black Prince] 1973, 91minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Troe na shosse [Three on the Main Road] 1983, 84 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Vam chto, nasha vlast´ ne nravitsia?! [What, Don't You Like Our System?!] 1988, approx.. 88 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Van´ka [Vanka] 1959, 30 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • Sed´moe nebo [Seventh Heaven] 1971, 92 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number

BOCHAROV, Eduard and KINUGASA, Teinosuke

  • Malen´kii beglets [Chiisai ôô] [The Little Runaway] 1966, 103 minutes, in Russian with some Japanese with Russian voiceover
    Call number

BODROV, Sergei Sergeevich [Sergei Bodrov Jr]

  • Sestry [Sisters] 2001, 80 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number

BODROV, Sergei Vladimirovich [Sergei Bodrov Sr]

  • Neprofessionaly [Non-Professionals] 1985, 64 minutes
    Call numberin Russian
    Call numberin Russian or Kazakh
  • Katala (co-directed with Aleksandr Buravskii) 1989, 73 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • SER (Svoboda - eto rai) [Freedom is Paradise] 1989
    Call number75 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    Call number72 minutes, in Russian
  • Belyi korol´, krasnaia koroleva [White King, Red Queen] 1992, 82 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Ia khotela uvidet´ angelov [I Wanted to See Angels] 1992, 85 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    Call number
  • Kavkazskii plennik [Prisoner of the Caucasus] [Prisoner of the Mountains] 1996, 95 minutes
    Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with optional subtitles
  • Running Free [Luckys Grosse Abentuer] 1999, 81 minutes, in English or in German with optional English, German, Dutch, Polish, Turkish, Czech, Danish, Hungarian and Swedish subtitles
    Call number
  • The Quickie [Davai sdelaem eto po-bystromu] 2000, 95 minutes, in English with optional Russian voiceover or subtitles
    Call number
  • Medvezhii potselui [Bear's Kiss] 2002, 95 minutes, dubbed into Russian with additional Russian overdubbing
    Call number
  • Mongol [The Mongol] 2007
    Call number109 minutes, in Mongolian with Russian voiceover
    Call number121 minutes, in Mongolian with English subtitles

See also underBodrov, Temenov and Passer


  • Igrok [The Gambler] 1966, 84 minutes, in Russian with optional German, English and French subtitles
    Call number


  • Iuda [Judas] 2013, 108 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Krasnyi prizrak [The Red Ghost] 2020, 98 minutes, in Russian with some German with Russian voiceover
    Call number

See also under Voronetskaia and Bogatyrev

BOGIN, Mikhail

  • Dvoe [Two of Them] 1965, 36 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zosia, 1967, 64 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • O liubvi [About Love] 1970, 73 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Ishchu cheloveka [I am Looking for Someone] 1973, 91 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


See underChebotarev and Bogoliubov


  • Razlom [The Break-Up] 1952, 145 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Devushka-Dzhigit [The Girl-Dzhigit] 1955, 87 minutes, in Russian or in Kazakh
    Call number


  • Son v letnee utro [A Dream on a Summer Morning] 1989, 18 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
  • 9 rota [The Ninth Company] 2005, 134 minutes
    Call numberin Russian with optional Russian subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
  • Obitaemyi ostrov [Inhabited Island] 2008, 116 minutes
    Call numberin Russian without subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
  • Obitaemyi ostrov. Fil´m 2. Skhvatka [The Inhabited Island. Film 2. Combat] 2009, 103 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number
    Call number
  • Stalingrad, 2013, 131 minutes, in Russian with optional English, Czech, Hungarian, Polish and Portuguese dubbed versions and Polish voiceover version and with optional English, Arabic, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Estonian, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil), Romanian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene and Turkish subtitles
    Call number(Blu ray disc)
    Call number(Blu ray 3D disc)
  • Pritiazhenie [Attraction] 2017
    Call number127 minutes, in Russian
    Call number132 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
  • Pritiazhenie 2 (Vtorzhenie) [Attraction 2 (Invasion)] 2019, 133 minutes, in Russian with French subtitles or with optional French subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing or in French dubbed version
    Call number(Blu ray disc)

See also underBondarchuk, Sergei with Bondarchuk, Fedor


  • Zhivaia raduga [A Living Rainbow] 1982, 64 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Detstvo Bembi [Bambi's Childhood] 1985, 77 minutes, in Russian with optional French dubbed version and optional Russian or English subtitles
    Call number
  • Iunost´ Bembi [Bambi's Youth] 1986, 66 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian or English subtitles
    Call number


  • Sud´ba cheloveka [A Man's Fate] 1959, 95 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed version or subtitles
    Call number
  • Voina i mir [War and Peace] 1965-1967, 403 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed versions or subtitles
    Call numberPart 1
    Call numberPart 2
    Call numberPart 3
    Call numberPart 4
    Call numberInterviews and documentary material
    Four parts: 104 minutes 56 seconds, 97 minutes 57 seconds, 81 minutes 37 secondsand 96 minutes 32 seconds
    Total running time: 381 minutes 2seconds
    Call numbers,and(2K digital restoration)
  • Waterloo, 1970, 128 minutes, in English
    Call number
  • Oni srazhalis´ za Rodinu [They Fought for the Motherland]
    Call number137 minutes, in Russian
    Call numberPart 1, 75 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed versions and subtitles
    Call numberPart 2, 62 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed versions and subtitles
    Call number157 minutes, in Russian (Blu ray disc)
  • Step´ [The Steppe] 1977, 126 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Boris Godunov, 1986, 139 minutes
    Call numberin Russian
    Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
  • Tikhii Don [And Quiet Flows the Don] [The Quiet Don] 2006, 177 minutes, in English
    Call number


  • Tikhii Don [And Quiet Flows the Don] [The Quiet Don] 2006, 364 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call numberParts 1-4, 209 minutes
    Call numberParts 5-7, 155 minutes


  • Machekha [The Stepmother] 1973, 89 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Molodost´ s nami [Youth is With Us] 1978, approx. 87 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Vash vykhod, devochki... [Your Way Out, Girls...] 1991, 89 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Olen´ia okhota [The Deer Hunt] 1981, 70 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Nepobedimyi [Invincible] 1983, 69 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Gospodin gimnazist [Mr Gimnaziia Student] 1985, 75 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BORISOV, Aleksandr

  • Krotkaia [A Gentle Creature] 1960, 68 minutes
    Call numberin Russian
    Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles


  • Stezhki-dorozhki [Paths and Roads] 1963, approx. 69 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Chuzhaia [The Alien Girl] 2010
    Call number104 minutes, in Russian
    Call number95 minutes, in Russian with optional French dubbing and optional English or French subtitles
  • Okolofutbola [Around Football] [Kicking Off] 2013, 93 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


See underShakhnazarovand also underGiller and Borodianskii

BORTKO, Vladimir

  • Blondinka za uglom [The Blonde Around the Corner] 1984, 81 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Edinozhdy solgav... [Having Lied Once...] 1987, 91 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Sobach´e serdtse [The Heart of a Dog] 1988
    Call number130 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
    Call number136 minutes, in Russian (Blu ray disc)
    Call number136 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles (Blu ray disc)
  • Afganskii izlom [Afghan Breakdown] 1991
    Call number140 minutes,in Russian
    Call number132 minutes,in Russian
    Call number132 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
  • Udachi vam, gospoda [Good Luck, Gentlemen] 1992, 86 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Tsirk sgorel, i klouny razbezhalis´ [The Circus Has Burnt Down and the Clowns Have Run Away] 1998, 110 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Idiot [The Idiot] 2003, 10 x 52 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call numberParts 1-3, 3 x 52 minutes
    Call numberParts 4-5, 2 x 52 minutes
    Call numberParts 6-8, 3 x 52 minutes
    Call numberParts 9-10, 2 x 52 minutes
  • Master i Margarita [The Master and Margarita] 2005
    Call numberEpisodes 1 & 2, 90 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call numberEpisodes 3 & 4, 97 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call numberEpisodes 5 & 6, 100 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call numberEpisodes 7 & 8, 101 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call numberEpisodes 9 & 10, 101 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call numberEpisodes 1-4, 191 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call numberEpisodes 5-7, 149 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call numberEpisodes 8-10, 154 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
  • Taras Bul´ba [Taras Bulba] [The Conqueror], 2009
    Call number126 minutes, in Russian
    Call number133 minutes, in Russian with optional English dubbed version and with optional English subtitles
  • Petr Pervyi. Zaveshchanie [Peter the Great. The Testament] 2011, in 4 parts, total running time 220 minutes 36 seconds, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • Dusha shpiona [The Soul of a Spy] 2015, 105 minutes, in Russian and English with Russian voiceover for the English
    Call number
  • O liubvi [About Love] 2016, 95 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number(poor quality subtitletranslation)

BRADSHAW, Jamie and DULERAIN, Aleksandr

  • The Offshore Reserves [Offshornye rezervy] 2005, 16 minutes, in English with optional Russian subtitles
    Call number

BRAGIN, Vladimir

  • Liumi, 1991, 100 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Gololed [Black Ice] 2003, 69 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • Shoping-tur [Shopping Tour] 2012, 70 minutes, in Russian, Finnish and English with English subtitles
    Call number

BRAUN, Vladimir

  • Sokrovishche pogibshego korablia [Treasure of the Lost Ship] 1935, 78 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
  • Moriaki [Sailors] 1939, 86 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
  • Morskoi iastreb [The Sea Hawk] 1941, 71 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
  • Sinie skaly [Blue Cliffs] [Boevoi kinosbornik No. 9] [Fighting Film Collection No. 9] 1942, 15 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Sto vtoroi kilometr [The One Hundred and Second Kilometre] [Boevoi kinosbornik No. 11] [Fighting Film Collection No. 11] 1942, 21 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Propavshii bez vesti [Lost without Trace] 1943, 31 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
    Call number
  • V dal´nem plavanii [On a Long Voyage] 1945, 87 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
    Call number
  • Golubye dorogi [The Blue Roads] 1947, 82 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • V mirnye dni [In Peaceful Days] 1950, 91 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Maksimka, 1952, 74 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Komandir korablia [The Ship's Commander] 1954, 95 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BRENČS, Aloizs ('Aļiks') [Aloiz BRENCH]

  • Troinaia proverka [հīŧ pārbaude] [Triple Check] 1969, dubbed into Russianfrom Latvian
    Call number83 minutes
    Call number91 minutes
  • Gorod pod lipami (Epizody geroicheskoi oborony) [ʾŧٲ zem liepām] [The Town under the Limes (Episodes of Heroic Defence)] 1971, 89 minutes, dubbed into Russian from Latvian
    Call number
  • Shakh koroleve brilliantov [Šahs briljantu karalienei] [Mate to the Queen of Diamonds] 1973, approx. 87 minutes, dubbed into Russian from Latvian
    Call number
  • Svet v kontse tonnelia [Gaisma ٳܲԱļ gala] [Light at the End of the Tunnel] 1974, 92 minutes, dubbed into Russian from Latvian
    Call number
  • Kliuchi ot raia [Paradīzes atslēgas] [The Keys to Paradise] 1975, 83 minutes, dubbed into Russian from Latvian
    Call number
  • Byt´ lishnim [Liekam būt] [To Be Superfluous] 1976, approx. 90 minutes, dubbed into Russian from Latvian
    Call number
  • Podarki po telefonu [Dāvanas pa telefonu] [Gifts by Telephone] 1977, approx. 90 minutes, dubbed into Russian from Latvian
    Call number
  • Ralli [Rallijs] [The Rally] 1978, 89 minutes, dubbed into Russian from Latvian with some Polish and German
    Call number
  • Dvoinoi kapkan [Dubultslazds] [Double Trap] 1985, approx. 133 minutes, dubbed into Russian from Latvian
    Call number
  • Duplet [Duplets] [The In-Off] 1992, 102 minutes, dubbed into Russian from Latvian
    Call number
  • Roman alla russa [Romance, Russian Style] 1994, 84 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BRENČS, Aloizs ('Aļiks') [Aloiz BRENCH]with GORIAEV, Rostislav

  • 24-25 ne vozvrashchaetsia [24-25 neatgriežas] [24-25 is not Coming Back] 1968, 85 minutes, dubbed into Russian from Latvian
    Call number


  • O vozvrashchenii zabyt´ [Forget about Returning] 1985, 80 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BRIUNCHUGIN, Evgenii and NAVROTSKII, Sigizmund

  • "Bogatyr´" idet v Marto [The "Bogatyr" Goes to Marto] 1954, 77 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BROMBERG, Konstantin

  • Prikliucheniia Elektronika [The Adventures of the Electronic] 1979, Total running time: 71 + 64 + 63 = 198 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • Charodei [Wizards] 1982, 147 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call number

BROVKIN, Viacheslav

  • Sledstvie vedut znatoki. Delo pervoe. Chernyi makler [The Investigation is Carried Out by Experts. Case No. 1. The Black Broker] 1971, 95 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Sledstvie vedut znatoki. Delo vtoroe. Vashe podlinnoe imia [The Investigation is Carried Out by Experts. Case No. 2. Your Real Name] 1971, 85 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Sledstvie vedut znatoki. Delo tret´e. S polichnym [The Investigation is Carried Out by Experts. Case No. 3. Red-Handed] 1971, 94 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Sledstvie vedut znatoki. Povinnuiu golovu... [The Investigation is Carried Out by Experts.Case No. 4. A Fault Confessed...] 1971, 91 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Sledstvie vedut znatoki. Delo piatoe. Dinozavr [The Investigation is Carried Out by Experts. Case No. 5. The Dinosaur] 1972, 115 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Sledstvie vedut znatoki. Delo shestoe. Shantazh [The Investigation is Carried Out by Experts. Case No. 6. Blackmail] 1972, 148 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Sledstvie vedut znatoki. Delo deviatoe. Svidetel´ [The Investigation is Carried Out by Experts. Case No. 9. The Witness] 1973, 93 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Sledstvie vedut znatoki. Delo odinnadtsatoe. Liuboi tsenoi [The Investigation is Carried Out by Experts. Case No. 11. At Any Price] 1977, 109 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Sledstvie vedut znatoki. Delo dvenadtsatoe. "Buket" na prieme [The Investigation is Carried Out by Experts. Case No. 12. A "Bouquet" to Collect] 1978, 112 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Sledstvie vedut znatoki. Delo trinadtsatoe. Do tret´ego vystrela [The Investigation is Carried Out by Experts. Case No. 13. Before the Third Shot] 1978, 179 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Sledstvie vedut znatoki. Delo chetyrnadtsatoe. Podpasok s ogurtsom [The Investigation is Carried Out by Experts. Case No. 14. The Herdsboy with the Cucumber] 1979, 192 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Sledstvie vedut znatoki. Delo piatnadtsatoe. Ushel i ne vernulsia [The Investigation is Carried Out by Experts. Case No. 15. He Left and Didn't Come Back] 1980, 105 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Sledstvie vedut znatoki. Delo dvadtsat´ pervoe. Bez nozha i kasteta [The Investigation is Carried Out by Experts. Case No. 21. Without Knife and Knuckle-Duster] 1988, 124 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Dopol´nitel´noe vremia [Extra Time] 2005, 86 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian, English, French, German, Spanish and Italian subtitles
    Call number


  • Gavaiskii val´s [Hawaiian Waltz] 1990, 24 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Proval operatsii "Bol´shaia medveditsa" [The Failure of Operation "Great Bear"] 1983, 88 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Staryi dom [The Old House] 1969, 83 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Posledniaia vstrecha [The Last Meeting] 1974, 87 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Derevnia Utka [The Village Called Utka] [Duck Village] 1976, 84 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
    Call number
  • Zloi dukh Iambuia [The Evil Spirit of Iambui] 1978, 89 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles and dubbed versions
    Call number
  • Sil´nee vsekh inykh velenii (Siiuta na russkie temy) [Stronger than all other Imperatives (A Suite on Russian Themes)] 1987, 95 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

See also underUl´iantsev and Buneev

BUNEEV, Viktor

  • Tainstvennaia nakhodka [A Mysterious Find] 1953, 73 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BURAVSKII, Aleksandr

  • Leningrad, 2007, 206 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
  • Leningrad [Attack on Leningrad] 2007, 106 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    Call number


  • Lermontov, 1986, 76 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number


  • Kakaia naglost´! [How Brazen] Part of "Sto gramm" dlia khrabrosti. Kinoal´manakh ["One Hundred Grammes" for Bravery! A Film Almanach] 1976, 15 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zudov, vy uvoleny! [Zudov, You're Fired!] 1984, approx. 76 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Nash amerikanskii Boria [Our American Boria] 1992, 83 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BUSLOV, Konstantin

  • Bablo [Loot] 2011, 88 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Kalashnikov, 2020, 104 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    Call number(poor quality translation)


  • Bumer [Boomer] 2003, 110 minutes
    Call numberin Russian
    Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
  • Antibumer [Anti-Boomer] 2004, 73 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
  • Bumer - Fil´m vtoroi [Bumer - Film 2] 2006, 111 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
  • Nasha Russia. Glavnoe dostoianie nashei strany [Our Russia. The Main Property of Our Country] 2008, 113 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Nasha Russia. Trudovye budni krasnodarskikh pastukhov [Our Russia. The Working Days of Krasnodar Shepherds] 2008, 75 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Srochnyi remont [Urgent Repair] 2009, 18 minutes, in Korotkoe zamykanie [Short Circuit] [Crush. Five Stories about Love] Almanac
    Call numberin Russian with optional English and French subtitles
    Call numberin Russian, followed by 50 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series
  • Vysotskii. Spasibo, chto zhivoi [Vysotskii. Thank God I'm Alive] 2011, 127 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Vysotskii. Spasibo, chto zhivoi [Vysotskii. Thank God I'm Alive] 2011, 204 minutes, in Russian
    Call number(4 part serial)
  • Rodina [Motherland] 2015, in Russian
    Call number125 minutes
    Call number120 minutes (better quality copy)


See underGostev and Butros


  • Endshpil´ [Endgame] 1980, 18 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Prozrachnoe solntse oseni [The Transparent Sun of Autumn] 1982, 29 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Aplodismenty, aplodismenty... [Applause, Applause...] 1984, 73 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Sadovnik [The Gardener] 1987, 95 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Tormozhenie v nebesakh [Braking in the Heavens] 1989, 77 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Est´ ideia... [I Have an Idea...] 2003, 103 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian subtitles
    Call number
  • Chest´ imeiu!... [I Have the Honour!...] 2004, 196 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Schastlivyi neudachnik [The Happy Failure] 1993, 85 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number

BYCHKOV, Vladimir

  • Gorod masterov [Town of the Masters] 1965, 79 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
    Call number
  • Dostoianie respubliki [Property of the Republic] 1971, 131 minutes
    Call numberin Russian
    Call numberin Russian with optional Russian subtitles
  • Rusalochka [The Little Mermaid] 1976, 78 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed versions and subtitles
    Call number


  • Piter FM, 2005, 84 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Plius odin [Plus One] 2008, 97 minutes
    Call numberin Russian (followed by 68 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)
    Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
  • Eshche odin god [Another Year] 2013
    Call number87 minutes,in Russian
    Call number103 minutes,in Russian (better quality copy)
    Call number107minutes, in Russian with English subtitles

BYKOV, Iurii

  • Zhit´ [To Live] 2010, 72 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number(followed by 52 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)
  • Maior [The Major] 2013
    Call number93 minutes, in Russian
    Call number99 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
  • Durak [The Fool] 2014
    Call number116 minutes, in Russian
    Call number121 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
  • Spiashchie [Sleepers] 2017, 8 episodes, total running time 433 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zavod [The Factory] 2018
    Call number 106 minutes, in Russian
    Call number 111 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
  • Storozh [The Watchman] 2019, 103 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BYKOV, Leonid

  • Zaichik [Leveret] 1964, 82 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Gde vy, rytsari? [Where are You, Knights?] 1971, 66 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • V boi idut odni "stariki" [Only "Old Men" Go Into Battle] 1973, 88 minutes
    Call numberin Russian with optional Russian subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with optional French voiceover version and optional Russian, English, French, German, Spanish and Italian subtitles
    Call number(colourised version) in Russian with optional English subtitles
  • Aty-Baty, shli soldaty... [Aty-Baty, Soldiers Marched...] 1976, 83 minutes
    Call numberin Russian with optional Russian subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles

See also underRappaport and Bykovand also documentary onBykov, Leonid

BYKOV, Rolan

  • Sem´ nianek [Nine nurses] 1962, 72 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Aibolit-66 1966, 94 minutes
    Call numberin Russian with optional Russian subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
  • Vnimanie, cherepakha! [Attention, Tortoise!] 1969, 86 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Nos [The Nose] 1977, 97 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Chuchelo [Scarecrow] 1983, 120 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

BYKOV, Rolan and ORLOV, Nikita

  • Propalo leto [Wasted Summer] 1963, 74 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


CARRÉ, Jean-Michel

  • Lisa Alisa [The Fox Alisa] 2001, 85 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


See under Goluebva and Castellani

CHALIN, Stanislav

See underUsov and Chalin


  • Pikovaia dama [The Queen of Spades] 1910, 15 minutes, Russian titles, English subtitles, added music track
    Call number
    Call number
  • Diadiushkina kvartira [Uncle's Flat] 1913, 26 minutes, Russian titles
    Call numberwith a new soundtrack by Markscheider Kunst
    Call numberadded music track
  • Domik v Kolomne [The Little House in Kolomna] 1913
    Call number30 minutes, Russian titles, English subtitles, added music track
    Call number22 minutes, silent, no added music track
    Call number22 minutes, Russian titles, added music track
    Call number30 minutes, Russian titles, English subtitles, added music track
  • Mirazhi [Mirages] 1915
    Call number37 minutes, Russian titles, added music track
    Call number37 minutes, Russian titles, added music track
    Call number58 minutes, Russian titles, with optional English subtitles, silent with added music track
  • Molchi, grust´, molchi (Skazka liubvi dorogoi) [Still, Sadness, Still (A Tale of Dear Love)] 1918
    Call number45 minutes, Russian titles, added music track
    Call number44 minutes, Russian titles, added music track
    Call number62 minutes, Russian titles, with optional English subtitles, silent with added music track


  • Kak vas teper´ nazyvat´... [What's your Name Now?...] 1965, 97 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • Dikii med [Wild Honey] 1966, in Russian
    Call number98 minutes
    Call number93 minutes
  • Pravo pervoi podpisi [The Right of First Signature] 1978, 90 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • Vystrel v spinu [Shot in the Back] 1980, 87 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Kol´tso iz Amsterdama [The Ring From Amsterdam] 1981, 82 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Trevozhnyi vylet [Troubled Flight] 1983, approx. 80 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Neizvestnye stranitsy iz zhizni razvedchika [Unknown Pages from the Life of an Intelligence Agent] 1990, 90 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

See also underKazanskii and Chebotarev

CHEBOTAREV, Vladimir and BOGOLIUBOV, Aleksandr

  • Batal´ony prosiat ognia [The Battalions Ask for Fire] 1985, 268 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Parshivye ovtsy [Black Sheep] 2010, 119 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number


  • Zolotoi tuman [Golden Fog] 1993, 75 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

CHERNIAEV, Aleksandr

  • Chuzhaia voina [Someone Else's War] 2013, 84 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zima [Winter] 2018, 79 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Ivin A., 1990, 77 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number

CHERNYKH, Aleksandr

  • Ia liubliu [I love] 1994, 62 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • On ne zaviazyval shnurki [He Didn't Tie His Shoelaces] 1997, 74 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • M + Zh. (Ia liubliu tebia) [Love Journal (Male and Female) (I Love You)] 2009, 77 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Fa minor [F Minor] 1989, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Avstriiskoe pole [The Austrian Field] [Le Champ Autricien] 1991, approx. 85 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Sekret vinodeliia (Opyt ukroshcheniia ambitsii) [The Secret of Wine-Making (An Attempt to Tame Ambitions)] 1994, 65 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


See underKavun and Cherviakov


  • Goroda i gody [Towns and Years] 1930, 73 minutes, reels 3 and 5 lost, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zakliuchennye [Prisoners] 1936, 87 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
  • Chest´ [Honour] 1938, 76 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
  • Stanitsa Dal´niaia [Dal´niaia Settlement] 1939, 84 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
    Call number
  • U staroi niani [At the Old Nanny's] [Boevoi kinosbornik No. 2] 1941, 16 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
    Call number


  • Chernaia bereza [The Black Birch] 1977, c. 140 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Kuka, 2007, 101 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
  • Na more! [To the Sea!] 2008, 99 minutes, in Russian with some German with Russian voiceover
    Call number
  • Schastlivyi konets [Happy End] 2009, 97 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

CHIAURELI, Mikhail Edisherovich

  • Arsen, 1937, 77 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
  • Velikoe zarevo [The Great Glow] 1938, 82 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
  • Georgii Saakadze, 1942-1943, 174 minutes, in Russian
    Call numberPart 1
    Call numberPart 2
  • Kliatva [Pici] [The Vow] 1946, 108 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Padenie Berlina [The Fall of Berlin] 1949
    Call numberfirst 70 minutes, in Russian
    Call numberlast 75 minutes, in Russian
    Call number149 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
  • Nezabyvaemyi 1919 god [Unforgettable 1919] 1951, 141 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number

CHIAURELI, Mikhail Otarovich

  • Ia - krestnyi Pele! [Pele is my Godfather!] 1991, 77 minutes, dubbed into Russian from Georgian
    Call number

CHIAURELI, Mikhail Otarovich and SHENGELAIA, Georgii

  • Devushka so shveinoi mashinoi [Sikvaruli kvelas unda] [The Girl with the Sewing Machine] 1980, 82 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Pervyi posle Boga [First After God] 2005, 100 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
  • Etiud v svetlykh tonakh [Study in Light Tones] 5 minutes, in Moskva, ia liubliu tebia! Kinoal´manakh [Moscow, I Love You! A Film Almanac] 2010, 91 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Lev Iashin. Vratar´ moei mechty [Lev Iashin. The Goalkeeper of My Dream] 2019, 116 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

CHIKOV, Valerii

  • Ne poslat´ li nam... gontsa? [Should We Not Send a Messenger?] 1998, 99 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Stuk v dver´ [A Knock at the Door] 1989, 76 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Kto vse pridumal [He Who Had Invented All This]2011, 14 minutes 45 seconds, in Georgian with English subtitles
    Call number


  • Paren´ s nashego kladbishcha [The Guy from our Cemetery] 2015, in Russian
    Call number87 minutes
    Call number84 minutes (better quality copy)


  • Nash dvor [Our Courtyard] 1956, 85 minutes, dubbed into Russian from Georgian
    Call number
  • Otets soldata [The Father of the Soldier] 1964, 86 minutes
    Call numberin Georgian with Russian overdubbing
    Call numberin Russian with optional dubbed versions and subtitles
  • Nu i molodezh´! [Those Young People!] 1969, 93 minutes, dubbed from Georgian into Russian
    Call number
  • Sazhentsy [Saplings] 1972, 93 minutes, in Georgian with Russian overdubbing
    Call number

See also underAbuladze and Chkheidze


  • Po priamoi [In a Straight Line] 1992, 64 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Velikii pokhod za nevestoi [The Great March for a Bride] 1984, 89 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Prikovannye rystari [Chained Knights] 1999, 87 minutes, in Russian [dubbed from Georgian]
    Call number

CHUKHRAI, Grigorii

  • Sorok pervyi [The Forty First] 1956, 86 minutes
    Call numberin Russian with optional subtitles and voiceover versions
    Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
  • Ballada o soldate [The Ballad of a Soldier] 1959
    Call number89 minutes, in Russian
    Call number89 minutes, in Russian with optional English and French dubbed versions and optional Russian, English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Hebrew, Swedish and Chinese subtitles
    Call number88 minutes, in Russian (Blu ray disc)
  • Chistoe nebo [A Clear Sky] 1961, 103 minutes
    Call numberin Russian
    Call numberin Russian with optional subtitles and voiceover versions
  • Zhili-byli starik so starukhoi [There Once Lived an Old Man and an Old Woman] 1964, 130 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
  • Triasina [Quagmire] 1977, 116 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zhizn´ prekrasna [Life is Fine] 1979, approx. 95 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Ty inogda vspominai! [Remember Sometimes!] 1977, 85 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Liudi v okeane [People in the Ocean] 1980, 82 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Kletka dlia kanareek [The Canary Cage] 1983, in Russian
    Call number77 minutes
    Call number72 minutes
  • Zina-Zinulia, 1986, 83 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zapomnite menia takoi [Remember me this way] 1987
    Call number100 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    Call number138 minutes, in Russian
  • Vor [The Thief] 1997
    Call number93 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles, complete version
    Call number89 minutes, in Russian with optional English, Spanish and French subtitles, lacks the final episode set during the Chechen War
  • Voditel´ dlia Very [A Driver for Vera] 2004, 111 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
    Call number
  • Russkaia igra [The Russian Game] 2007, 95 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
  • Kholodnoe tango [Cold Tango] 2017, in Russian
    Call number102 minutes
    Call number107 minutes (Blu ray disc)


  • Nepoddaiushchiesia [The Unsubmissive] 1959, 75 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • Devchata [The Girls] 1961, 92 minutes
    Call numberin Russian
    Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
  • Korolevskaia regata [The Royal Regatta] 1966, 81 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Korol´ manezha [King of the Arena] 1969, 64 minutes, in Russian
    Call number, lacks start
  • Kak stat´ schastlivym [How to Become Happy] 1985, 84 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

CHUPOV, Aleksei

See underMerkulova and Chupov



  • V Baku duiut vetry [Winds Blow in Baku] 1974, 83 minutes, in Russian with some German with Russian voiceover
    Call number


  • Put´ k prichalu [The Path to the Mooring] 1962, 84 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Ia shagaiu po Moskve [I Walk around Moscow] 1963, 73 minutes
    Call numberin Russian
    Call numberdubbed into English
    Call numberin Russian only without subtitles
    Call numberin Russian only without subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
  • Tridtsat´ tri (Nenauchnaia fantastika) [Thirty three (An unscientific fantasy)] 1965, 73 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
  • Ne goriui! [Grieve Not!] 1969, 89 minutes
    Call numberin Russian
    Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
  • Sovsem propashchii [Completely Lost] 1973, 93 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call numebr
  • Afonia, 1975, 90 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Mimino, 1977, 95 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed and subtitled versions
    Call number
  • Osennii marafon. Pechal´naia komediia [Autumn Marathon. A Sad Comedy] 1979, 87 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed versions or subtitles
    Call number
  • Slezy kapali [Tears Flowed] 1982, 84 minutes
    Call numberin Russian
    Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
  • Kin-dza-dza! 1986, 127 minutes
    Call numberin Russian only without subtitles
    Call numbersandin Russian with optional English and French voiceover versions and with optional Russian, English, French, Spanish, Italian and German subtitles
  • Pasport [The Passport] 1990, 97 minutes, in Russian without subtitles, with some Georgian with Russian voiceover
    Call number
  • Nastia 1993, in Russian
    Call number85 minutes
    Call number84 minutes
  • Orel i reshka [Heads and Tails] 1995, 82 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Fortuna [Fortune] 2000, 85 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number

See also underTalankin and DaneliiaandDaneliiain the Animation index.


  • Frantsuz [The Frenchman] 1988, 74 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • Bozh´ia tvar´ [God's Creature] 1991, 76 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

DARUGA, Aleksandr

  • Smert´ shpionam. Lis´ia nora [Death to Spies. The Fox Hole] 2012, 46 minutes 32 seconds + 46 minutes 43 seconds + 46 minutes 44 seconds + 48 minutes 23 seconds = 188 minutes 22 seconds, in Russian with some German and Belorussian and with optional English subtitles
    Call number(the English subtitles are of poor quality)


  • Pravda leitenanta Klimova [Lieutenant Klimov's Truth] 1981, 85 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

See also underKadochnikov and Dashkevich

DAUSON, Antonin and MUZYKANT, Iurii

  • Puchina [The Abyss] 1958, 95 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Sledstvie vedut znatoki. Delo dvadtsatoe. Bumerang [The Investigation is Carried Out by Experts. Case No. 20. The Boomerang] 1987, 180 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Stal´naia babochka [The Steel Butterfly] 2012, 107 minutes, in Russian
    Call number(Blu ray disc)
  • A zori zdes´ tikhie [The Dawns Are Quiet Here] 2015
    Call number102 minutes, in Russian
    Call number177 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles (4-part serial)


  • Dva kapitana II [Two Captains II] 1992, 65 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call number
  • Kompleks nevmeniaemosti [Diminished Responsibility Complex] 1992, 26 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call number
  • Zolotoe sechenie [The Golden Mean] 2009, 91 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number(followed by 44 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)

DEMENT, Viktor

  • Nakhodka [The Find] 2015, 98 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


See underTomashpol´skii and Dem´ianenko


  • Kakraki, 2009, 105 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Roman i Francheska [Roman and Francesca] 1960, 90 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Son [A Dream] 1964, 91 minutes, in Ukrainian or Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • Na kievskom napravlenii [In the Direction of Kiev] 1967, 93 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Poslednii mesiats oseni [The Last Month of Autumn] 1965, 75 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Po sledu vlastelina [On the Track of the Potentate] 1979, 90 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Taina "chernykh drozdov" [The "Blackbird" Mystery] 1983, 92 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Zmeelov [The Snake Hunter] 1985, 91 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Dom svidanii [Maison de rencontres] 1991, 86 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Ona vas liubit [She Loves You] 1956, 80 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number


  • Tsentr napadeniia [Centre Forward] 1946, 72 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Volki v zone [Wolves in the Zone] 1990, 80 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

DE SANTIS, Giuseppe and GRIGOR´EV, Dmitrii

  • Italiani brava gente [Italians are Brave People] [Attack and Retreat] [Oni shli na vostok] [They Went East] 1964, 142 minutes, in Italian and Russian with Russian voiceover for the Italian
    Call number

DE VITAL, William AND BASAEV, Aleksandr

  • Pes ryzhii [Red] 2017, 95 minutes, English language version
    Call number

D´IACHENKO, Anatolii

  • Porazhenie posle pobedy [Defeat after Victory] 1988, 68 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Den´ radio [Radio Day] 2008, 99 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • O chem govoriat muzhchiny [What Men Talk About] 2010
    Call number93 minutes, in Russian
    Call number97minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
  • O chem esche govoriat muzhchiny [What Else Men Talk About] 2011, 95 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles (subtitles not always accurate)
    Call number


  • Nikogda [Never] 1962, 85 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Sem´ia [The Family] 1985, 25 minutes, in Georgian with English subtitles
    Call number


  • Robinzonada anu chemi ingliseli papa [Robinzonada, ili Moi angliiskii dedushka] [Robinsonada, or my English Grandfather] 1986, 76 minutes
    Call numberin Georgian or dubbed into Russian from Georgian
    Call numberin Georgian or in Georgian with Russian voiceover, with optional Russian, English and French subtitles
  • Les Mille et une recettes du cuisinier amoureux [Tysiacha i odin retsept vliublennogo povara] [A Chef in Love] 1996, 92 minuteslacks ending, in French and Georgian with Russian overdubbing
    Call number
  • 27 ukradennykh potseluev [27 Missing Kisses] 2000, 92 minutes, in Georgian and Russian with Russian overdubbing
    Call number
  • Vysotka [High Rise] 5 minutes, in Moskva, ia liubliu tebia! Kinoal´manakh [Moscow, I Love You! A Film Almanac] 2010, 91 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Moia rusalka, moia Loreliai [My Rusalka, My Lorelei] 2013, 74 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


See underVishnevskii and Dmitrievskii


See underNavrotskii and Dmokhovskiiand also underApsolon and Dmokhovskii


  • Idu iskat´ [I'm Going to Look] 1966, 90 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Ivan Makarovich, 1968, 80 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Potomu chto liubliu [Because I Love It] 1974, 88 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Raspisanie na poslezavtra [A Timetable for the Day After Tomorrow] 1978, 85 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Belye rosy [White Dew] 1983, 83 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian, English or German subtitles
    Call number

DOBRYGIN, Grigorii

  • Verpackungen [Verpaskungen] 2014, 15 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Kukaracha [Cucaracha] 1982, 86 minutes
    Call numberin Russian
    Call numberin Georgian, with optional Russian and French dubbed versions and optional Russian, English, French, German, Italian and Spanish subtitles subtitles

DOLIN, Boris

  • Seryi razboinik [The Grey Robber] 1956, 64 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Novyi attraktsion [The New Attraction] 1957, 86 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

DOLININ, Dmitrii

  • Sentimental´noe puteshestvie na kartoshku [A Sentimental Journey for Potato Picking] 1986, 78 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Viktoriia [Victoria] 1987, 83 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Ubegaiushchii avgust [Fleeting August] 1989, 74 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

See also underAdomenaite and Dolinin

DOLLER, Mikhail

See underPudovkinandAndrievskii and Doller


  • Detstvo Gor´kogo [Gor´kii's Childhood] 1938, restored 1977, 96 minutes
    Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
    Call numberin Russian without subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with optional English and French dubbed versions and optional Russian, English, French, Spanish, Italian, German and Portuguese subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles, Russian and English Hyperkino commentary version
    Call numberin Russian with optional Russian, English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese subtitles
  • V liudiakh [My Apprenticeship] 1938, restored 1977, 97 minutes
    Call numberin Russian without subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with optional English and French dubbed versions and optional Russian, English, French, Spanish, Italian, German and Portuguese subtitles
  • Moi universitety [My Universities] 1939, restored 1977, 97 minutes
    Call numberin Russian without subtitles
    Call numberin Russian with optional English and French dubbed versions and optional Russian, English, French, Spanish, Italian, German and Portuguese subtitles
  • Romantiki [Romantics] 1941, 65 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Kak zakalialias´ stal´ [How the Steel was Tempered] 1942, 87 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
  • Maiak [The Lighthouse] Boevoi kinosbornik No. 9 [Fighting Film Collection No. 9] 1942, 21 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Raduga [The Rainbow] 1943, 86 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • Nepokorennye [The Unvanquished] 1945, 90 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
  • Sel´skaia uchitel´nitsa [The Village Schoolteacher] 1947, 98 minutes
    Call numberin Russian
    Call numberin Russian with optional subtitles
  • Alitet ukhodit v gory [Alitet Goes Off to the Hills] 1949, 95 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Dorogoi tsenoi [At a Dear Price] 1957, 91 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Foma Gordeev, 1959, 95 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
  • Zdravstvuite, deti! [Hello, Children!] 1962, 75 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Nadezhda, 1973, 92 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Suprugi Orlovy [The Orlovs] 1978, 81 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number

DONSKOV, Valentin and KOZHEVNIKOV, Igor´

  • Posylka s Marsa [A Parcel from Mars] 2004, 124 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian or English subtitles
    Call number

DORMAN, Veniamin

  • Shtrafnoi udar [Penalty] 1963, 88 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Legkaia zhizn´ [An Easy Life] 1964
    Call number95 minutes, in Russian
    Call number90 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitled versions
  • Oshibka rezidenta [The Secret Agent's Blunder] 1968, 134 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • Sud´ba rezidenta [The Secret Agent's Destiny] 1970, 142 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • Zemlia, do vostrebovaniia [Earth, Poste Restante] 1972, 145 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • Propavshaia ekspeditsiia [The Lost Expedition] 1975, 124 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
    Call number
  • Zolotaia rechka [The Little Golden Stream] 1976, 91 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Pokhishchenie "Savoii" [The Hijacking of the "Savoy"] 1979, 86 minutes
    Call numberin Russian
    Call numberin Russian with optional dubbed and subtitled versions
  • Nochnoe proisshestvie [It Happened By Night] 1980, 87 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Vozvrashchenie rezidenta [The Secret Agent's Return] 1982, 129 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • Mednyi angel [The Brass Angel] 1984, 84 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Konets operatsii "rezident" [The End of Operation "Secret Agent] 1986, 136 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • Razorvannyi krug [The Broken Circle] 1987, 83 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

DORMAN, Veniamin and OGANISIAN, Genrikh

  • Devich´ia vesna [The Maiden's Spring] 1960, 92 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

DORMENKO, Anatolii and SUKHOBOKOV, Vladimir

  • Na vsiakogo mudretsa dovol´no prostoty [Enough Simplicity for Every Wise Man] 1952, 169 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number

DOSTAL´, Nikolai Nikolaevich

  • Chelovek s akkordeonom [The Man with the Accordion] 1985, 87 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number
  • Shura i Prosvirniak [Shura and Prosvirniak] 1987, 81 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Oblako Rai [Cloud Heaven] 1990
    Call number78 minutes, in Russian only without subtitles
    Call number75 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
  • Malen´kii gigant bol´shogo seksa [The Sexy Little Giant] 1992, 78 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
  • Melkii bes [The Petty Demon] 1995, 107 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Politseiskie i vory [Police and Thieves] 1997,in Russian
    Call number90 minutes
    Call number95 minutes
  • Shtrafbat [Punishment Battalion] [Penal Battalion] 2004, 526 minutes
    Call numberEpisodes 1-6, in Russian
    Call numberEpisodes 7-11, in Russian
    Call numbersandin Russian with optional English subtitles
  • Kolia - perekati pole [Kolia - Rolling Stone] 2005, 97 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
  • Zaveshchanie Lenina [Lenin's Testament] 2007, 540 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call numberParts 1-6, 270 minutes
    Call numberParts 7-12, 270 minutes
  • Petia po doroge v Tsarstvie Nebesnoe [Petia on the Road to Heaven] 2008, 97 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Monakh i bes [The Monk and the Devil] 2016, in Russian
    Call number113 minutes
    Call number109 minutes (better quality copy)

DOSTAL´, Nikolai Vladimirovich

  • Delo "pestrykh" [The "Colourful" Affair] 1958, in Russian
    Call number93 minutes
    Call number96 minutes

DOSTAL´, Nikolai Vladimirovich and AZAROV, Villen

  • Vse nachinaetsia s dorogi [Everything Starts from the Road] 1959, 84 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

DOSTAL´, Nikolai Vladimirovich and TUTYSHKIN, Andrei

  • My s vami gde-to vstrechalis´ [You and I Have Met Somewhere] 1954, 89 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number


  • 30-go unichtozhit´! (Reks -1) [Destroy the Thirtieth! (Rex-1)] 1992, 93 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Chernye berety [Black Berets] 1994, 74 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

DOVGAN´, Vladimir

  • Semnadtsatyi transatlanticheskii [The Seventeenth Transatlantic] 1972, 86 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
    Call number


  • Kar´era Dimy Gorina [Dima Gorin's Career] 1961, 94 minutes
    Call numberin Russian
    Call numberin Russian with optional Russian subtitles
  • Utrennie poezda [Morning Trains] 1963, 84 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Zdravstvui, eto ia! [Hello, it's Me!] 1965, 131 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Toska [Anguish] 1989, 132 minutes, in Armenian with optional Russian voiceover
    Call number

DOVZHENKO, Aleksandr

  • Iagodka liubvi [Love's Berry] [Le petit fruit de l'amour] [also known as 'Parikmakher Zhan Kolbasiuk' and 'Zhenit´ba Kapki'] 1926, French titles only, added music track
    Call number25 minutes
    Call number25 minutes
    Call number23½ minutes
  • Sumka Dipkur´era [The Diplomatic Courier's Pouch] 1927, 71 minutes (the film has not survived in its complete form) Russian titles with optional English subtitles, silent with added music track
    Call number
  • Zvenigora (Zakoldovannoe mesto) [The Enchanted Place]1927
    Call number91 minutes, Russian intertitles
    Call number91 minutes, in Russian (better quality recording)
    Call number89 minutes, English titles, added music track
    Call number91 minutes, Russian titles, English subtitles with added music track
    Call number68 minutes, Russian intertitles, silent with added music track (Natsional´nii tsentr Oleksandra Dovzhenka)
  • Arsenal, 1928
    Call number73 minutes, Russian intertitles, English subtitles
    Call number62 minutes, French titles only, added music track
    Call number88 minutes, Russian titles, English subtitles, silent with added music track
    Call number60 minutes, Ukrainian intertitles, silent with added music track (Natsional´nii tsentr Oleksandra Dovzhenka)
  • Zemlia [Earth] 1930
    Call number83 minutes, in Russian
    Call number70 minutes, Russian intertitles, English subtitles
    Call number77 minutes, Russian titles, optional English subtitles (better picture quality)
    Call number80 minutes, Ukrainian intertitles, silent with added music track (Natsional´nii tsentr Oleksandra Dovzhenka)
  • Ivan, 1932, 85 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number
  • Aerograd, 1935, 77 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
  • Shchors, 1939, 110 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
  • Michurin, 1948, 96 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number

See also adocumentary on Dovzhenko

DRAPKIN, Zinovii and MAIMAN, Robert

  • Tankisty [Tank Crews] 1939, 83 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number

DREIDEN, Nikolai

  • Pridel angela [Angel's Aisle] 2008, 92 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number


  • Normandiia-Neman [Normandie-Niémen] 1960
    Call number115 minutes, in Russian
    Call number115 minutes, in French with optional French subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing and with French subtitles for the German and (most of) the Russian dialogue
    Call number121 minutes, in French with optional French subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing and with French subtitles for the German and (most of) the Russian dialogue, restored (Blu ray disc)


  • Tret´ia molodost´ [La Nuit des Adieux] [Nights of Farewell] [Third Youth] 1965, 86 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

See also underFeature Films from other countries on Russian, Central and East European Subjects, and films made in other countries by Directors originally from Russia, Central Europe and Eastern Europe


  • Proshchaniia ne budet [Proshchat´sia ne budem] [Never Say Goodbye] [We Won't Say Goodbye] 2018, 111 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number


See underPovolotskii and Drugoi


  • Tanki [Tanks for Stalin] 2018
    Call number93 minutes, in Russian (Blu ray disc)
    Call number89 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles


  • Dvadtsat´ vosem´ Panfilovtsev [The Twenty Eight Panfilovtsy] 2016, 120 minutes
    Call numberin Russian
    Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles


  • Ispolnenie zhelanii [The Fulfilment of Desires] 1973, 95 minutes, in Russian
    Call numberlacks start
    Call number
  • Svatovstvo gusara [Matchmaking the Hussar] 1979, 67 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Dul´sineia Tobosskaia [Dulcinea del Toboso] 1980, 131 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Printsessa tsirka [Circus Princess] 1982, 149 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Gardemariny, vpered! [Naval Cadets, Forward!] 1987, 285 minutes, in Russian
    Call numbersand
  • Vivat, gardemariny! [Vivat, Naval Cadets] 1991, 139 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Gardemariny III [Naval Cadets 3] 1992, 107 minutes, in Russian
    Call number
  • Tainy dvortsovykh perevorot. Fil´m pervyi. Zaveshchanie imperatora [Mysteries of the Palace Revolutions. Film 1. The Emperor's Will] 2000, 80 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number
  • Tainy dvortsovykh perevorot. Fil´m vtoroi. Zaveshchanie imperatritsy [Mysteries of the Palace Revolutions. Film 2. The Empress's Will] 2000, 84 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number


  • Mirovoi paren´ [A Lad of the World] 1971, 75 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Ivanov´´, 2010, 167 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

DUDOROV, Anatolii

See underShul´man, Arkadii and Dudorov, Anatolii


  • Zvezdnyi mal´chik [The Star-Boy] 1957, 73 minutes, in Russian
    Call number


  • Nevesta iz Parizha [The Fiancée from Paris] 1992, 87 minutes, in Russian
    Call number

DULERAIN, Aleksandr

See below and also underBradshaw and Dulerain

    DULERAIN, Aleksandr and KORIAGIN, Sergei

    • Zhelanie posmotret´ fil´m Rainera Vernera Fassbindera [The Desire to Watch a Rainer Werner Fassbinder Film] 1993, 21 minutes, in Russian and German with English subtitles
      Call number
    • Ivan durak [Ivan the Fool] 2002, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Bunker, ili Uchenye pod zemlei [The Bunker, or Scientists Underground] 2006, 455 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    DULERAIN, Aleksandr, KORIAGIN, Sergei and RAUKH, Ian

    • Dachniki [Dacha Dwellers] 1994, 6 minutes, no dialogue
      Call number

    DULERAIN, Aleksandr and RAUKH, Ian

    • Chetyre predmeta [Four Objects] 1997, 10 minutes, no dialogue
      Call number

    DULERAIN, Aleksandr and TROITSKI, Dmitrii

    • Iunost´ Konstruktora [The Youth of the Constructor] 1995, 22 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number

    DUROV, Boris

    • Granitnye ostrova [Granite Islands] 1976, 79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Piraty XX veka [Twentieth-Century Pirates] 1979, 93 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed versions or subtitles
      Call number
    • Ne mogu skazat´ "Proshchai" [I Can't Say Goodbye] 1982, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Lider [The Leader] 1984, 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underGovorukhin and Durovand below underDurov and Puchinian

    DUROV, Boris and PUCHINIAN, Stepan

    • Povest´ o chekiste [The Tale of the Chekist] 1969, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    DVIGUBSKAIA, Ekaterina

    • V tsentre GUMa u Fontana [In the Middle of GUM by the Fountain] 7 minutes, in Moskva, ia liubliu tebia! Kinoal´manakh [Moscow, I Love You! A Film Almanac] 2010, 91 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Eliia Isaakovich i Margarita Prokof´evna [Eliia Isaakovich and Margarita Prokof´evna] 1981, 18 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Brat´ia [Brothers] 1982, 18 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ispytatel´ [The Test Pilot] 1987, 24 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Chernyi monakh [The Black Monk] 1988, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Prorva (Moscou Parade) [Moscow Parade] 1992
      Call number102 minutes, in Russian
      Call number102 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Muzyka dlia dekabria [Music for December] 1995, 94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Neznakomoe oruzhie, ili Krestonosets-2 [Unknown Weapon, or Crusader-2] 1998, 77 minutes
      Call number
    • Kopeika [The Copeck] 2001, 115 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Vdokh - vydokh [Breath In - Breath Out] [Inhale. Exhale] 2006, 86 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Evropa-Aziia [Europe-Asia] 2008, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also adocumentary by Dykhovichnyi

    DZHANAEV, Azanbek

    • Osetinskaia legenda [An Osete Legend] 1965, 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    DZIGAN, Efim

    • My iz Kronshtadta [We are From Kronstadt] 1936
      Call number88 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with French subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
      Call numberin Russian without subtitles
    • Esli zavtra voina [If Tomorrow There Is War] directed by Dzigan with Lazar´ Antsi-Polovskii, Georgii Berezko and Nikolai Karmazinskii 1938, 62 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
      Call number
    • Pervaia konnaia [The First Cavalry] 1941, 97 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Dzhambul, 1952, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number(re-edited version, 1968)


    EBNER, Ian

    See underMass and Ebner

    EFIMOV, Igor´

    See underKorostyshevskii and Efimov

    EFREMOV, Aleksandr

    • Bol´shaia liubov´ N.P. Cherednichenko [N.P. Cherednichenko's Big Love] 1977, 30 minutes, in Russian
      Call number(part of the Film-AlmanacV profil´ i anfas)
    • Davai pozhenimsia! [Let's Get Married!] 1982, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Nemets [The German] 2011, 8 x 44 = 352 minutes, in Russian with some German with Russian voiceover
      Call number


    • Staryi novyi god [Old New Year] 1980, 133 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    EFROS, Anatolii

    • Visokosnyi god [Leap Year] 1961, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Tania, 1974, 112 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • V chetverg i bol´she nikogda [On Thursday and Never Again] 1977, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underNatanson and Efros

    EGGERT, Konstantin

    • Gobsek [Gobseck] 1936, 70 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    EGGERT, Konstantin and GARDIN, Vladimir

    • Medvezh´ia svad´ba (Poslednii Shemet) [The Bear's Wedding] (The Last Shemet) 1925
      Call number71 minutes, Russian titles with English subtitles but no music track
      Call number69 minutes, in Russian

    See also adocumentary on Eggert

    EGIAZAROV, Gavriil

    • Goriachii sneg [The Hot Snow] 1972, 99 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed and subtitled versions
      Call number
    • Ot zari do zari [From Dawn to Dusk] 1975, approx. 95 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Portret s dozhdem [Portrait with Rain] 1977, approx. 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Domoi! [Home!] 1982, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    EGOROV, Evgenii

    • Egorov - Variant "zombi" [The "Zombie" Variant] 1985, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    EGOROV, Iurii

    • More studenoe [Frozen Sea] 1954, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Oni byli pervymi [They Were The First] 1956, 95 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Dobrovol´tsy [Volunteers] 1958, 92 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call number
    • Prostaia istoriia [A Simple Story] 1960, 84 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call number
    • Komandirovka [The Work Trip] 1961, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ne samyi udachnyi den´ [Not the Luckiest Day] 1966, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Chelovek s drugoi storony [Mannen från andra sedan] [The Man From the Other Side] 1970, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Za oblakami - nebo [Beyond the Clouds is the Sky] 1973, 141 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Odnazhdy dvadtsat´ let spustia [One Day Twenty Years Later] 1980, 74 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
    • Ottsy i dedy [Fathers and Grandfathers] 1982, 79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    EGOROV, Iurii and POBEDONOSTEV, Iurii

    • Sluchai v taige [Incident in the Taiga] 1954, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    EGOROV, Mikhail

    See underBergunker and Egorov

    EIRAMDZHAN, Anatolii

    • Za prekrasnykh dam! [To Fine Ladies!] 1989, 66 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Babnik [Ladies' Man] 1990, 74 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Kogda vse svoi [When We're All Friends] 1998, 65 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Nochnoi vizit [Night Visit] 1998, 64 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Primadonna Meri [Mary The Primadonna] 1998, 76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Agent v mini-iubke [The Agent in a Mini-Skirt] 2000, 65 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Tainoe svidanie [A Secret Meeting] 2001, 73 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Syn neudachnika [The Son of a Failure] 2002, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    EISYMONT, Viktor

    • Chetvertyi periskop [The Fourth Periscope] 1939, 81 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Frontovye podrugi [Girl Friends at the Front] 1941, 88 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Odin iz mnogikh [One of Many] [Boevoi kinosbornik No. 2] 1941, 7 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
      Call number
    • Zhila byla devochka [Once There Lived a Girl] 1944, 69 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Kreiser "Variag" [The Cruiser "The Varangian"] 1946, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Ogni na reke [Fires on the River] 1953, 75 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Sud´ba barabanshchika [The Fate of the Drummer] 1955, 85 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
    • V dobryi chas! [In Good Time!] 1956, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Konets staroi Berezovki [The End of Old Berezovka] 1960, 69 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underRappaport and Eisymont


    • Dnevnik Glumova [Glumov's Diary] 1923
      Call number3 minutes 43 seconds, silent, no text, no added music track
      Call number5 minutes, no titles, silent
      Call number4 minutes, 43 seconds, no titles, silent with added music track
    • Stachka [The Strike] 1924
      Call number94 minutes, Russian intertitles with English subtitles
      Call number87 minutes, English intertitles only
      Call number94 minutes, Russian titles, with optional English subtitles, Russian and English Hyperkino commentary version
      Call number94 minutes, Russian titles with optional English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese subtitles
      Call number89 minutes, English titles only, remastered edition, silent with added music track
    • Bronenosets Potemkin [The Battleship Potemkin] 1925
      Call number65 minutes, Russian intertitles with English subtitles
      Call number64 minutes, Russian intertitles with optional English subtitles
      Call number66 minutes, English intertitles only
      Call number68 minutes, English intertitles
      Call number68 minutes, Russian titles, optional English intertitles
      Call number68 minutes, Russian intertitles and optional English subtitles(Blu ray disc)
      Call number66 minutes, Russian intertitles and optional English subtitles
      Call number72 minutes, German release version, with German intertitles and optional English and French subtitles
      Call number49 minutes, German sound version, 1930, with optional English and French subtitles
      Call number68 minutes, Russian titles, optional French subtitles, silent with optional music tracks, high definition restoration (Blu ray disc)
      Call number49 minutes, German sound version, 1930 (Blu ray disc)
      Call number66 minutes, Russian titles, optional French subtitles, silent with optional music tracks, high definition restoration (DVD)
      Call number49 minutes, German sound version, 1930 (DVD)
    • Oktiabr´, ili desiat´ dnei, kotorye potriasli mir [October, or Ten Days that Shook the World] 1927
      Call number101 minutes, English subtitles only
      Call number101 minutes, Russian titles with English intertitles
      Call number115 minutes, Russian titles with optional Russian, English, French, Spanish, Italian and German subtitles
      Call number115 minutes, Russian titles with optional English subtitles, Russian and English Hyperkino commentary version
      Call number115 minutes, Russian titles with optional English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese subtitles
      Call number118 minutes, Russian intertitles with optional German, English and French subtitles
      Call numberZehn Tage, die die Welt erschütterten [Ten Days That Shook the World] The Contemporary German version ofOctober, 1928, 43 minutes, extract, German titles with optional English and French subtitles
    • Frauennot - Frauenglück [Misery and Fortune of Women] 1929, 20 minutes
      Call numberGerman commentary with English intertitles
    • Staroe i novoe (General´naia liniia) [The Old and the New (The General Line)] [La Ligne Générale]
      Call number87 minutes, Russian titles, French subtitles
      Call number131 minutes, silent with added musical score, Russian titles, with optional German subtitles
      Call number120 minutes, Russian titles, optional English subtitles, restored, silent with added music track
    • Romance Sentimentale. A Cinematographic Study with Mara Griy, 1930, 20 minutes
      Call numberEnglish intertitles
    • Time in the Sun (Que Viva Mexico!) USSR 1930-1932, USA 1940, 60 minutes, dubbed into English
      Call number
    • Bezhin lug [Bezhin meadow] two versions, 1935 and 1937, both not completed, lost; photofilm reconstruction, 1967, 31 minutes
      Call numberdubbed into English
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call numberEnglish intertitles
      Call numberEnglish overdubbing
    • Aleksandr Nevskii 1938, 106 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Ivan Groznyi [Ivan The Terrible] Part 1, 1944, 99 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Ivan Groznyi [Ivan The Terrible] Part 2, Boiarskii zagovor [The Boyars' Plot] 1945, 86 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Que Viva Mexico! (version edited by Grigorii Aleksandrov) 1978, 84 minutes
      Call numberdubbed into English;
      Call numberRussian intertitles with English subtitles

    See alsodocumentaries on Eizenshtein

    EKK, Nikolai

    • Putevka v zhizn´ [Ticket to Life] 1931; new sound version, 1957
      Call number106 minutes, in Russian
      Call number106 minutes, in Russian
      Call number89 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number108minutes, in Russian with optional German subtitles
    • Grunia Kornakova (Solovei-Solovushko) [The Little Nightingale] 1936, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Sorochinskaia iarmarka [Sorochintsy Fair] 1939, 84 minutes, in Russianwithout subtitles
      Call number

    EREMENKO, Nikolai

    • Syn za ottsa [Son For Father] 1995, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    ERKENOV, Khusein

    • Sto dnei do prikaza [One Hundred Days to the Command] 1990, 70 minutes, in Russian with English intertitles
      Call number
    • Kholod [Cold] 1991, 74 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ne strelaiate v passazhira! [Don't Shoot the Passenger!] 1993, 100 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Chernyi miach [The Black Ball] 2002, 85 minutes, in Russian only without subtitles
      Call number
    • Ia tebia obozhaiu... [I Adore You...] 2005, 88 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Prikazano zabyt´ [Ukkili kamshat] [Ordered to Forget] 2014, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    ERMASH, Andrei

    • Lunnaia raduga [A Lunar Rainbow] 1983, 85 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles

    ERMLER, Fridrikh

    • Kat´ka, Bumazhnyi Ranet [Kat´ka the Apple Seller] 1926, 69 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Oblomok imperii [Fragment of an Empire] 1929, silent with added music track
      Call number72 minutes,Russian titles without subtitles
      Call number87 minutes, Russian titles without subtitles (remastered version)
      Call number72 minutes, Russian titles without subtitles
      Call number74minutes,Russian titles, optional Germansubtitles (1967 re-edited version)
      Call number109 minutes, Russian titles, optional English subtitles, restored, Flicker Alley (Blu ray disc)
      Call number109 minutes, Russian titles, optional English subtitles, restored, Flicker Alley (DVD)
    • Krest´iane [Peasants] 1934, in Russian
      Call number108 minutes
      Call number89 minutes
    • Velikii grazhdanin [The Great Citizen] Part 1, 1937, 112 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Velikii grazhdanin [The Great Citizen] Part 2, 1939, 120 minutes
      Call numberin Russia
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Ona zashchishchaet rodinu [She Defends the Motherland] 1943, 74 minutes
      Call numberdubbed English version as No Greater Love
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian without subtitles
    • Velikii perelom [The Great Turning Point] 1945, 100 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Zvanyi uzhin (Razbitye mechty) [The Dinner Party (Broken Dreams)] 1953, 29 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Neokonchennaia povest´ [An Unfinished Story] 1955, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Pered sudom istorii [Before the Court of History] 1965, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    ERMLER, Fridrikh and IUTKEVICH, Sergei

    • Vstrechnyi [Counter Plan] 1932, in Russian
      Call number95 minutes
      Call number107 minutes

    See also adocumentary on Ermler

    ERMOLAEV, Boris

    • Moi dom - teatr... (Stranitsy zhizni) [My Home is the Theatre... (Pages of a Life)] 1975, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underVasil´ev and Ermolaev

    ERMOLAEV, Boris and SUMHU, Badrahyn

    • Slushaite na toi storone [Listen on That Side] 1971, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    ERSHOV, Konstantin

    • Kazhdyi vecher posle raboty [Every Evening after Work] 1973, 70 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Stepanova pamiatka [Stepan's Beloved] 1976, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Chelovek, kotoromu vezlo [The Man Who Was Lucky] 1977, 79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Zhenshchiny shutiat vser´ez [Women Make Serious Jokes] 1981, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Grachi [The Grach family] 1982, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    ERSHOV, Konstantin and KROPACHEV, Georgii

    • Vii [Vii] 1967, 72 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with optional English and French dubbed versions and optional Russian, English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Swedish, Japanese and Hebrew subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles and with optional English dubbed version with optional English captions, digitally restored

    ERSHOV, Mikhail

    • Rodnaia krov´ [Your Own Blood] 1963, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Poputnogo vetra, "Siniaia ptitsa"! [Dobar vetar, "Plava ptico"!] [A Following Wind, "The Bluebird"!] 1967, 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Na puti v Berlin [On the Way to Berlin] 1969, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Afrikanych, 1970, 71 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Blokada [Blockade] Film 1, Luzhskii rubezh [The Luga Line] and Film 2, Pulkovyi meridian [The Pulkovo Meridian] 1974, 105 + 72 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Blokada [Blockade] Film 3, Leningradskii metronom [The Leningrad Metronome] 96 minutes and Film 4, Operatsiia "Iskra" [Operation "Spark"] 1977, 96 + 64 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • V starykh ritmakh [In Old Rhythms] 1982, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Cheliuskintsy [The Crew of the Cheliuskin] 1984, 127 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ishchu druga zhizni [I Am Searching For a Life's Companion] 1987, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    ERSHOV, Roman

    • Raiskoe iablochko [Heaven's Little Apple] 1998, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underVekhotko and Ershov

    ERZINKIAN, Iurii

    • Khatabala, 1971, 66 minutes, in Armenian or in Russian dubbed version
      Call number
    • Sneg v traure [The Snow is in Mourning] 1978, approx 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underVagarshian and Erzinkian

    ESADZE, Rezo

    • Fro, 1964, 45 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Liubov´ s pervogo vzgliada [Love at First Sight] 1975, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number(director's cut, restored 1988)

    ESHPAI, Andrei

    • Unizhennye i oskorblennye [The Insulted and the Injured] 1990, 100 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Deti Arbata [Children of the Arbat] 2004, 768 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call numberParts 1-3, 144 minutes
      Call numberParts 4-6, 144 minutes
      Call numberParts 7-9, 144 minutes
      Call numberParts 10-12, 144 minutes
      Call numberParts 13-14, 96 minutes
      Call numberParts 15-16, 96 minutes
    • Mnogotochie [Elipsis] 2006, 103 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Sobytie [The Event] 2008, 111 minutes, in Russian
      Call number(followed by 53 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)
      Call number

    ESTRIN, Leonid

    • Golubaia strela [The Blue Arrow] 1958, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number


    • Limita, 1994, 80 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number
    • Mama, 1999, 99 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Zaimemsia liubov´iu [Let's Make Love] 2001, 80 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number

    EVTEEVA, Irina

    • Eliksir [The Elixir] 1995, 45 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    EVTUSHENKO, Galina

    • Cherdachnaia istoriia [An Attic Story] 2004, 95 minutes, in Russian with optional English and French subtitles
      Call number


    FAINTSIMMER, Aleksandr

    • Poruchik Kizhe [Lieutenant Kizhe] 1934, 88 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Baltiitsy [Men of the Baltic] 1937, 74 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Tanker "Derbent" [The Tanker "The Derbent"] 1940, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Kotovskii, 1942, 68 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Za tekh, kto v more [For Those at Sea] 1947, 78 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
      Call number
    • Ovod [The Gadfly] 1955, 96 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Devushka s gitaroi [The Girl With the Guitar] 1958, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Noch´ bez miloserdiia [Night without Mercy] 1961, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Spiashchii lev [The Sleeping Lion] 1965, in Russian
      Call number75 minutes
      Call number71 minutes
    • Piat´desiat na piat´desiat [Fifty Fifty] 1972, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Bez prava na oshibku [Without the Right to Make a Mistake] 1975, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Traktir na Piatnitskoi [The Pub on Piatnitskaia] 1977, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Proshchal´naia gastrol´ "artista" [The "Actor"'s Last Tour] 1979, 76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also below and underMinkin and Faintsimmer

    FAINTSIMMER, Aleksandr and KORSH-SABLIN, Vladimir

    • Konstantin Zaslonov, 1949, 71 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
      Call number

    FAINTSIMMER, Aleksandr and LEGOSHIN, Vladimir

    • U nikh est´ Rodina [They Have a Motherland] 1949, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number

    FAIT, Iulii

    • Pogranichnyi pes Alyi [The Border Dog Scarlet] 1979, 63 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    FAIZIEV, Dzhanik

    • Turetskii gambit [The Turkish Gambit] 2005, 125 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Avgust. Vos´mogo [August. On the Eighth] 2012, 127 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number


    • Legenda o Kolovrate [Furious] 2017, 113 minutes, in Russian with optional French subtitles, optional French subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing and with optional French dubbed version
      Call number

    FAIZIEV, Khabibulla

    • Shakaly [Jackals] 1989, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    FAM, Konstantin

    • Svideteli [Witnesses] 2018, 103 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles and with some Polish and English with Russian voiceover
      Call number

    FANOSIAN, Martiros

    • Sozvezdie kozlotura [The Goatibex Constellation] 1989, 70 minutes
      Call number

    FAT´IANOV, Vladimir

    • Pravosudie volkov [Judgment of Wolves] 2009, 85 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number


    • Odin i bez oruzhiia [Alone and Unarmed] 1984, 73 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    FEDORCHENKO, Aleksei

    • Pervye na lune [First on the Moon] 2005, 72 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Ovsianki [Silent Souls] [Buntings] 2010
      Call number74 minutes, in Russian
      Call number(followed by 54 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)
      Call number74 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Nebesnye zheny lugovykh Mari [Olyk Marii - Vlakyn kavase Vatysht] [The Celestial Wives of the Meadow Mari] 2012, 102 minutes, in Meadow Mari, with optional Russian voiceover and optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call number
    • Angely Revoliutsii [Angels of Revolution] 2014, 108 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call number in Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Voina Anny [Anna's War] 2018, 74 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number

    FEDOROV, Vasilii

    • Mertvyi dom (Tiur´ma narodov) [The House of the Dead (The Prison of the Peoples)] 1932, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    FEDOROVA, Mariia

    • Bol´shie i malen´kie [The Big and the Small] 1963, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Prizvanie [The Calling] 1956, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    FEDOROVICH, Valerii and NIKISHOV, Evgenii and KOSTOMAROV, Pavel and GORDEEV, Stepan

    • Pereval Diatlova [The Diatlov Pass] [Dead Mountain: The Diatlov Pass Incident] 2020, 8 episodes: 57 minutes 2 seconds + 51 minutes 41 seconds + 44 minutes 27 seconds + 42 minutes 59 seconds + 46 minutes 48 seconds + 46 seconds 31 seconds + 51 seconds 39 seconds + 54 minutes 32 seconds, Total running time: 395 minutes 39 seconds, in Russian with some German and with English subtitles
      Call number

    FEDOSOV, Valerii

    • Poezd do Brooklyna [A Train to Brooklyn] 1995, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    FEINBERG, Vladimir

    • Vstrecha [The Meeting] [Boevoi kinosbornik No. 2] 1941, 10 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
      Call number


    • Propavshii bez vesti [Lost without Trace] 2010, approx. 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number(followed by 54 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)

    FEN´KO, Aleksandr

    • Budulai, kotorogo ne zhdut [Budulai, Whom No One Is Waiting For] 1994, 114 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    FEOKTISTOV, Aleksei

    • Frantsuzskii shpion [The French Spy] 2013, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    FEOKTISTOV, Vladimir

    • Fanat [The Fanatic] 1989, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    FESENKO, Oleg

    • Chas-Pik [Rush Hour] 2006, 106 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • 1812. Ulanskaia ballada [1812. An Uhlan Ballad] 2012, 96 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Bomba [The Bomb] 2013, 44 minutes 18 seconds + 43 minutes 52 seconds + 43 minutes 17 seconds + 43 minutes 58 seconds + 44 minutes 4 seconds + 43 minutes 46 seconds + 44 minutes 19 seconds + 45 minutes 33 seconds; total running time: 353 minutes 7 seconds, in Russian with some Ukrainian and with some English and Spanish with Russian voiceover and with English subtitles
      Call number

    FETIN, Vladimir

    • Polosatyi reis [The Striped Trip] 1961, 84 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Donskaia povest´ [A Tale from the Don] 1964, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Virineia, 1968, 103 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Otkrytaia kniga [An Open Book] 1973, 186 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Sladkaia zhenshchina [A Sweet Woman] 1976, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Taezhnaia povest´ [A Taiga Tale] 1979, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Propavshie sredi zhivykh [Lost Among the Living] 1981, 79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    FETING, Iurii

    See underKravchuk and Feting

    FETISOV, Vitalii and GRAMMATIKOV, Vladimir

    • Vse naoborot [Everything Backwards] 1981, 65 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    FIGUROVSKII, Nikolai

    • Chasy ostanovilis´ v polnoch´ [The Clock Stopped at Midnight] 1958, 100 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vesennie grozy [Spring Storms] 1960, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    FIKS, Dmitrii

    • Vtoroi front [The Second Front] [Stormbringer] 2004
      Call number88 minutes, in English and Russian with Russian voiceover
      Call number92 minutes, in English with optional Spanish subtitles
    • Bol´shaia liubov´ [A Big Love] 2006, 94 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call number
    • Moskovskii zhigolo [Moscow Gigolo] 2008, 97 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Belyi mavr, ili Intimnye istorii o moikh sosediakh [The White Moor, or Intimate Stories about My Neighbours] 2012, 99 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underArtamonov and Fiks

    FILATOV, Leonid

    • Sukiny dety [Children of Bitches] 1990, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    FILIPPOV, Fedor

    • Khleb i rozy [Bread and Roses] 1960, approx. 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Greshnitsa [The Sinner] 1962, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Po Rusi [Through Russia] 1968, approx. 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Rasplata [Atonement] 1970, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Eto sil´nee menia [It's Stronger than I Am] 1973, 100 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Pozdniaia iagoda [Late Berries] 1978, 81 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underKadochnikov and Filippov


    • Es ist nicht leicht ein Gott zu sein [Trudno byt´ bogom] [Hard to be a God] 1989, 128 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number


    • Bezrazlichie [Indifference] 1989-2010, 76 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number

    FOKIN, Valerii

    • Prevrashchenie [The Metamorphosis] 2002, 84 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number

    FOKIN, Vladimir

    • Syshchik [The Investigator] 1979, approx. 120 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Aleksandr malen´kii [Alexander der Kleine] [Alexander the Little] 1981, 94 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
    • TASS upolnomochen zaiavit´... [TASS is Authorised to Announce...] 1984
      Total running time: 67 + 67 + 66 + 66 + 66 + 67 + 76 + 66 + 63 + 64 = 668 minutes, in Russian
      Call number,Call numberand Call number(double-sided disc)
    • Dom dlia bogatykh [A House for the Rich] 2000, 120 minutes, in Russian
    • Call number
    • Niotkuda s liubov´iu, ili Veselye pokhorony [From Nowhere with Love, or A Merry Funeral] 2007, 129 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    FOMENKO, Petr

    • Na vsiu ostavshuiusia zhizn´ [For the Rest of My Life] 1975, 72 + 70 minutes, in Russian
      Call numberand Call number

    FOMIN, Nikolai

    • Russkie brat´ia [Russian Brothers] 1992, 71 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number

    FOMIN, Oleg

    • Mytar´ [The Martyr] 1997, 73 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Pantera [The Panther] Episode 1, 2000, 52 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Den´ vyborov [Election Day] 2007, 122 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
    • Samyi luchshii fil´m 2 [The Best Film 2] 2008, 81 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Abonent nedostupen [The Subscriber is Unavailable] 8 minutes, in Moskva, ia liubliu tebia! Kinoal´manakh [Moscow, I Love You! A Film Almanac] 2010, 91 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    FOMIN, Oleg and MAL´KOV, Pavel

    • Afganskii prizrak (Nebo nad Kandagarom) [Afghan Spectre (The Sky Over Kandahar)] 2008, 352 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call numberDVD 1, 176 minutes
      Call numberDVD 2, 176 minutes

    FRELIKH, Oleg (Osip)

    • Prostitutka (Ubitaia zhizn´iu) [Prostitute (Killed by Life)] 1926, Russian, English and Chinese intertitles, silent with added music track
      Call number85 minutes
      Call number85 minutes
      Call number77 minutes

    FRENKEL´, Lazar´

    • Tom Soier [Tom Sawyer] 1936, 79 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
      Call number

    FREZ, Il´ia

    • Slon i verevochka [The Elephant and the Rope] 1945, 44 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Pervoklassnitsa [The Girl in Class One] 1948, 67 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ia kupil papu [I Bought Daddy] 1962, 77 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ia vas liubil... (Sochinenie na vol´nuiu temu) [I Loved You... (Composition on a Free Theme)] 1967, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Prikliucheniia zheltogo chemodanchika [The Adventures of the Little Yellow Suitcase] 1970, 74 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
      Call number
    • Chudak iz piatogo "B" [The Odd Fellow from Class 5B] 1972, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Eto my ne prokhodili [We Didn't Study That] 1975, 94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Khomut dlia Markiza [A Collar for Marquis] 1977, 71 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vam i ne snilos´... [You Haven't Even Dreamt About It...] 1980, 86 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed and subtitled versions
      Call number
    • Karantin [Quarantine] 1983, 76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Lichnoe delo sud´i Ivanovoi [The Private File of the Judge Ivanova] 1985, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number

    FRID, Ian

    • Khirurgiia [Surgery] 1939, 36 minutes, in Russian (based on Chekhov's stories 'Khirurgiia' and 'Sel´skie eskulapy')
      Call number
      Call number
    • Patriot [The Patriot] 1939, 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Liubov´ Iarovaia, 1953, 145 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Dvenadtsataia noch´ [Twelfth Night, or What You Will] 1955, 85 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Baltiiskaia slava [Baltic Glory] 1957, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vesennie khlopoty [Spring Troubles] 1964, 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Zelenaia kareta [The Green Carriage] 1967, 96 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Proshchanie s Peterburgom [Farewell to St Petersburg] 1971, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Sobaka na sene [The Dog in the Manger] 1977, 129 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Letuchaia mysh´ [Die Fledermaus] [The Bat] 1979, 132 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Sil´va [Silva] 1981, 139 minutes, in Russian
      Call number, lacks start
    • Vol´nyi veter [The Free Wind] 1983, 126 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Don Sezar de Bazan [Don Cesar de Bazan] 1989, 134 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Tartiuff [Tartuffe] 1992, 94 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number

    FRIDBERG, Isaak

    • "Dorogoi Edison!" ["Dear Edison!"] 1986, 105 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    FRIDMAN, Evgenii

    • Ostrov sokrovishch [Treasure Island] 1971, 82 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed versions and subtitles
      Call number

    FROLOV, Andrei

    • Pervaia perchatka [The First Glove] 1946, 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Na dne [The Lower Depths] 1952, 152 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Dobroe utro [Good Morning] 1955, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Gost´ s Kubani [The Guest from the Kuban´] 1955, 68 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
      Call number
    • Zelenyi dom [The Green House] 1964, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    FRUMIN, Boris

    • Dnevnik direktora shkoly [The School Director's Diary] 1975, 74 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Semeinaia melodrama [A Family Melodrama] 1976, 70 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Oshibki iunosti [Mistakes of Youth] 1978, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Viva Castro!, 1993, 80 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number
    • Prestuplenie i pogoda [Crime and the Weather] 2006, 95 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    See also underLebedev and Fruminand underWestern films by Frumin

    FRUNTOV, Rudol´f

    • Larets Marii Medichi [The Casket of Maria Medici] 1980, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Trevozhnoe voskresen´e [Anxious Sunday] 1983, 81 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Zhil otvazhnyi kapitan [There Lived a Brave Captain] 1985, approx 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Pro liubov´, druzhbu i sud´bu [About Love, Friendship and Fate] 1987, approx. 94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Duraki umiraiut po piatnitsam [Fools Die on Fridays] 1990, 91 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vse to, o chem my tak dolgo mechtali [Everything We Dreamt About For So Long] 1997, 99 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Paradiz [Paradise] 2006, 94 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    See also underVasil´ev, Evgenii and Fruntov


    GAI GERMANIKA, Valeriia

    • Vse umrut, a ia ostanus´ [Everyone Will Die, But I Will Remain...] [Everyone Will Die But Me] 2008, 81 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number(followed by 69 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series), in Russian without subtitles
    • Da i da [Yes and Yes] 2014, in Russian
      Call number113 minutes
      Call number117 minutes

    GAIDAI, Leonid

    • Zhenikh s togo sveta [The Suitor from the Other World] 1958, 48 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Pes Barbos i neobychnyi kross [The Dog Barbos and the Unusual Cross-country run] 1961, 10 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
      Call number
    • Samogonshchiki [Bootleggers] 1961, 17 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Delovye liudi [Businessmen] [Strictly Business] 1962, 80 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Operatsiia "Y" i drugie prikliucheniia Shurika [Operation "Y" and Other Adventures of Shurik] 1965
      Call number89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number89 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
      Call number95 minutes, in Russian (Blu ray disc)
    • Kavkazskaia plennitsa. Ili novye prikliucheniia Shurika [The Woman Prisoner of the Caucasus. Or The New Adventures of Shurik] 1966, 76 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional dubbed versions or subtitles
    • Brilliantovaia ruka [The Diamond Arm] 1968
      Call number94 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed versions and subtitles
      Call number98 minutes, in Russian (Blu ray disc)
    • 12 stul´ev [The Twelve Chairs] 1971, 152 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Ivan Vasil´evich meniaet professiiu [Ivan Vasil´evich Changes Profession] 1973, 88 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional subtitles
    • Ne mozhet byt! [It Can't Be!] 1975
      Call number92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number100 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Prestuplenie i nakazanie [Crime and Punishment] Film 1 of his almanac film Ne mozhet byt! [It Can't Be!] 1975, 33 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Zabavnoe prikliuchenie [An Amusing Adventure] Film 2 of his almanac film Ne mozhet byt! [It Can't Be!] 1975, 22 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Svadebnoe proisshestvie [Incident at a Wedding] Film 3 of his almanac film Ne mozhet byt! [It Can't Be!] 1975, 33 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Inkognito iz Peterburga [Incognito from Petersburg] 1977, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Sportloto-82 [Sport Lottery 82] 1982, 89 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Opasno dlia zhizni! [Life Threatening!] 1985, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Chastnyi detektiv, ili operatsiia "Kooperatsiia" [Private Detective, or Operation "Co-operation"] 1989, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Na Deribasovskoi khoroshaia pogoda, ili Na Braiton-Bich opiat´ idut dozhdi [It's Fine on Deribasovskaia, or It's Raining Again on Brighton Beach] 1992, 90 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number

    See also adocumentary on Gaidai

    GAIDAI, Leonid and ORKO, Risto

    • Za spichkami [For Matches] [Tulitikkuja lainaamassa | Låna tändstickor] 1980, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number

    GALANTER, Boris

    • "I s vami snova ia..." (Epizody iz zhizni Aleksandra Sergeevicha Pushkina v pis´makh i svidetel´stvakh sovremennikov ["And I am with You Again..." (Episodes from the Life of Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin in the Letters and Statements of His Contemporaries] 1981, approx. 73 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Koe-chto iz gubernskoi zhizni [Something from Provincial Life]
      Also known as Gde-to v gubernskom sadu [Somewhere in a Provincial Garden] 1983, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GALIBIN, Aleksandr

    • Sorok [Forty] 2007, 76 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Sestrenka [Little Sister] 2019, 94 minutes, in Bashkir with Russian voiceover and with some Russian, German and Ukrainian
      Call number

    GALIN, Aleksandr

    • Plashch Kazanovy [Casanova's Cloak] 1993, 94 minutes, in Russian with some Italian with Russian voiceover
      Call number

    GALKIN, Boris

    • 22 iiunia, rovno v 4 chasa... [On 22 June at exactly 4.00 o'clock] 1992, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GANAPOL´SKII, Matvei

    • S tochki zreniia angela [From An Angel's Point of View] 2001, 70 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GANIEV, Nabi

    • Takhir i Zhukhra [Takhir and Zukhra] 1945, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Pokhozhdeniia Nasreddina [The Adventures of Nasreddin] 1946, 74 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GARDIN, Vladimir

    • Kreitserova sonata [The Kreutzer Sonata] [La Sonate à Kreutzer] 1914, 28 minutes
      Call numberRussian titles, French subtitles
      Call numberRussian titles, French subtitles, added music track
    • Poet i tsar´ [The Poet and the Tsar] 1927, 70 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underEggert

    GARIN, Erast and LOKSHINA, Khesia

    • Doktor Kaliuzhnyi [Dr Kaliuzhnyi] 1939, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Prints i nishchii (Tom Kenti) [The Prince and the Pauper (Tom Canty)] 1942, 78 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Sinegoriia, 1946, 84 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Obyknovennoe chudo [An Ordinary Miracle] 1964, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Veselye raspliuevskie dni [Merry Raspliuev Days] 1966, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GASPAROV, Samvel

    • Zabud´te slovo "Smert´" [Forget the Word "Death"] 1979, approx. 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number, lacks start
    • Khleb, zoloto, nagan [Bread, Gold, a Revolver] 1980, 63 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
    • Shestoi [The Sixth] 1981
      Call number79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number80 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed and subtitled versions
    • Bez osobogo riska [Without Special Risk] 1983, 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GASPAROV, Samvel and NGUYEN Suan Tian

    • Koordinaty smerti [Target for Death] 1985, 75 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional dubbed and subtitled versions

    GAUZNER, Vadim

    • Prints i nishchii [The Prince and the Pauper] 1972, 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vracha vyzyvali? [Did You Call For a Doctor?] 1974, 70 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Komediia oshibok [The Comedy of Errors] 1979, 127 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Kuda ischez Fomenko? [Where Has Fomenko Disappeared To?] 1981, 71 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GAVRILOV, Eduard and KREMNEV, Valerii

    • Vstrechi na rassvete [Meetings at Dawn] 1968, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GAVRILOV, Eduard

    • Po sobstvennomu zhelaniiu [Of His Own Accord] 1973, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Dobrota [Goodness] 1977, 81 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Moia Anfisa [My Anfisa] 1979, 69 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vladivostok, god 1918 [Vladivostok, 1918] 1982, 74 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Zdes´ tvoi front [Here is Your Front] 1983, 73 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Dvoe i odna [Two Men and a Woman] 1988, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ubiistvo svidetelia [Murder of a Witness] 1990, 79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Verbovshchik [The Recruiting Agent] 1991, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
      Call number

    GAVRILOV, Georgii

    • PMZh. Postoiannoe mesto zhitel´stva [Place of Permanent Residence] 2001, 113 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GAZAROV, Sergei

    • Revizor [The Government Inspector] 1996, 102 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GAZHIU, Valeriu

    • Po volch´emu sledu [On the Track of the Wolf] 1976, 91 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    See underTabliashvili and Gedevanishvili

    GEIKO, Nikolai

    • Memento mori, 1991, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GEMS, Vadim

    • Staru-kha-rmsa [The Kharms Old Lady] 1991, 95 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GENDEL´SHTEIN, Al´bert

    • Liubov´ i nenavist´ [Love and Hate] 1935, 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Lermontov, 1943, 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
      Call number

    See also underRou and Gendel´shetin

    GENDEL´SHTEIN, Dmitrii

    • Nachal´nik [The Boss] 1980, 29 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GENIN, Mark and KOVAL´SKII, Nikolai

    • Po ulitsam komod vodili [They Were Taking a Chest of Drawers Through The Streets] 1978, 56 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GEORGIEV, Viktor

    • Sil´nye dukhom [Strong in Spirit] 1967, 173 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Bol´shoi attraktsion [The Big Attraction] 1974, 77 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • U opasnoi cherty [By the Danger Line] 1983, 89minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GERASIMOV, Evgenii

    • Ochen´ vazhnaia persona [A Very Important Person] 1984, 70 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ne khodite, devki, zamuzh [Don't Get Married, Girls] 1985, 65 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Zabavy molodykh [Youthful Fun] 1987, 77 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Poezdka v Visbaden [Journey to Wiesbaden] 1989, 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GERASIMOV, Sergei

    • Semero smelykh [The Bold Seven] 1936, in Russian
      Call number90 minutes
    • Komsomol´sk, 1938, 99 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Uchitel´ [The Teacher] 1939, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number101 minutes
    • Maskarad [The Masquerade] 1941, 100 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vstrecha s Maksimom [A Meeting with Maksim] [Boevoi kinosbornik No. 1] [Fighting Film Collection No. 1] 1941, 10 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Bol´shaia zemlia [The Big Land] 1944, 78 minutes in Russian
      Call number
    • Molodaia gvardiia [The Young Guard] 1948, in Russian
      Call number163 minutes
      Call numberDVD 1, 84 minutes
      Call numberDVD 2, 76 minutes
    • Sel´skii vrach [The Village Doctor] 1951, 106 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Tikhii Don [Quiet Flows the Don] 1957-1958
      Call numberParts 1-2, 104 + 110 minutes, in Russian
      Call numberPart 3, 116 minutes, in Russian
      Call numberPart 1, 104 minutes, in Russian with optional English and French voiceover versions and optional Russian, English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Hebrew, Swedish, Chinese and Arabic subtitles
      Call numberPart 2, 110 minutes, in Russian with optional English and French voiceover versions and optional Russian, English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Hebrew, Swedish, Chinese and Arabic subtitles
      Call numberPart 3, 116 minutes, in Russian with optional English and French voiceover versions and optional Russian, English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Hebrew, Swedish, Chinese and Arabic subtitles
      Call numberPart 4, Bonus materials, in Russian with optional English and French voiceover versions and optional Russian, English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Hebrew, Swedish, Chinese and Arabic subtitles
    • Liudi i zveri [Men and Beasts] 1962, 200 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call numberPart 1, 96 minutes
      Call numberPart 2, 104 minutes
    • Zhurnalist [The Journalist], 1967, 215 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • U ozera [By The Lake] 1969, 173 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Liubit´ cheloveka [To Love a Person] 1972, 157 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Dochki-materi [Mothers and Daughters] 1974, 95 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Krasnoe i chernoe [The Red and the Black] [Le Rouge et le Noir] 4 parts, 72 + 80 + 72 + 72 minutes, in Russian
      Parts 1-3 Call number
      Part 4 Call number
    • Iunost´ Petra [The Youth of Peter the Great] 1980, 134 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call number
    • V nachale slavnykh del [At the Beginning of Glorious Deeds] 1980, 130 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call number
    • Lev Tolstoi, 1984, 160 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call numberDVD 1, 78 minutes
      Call numberDVD 2, 82 minutes

    GERASIMOV, Sergei and KALATOZOV, Mikhail

    • Nepobedimye [The Invincible] 1942, 89 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
      Call number

    GERASIMOV, Vladimir

    • Ispytatel´nyi srok [Test Period] 1960, 94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Nepridumannaia istoriia [An Uninvented Story] 1963, approx. 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Chert s portfelem [The Devil with a Briefcase] 1966, 66 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GERMAN, Aleksei Alekseevich (German, Aleksei Jr)

    • Poslednii poezd [The Last Train] 2003, 80 minutes, in German with Russian subtitles and in Russian
      Call number
    • Garpastum [Harpastum] 2005, 118 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Bumazhnyi soldat [Paper Soldier] 2008, 114 minutes
      Call numberin Russian without subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Kim, 2009, 19½ minutes, in Korotkoe zamykanie [Short Circuit] [Crush. Five Stories about Love] Almanac
      Call numberin Russian with optional English and French subtitles
      Call numberin Russian, followed by 50 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series
    • Pod elektricheskimi oblakami [Under Electric Clouds] 2015
      Call number138 minutes, in Russian
      Call number132 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Dovlatov, 2018, 126 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
    • Delo [The Case] 2021, 106 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GERMAN, Aleksei Iur´evich (German, Aleksei Sr)

    • Proverka na dorogakh [Roadcheck] 1971-1986
      Call number90 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number90 minutes, in Russian, remastered
      Call number92 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Dvadtsat´ dnei bez voiny [Twenty Days without War] 1976, 95 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Moi drug Ivan Lapshin [My Friend Ivan Lapshin] 1979-1984
      Call number95 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number95 minutes, in Russian
      Call number95 minutes, in Russian without subtitles,full restoration of sound and image
      Call number95 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Khrustalev, mashinu! [Khrustalev, My Car!] 1998
      Call number140 minutes, in Russian
      Call number140 minutes, in Russian with French subtitles
      Call number145 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number146 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles (Blu ray disc)
    • Trudno byt´ bogom [It's Difficult to be a God] 2013
      Call number177 minutes, in Russian
      Call number170 minutes, in Russian (better quality copy)
      Call number177 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number177 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles (Blu ray disc)
      Call number170 minutes, in Russian with optional French subtitles

    See also underAronov and German

    See alsodocumentaries on German

    GEVORKIAN, Karen

    • Znaiu tol´ko ia [Only I Know] 1986, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Kharaktery dlia muzhchin [Characters for Men] 1998, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Zhara [Heat] 2006, 95 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Liubov´ s aktsentom [Love with an Accent] 2012, 104 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles and with some Georgian, French and English with Russian voiceover
      Call number(Blu ray disc)
    • Pro liubov´. Tol´ko dlia vzroslykh [About Love. Only for Adults] Pro liubov´. Tol´ko dlia vzroslykh [About Love. Only for Adults] various directors, a project of Anna Melikian, 2017, 109 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Zalozhniki [Hostages] 2017, 104 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian and Georgian with optional Russian dubbed version, optional Georgian dubbed version, optional Russian voiceover version and with optional Russian and English subtitles (Blu ray disc)


    • Bez muzhchin [Without Men] 2010, 72 minutes, in Russian
      Call number(followed by 49 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)

    GILLER, Boris and BORODIANSKII, Aleksandr

    • Chek [The Cheque] 2000, 100 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GIL´MAN, S.

    • Na dache [At the Dacha] 1970, 28 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GINTSBURG, Aleksandr

    • Giperboloid Inzhenera Garina [Engineer Garin's Hyperboloid] 1965, 91 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
      Call number

    GINZBURG, Evgenii

    • Retsept ee molodosti [The Recipe of Her Youth] 1983, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Veselaia khronika opasnogo puteshestviia [Merry Chronicle of a Dangerous Voyage] 1986, 81 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GINZBURG, Sergei

    • Reklamnaia pauza [Advertisement Break] 2005, 172 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Liubov´- morkov´ 3 [Lovey Dovey 3] 2010, 94 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call number
    • Zhizn´ i prikliucheniia Mishki Iaponchika (Odnazhdy v Odesse) [The Life and Adventures of Mishka Iaponchik (Once Upon a Time in Odessa)] 2011, 12 x 52 = 624 minutes, in Russian
      Call numbers,and

    GINZBURG, Sergei and STRIZHENOV, Aleksandr

    • Upast´ vverkh [Falling Upwards] 2002, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GINZBURG, Viktor

    • Generation P, 2011, 112 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number(followed by 52 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)

    GIRBA, Aleksei

    See underVetrov and Girba

    GLAGOLEV, Gennadii

    • Ekstrasens [Extrasense] 1992, 126 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Zakaz [The Order] 2005, 79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Chertovo koleso [The Devil's Wheel] 2006, 79 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Odna voina [One War] 2009, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Dve zhenshchiny [Two Women] 2014, 98 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GLEBOV, Gleb

    See underAleksandr Garrievich Gordon

    GOG, Aksin´ia

    • Puteshestvie Fedora po Moskve nachala xxi veka [Fedor's Journey around Moscow at the Start of the Twenty First Century] 2014, 24 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Ia vizhu solntse [I See the Sun] 1966, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Kogda zatsvel mindal´ [When the Almond Blossomed] 1972, 73 minutes, dubbed into Russian from Georgian
      Call number
    • Ramdenime interviu pirad sakitkhebze [Neskol´ko interv´iu po lichnym voprosam] [A Few Interviews on Personal Problems] 1978, 90 minutes, dubbed into Russian from Georgian, with English subtitles
      Call number

    See also adocumentary on Gogoberidze

    GOIDA, Oleg

    • Nakanune prem´ery [On the Eve of the Premiere] 1978, 73 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vozvrashchenie v Zurbagan [Return to Zurbagan] 1990, approx. 72 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    See underShneider and Gol´dblat

    GOL´DIN, Rafail

    • Ocherednoi reis [The Next Trip] 1958, 96 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
      Call number
    • Dlinnyi den´ [A Long Day] 1961, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Khokkeisty [Hockey Players] 1964, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number

    GOLOVNIA, Leonid

    • Konets Liubavinykh [The End of the Liubavins] 1971, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GOLUB, Lev

    • Devochka ishchet ottsa [The Little Girl is Looking for her Father] 1959, approx. 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GOLUBEV, Aleksei

    • Taksist [The Taxi Driver] 6 minutes, in Moskva, ia liubliu tebia! Kinoal´manakh [Moscow, I Love You! A Film Almanac] 2010, 91 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GOLUBEVA, Evgeniia and CASTELLANI, Marco

    • Marco, 2008, 3 minutes 10 seconds, in Italian with Russian subtitles
      Call number


    • Oborona Sevastopolia [The Defence of Sevastopol] 1911, 37½ minutes, Russian titles, silent
      Call number

    GONCHAROV, Vasilii

    • Russkaia svad´ba XVI stoletiia [A Russian Sixteenth-Century Wedding] 1908, 8 minutes, preserved without titles, added music track
      Call number
      Call number
    • Rusalka [Mermaid] 1910, 9 minutes, Russian titles, English subtitles, added music track
      Call number
      Call number
    • Zhizn´ i smert´ A.S. Pushkina [The Life and Death of A.S. Pushkin] 1910, 8 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Brat´ia-razboiniki [The Robber Brothers] 1912, 20 minutes, preserved without titles, added music track
      Call number
      Call number
    • Krest´ianskaia dolia [A Peasant's Lot] 1912, 29 minutes, preserved without titles, added music track
      Call number
      Call number

    GONCHAROV, Vasilii, HANSEN, Kai, URAL´SKII, Aleksandr, and others

    • 1812 god ("Otechestvennaia voina", "Nashestvie Napoleona", "Borodinskii boi") [1812 ("The Fatherland War", "The Invasion of Napoleon", "The Battle of Borodino") 1912, 33 minutes
      Call numberRussian titles, French subtitles, no music track
      Call numberRussian titles, French subtitles, added music track
      Call numberRussian titles, French subtitles, added music track

    GONCHUKOV, Arsenii

    • Syn [The Son] 2014, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GONCHUKOV, Vladimir

    • Morskoi post [The Naval Post] 1939, 71 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Boksery [Boxers] 1941, 60 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Chempion mira [World Champion] 1954, 81 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GORCHILIN, Aleksandr

    • Kislota [Acid], 2018, 94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number(better quality copy)

    GORDEEV, Stepan

    See under Fedorovich, Nikishov, Kostomarov and Gordeev

    GORDON, Aleksandr Garrievich

    • Pastukh svoikh korov [A Shepherd of His Cows] 2002, 133 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ogni pritona [Brothel Lights] 2011
      Call number108 minutes, in Russian (followed by 55 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)
      Call number108 minutes, in Russian
      Call number111 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number108 minutes, in Russian (better quality copy)
    • Metel´ [The Snowstorm] (re-edited and released under the name Gleb Glebov) 2014, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GORDON, Aleksandr Vital´evich

    • Sergei Lazo, 1967, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Skhvatka v purge [Skirmish in a Snowstorm] 1977, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Stseny iz semeinoi zhizni [Scenes from Family Life] 1979, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Chelovek, kotoryi zakryl gorod [The Man Who Closed the Town] 1982, 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Dvoinoi obgon [Double Overtaking] 1984, 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vykup [Ransom] 1986, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Futbolist [The Footballer] 1990, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underTarkovskii and Gordon

    GORIAEV, Rostislav

    • Noktiurn [Nocturne] 1966, 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underBrench with Goriaev

    GORIKKER, Vladimir

    • Tsarskaia nevesta [The Tsar's Bride] 1964, 95 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number
    • Kamennyi gost´ [The Stone Guest] 1966, 81 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Osennie kolokola [Autumn Bells] 1978, 73 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed and subtitled versions
      Call number
    • Serebrianoe reviu [The Silver Revue] 1982, 66 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Poka bezumstvuet mechta [While the Dream is Mad] 1978, in Russian
      Call number77 minutes
      Call number73 minutes

    GORLOV, Boris

    See underAdomenaite and Gorlov

    GOROSHKO, Boris

    • Doch´ komandira [The Daughter of the Commander] 1981, 65 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GOROVETS, Leonid

    • Damskii portnoi [Ladies' Tailor] 1990, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GOSTEV, Igor´

    • Mechenyi atom [Tracer Element] 1972, 94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Front bez flangov [The Front without Flanks] 1974, 159 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Front za liniei fronta [The Front behind the Frontline] 1977, 164 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Front v tylu vraga [Fronta v týlu nepřítele] [The Front in the Enemy's Rear] 1981, 150 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Evropeiskaia istoriia [A European Story] 1984, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Bespredel [Lawlessness] 1989, 96 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Serye volki [The Grey Wolves] 1993, 108 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number

    GOSTEV, Igor´ andBUTROS, Rimon

    • Zagon [The Round-Up] 1987, 99 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GOSTIUKHIN, Vladimir

    • Botanicheskii sad [Botanical Gardens] 1997, 96 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GOVORUKHIN, Sergei

    • Nikto, krome nas... [No One but Us...] 2008, inZakrytyi pokazseries 6½ + 108 + 65 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Zemlia liudei [Land of People] 2011, 105 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GOVORUKHIN, Stanislav and DUROV, Boris

    • Vertikal´ [Vertical] 1966, 73 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call number

    GOVORUKHIN, Stanislav

    • Den´ angela [Name Day] 1968, 70 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Belyi vzryv [The White Explosion] 1969, 71 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Zhizn´ i udivitel´nye prikliucheniia Robinzona Kruzo [The Life and Extraordinary Adventures of Robinson Crusoe] 1972, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Kontrabanda [Contraband] 1974, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Veter "Nadezhdy" [Wind of "The Hope"] 1977, 72 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Mesto vstrechi izmenit´ nel´zia [The Meeting Place Cannot be Changed] 1979, 203 & 159 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
      Call numberand Call number
    • Prikliucheniia Toma Soiera i Gekl´berri Finna [The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn] 1981, 200 minutes, in Russian
      Call numberPart 1, 136 minutes
      Call numberPart 2, 64 Minutes
    • V poiskakh kapitana Granta [In Search of Captain Grant] 1985, 458 minutes, in Russian
      Call numbersand
    • Desiat´ negritiat [Ten Little Niggers] 1987, 130 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call number
    • Bryzgi shampanskogo [A Spray of Champagne] 1989, in Russian
      Call number100 minutes
      Call number94 minutes
    • Voroshilovskii strelok [Rifleman of the Voroshilov Regiment] 1999, 94 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Blagoslovite zhenshchinu [Bless the Woman] 2003, 111 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call number
    • Ne khlebom edinym [Not by Bread Alone] 2005, 112 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Artistka [The Actress] 2007, 96 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call number
    • V stile jazz [In Jazz Style] 2010, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Weekend / Uik-End, 2013, in Russian
      Call number97 minutes
      Call number93 minutes (better quality copy)
    • Konets prekrasnoi epokhi [The End of a Fine Epoch] 2015, in Russian
      Call number94 minutes
      Call number97 minutes (better quality copy)

    See alsodocumentaries by Govorukhin


    • Krysha [The Roof] 2009, 104 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GRAMMATIKOV, Vladimir

    • Usatyi nian´ [The Nurse with a Moustache] 1977, 70 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Shla sobaka po roialiu [A Dog was Walking on the Piano] 1978, 65 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call number
    • Zvezda i smert´ Khoakina Mur´ety [The Star and Death of Joaquin Murrieta] 1982, 83 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call number
    • Vera, nadezhda, liubov´ [Faith, Hope and Charity] 1984, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Privet ot Charli-trubacha [From Charlie the Trumpeter with Love] 1998, 77 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See alsoFetisov and Grammatikov

    GRANIK, Anatolii

    • Alesha Ptitsyn vyrabatyvaet kharakter {Alesha Ptitsyn Works Out His Character] 1953, 68 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Maksim Perepelitsa, 1955, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Istochnik [The Source] 1968, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Dvenadtsat´ mesiatsev [Twelve Months] 1972, 139 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number
    • Strogaia muzhskaia zhizn´ [A Strict Male Life] 1977, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GRANOVSKII, Aleksei

    • Evreiskoe schast´e [Jewish Happiness] [Le bonheur juif] [also known as Menakhem Mendel´] 1925
      Call number90 minutes, Russian titles, French subtitles, added music track
      Call number99 minutes, Russian titles, added music track
      Call number90 minutes, Russian titles, English subtitles, added music track (from a new master)

    GRES´, Viktor

    • Chernaia kuritsa, ili podzemnye zhiteli [The Black Hen, or Living Underground] 1980, 69 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed and subtitled versions
      Call number

    GRIBOV, Efim

    • Vospominanie bez daty [Recollection without a Date] 1990, 95 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • My edem v Ameriku [We are Going to America] 1992, 82 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number
    • Vkus Ameriki [The Taste of America] 2007/2014, 102 minutes, in Russian with some English with Russian subtitles
      Call number


    • Skvoz´ slezy [Laughter through Tears] 1928, 92 minutes, silent with English intertitles only, no added music track
      Call number
    • Kvartaly predmest´ia, 1930, 51 minutes, Ukrainian titles, silent, no added music track
      Call number

    GRIGOR´EV, Boris

    • Parol´ ne nuzhen [No Password Necessary] 1967, 153 minutes, in Russian with some Japanese with Russian voiceover
      Call number
    • Mramornyi dom [The Marble House] 1972, 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Tak nachinalas´ legenda [That's How the Legend Started] 1976, 62 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Petrovka, 38, 1980, 83 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call number
    • Ogareva, 6, 1980 83 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call number
    • Pristupit´ k likvidatsii [Proceed To Liquidation] 1983, 127 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Nagradit´ (posmertno) [Honour (posthumously)] 1986, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Pust´ ia umru, Gospodi ... [Let Me Die, Lord ...] 1988, 73 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
      Call number
    • Ispoved´ soderzhanki [The Confession of a Kept Woman] 2002, approx. 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GRIGOR´EV, Dmitrii

    See underde Santis and Grigor´ev, Dmitrii

    GRIGOR´EV, Iurii

    • Den´ i vsia zhizn´ [A Day and a Whole Life] 1969, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Pis´mo iz iunosti [A Letter from Youth] 1973, 67 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GRIGOR´EV, Iurii and GRIGOR´EVA, Renita

    • Prazdniki detstva [Festivals of Childhood] 1981, 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Govorit Moskva [Moscow Speaking] 1985, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Mal´chiki [The Boys] 1990, 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GRIGOR´EV, Mikhail

    • Osobyi podkhod [A Particular Approach] 1959, 60 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Krasnoe, sinee, zelenoe [Red, Blue, Green] 1966, 59 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Zhili tri kholostiaka [There Once Lived Three Bachelors]1973, 129 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Duen´ia [The Dueña] 1978, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underStudennikov and Grigor´ev

    GRIGOR´EV, Vladimir

    • Rokirovka v dlinnuiu storonu [Castling on the Long Side] 1969, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Pozdnie svidaniia [Late Meetings] 1980, 95 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • S tekh por, kak my vmeste [Since We Have Been Together] 1982, 81 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Polet ptitsy [A Bird's Flight] 1988, 129 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GRIGOR´EVA, Renita

    See underGrigor´ev, Iurii and Grigor´eva, Renita

    GROKHOVSKAIA, Ekaterina

    • Chelovek bezvozvratnyi [The Man Without Return] 2006, 104 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    GRYMOV, Iurii

    • Mumu, 1998, 101 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Kollektsionner [The Collector] 2001, 95 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
      Call numberand music from film (17 tracks, 64 minutes) Call number
    • Chuzhie [Strangers] 2008, 101 minutes, in Russian and English with optional Russian overdubbing for the English dialogue and with optional English subtitles for the Russian dialogue
      Call numberfilm
      Call numbermusic cd
    • Na oshchup´ [To the Touch] 2010, 107 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Tri Sestry [Three Sisters]2017, 128 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GUBENKO, Nikolai

    • Nastas´ia i Fomka [Nastas´ia and Fomka] 1968, 22 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Prishel soldat s fronta [A Solider Returned from the Front] 1971, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Esli khochesh´ byt´ schastlivym [If You Want to Be Happy] 1974, approx. 65 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Podranki [Orphans] 1977, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Iz zhizni otdykhaiushchikh [From the Life of Holidaymakers] 1980, 79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • I zhizn´, i slezy, i liubov´ [Life, Love and Tears] 1983
      Call number103 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number97 minutes, in Russian
    • Zapretnaia zona [Forbidden Zone] 1988, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GUMBATOV, Farid

    • Kavkaz [The Caucasus] 2007, 90 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    GUR´IANOV, Valerii

    • Apelliatsiia [The Appeal] 1987, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GURIN, Il´ia

    • Zolotoi eshelon [The Golden Echelon] 1959, 95 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • V trudnyi chas [At a Difficult Hour] 1961, 95 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Pri ispolnenii sluzhebnykh obiazannostei [On Active Service] 1963, 96 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Nashi znakomye [Our Acquaintances] 1969, 103 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Starye dolgi [Old Debts] 1980, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Eshche mozhno uspet´ [We Can Still Manage] 1987, 69 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GURIN, Il´ia and BERENSHTEIN, Vladimir

    • Ver´te mne, liudi [Trust Me, People] 1964, 105 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GUROV, Sergei and OZEROV, Iurii

    • Arena smelykh [Arena of the Brave] 1953, 72 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    GURZO, Sergei

    • Ka-ka-du [Cockatoo] 1992, 61 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GUSAROV, Nikolai

    • Na beregu bol´shoi reki [On the Bank of a Great River] 1980, 69 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Semen Dezhnev, 1983, 76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Komanda "33" [Detachment 33] 1987, 72 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Dikoe pole [Wild Field] 1991, 105 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vverkh tormashkami [Head Over Heels] 1992, 79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Kazach´ia byl´ [A Cossack Tale] 1999, 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    GUSMAN, Iulii

    • Ne boisia, ia s toboi! [Don't Be Afraid, I'm With You!] 1981, 147 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call number
    • Park sovetskogo perioda [Soviet Park] 2006, 126 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    GVASALIIA, Omar and STEFANOVICH, Aleksandr

    • Vid na zhitel´stvo [Residence Permit] 1972, approx. 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    HANSEN, Kai

    • Roman s kontrabasom [Romance with Double Bass] 1911, 7 minutes
      Call numberpreserved without titles, added music track
      Call numberwith a new soundtrack by Pakava It´
      Call numberpreserved without titles, added music track

    See also underMaitreand underGoncharov, Hansen, Ural´skii and others

    HERRERA, Manuel

    • Kapablanka [Capablanca] 1986, 91 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    I, Andrei [Andrei Khoroshev]

    • Nauchnaia sektsiia pilotov [Pilots' Scientific Group] 1996, 110 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    IAGAFAROV, Shamil

    • Bylo leto [It Was Summer] 2014, 17 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number

    IAKANIN, Vladimir

    • Fartovyi [Lucky] 2005, 93 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number


    • Vernut´ veru [To Return Faith] 2006, 83 minutes,lacks ending, in Russian
      Call number

    IANCHEV, Vladimir

    • Pervyi kur´er [Pŭrviiat kur´er] [The First Courier] 1967, approx. 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ukradennyi poezd [The Stolen Train] 1971, 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    IANKOVSKII, Filipp

    • V dvizhenii [In Motion] 2002, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call numberin Russian without subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Statskii sovetnik [The State Counsellor] 2005, 129 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Mechenosets [The Sword Bearer] 2006, 106 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call number
    • Kamennaia bashka [Stone Head] 2008, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    IANKOVSKII, Oleg and AGRANOVICH, Mikhail

    • Prikhodi na menia posmotret´ [Come and Look At Me] 2000, 102 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number

    IANKOVSKII, Vladimir

    • Marsh Brosok. Osobye obstoiatel´stva [Sprint March. Special Circumstances] 2013, approx. 180 minutes, in Russian
      Call number(there is a gap of 28 minutes after 30 minutes)

    IARMATOV, Kamil´

    • Druz´ia vstrechaiutsia vnov´ [Friends Meet Again] 1939, 83 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Alisher Navoi, 1947, 95 minutes, dubbed into Russian from Uzbek
      Call number

    IASAN, Ernest

    • Pridut strasti-mordasti [Strong Passions Will Come] 1981, 65 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Dubler nachinaet deistvovat´ [The Understudy Starts to Act] 1983, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Son v ruku, ili Chemodan [The Dream Came True, or The Suitcase] 1985, 72 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Prosti [Forgive Me] 1986, 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Nechistaia sila [An Unclean Spirit] 1989, 126 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Koleso liubvi [Wheel of Love] 1994, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underLebedev, Nikolai

    IASHIN, Boris

    • Osennie svad´by [Autumn Weddings] 1967, 77 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Aeroport so sluzhebnogo vkhoda [The Airport from the Service Entrance] 1986, approx. 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Meshcherskie [The Meshcherskiis] [based on the stories 'Natali', 'Tania' and 'V Parizhe', from the cycle 'Temnye allei']1995, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number

    See also underSmirnov and Iashin


    • Gorod pervoi liubvi [The Town of First Love] 1970, approx. 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Istoriia vtoraia. Urok risovaniia dlia vzroslykh [The Second Story. A Drawing Lesson for Adults] 2020, 21 minutes, in Russian, part ofOchen´ zhenskie istorii [Very Female Stories] 2020, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    See underShvydkoi and Ibragimbekov


    • Muzhchina dlia molodoi zhenshchiny [A Man for a Young Woman] 1996, 76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Istinnye proisshestviia [True Stories] 2000, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ob´´ekt No. 1 [Object no. 1] 5 minutes, in Moskva, ia liubliu tebia! Kinoal´manakh [Moscow, I Love You! A Film Almanac] 2010, 91 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    IBRAGIMOV, Azhdar

    • Dela serdechnye [Affairs of the Heart] 1973, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    IDOV, Mikhail

    • Iumorist [The Humorist] 2018, 102 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    IHO, Arvo

    • Vaatleja [Nabliudatel´] [Birdwatcher] 1987, 89 minutes, dubbed into Russian with English subtitles
      Call number
    • Kruzhovnik (sic) [Gooseberries] 2006, 94 minutes, in Russian with subtitles
      Call number

    IL´ENKO, Iurii

    • Rodnik dlia zhazhdushchikh [Crynitsa dlia spraglikh] [A Spring for the Thirsty] 1965, restored 1987, 71 minutes, in Ukrainian and Russian with English subtitles
      Call number
    • Vecher nakanune Ivana Kupala [St John's Eve] 1968, 69 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Belaia ptitsa s chernoi otmetinoi [The White Bird with the Black Markings] 1970, 93 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Lebedinoe ozero. Zona [Swan Lake. The Zone] 1990, 92 minutes, in Ukrainian with Russian voiceover
      Call number

    IL´ENKO, Mikhail

    • Tam vdali, za rekoi [There in the Distance, Across the River] 1975, 73 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Sapogi vsmiatku [Soft-Boiled Boots] 1978, approx. 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Mirgorod i ego obitateli [Mirgorod and its Inhabitants] 1983, 135 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Fuchzhou, 1993, 125 minutes, in Ukrainian with Russian overdubbing
      Call number
      Call number

    IL´IN, Iurii

    See under BELEVICH, Kirill (as Kirill Astakhov) with IL´IN, Iurii

    IL´INSKAIA, Svetlana

    • Iama [The Pit] 1990, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    IL´INSKII, Igor´

    Seebelowand also underShmain and Il´inskii

    IL´INSKII, Igor´ and KOL´TSATYI, Arkadii

    • Staryi znakomyi [An Old Acquaintance] 1969, 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    IOGANSON, Eduard

    See underERMLER


    • Aprili [Avril] [Aprel´] [April] 1962
      Call numberin Georgian with French subtitles
      Call numberin Georgian with optional French and English subtitles
    • Giorgobistve [La chute des feuilles] [Listopad] [Falling Leaves] 1966, 91 minutes
      Call numberin Georgian with Russian overdubbing
      Call numberin Georgian with French subtitles
      Call numberin Georgian with optional French and English subtitles
    • Iqo shashvi mgalobeli [Il était une fois un Merle Chanteur] [Zhil pevchii drozd] [Once there was a Singing Blackbird] 1970, 78 minutes
      Call numberin Georgian with French subtitles
      Call numberin Georgian with optional French and English subtitles
    • Pastorali [Pastorale] [Pastoral´] 1976, 94 minutes
      Call numberin Georgian with French subtitles
      Call numberin Georgian with optional French and English subtitles

    See also underRussian Documentary Filmsand underFeature Films by Western Directors on Russian, Central and East European Subjects

    IOSIFOV, Dmitrii

    • Bratstvo po oruzhiiu [Brotherhood of Weapons] 2004, 56 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Leto volkov (Kapli krovi na tsvetushchem vereske) [Summer of Wolves (Drops of Blood on Flowering Heather)] 2011, 6 x 52 = 312 minutes, in Russian
      Call numbersand

    IRTEN´EV, Viacheslav

    • Sledstvie vedut znatoki. Delo dvadtsat´ chetvertoe. Pud zolota [The Investigation is Carried Out by Experts. Case No. 24. A Pound of Gold] 2002, 290 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    ISAKOV, Valerii

    • Nezhnyi vozrast [Tender Age] 1983, 79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Alyi kamen´ [The Scarlet Stone] 1986, 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underIvanchuk and Isakov


    • Nezhnost´ [Tenderness] 1966, 71 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vliublennye [The Lovers] 1969, 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Naslednitsy [The Heiresses] 2001, 104 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vliublennye. Fil´m vtoroi [The Lovers 2] 2004, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    ISLAMGULOV, Il´dar

    • Uslovnyi refleks [Conditioned Reflex] 2001, 95 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number

    ISMAILOV, Timur

    • Bingo, 2009, 28 minutes, in Russian with some English and Dutch
      Call number

    ITINA, Matil´da

    • Poslednii krestonosets [The Last Crusader] in Shveik gotovitsia k boiu (Antifashistskii satiricheskii kinosbornik) [Švejk Gets Ready to Fight (An Anti-Fascist Satirical Film Collection] 1942, 61 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number

    ITYGILOV, Aleksandr Ataevich

    • Esli mozhesh´, prosti... [If You Can, Forgive Me...] 1984, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Smirennoe kladbishche [A Humble Cemetery] 1989, 101 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    IUDIN, Konstantin

    • Devushka s kharakterom [A Girl with Character] 1939, in Russian
      Call number82 minutes, remastered version
      Call number82 minutes
      Call number77 minutes
    • Antosha Rybkin [Boevoi kinosbornik No. 3] [Fighting Film Collection No. 3] 1941, 14 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Serdtsa chetyrekh [The Hearts of Four] 1941, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Antosha Rybkin 1942, 49 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Bliznetsy [Twins] 1945, 79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Smelye liudi [Bold People] 1950, 94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Bezzakonie [Lawlessness] 1953, 14 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Zastava v gorakh [The Fort in the Hills] 1953, 97 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Shvedskaia spichka. Ugolovnyi rasskaz. [The Swedish Match. A Criminal Story] 1954, 52 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Na podmostkakh stseny [On the Boards] 1956, 83 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
      Call number

    IUDIN, Konstantin and BARNET, Boris

    • Borets i kloun [The Wrestler and the Clown] 1957, in Russian
      Call number87 minutes
      Call number94 minutes

    IUFIT, Evgenii

    • Sanitary-oborotni [Werewolf-Orderlies] 1984, 3 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Lesorub [The Woodcutter] 1987, 9 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vesna [Spring] 1987, 10 minutes
      Call number
    • Muzhestvo [Courage] 1988, 3 minutes
      Call number
    • Vepri suitsida [Wild Boars of Suicide] 1988, 4 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ubitye molniei [Killed by Lightning] 2002, 63 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number
      Call number

    IUFIT, Evgenii and MASLOV, Vladimir

    • Papa. Umer ded moroz [Daddy, Father Christmas Has Died] 1991, 76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Dereviannaia komnata [The Wooden Room] 1995, 60 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Serebrianye golovy [Silver Heads] 1998, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Formula radugi [The Rainbow Formula] 1966, 69 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Opasnye gastroli [Dangerous Touring] 1969, 87 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call number
    • Vnimanie, tsunami! [Attention, Tsunami!] 1969, 77 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Derzost´ [Daring] 1971, 96 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • D'Artan´ian i tri mushketera [D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers] 1979, 250 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call number
    • Kuda on denetsia! [Where Will He Get To?] 1981, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Iskusstvo zhit´ v Odesse [The Art of Living in Odessa] 1989, 100 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Mushketery 20 let spustia [The Musketeers Twenty years Later] 1992, 295 minutes, in Russian
      Call numbersand
    • Novogodnii romans [A New Year Romance] 2004, 104 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Adam i prevrashcheniia Evy [Adam and the Transformations of Eve] 2005, 104 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    IURENEV, Vladimir

    • Vesennii potok [Spring Flow] 1940, 84 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Nenavist´ [Hatred] [Boevoi kinosbornik No. 6] [Fighting Film Collection No. 6] 1941, 12 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    IURKOVA, Galina

    See underDaneliia-Iurkova

    IURSKII, Sergei

    • Chernov Chernov, 1990, 99 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    IURZHENKO, Sergei

    • Sosed [The Neighbour] 2004, in Russian
      Call number81 minutes

    IUTKEVICH, Sergei

    • Kruzheva [Lace] 1928, 66 minutes, Russian titles, silent with added music track
      Call number
    • Shakhtery [Miners] 1937, 101 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
      Call number
    • Chelovek s ruzh´em [The Man with the Gun] 1938, 87 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
      Call number
      Call number
    • Iakov Sverdlov, 1940, 102 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Belaia vorona [The White Crow] [Boevoi kinosbornik No. 7] 1941, 15 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Eliksir bodrosti [Elixir of Courage] [Boevoi kinosbornik No. 7] 1941, 9 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Shveik gotovitsia k boiu (Antifashistskii satiricheskii kinosbornik) [Švejk Gets Ready to Fight (An Anti-Fascist Satirical Film Collection] 1942, 61 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Novye pokhozhdeniia Shveika (Soldatskaia skazka) [The New Adventures of Svejk (A Soldier's Tale)] 1943, 68 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Zdravstvui, Moskva! [Hallo, Moscow!] 1945, 96 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Svet nad Rossiei [Light over Russia] 1947, 69 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Przheval´skii, 1951, 108 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Velikii voin Albanii Skanderbeg [The Great Warrior of Albania Skanderbeg / Skënderbeu] 1953, 114 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Otello [Othello] 1955, 103 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Siuzhet dlia nebol´shogo rasskaza [A Subject for a Short Story] Also known as Lika - liubov´ Chekhova [Lika - Chekhov's Love] [Un amour de Chékhov] 1969, 81 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberFrench dubbed version
    • Lenin v Parizhe [Lenin in Paris] 1981, 104 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underErmler

    IUTKEVICH, Sergei and KARANOVICH, Anatolii

    • Maiakovskii smeetsia [Maiakovskii Laughs] 1975, 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    IUZOVSKII, Mikhail

    • Taina zheleznoi dveri [The Secret of the Iron Door] 1970, 68 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian, English and French subtitles
      Call number
    • Tam, na nevedomykh dorozhkakh [Along Unknown Paths] 1982, 66 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed and subtitled versions
      Call number

    IVANCHUK, Iurii

    • Prikaz: pereiti granitsu [Order: Cross the Border] 1982, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Parashiutisty [Parachutists] 1984, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    IVANCHUK, Iurii and ISAKOV, Valerii

    • Prikaz: ogon´ ne otkryvat´ [Order: Don't Open Fire] 1981, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number

    IVANNIKOV, Maksim

    • Poker-45. Cherchill´, Ruzvel´t, Stalin [Poker-45. Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin] 2010, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    IVANOV, Aleksandr

    • Na granitse [On the Border] 1938, 96 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Podvodnaia lodka "T-9" [Submarine "T-9"] 1943, 67 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Synov´ia [Sons] 1946, 89 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Vozvrashchenie s pobedoi [Return with Victory] 1947, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Zvezda [The Star] 1949, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Mikhailo Lomonosov, 1955, 99 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Soldaty [The Soldiers] 1956, in Russian
      Call number100 minutes
    • Podniataia tselina [Virgin Soil Upturned] 1959-1961, 285 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call numberParts 1-2, 185 minutes
      Call numberPart 3, 100 minutes

    IVANOV, Anatolii

    • Starye pis´ma [Old Letters] 1981, approx. 63 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Drian´ [Rubbish] 1990, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Telokhranitel´ [The Bodyguard] 1990, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Zoloto partii [Party Gold] 1993, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    IVANOV, Boris

    See underStolper, Aleksandr and Ivanov, Boris

    IVANOV, Gennadii

    • Ekzamen na chin [A Rank Exam] 1969, 30 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Sergeev ishchet Sergeeva [Sergeev is Looking for Sergeev] 1974, approx. 63 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Postaraisia ostat´sia zhivym [Try to Stay Alive] 1986, 64 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Gosudarstvennaia granitsa [The State Border] Film 7: Solenyi veter [A Salt Wind] 1988, 128 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Gosudarstvennaia granitsa [The State Border] Film 8: Na dal´nem pogranich´e [On the Distant Border] 1988, 130 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    IVANOV, Ivan andMOROZ, Iurii

    • Apostol [The Apostle] 2008, 607 minutes, in Russian
      Call numbers,and

    IVANOV, Petr

    • Chelovek-amfibiia [The Amphibious Man] 2004, 176 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number

    IVANOV, Viktor

    See underKomarov and Ivanov

    IVANOV, Viktor Mikhailovich

    • Za dvumia zaitsami [Chasing Two Hares] 1961, 72 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
      Call number
    • Kliuchi ot neba [The Keys to Heaven] 1964, 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    IVANOV, Vitalii

    See underZharov and Ivanov

    IVANOV-BARKOV, Evgenii

    • Dalekaia nevesta [The Distant Bride] 1948, 82 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    IVANOVSKII, Aleksandr

    • Iudushka Golovlev, 1933, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Dubrovskii, 1935, 70 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Anton Ivanovich serditsia [Anton Ivanovich Gets Angry] 1941, 74 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Sil´va [Sylva] 1944, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Solistka baleta [Ballet Soloist] 1946, 72 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    IVANOVSKII, Aleksandr and KOSHEVEROVA, Nadezhda

    • Ukrotitel´nitsa tigrov [The Tiger-tamer] 1954, 95 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles

    IVANOVSKII, Aleksandr and RAPPAPORT, Herbert

    • Muzykal´naia istoriia [A Musical Story] 1940, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number83 minutes
      Call number72 minutes
      Call number83 minutes

    IVCHENKO, Boris

    • Annychka, 1968, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Olesia, 1970, 96 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Propala hramota [Propavshaia gramota] [The Lost Letter] 1972, 74 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call numberin Ukrainian or in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles

    IVCHENKO, Viktor

    • Est´ takoi paren´ [There is Such a Lad] 1956, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ch.P. Chrezvychainoe proisshestvie [Emergency] 1958, 160 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Sof´ia Grushko, 1971, 96 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underShmaruk


    KACHANOV, Roman

    • DMB [Demobbed] 2000, 83 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Daun khaus [Down House] 2001
      Call number89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number80 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles


    • Snegurochka [The Snow Maiden] 1968, 88 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed versions and subtitles
      Call number
    • Ia tebia nikogda ne zabudu [I Shall Never Forget You] 1983, 81 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Serebrianye struny [Silver Strings] 1987, 94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KADOCHNIKOV, Pavel and KAZANSKII, Gennadii

    • Muzykanty odnogo polka [Musicians of a Single Regiment] 1965, 81 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KADOCHNIKOV, Valentin and FILIPPOV, Fedor

    • Volshebnoe zerno [The Magic Grain] 1941, 82 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    KAIDANOVSKII, Aleksandr

    • Prostaia smert´... [A Simple Death...] 1985, 64 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Zhena kerosinshchika [The Kerosene Seller's Wife] 1988, 95 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number

    See also adocumentary on Kaidanovskii

    KAIUMOV, Gennadii

    See underBekmambetov and Kaiumov


    • Ia, sledovatel´... [I, the Investigator...] 1972, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Dikoe pole [Wild Field] 2008, 104 minutes
      Call number(followed by 61 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series), in Russian without subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian subtitles

    KALATOZOV, Mikhail

    • Lurismani chekmashi [Gvozd´ v sapoge (Strana v opasnosti, Signal, Gost´)] [A Nail in the Boot (The Country is in Danger, The Signal, The Guest)] 1931, 64 minutes, Russian titles with optional German, English and Georgian subtitles, digitally restored
      Call number
    • Muzhestvo [Courage] 1939, 65 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
      Call number
    • Valerii Chkalov, 1941
      Call number96 minutes, in Russian, preceded and followed by discussion in theKinopravda?series
      Call number84 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    • Zagovor obrechennykh [Conspiracy of the Doomed] 1950, 97 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Vikhri vrazhdebnye [Inimical Whirlwinds] 1953, 97 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Vernye druz´ia [True Friends] 1954
      Call number95 minutes, in Russian
      Call number97minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    • Pervyi eshelon [The First Echelon] 1955, 108 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Letiat zhuravli [The Cranes are Flying] 1957
      Call number91 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed versions or subtitles
      Call number96 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles (Blu ray disc, The Criterion Collection, No. 146)
    • Neotpravlennoe pis´mo [The Letter that Was Not Sent] [The Unmailed Letter] [Letter Never Sent] 1959, 96 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Ia - Kuba [I am Cuba] [Soy Cuba] 1964
      Call number140 minutes, in Spanish or in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number140 minutes, in Spanish or in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number135 minutes, in Spanish with optional English subtitles
      Call number141 minutes, in Spanish with optional French subtitles, new 4K restoration (Blu ray disc, the film and the extras) (Potemkine)
      Call number135 minutes, in Spanish with optional French subtitles, new 4K restoration (DVD, the film and the Martin Scorsese interview) (Potemkine)
      Call number(DVD, the extras) (Potemkine)
    • Krasnaia palatka [The Red Tent] 1969, 150 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with Englishsubtitles

    See also underGerasimov and Kalatozov

    KALENOV, Igor´

    • Aleksandr. Nevskaia bitva [Alexander: The Warrior Saint] 2008, 107 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number

    KALIK, Mikhail

    • Do svidaniia, mal´chiki [Goodbye, Boys] 1964, 77 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Liubit´... [To Love...] 1968, 71 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • I vozvrashchaetsia veter [memuary] [And the Wind Returns] 1991, 127 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also adocumentary on Kalik

    KALIK, Mikhail and RYTSAREV, Boris

    • Iunost´ nashikh ottsov [The Youth of Our Fathers] 1958, 77 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KALININ, Nikolai

    • Sotvori boi [Create a Battle] 1969, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Kortik [The Dirk] 1973, 208 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Bronzovaia ptitsa [The Bronze Bird] 1974, 64 + 64 + 64 minutes, in Russian only without subtitles
      Call number

    KALININA, Ekaterina

    • Ulybka letnei nochi [Smile of a Summer Night] 7 minutes, in Moskva, ia liubliu tebia! Kinoal´manakh [Moscow, I Love You! A Film Almanac] 2010, 91 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Ainalaiyn, 1991, 64 minutes, in Kazakh with optional Russian voiceover version
      Call number

    KAMALOVA, Kamara

    • Vse vokrug zasypano snegom [All Around is Covered in Snow] 1995, 72 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KANANOVICH, Aleksandr

    • Monro [Monroe] 2009, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KANEVSKII, Vitalii

    • Derevenskaia istoriia [A Village Story] 1981, 79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Zamri - umri - voskresni! [Freeze, Die, Get up Again] 1989
      Call number99 minutes, in Russian
      Call number99 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Samostoiatel´naia zhizn´ [An Independent Life] [Une Vie Indépendante] 1991, 96 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with French subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles (poor picture quality)

    See also adocumentary by Kanevskii

    KANTOR, Roman

    • Time Off, 2009, 26 minutes 54 seconds, in English, French and Russian with Russian subtitles
      Call number

    KAPLUNOVSKII, Vladimir

    • Meksikanets [The Mexican] 1955, 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Kapitanskaia dochka [The Captain's Daughter] 1958, 97 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KARA, Iurii

    • Zavtra byla voina [Tomorrow Was War] 1987, 85 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian or English subtitles
      Call number
    • Vory v zakone [Thieves in Law] 1988
      Call number95 minutes, in Russian
      Call number89 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Piry Valtasara, ili Noch´ so Stalinym [Belshazzar's Feast, or A Night with Stalin] 1989, 83 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Master i Margarita [The Master and Margarita] 1994, 118 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ia - kukla [I am a Puppet] 2001, 99 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Interesnye muzhchiny [Interesting Men] 2001, 100 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Zvezda epokhi [Star of the Epoch] 2005, 417 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Korolev, 2007, 116 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call number
    • Gamlet XXI veka [A Twenty First Century Hamlet] 2009, 178 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Glavnyi [The Boss] 2015, 105 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KARAMIAN, Erazm

    See underKevorkov and Karamian

    KARANOVICH, Sergei

    See underIutkevich and Karanovich

    KARAS, Oksana

    • Khoroshii mal´chik [A Good Boy] 2016, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Doktor Liza [Doctor Liza] 2020, 120 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles


    • Kak possorilis´ Ivan Ivanovich s Ivanom Nikiforovichem [How Ivan Ivanovich Quarelled With Ivan Nikiforovich] 1959, 65 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KARASIK, Iulii

    • Zhdite pisem [Wait for Letters] 1960, 90 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Dikaia sobaka Dingo [Wild Dog Dingo] 1962, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Chelovek, kotorogo ia liubliu [The Person I Love] 1966
      Call number94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number90 minutes, in Russian
    • Shestoe iiulia [The Sixth of July] 1968, 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Chaika [The Seagull] 1970
      Call number100 minutes, in Russian
      Call number95 minutes in Russian with French subtitles
      Call number94 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Sobstvennoe mnenie [His Own Opinion] 1976, 73 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Bez solntsa [Sunless] 1987, 102 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KARELIN, Aleksei

    • Vykhod [The Exit] [The Escape] [The Way Out] 2000, 69 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian, English and French subtitles
      Call number
    • Vremia sobirat´ kamni [A Time to Gather Stones] 2005, 93 minutes,in Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call number

    KARELOV, Evgenii

    • Nakhalenok [The Cheeky Little Fellow] 1961, 54 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Tretii taim [The Third Half] 1962
      Call number88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number83 minutes, in Russian with some untranslated German
    • Deti Don-Kikhota [The Children of Don Quixote] 1965, 73 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Sem´ starikov i odna devushka [Seven Old Men and One Girl] 1968, 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Sluzhili dva tovarishcha [There Served Two Comrades] 1968, 93 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed and subtitled versions
      Call number
    • Dva kapitana [Two Captains] 1976, 434 minutes, in Russian only without subtitles
      Call numberParts 1-3
      Call numberParts 4-6

    KARIMOV, Roman

    • Neadekvatnye liudi [Inadequate People] 2010, 106 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number(followed by 55 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)
    • Vdrebezgi [Shattered] 2011, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Neadekvatnye liudi [Inadequate People 2] 2020, 136 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KARIS, Helle

    • Dikie lebedi [Metsluiged] [Wild Swans] 1987, 82 minutes, dubbed into Russian from Estonian with optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call number

    KARIUK, Gennadii

    See underAkhadov and Kariuk

    KARIUKOV, Mikhail and KOBERIDZE, Otar

    • Mechte navstrechu [Encounter in Space] [Begegnung im All] 1963, 63 minutes
      Call numberGerman dubbed version, no Russian dialogue
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles

    KARIUKOV, Mikhail

    See also underKozyr´ and Kariukov


    See underDzigan

    KARPOV, Aleksandr

    • Svadebnaia noch´ [The Wedding Night] 1980, 65 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Lichnye schety [Personal Accounts] 1982, 79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KARPUNINA, Sof´ia

    • Vse prosto [Everything is Simple] 2012, 107 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number

    KARPYKOV, Abai

    • Tot, kto nezhnee [The One Who is More Tender] 1996, 91 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Okhota na iziubria [The Hunt for the Manchurian Deer] 2005, 595 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call numberParts 1-4, 199 minutes
      Call numberParts 5-8, 202 minutes
      Call numberParts 9-12, 194 minutes

    KARSAKBAEV, Abdulla

    • Menia zovut Kozhá [My Name is Kozhá] 1963, 86 minutes, in Russian or in Kazakh
      Call number
    • Trevozhnoe utro [Kily Kezen] [Alarming Morning] 1966, 82 minutes, in Russian or in Kazakh
      Call number
    • Alpamys idet v shkolu [Alpamys Goes to School] 1976, 69 minutes, in Russian or in Kazakh
      Call number
    • Pogonia v stepi [Chase in the Steppe] 1979, 86 minutes, in Russian or in Kazakh
      Call number
    • Balalyttyn kermek demi [Solenaia reka detstva] [The Salty River of Childhood] 1982, 64 minutes, in Russian or in Kazakh
      Call number

    KASATKIN, Aleksandr

    • Mosca ti amo [Moscow I Love you] 6 minutes, in Moskva, ia liubliu tebia! Kinoal´manakh [Moscow, I Love You! A Film Almanac] 2010, 91 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Zorka Venera [Venus the Star] 2000, 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Prometei [Prometheus] 1935, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Natalka Poltavka, 1936, 72 minutes
      Call numberin Ukrainian with Russian subtitles
      Call numberin Ukrainian
    • Guliashchaia [The Streetwalker] 1961, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KAVUN, Andrei

    • Kursanty [Cadets] 2004, 439 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call numberDVD 1
      Call numberDVD 2
      Call numberDVD 3
      Call numberDVD 4
    • Okhota na piran´iu [Piranha Hunt] 2006, 120 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Kandagar [Kandahar] 2009, 99 minutes
      Call number in Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles

    KAVUN, Andrei and CHERVIAKOV, Denis

    • Komanda [The Team] 2004, 528 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call numberParts 1-4, 176 minutes
      Call numberParts 5-8, 176 minutes
      Call numberParts 9-12, 176 minutes

    KAZAKOV, Aleksandr

    • Vint [The Screw] 1993, 77 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KAZAKOV, Sergei

    • Dozhdi [Rains] 1958, 51 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KAZANSKII, Gennadii

    • Goriachee serdtse [An Ardent Heart] 1953, 169 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Starik Khottabych [Old Man Khottabych] 1956, 81 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed versions and subtitles
      Call number
    • Ne imei 100 rublei... [Don't Have 100 Roubles...] 1959, 81 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Snezhnaia koroleva [The Snow Queen] 1966, 79 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed versions and subtitles
      Call number
    • Izhorskii batal´on [The Izhorsk Batallion], 1972, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Inzhener Graftio [The Engineer Graftio] 1979, 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also entrybelowand underKadochnikov and Kazanskiiand underRoshal´ and Kazanskii

    KAZANSKII, Gennadii and CHEBOTAREV, Vladimir

    • Chelovek-amfibiia [The Amphibious Man] 1961, 92 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed versions or subtitles
      Call number

    KEL´CHEVSKAIA, Anna and KIL´BURG, Vladimir

    • Sdvig [Displacement] 2006, 106 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call number

    KELETI, Márton

    • Szerelmi álmok - Liszt [Ferents List (Grezy liubvi)] [Dreams of Love - Liszt] 1970
      Call number158 minutes, Russian language version
      Call numberand Call number172 minutes, in Hungarian with optional English subtitles

    KEOSAIAN, Edmond

    • Gde ty teper´, Maksim? [Where are You Now, Maksim?] 1964, 77 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Striapukha [The Cook] 1965, 71 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Neulovimye mstiteli [The Elusive Avengers] 1966, 73 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed and subtitled vesions
      Call number
    • Novye prikliucheniia neulovimykh [New Adventures of the Elusives] 1968, 78 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed and subtitled versions
      Call number
    • Korona rossiiskoi imperii, ili snova neulovimye [The Crown of the Russian Empire, or The Elusives Once More] 1971, 129 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed and subtitled versions
      Call numberDVD 1, first 63½ minutes
      Call numberDVD 2, last 65½ minutes
    • Muzhchiny [The Men] 1972, 67 minutes, in Russian or Armenian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call number
    • Kogda nastupaet sentiabr´... [When September Comes...] 1975, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Zvezda nadezhdy [Star of Hope] 1978, 150 minutes, in Russian or Armenian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call number

    KEOSAIAN, Tigran

    • Bednaia Sasha [Poor Sasha] 1997, 95 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Prezident i ego vnuchka [The President and his Granddaughter] 1999, 97 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Landysh serebristyi [Silver Lily of the Valley] 2000, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Landysh serebristyi 2 [Silver Lily of the Valley 2] 2004, 519 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Mirazh [The Mirage] 2008, 81 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Ialta-45 [Yalta 45] 2011, 4 x 48 = 192 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KESAIANTS, Dmitrii

    • Soldat i slon [The Soldier and the Elephant] 1977, 77 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KEVORKOV, Stepan and KARAMIAN, Erazm

    • Lichno izvesten [Personally Known] 1957, 101 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KEVORKOV, Stepan and MELIK-AVAKIAN, Grigorii

    • Poslednii podvig Kamo [Kamoyi verjin skhranqe] [Kamo's Last Great Deed] 1973, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KHABENSKII, Konstantin

    • Sobibor, 2017
      Call number117 minutes, in Russian with some German and Yiddish with optional English subtitles
      Call number113 minutes, in Russian with some German and Yiddish with French dubbed version or French subtitles

    KHALZANOV, Baras

    • Otkrytye (Rukopis´ Akademika Iurysheva) [The Discovery (The Manuscript of Academician Iuryshev)] 1973, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Den´ semeinogo torzhestva [A Day of Family Celebrations] 1976, 81 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • V noch´ lunnogo zatmeniia [On the Night of the Lunar Eclipse] 1978, approx. 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Protiv techeniia [Against the Current] 1981, 70 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KHAMDAMOV, Alisher

    • Garem Stepana Gusliakova [Stepan Gusliakov's Harem] 1989, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KHAMDAMOV, Rustam

    • V gorakh moe serdtse [My Heart is in the Mountains] 1967, 30 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also adocumentary on Khamdamov

    KHAMOKOV, Oleg

    • Armè [Army] 2014, 17 minutes 18 seconds, in Russian with English subtitles and with some untranslated Kabardian
      Call number


    • Sed´maia pulia [The Seventh Bullet] 1972, 79 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Telokhranitel´ [The Bodyguard] 1979, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Zharkoe leto v Kabule [Hot Summer in Kabul] 1983, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KHAMRAEV, Iskander

    • Poezd miloserdiia [Mercy Train] 1964, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ee imia - vesna [Her Name is Spring] 1969, 72 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Griadushchemu veku [To the Coming Century] 1985, 5 parts, 67 + 65 + 65 + 67 + 64 minutes, in Russian
      Call numberParts 1-3
      Call numberParts 4-5
    • Advokat [The Lawyer] 1990, 79 + 83 + 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call numberParts 1 and 2
      Call numberPart 3
    • Uboinaia sila. Rol´ vtorogo plana [Destructive Force. The Supporting Role] 2002, 60 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KHAMRAEV, Iskander and SHESHUKOV, Igor´

    • Krasnaia strela [The Red Arrow] 1986, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KHANT, Aleksandr

    • Kak Vit´ka Chesnok vez Lekhu Shtyria v dom invalidov [How Vit´ka Chesnok Drove Lekha Shtyr´ to the Invalid House] in Russian
      Call number90 minutes
      Call number86 minutes (better quality copy)

    KHARCHENKO, Valerii and SHERGOVA, Galina

    • Voina okonchena. Zabud´te [The War is Over. Forget It] 1998, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KHAZANOVA, Elena

    • Igra slov. Perevodchitsa oligarkha [Play on Words. The Oligarch's Translator] 2006, 90 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Oskolki [Middleground] [Fragments] 2016, 74 minutes, in Russian and English with Russian voiceover for the English
      Call number

    KHEIFITS, Iosif

    • Bol´shaia sem´ia [The Big Family] 1954, 100 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Delo Rumiantseva [The Rumiantsev Case] 1955, 97 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Dorogoi moi chelovek [My Dear Man] 1958, 101 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Dama s sobachkoi [The Lady with the Little Dog] 1960, 83 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional voiceover and subtitled versions
    • Den´ schast´ia [Day of Happiness] 1963, 96 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • V gorode S [In the Town of S.] 1966, 100 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Saliut, Mariia! [Hallo, Maria!] 1970, 127 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Plokhoi khoroshii chelovek [A Bad Good Man] 1973
      Call number90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number94 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call number94 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Edinstvennaia [The Only One] 1975, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Asia, 1977, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vpervye zamuzhem [Married for the First Time] 1979, 94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Shurochka, 1982, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Podsudimyi [The Accused] 1985, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vy ch´e, starich´e? [Whose Are You, Old Folks?] 1988, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Brodiachii avtobus [The Wandering Bus] 1989, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underZarkhi and Kheifitsand underZarkhi, Kheifits and Takhmasib

    KHEIFITS, Iosif and KOSHEVEROVA, Nadezhda

    • Vesna v Moskve [Spring in Moscow] 1953, 102 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number


    • Svobodnoe plavanie [Free Floating] 2006, 97 minutes, in Rusian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Pozor [Shame] 2009, 18½ minutes, in Korotkoe zamykanie [Short Circuit] [Crush. Five Stories about Love] Almanac
      Call numberin Russian with optional English and French subtitles
      Call numberin Russian, followed by 50 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series
    • Sumasshedshaia pomoshch´ [Mad Help] 2009, 115 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number(followed by 50 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)
    • Dolgaia schastlivaia zhizn´ [A Long and Happy Life] 2012, 76 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
    • Poka noch´ ne razluchit [Till Night Us Do Part] 2012, 63 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Aritmiia [Arrhythmia] 2017
      Call number116 minutes, in Russian
      Call number111 minutes, in Russian (better quality copy)
      Call number115 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles


    • Koktebel´, 2003, 103 minutes
      Call numberin Russian only without subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles

    KHLEBORODOV, Mikhail

    • Paragraf 78 [Paragraph 78] 2007, 88 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Paragraf 78. Fil´m vtoroi [Paragraph 78. Film Two] 2007, 90 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number


    See underGigineishvili and Khmel´nitskaia


    • Mister Iks [Mr X] 1958, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KHMEL´NITSKII, Vladimir

    • Vernyi Ruslan [Faithful Ruslan] 1991, c. 107 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    See underMitrofanov and Khodakovskaia


    See underMkrtchian and Khodzhikianand also underLadynin and Khodzhikian

    KHODZHIKOV, Sultan-Akhmet

    • Kyz-Zhibek, 1970, 138 minutes, in Russian or in Kazakh
      Call number

    KHOMERIKI, Nikolai

    • 977 [Deviat´ Sem´ Sem´] [Nine Seven Seven] 2006, 86 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Skazka pro temnotu [A Tale of the Dark] 2009, 88 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian (followed by 51 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Noch´, dlinoiu v zhizn´ [A Night as Long as Life] 2010, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Sindrom drakona [The Dragon Syndrome] 2012, 12 episodes, 624 minutes, in Russian
      Call numbersand
    • Ledokol [The Ice Breaker] 2016, 124 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number(Blu ray disc)


    • Zolotoi vek [The Golden Age] 2003, 98 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Zovi menia Dzhin! [Call Me Genie!] 2005, 85 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Baiker [The Biker] 2010, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KHOTINENKO, Vladimir

    • V streliaiushchei glushi [In the Shooting Backwoods] 1985, 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Zerkalo dlia geroia [A Mirror for the Hero] 1987, 131 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional Ukrainian subtitles
    • Roi [The Swarm] 1990, 141 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Patrioticheskaia komediia [A Patriotic Comedy] 1992, 103 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Makarov, 1993, 94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Doroga [The Way] 1995, 31 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Musul´manin [The Muslim] 1995, 107 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Strastnoi bul´var [Strastnoi Boulevard] 1999, 107 minutes, in Russian with optional Ukrainian subtitles
      Call number
    • Po tu storonu volkov [On the Far Side of the Wolves] 2002, 200 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Sledstvie vedut znatoki. Delo dvadtsat´ tret´e. Treteiskii sud´ia [The Investigation is Carried Out by Experts. Case No. 23. The Arbitrator] 2002, 206 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • 72 metra [72 metres] 2004, 117 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Gibel´ imperii [Fall of an Empire] 2005, 520 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call numberParts 1-3, 156 minutes
      Call numberParts 4-7, 208 minutes
      Call numberParts 8-10, 156 minutes
    • 1612. Khroniki smutnogo vremeni [1612. Chronicles of the Time of Troubles] 2007
      Call number143 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number150 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Pop [The Priest] 2009, 123 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian subtitles
    • Dostoevskii. Zhizn´, polnaia strastei [Dostoevskii. A Life Full of Passion] 2010
      Call numbersand382 minutes, in Russian
      Call number437 minutes 16 seconds, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Besy [The Devils] 2014
      Call number 240 minutes, in Russian
      Call number255 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    • Demon Revoliutsii [The Demon of Revolution] 2017, Season 1, 6 episodes / 3 films: total running time 303 minutes 48 seconds, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underFattakhutdinov and Khotinenko

    KHOTINENKO, Vladimir with the participation of Vladimir Morozov and Aleksandr Svetlov

    • Vechernii zvon [The Evening Bells] 2003, 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KHOTINENKO, Vladimir and SEDOVA, Violetta

    • S.V. Spal´nyi vagon [S.V. Sleeping Compartment] 1989, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number

    KHOVENKO, Valentin

    • Pistolet s glushitelem [Pistol with Silencer] 1993, 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Ukroshchenie ognia [The Taming of Fire] 1972, 166 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KHRAMOV, Vladimir

    • Pechniki [Stove-Men] 1982, in Russian
      Call numberapprox. 78 minutes
      Call number79 minutes

    See also underRaikin and Khramov

    KHRUSHCH, Roman

    • Fart [Good Luck] 2005, 97 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number


    • Poltory komnaty, ili sentimental´noe puteshestvie na Rodinu [A Room and a Half, or a Sentimental Journey to the Motherland] 2008, 124 minutes
      Call numberin Russian (followed by 64 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles

    See alsoAnimation by Andrei Khrzhanovskii.


    • 4 [Chetyre] [Four] 2004, 126 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
    • Iasnovidiashchaia [The Clairvoyant] 2008, 98 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underMikhalkov and Khrzhanovskii

    KHUBOV, Nikita

    • Predatel´nitsa [The Traitor] 1976, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Rokovaia oshibka [A Fatal Mistake] 1988, 98 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Telo [The Body] 1990, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underRostotskii and Khubov

    KHUDIAKOV, Konstantin AND LINKOV, Sergei

    • Molodye liudi [Young People] 1983, approx. 70 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KHUDIAKOV, Konstantin

    • Zhit´ po-svoemu... [To Life Your Own Life...] 1976, approx. 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ivantsov, Petrov, Sidorov..., 1978, 94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Kto zaplatit za udachu? [Who Will Pay for Success?] 1980, 70 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Uspekh [Success] 1984, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Mat´ Iisusa [Jesus's Mother] 1990, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Smert´ v kino [Death in the Cinema] 1990, 74 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Drugaia zhenshchina, drugoi muzhchina... [Another Woman, Another Man...] 2003, in Russian
      Call number100 minutes
      Call number96 minutes
    • Na Verkhnei Maslovke [On Upper Maslovka] 2004, 115 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Leningradets [The Leningrader] 2005, 187 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call numberDVD 1, 88 minutes
      Call numberDVD 2, 89 minutes
    • On, ona i ia [He, She and I] 2006, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Khozhdenie po mukam [The Road to Calvary] 2017, 12 episodes, total running time 612 minutes, in Russian
      Call numberand Call number


    • Kosh ba kosh, 1993, 92 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Lunnyi papa [Luna Papa] 1999, 107 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Shik [Chic] 2002, 92 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Tanker Tango [The Tanker the Tango] 2006, 312 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call numberParts 1-3, 156 minutes
      Call numberParts 4-6, 156 minutes

    KHUTSIEV, Marlen

    • Dva Fedora [Two Fedors] 1958, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Zastava Il´icha / Mne dvadtsat´ let [The Il´ich Gate / I am Twenty] 1964
      Call number190 minutes, in Russian (Zastava Il´icha [The Il´ich Gate])
      Call number165 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles (Mne dvadtsat´ let [I am Twenty])
    • Iiul´skii dozhd´ [July Rain] 1966, 103 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Byl mesiats mai [It Was the Month of May] 1970, 104 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Posleslovie [Afterword] 1983, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
      Call number
    • Beskonechnost´ [Infinitas] [Infinity] 1991, 198 minutes, on 2 tapes, in Russian
      Call numberand Call number

    See also underKlimovand underMironerand see also adocumentary on Khutsiev

    KHVAN, Aleksandr

    • [Khoziain] [The Master] [From the kinoal´manakh Dominus ] 1989, 46 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Diuba-Diuba, 1992, 130 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Drian´ khoroshaia, drian´ plokhaia [Good Trash, Bad Trash] 1998, 74 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Umirat´ legko [Dying is Easy] 1999, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Karmen [Carmen] 2003, 108 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
      Call number
    • Povodyr´ [The Guide] 2007, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underNikiforov and Khvan


    • Damy priglashaiut kavalerov [The Ladies Invite the Cavaliers] 1980, 76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KIISK, Kaljo

    • Hullumeelsus [Bezumie] [Madness] 1968, 74 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number

    KIKABIDZE, Kakha

    • Sed´moi den´ [The Seventh Day] 2006, 105 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call number

    KIL´BURG, Vladimir

    See underKel´chevskaia and Kil´burg

    KILIBAEV, Bakhyt

    • Gongofer 1992, 95 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underBaranov and Kilibaev


    • Khasan-Arbakesh [Hasan-Arbakesh] 1965, 92 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number

    KINUGASA, Teinoske

    See underBocharov and Kinugasa


    • Prikliucheniia soldata Ivana Chonkina [The Adventures of the Soldier Ivan Chonkin] 2007, 352 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KIRSANOV, Dmitrii

    See underKirsanoffin the Index of Feature Films from other countries on Russian, Central and East European Subjects, and films made in other countries by Directors originally from Russia, Central Europe and Eastern Europe

    KISELEV, Dmitrii

    • Vremia pervykh [Time of the First] [ Spacewalk] [Spacewalker] 2017, 132 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number

    See also underVoitinskii and Kiselev

    KLIMOV, Elem

    • Smotrite - Nebo! [Look - The Sky!] 1962, 32 minutes, in Russian with French subtitles
      Call number
    • Zhinikh [sic!] [The Bridegroom] 1962, 8 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Dobro pozhalovat´, ili postoronnim vkhod vospreshchen [Welcome, or no unauthorised admittance] 1964, 70 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
      Call numberin Russian without subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Pokhozhdeniia zubnogo vracha [Adventures of a Dentist] 1965
      Call number80 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number77 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    • Sport, sport, sport. [Neskol´ko istorii, proiskhodiashchikh na arene stadiona, na tribunakh i pod tribunami] 1970, 80 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian
    • Agoniia [Agony] 1974, 142 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed versions and subtitles
      Call numberPart 1, 72 minutes
      Call numberPart 2, 69 minutes
    • Proshchanie [Farewell] 1981, 128 minutes, in Russian with optional English, French, Spanish, Italian and German subtitles
      Call numbersand
    • Idi i smotri [Come and See] 1985, 145 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed versions and subtitles
      Call numberand Call number

    See also adocumentary on Klimov

    KLIMOV, Elem, ROMM, Mikhail and KHUTSIEV, Marlen

    • I vse-taki ia veriu [And Nevertheless I Believe] 1971-1975; direction Mikhail Romm. After Romm's death, the film was completed by Elem Klimov, Marlen Khutsiev and German Lavrov, 142 minutes, in Russian with English dubbing
      Call number

    KLIMOV, Igor´

    See underSviridova and Klimov


    • Planeta bur´ [Planet of Storms] [Planet der Stürme] 1961
      Call number73 minutes, German dubbed version, no Russian dialogue
      Call number78 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles

    See also underKlushantsevin the Documentary Films by Individual Russian Directors section.


    • Zhdite sviaznogo [Wait for the Messenger] 1979, 73 minutes, in Russian with some German with Russian voiceover
      Call number
      Call number

    See also underKariukov and Koberidze

    KOCHARIAN, Levon

    • Odin shans iz tysiachi [A Chance in a Thousand] 1968, 76 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles

    KOCHETOV, Vladimir

    • Chudak-chelovek [The Eccentric] 1962, 63 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KOKHAN, Grigorii

    • Rozhdennaia revoliutsiei (Komissar militsii rasskazyvaet) [Born of the Revolution (A Police Commissar Relates)] 1974-1977; 8 parts, 645 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Iaroslav Mudryi [Iaroslav The Wise] 1981, 141 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call number

    KOKSHENOV, Mikhail

    • Russkii schet [A Russian Account] 1994, 81 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Russkoe chudo [A Russian Miracle] 1994, 81 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KOKSHENOV, Mikhail and AIZENBERG, Mark

    • Russkii biznes [Russian Business] 1993, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KOLGANOVA, Svetlana

    • Roditel´skii den´ [Parents' Day] 1981, 29 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Prestuplenie i nakazanie [Crime and Punishment] 1940, 27 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KOLOSOV, Sergei

    • Ukroshchenie stroptivoi [The Taming of the Shrew] 1961, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Dushechka [Dearie] 1966, 76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Operatsiia "Trest" [Operation "Trust"] 1967,in Russian with some Estonian, Finnish, French and German
      Four episodes: 78 minutes 24 seconds + 90 minutes 36 seconds + 83 minutes 36 seconds + 84 minutes
      Total running time:336minutes 36 seconds
      Call numberParts 1-2
      Call numberParts 3-4
    • Naznachenie [The Appointment] 1980, in Russian
      Call number85 minutes
      Call number86 minutes
    • Dorogi Anny Firling [The Roads of Anna Firling] 1985, 157 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    KOL´TSATYI, Arkadii

    See underIl´inskii and Kol´tsatyi

    KOL´TSOV, Vitalii

    • Letnie sny [Summer Dreams] 1972, 71 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Na iasnyi ogon´ [On to Clear Fire] 1975, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Blizkaia dal´ [The Near Distance] 1978, 95 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Nadezhda i opora [Hope and Support] 1981, approx. 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KOLTUNOV, Grigorii

    • Chernaia chaika [The Black Gull] 1962, 98 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    KOMAROV, Sergei Aleksandrovich and IVANOV, Viktor

    • Razgovor [The Conversation] 2011, 74 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KOMAROV, Sergei Petrovich

    • Potselui Meri Pikford [The Kiss of Mary Pickford] 1927, 57 minutes, Russian intertitles only; silent with added music score
      Call number
    • Kukla s millionami [The Doll with Millions] 1928, 66 minutes, Russian intertitles only; silent with added music score
      Call number


    • Znakom´tes´, Baluev! [How Do You Do, Baluev!] 1963, 100 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Mal´chik i golub´ [The Boy and the Dove] 1961, 20 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    KONCHALOVSKII, Andrei [Andrei Mikhalkov-Konchalovskii]

    • Pervyi uchitel´ [The First Teacher] 1965
      Call number95 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call number96minutes, in Russian with Englishsubtitles
    • Istoriia Asi Kliachinoi, kotoraia liubila, da ne vyshla zamuzh [The Story of Asia Kliachina, Who Loved But Did Not Marry] 1966
      Call number90 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number94 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number94 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Dvorianskoe gnezdo [A Nest of Gentlefolk] 1969, 105 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed versions and subtitles
      Call number
    • Diadia Vania [Uncle Vania] 1970, 99 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian subtitles
    • Romans o vliublennykh [A Romance about Lovers] 1974
      Call number112 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number127 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian subtitles
    • Sibiriada. Poema [Siberiade. An Epic Poem] 1978
      Call number199 mins, this disc contains the first 100 minutes of the film and extra features, in Russian with optional dubbed versions and subtitles
      Call number199 mins, this disc contains the last 99 minutes of the film and extra features, in Russian with optional dubbed versions and subtitles
      Call number199 mins, this disc contains extra features
      Call number260 mins, this disc contains Parts 1 and 2, 129 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number260 mins, this disc contains Parts 3 and 4, 131 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Maria's Lovers 1984, 105 minutes, in English with optional subtitles
      Call number
    • Runaway Train, 1985, 106 minutes, in English without subtitles
      Call number
    • The Inner Circle [Blizhnii krug] [Il Proiezionista], 1991, 137 minutes, in English
      Call number
    • Kurochka riaba [Riaba, ma poule] [Riaba My Chicken] 1994, 118 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • The Odyssey, 1997, 172 minutes, in English
      Call number
    • Dom durakov [House of Fools] 2002, 105 minutes, in Russian
      Call numberin Russian only without subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Glianets [Glamour] 2007, 118 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Belye nochi pochtal´ona Alekseia Triapitsyna, 2014
      Call number97 minutes, in Russian with French subtitles
      Call number91 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Rai [Paradise] 2016
      Call number126 minutes, in French, German, Russian and Yiddish with Russian voiceover for the French, German and Yiddish
      Call number132 minutes, in French, German, Russian and Yiddish with optional English subtitles
    • Grekh [Il peccato] [Sin] [Michelangelo] 2019, 130 minutes, Russian language version
      Call number
    • Dorogie tovarishchi! [Dear Comrades!] 2020, 121 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number

    See also underFeature Films from other countries on Russian, Central and East European Subjects, and films made in other countries by Directors originally from Russia, Central Europe and Eastern Europe

    See alsodocumentaries on Konchalovskii

    KONCHALOVSKII, Egor [Egor Mikhalkov-Konchalovskii]

    • Zatvornik [The Recluse] 1999, in Russian
      Call number92 minutes
      Call number87 minutes
    • [Anti]killer, 2002, 113 minutes, in Russian
      Call numberand Call number
    • [Anti]killer 2, Antiterror, 2003, 126 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
    • Pobeg [Flight] 2005, 117 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Konservy [Tinned Food] 2006, 111 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Rozy dlia El´zy [Roses for El´za] 2009, 103 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Moskvichi [Muscovites] 6 minutes, in Moskva, ia liubliu tebia! Kinoal´manakh [Moscow, I Love You! A Film Almanac] 2010, 91 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KONOPKIN, Iurii

    See underMeskhiev and Konopkin

    KONOVAL´CHUK, Mikhail

    • V gavan´ zakhodili korabli [Ships Entered the Harbour] 2006, 84 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
      Call number


    • Koshechka [Kitty] 2009, 95 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number(followed by 50 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)
    • Samka [The Female] 2010, approx. 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number(followed by 55 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)
    • Russkii bes [A Russian Devil] 2018, 100 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Mertvye dushi [Dead Souls] 2020, 4 episodes, 42 minutes 18 seconds + 40 minutes 18 seconds + 40 minutes 4 seconds + 47 minutes 28 seconds = 170 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Chernye volki [Black Wolves] 2011, 8 x 48 = 384 minutes, in Russian
      Call numbersand

    KOPTUREVSKII, Viacheslav

    • Sibir´ i on [Siberia and Him] [Les Amants de Sibérie] 2019, 70 minutes, in Russian with optional French subtitles
      Call number

    KOPUSH, Vladimir

    • Ochalan [Koleso] [The Circle] 2008, 13 minutes 52 seconds, in Tuvan with Russian subtitles
      Call number

    KOPYLOV, Igor´

    • Rzhev, 2019, 117 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number

    KORCHAGIN, Mstislav

    See underBasov and Korchagin

    KORDON, Arkadii

    • Poslushai, ne idet li dozhd´...? [Listen, is it Raining...?] 1999, approx. 98 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KORENEV, Aleksei

    • Urok literatury [A Literature Lesson] 1968, 72 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Adam i Kheva [Adam and Kheva] 1969, approx. 67 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vas vyzyvaet Taimyr [Taimyr is Calling You] 1970, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Bol´shaia peremena [The Big Change] 1973, 260 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call numberParts 1 & 2, 130 minutes
      Call numberParts 3 & 4, 130 minutes
    • Tri dnia v Moskve [Three Days in Moscow] 1974, 127 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Po semeinym obstoiatel´stvam [Because of Family Circumstances] 1977, 129 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Chestnyi, umnyi, nezhenatyi... [Honest, Clever, Unmarried...] 1981, approx. 63 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Moi izbrannik [My Chosen One] 1984, approx 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Akseleratka [The Accelerator] 1987, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KORIAGIN, Sergei

    See underDulerain, Koriagin and Raukhand also underDulerain and Koriagin

    KOROBKIN, Dmitrii

    • Iaroslav. Tysiachu let nazad [Iaroslav. A Thousand Years Ago] [Iron Lord] 2010, 99 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles

    KOROLEV, Iurii

    • Valerii Kharlamov. Dopolnitel´noe vremia [Valerii Kharlamov. Extra Time] 2007, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Slove. Priamo v serdtse (Soldat liubvi) [Slove. Straight in the Heart (Soldier of Love)] 2011, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Igra v modern [Playing at Modern] 2002, 81 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    KORSH-SABLIN, Vladimir

    • Iskateli schast´ia [Seekers After Happiness] 1936, 81 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Doch´ Rodiny [Daughter of the Motherland] 1937, 61 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ognennye gody [The Fiery Years] 1939, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Moia liubov´ [My Love] 1940, 76 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Novyi dom [The New House] 1947, 74 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    See also underFaintsimmer and Korsh-Sablin

    KOSAREV, Aleksandr

    • Prezhde, chem rasstat´sia [Before Parting] 1984, 79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Suvenir dlia prokurora [A Souvenir for the Prosecutor] 1989, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KOSHELEV, Nikolai

    • Starshina [The Sergeant Major] 1979, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Gribnoi dozhd´ [Mushroom Rain] 1981, 73 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KOSHEVEROVA, Nadezhda

    • Medovyi mesiats [The Honeymoon] 1956, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Shofer ponevole [An Unwilling Driver] 1958, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ostorozhno, babushka! [Careful, Grandmother!] 1960, 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Segodnia - novyi attraktsion [Today There's a New Attraction] 1965, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Staraia, staraia skazka [An Old, Old Tale] 1968, 92 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed versions and subtitles
      Call number
    • Ten´ [The Shadow] 1971, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Kak Ivanushka-durachok za chudom khodil [How Ivan the Fool Went in Search of a Miracle] 1977, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Solovei [The Nightingale] 1979, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Oslinaia shkura [The Donkey's Hide] 1982, 80 minutes, in Russian with optional voiceover versions or subtitles
      Call number

    See also underIvanovskiiand underKheifits and Kosheverova

    See also underMuzykant and Kosheverova

    KOSHEVEROVA, Nadezhda and SHAPIRO, Mikhail

    • Zolushka [Cinderella] 1947, 78 minutes
      Call numberin Russian only without subtitles
      Call numberin Russian, restored black and white version AND restored colourised version
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Kain XVIII (Dva druga) [Cain XVIII (Two Friends)] 1963, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number

    KOSOVALIC, Slobodan

    • "Poseidon" speshit na pomoshch´ [The Poseidon Rushes to Help] 1977, 60 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KOST´KIN, Evgenii and SKOPINA, Iana

    • Chistyi belyi sneg [The Pure White Snow] 2009, 13 minutes 58 seconds, in Russian
      Call number


    • Epidemiia [Epidemic] [To the Lake] [Vongozero] [The Outbreak] 2019, 8 episodes
      55 minutes 44 seconds + 43 minutes 38 seconds + 53 minutes 12 seconds + 51 minutes 37 seconds + 45 minutes 44 seconds + 49 minutes 12 seconds + 52 minutes 24 seconds + 50 minutes 34 seconds. Total running time: 402 minutes 5 seconds, in Russian
      Call number
      56 minutes 32 seconds + 44 minutes 23 seconds + 53 minutes 56 seconds + 52 minutes 12 seconds + 46 minutes 25 seconds + 49 minutes 51 seconds + 53 minutes 00 seconds + 51 minutes 14 seconds. Total running time: 407 minutes 33 seconds, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number

    See also under Fedorovich, Nikishov, Kostomarov and Gordeev


    • Sekretnyi farvater [The Secret Channel] 1986, 269 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call numberEpisode 1, 65 minutes
      Call numberEpisodes 2-4, 204 minutes
    • Dezertir [The Deserter] 1990, approx. 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KOTOV, Evgenii

    • Ariel´ [Ariel] 1992, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KOTT, Aleksandr

    • Fotograf [The Photographer] 1997, 10 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ekhali dva shofera [Two Drivers Were Driving] 2001, 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Konvoi PQ-17 [Convoy PQ-17] 2004, 416 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Geroi nashego vremeni [A Hero of Our Time] 2006, 312 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call numberParts 1-3
      Call numberParts 4-6
    • Brestskaia krepost´ [The Brest Fortress] [Fortress of War] [The Fortress] 2010, 133 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Krepost´ [The Brest Fortress] 2010, 45 + 43 + 42 + 43 = 173 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Podsadnoi [The Decoy] 2010, 94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Tret´ia mirovaia [The Third World War] 2012, 195 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ispytanie [The Test] 2014, 92 minutes, no dialogue
      Call number
    • Insait [Insight] 2015, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KOTT, Aleksandr AND STATSKII, Konstantin

    • Trotskii [Trotsky] 2017, 8 episodes
      Call numbertotal running time 393 minutes 48 seconds, in Russian
      Call numbertotal running time 395 minutes 43 seconds, in Russian with optional English subtitles

    KOTT, Vladimir

    • Mukha [Fly] 2008, 107 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Gromozeka, 2010, 104 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Operatsiia "Gorgona" [Operation "Gorgon"] 2011, 182 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Na dne [The Lower Depths] 2014, 126 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Karp otmorozhennyi [Unfrozen Carp] 2017, 100 minutes, in Russian
      Call number(Blu ray disc)


    • Oni ushli ot menia [They Abandoned Me] 2014, 17 minutes 49 seconds, in Kabardian with English subtitles
      Call number
    • Sofichka, 2016, 78 minutes, in Abkhazian with Russian subtitles
      Call number

    KOVALEV, Mark and POLIN, Vladimir

    • Zvezdnyi inspektor [The Starry Inspector] [Space Cop] 1980, 77 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles

    KOVALEVA, Oksana

    See underZaseev-Rudenko and Kovaleva

    KOVALOV, Oleg

    • Sady skorpiona. Opticheskaia poema [Gardens of the Scorpion. An Optical Poem] 1991, 96 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Temnaia noch´ [Dark Night] 2001, 95 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also adocumentary by Kovalov

    KOVAL´SKII, Nikolai

    • Makar-sledopyt [Makar the Pathfinder] 1984, 188 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Beloe prokliat´e [The White Curse] 1987, 77 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underGenin and Koval´skii

    KOZAKOV, Mikhail

    • Bezymiannaia zvezda [The Nameless Star] 1978, 128 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Pokrovskie vorota [The Pokrov Gates] 1982, 132 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
      Call number
    • Ten´, ili mozhet byt´, vse oboidetsia [The Shadow, or Maybe, Everything Will Work Out] 1991, 123 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Sergei Eizenshtein. Meksikanskaia fantaziia [Sergei Eizenshtein. A Mexican Fantasy] 1997, 99 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number
    • Dzhoker´´ [The Joker] 2002, 110 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KOZAKOVA, Natasha

    • Doroga [The Road] 2001, 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    See underDonskov and Kozhevnikov


    • Prervannyi polet Garri Pauersa [The Interrupted Flight of Garry Powers] 2009, 104 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KOZINTSEV, Grigorii and TRAUBERG, Leonid

    • Chertovo koleso (Moriak s "Avrory") [The Devil's Wheel(The Sailor from the Avrora)] 1926, 42 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number
    • Shinel´, kino-p´esa v manere Gogolia [The Overcoat, a film-play in the manner of Gogol´] 1926
      Call number67 minutes, Russian titles, English subtitles, added music track
      Call number63 minutes, in Russian
    • S.V.D. (Soiuz velikogo dela) [S.V.D. (The Union of the Great Deed)] 1927, 69 minutes
      Call numberRussian titles
      Call numberRussian titles with optional English subtitles, silent with added music track
    • Novyi Vavilon [New Babylon] 1929
      Call number94 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number74 minutes, in Russian
      Call number74 minutes, in Russian
      Call number73 minutes, Russian titles, French subtitles
      Call number94 minutes, Russian titles, optional German, English, French and Dutch subtitles
      Call number73 minutes, Russian titles, French intertitles
    • Odna [Alone] 1931
      Call number79 minutes, in Russian only without subtitles
      Call number90 minutes, in Russian with optional German, English and Dutch subtitles
      Call number79 minutes, Russian titles
    • Iunost´ Maksima (Bol´shevik) [The Youth of Maksim (The Bolshevik)] 1934, 91 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian without subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Vozvrashchenie Maksima [The Return of Maksim] 1937, 98 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vyborgskaia storona [The Vyborg Side] 1938, 110 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Iunyi Frits [The Young Fritz] 1943, 25 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Prostye liudi [Simple People] 1945, 74 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KOZINTSEV, Grigorii

    • Odnazhdy noch´iu [One Night] [Part of Nashi devushki. Boevoi kinosbornik. Our Girls. Fighting Collection] 1942, 22 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Pirogov, 1947, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Belinskii, 1951, 102 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Don-Kikhot [Don Quixote] 1957, 101 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with optional dubbed and subtitled versions
    • Gamlet [Hamlet] 1964, 142 minutes, in Russian with optional voiceover versions and subtitles
      Call numberPart 1, 71 minutes
      Call numberPart 2, 71 minutes
    • Korol´ Lir [King Lear] 1970, 132 minutes
      Call numberfirst 67 minutes of the film, in Russian with optional dubbed versions and subtitles
      Call numberlast 65 minutes of the film, in Russian with optional dubbed versions and subtitles
      Call number132 minutes, in Russian

    See also above and underArnshtam and Kozintsevand also adocumentary on Kozintsev

    KOZLOV, Aleksei

    • Boi mestnogo znacheniia [A Local Skirmish] 2008, 96 minutes, in Russian with some German with Russian voiceover and with English subtitles (problems with synchronisation of sound and vision)
      Call number

    KOZLOVSKII, Danila

    • Trener [The Coach] 2018, 132 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
    • Chernobyl´, 2020, 135 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number

    KOZYR´, Aleksandr and KARIUKOV, Mikhail

    • Nebo zovet [Der Himmel ruft] [Heaven Calls] 1959, 71 minutes, German dubbed version, no Russian dialogue
      Call number

    KRAINEV, Vladimir

    • Ukrainskaia vendetta [Ukrainian Vendetta] 1990, 97 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KRASII, Nikolai

    See underVolodarskii and Krasii


    • Rogonosets [The Cuckold] 1990, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KRASNOPOL´SKII, Vladimir and USKOV, Valerii

    • Samyi medlennyi poezd [The Slowest Train] 1963, 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Taezhnyi desant [Taiga Landing] 1965, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Stiuardessa [The Stewardess] 1967, 35 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Nepodsuden [Outside of Jurisdiction] 1969, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Teni ischezaiut v polden´ [The Shadows Disappear at Midday] 1971-1973, 7 episodes, total running time 489 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Souchastie v ubiistve [Shares in Murder] 1986, 102 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Nochnye zabavy [Nocturnal Amusements] 1991, 97 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vorovka [The Thief] 1994, 97 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ermak, 1996, 256 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KRASOVSKII, Aleksei

    • Kollektor [The Collector] 2016, 71 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles (better quality copy)
    • Prazdnik [The Celebration] 2019, 73 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number

    KRAVCHUK, Andrei

    • Ital´ianets [The Italian] 2005
      Call number95 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number99 minutes, in Russian with optional English, French and Spanish subtitles
    • Admiral´´ [The Admiral] 2008, 119 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call number
    • Viking [The Viking] 2016
      Call number136 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number136 minutes (the film) and(the extras), in Russian (better quality copy)
      Call number132 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Soiuz spaseniia [The Union of Salvation] 2019, 130 minutes, in Russian with some French with Russian subtitles
      Call number

    KRAVCHUK, Andrei and FETING, Iurii

    • Rozhdestvenskaia misteriia [A Christmas Mystery] 2000, 94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KREMNEV, Valerii

    • Pravo na pryzhok [The Right to Jump] 1972, approx. 91 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underGavrilov and Kremnev


    • Rodina ili smert´ [Motherland or Death] 2006, 85 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    KRISHTOFOVICH, Viacheslav

    • Pered ekzamemom [Before the Exam] 1977, 64 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Odinokaia zhenshchina zhelaet poznakomit´sia [Lonely Woman Wants to Get Acquainted] 1986, 85 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number
    • Rebro Adama [Adam's Rib] 1990, 74 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Zhenshchina v more [The Woman in the Sea] 1992, 64 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KRIUCHKOV, Denis

    • Russkii reid [Russian Raid] 2020, 103 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number(Blu ray disc)


    See underVorob´ev and Krivoruchko


    • Eshche o voine [Once Again About War] 2004, 52 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    KROHMER, Stefan

    • Mädchen im Eis [Pingvin nashego vremeni] [A Penguin of Our Time] 2015, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KROMANOV, Grigorii

    • Posledniaia relikviia [The Last Relic] 1969, 86 minutes, in Russian or Estonian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call number
    • Brillianty dlia diktatury proletariata [Diamonds for the Dictatorship of the Proletariat] [Brilliants for the Dictatorship of the Proletariat] 1975, 142 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian or English subtitles
    • Otel´ 'U pogibshego al´pinista' [The Dead Mountaineer Hotel] [The Hotel "At a Lost Climber"]1979, 79 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian or English subtitles

    KROPACHEV, Georgii

    • Sled rosomakhi [Tracking the Wolverine] 1978, 67 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underErshov, Konstantin and Kropachev, Georgii

    KROTENKO, Iurii

    • Sledstvie vedut znatoki. Delo sed´moe, Neschastnyi sluchai [The Investigation is Carried Out by Experts. Case No. 7. An Accident] 1972 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Sledstvie vedut znatoki. Delo vos´moe. Pobeg [The Investigation is Carried Out by Experts. Case No. 8. Escape] 1973, 172 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Sledstvie vedut znatoki. Delo desiatoe. Otvetnyi udar [The Investigation is Carried Out by Experts. Case No. 10. Counter-Attack] 1975, 257 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Sledstvie vedut znatoki. Delo deviatnadtsatoe. Pozhar [The Investigation is Carried Out by Experts. Case No. 19. Fire] 1985, 99 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Gor´ko! [Kiss Them All!] 2013, 97 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Gor´ko 2 [Kiss Them All, 2!] 2014, 96 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Nechaianno [Inadvertently] 2014, 20 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Led 2 [Ice 2] 2019, 130 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KUBAEV, Rauf and ZAKIROV, Munid and TOPOL´, Eduard

    • Na kraiu stoiu (Gul´fara) [I Stand on the Edge (Gul´fara)] 2008, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KUCHINSKII, Vladimir

    • Liubov´ s privilegiiami [Love with Privileges] 1989, approx. 127 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KUDINENKO, Andrei

    • Okkupatsiia. Misterii [Mysterium. Occupation] 2003, 89 minutes, in Russian, Belarusian and German with Russian subtitles for the Belarusian and German and optional English subtitles
      Call number

    KUDRIASHOVA, Natal´ia

    • Pionery-geroi [Pioneer Heroes] 2015, in Russian
      Call number116 minutes
      Call number111 minutes (better quality copy)

    KUDRIAVTSEVA, Antonina

    • Razbudite Lenochku [Wake up Lenochka] 1934, 26 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Lenochka i vinograd [Lenochka and the Grapes] 1936, 46 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    KUIBIDA, Fedor

    • Takoe kino [Such a Film] 2000, 22 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Proekt Inzhenera Praita [Das Projekt des Ingenieurs Pright] [Engineer Prait's Project] 1918, 16 minutes, unrestored 'Khanzhonkova' version
      Call number
      Call number
    • Proekt Inzhenera Praita [Das Projekt des Ingenieurs Pright] [Engineer Prait's Project] 1918, version restored by Nikolai Izvolov, 30 minutes
      Call numberRussian intertitles with optional German subtitles
      Call numberRussian titles with optional English subtitles, Russian and English Hyperkino commentary version
      Call numberRussian titles with optional English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese subtitles
      Call numberRussian titles, added music track
    • Neobychainye prikliucheniia Mistera Vesta v strane bol´shevikov [The Extraordinary Adventures of Mr West in the Land of the Bolsheviks] 1924,
      Call number78 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number73 minutes, Russian titles, optional English subtitles, restored, silent with added music track
    • Luch smerti [Death Ray] 1925, 76 minutes, Russian titles, silent with no added music score
      Call number
    • Po zakonu (Troe) [By the Law / Dura Lex] (The Three) 1926
      Call number58 minutes, in Russian
      Call number79 minutes, Russian titles, French subtitles, added music track
      Call number78 minutes, Russian intertitles with optional German, English and French subtitles, silent with added music track
      Call number78 minutes, Russian titles, English subtitles, remastered, silent with added music track
    • Vasha znakomaia [Your Acquaintance] 1927, 17½ minutes (only reel 4 remains), Russian titles, optional German, English and French subtitles, silent with no added music track
      Call number
    • Velikii uteshitel´ (O. Genri v tiur´me) [The Great Consoler (O Henry in Prison)] 1933, 91 minutes
      Call numberremastered version
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles, Russian and English Hyperkino commentary version
      Call numberin Russian with optional English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese subtitles
      Call numberin Russian without subtitles
    • Sibiriaki [Siberians] 1940, 81 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Kliatva Timura [Timur's Vow] 1942, 53 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Uchitel´nitsa Kartashova [The Teacher Kartashova] in Iunye partizany. Boevoi kinosbornik [Young Partisans. Fighting Film Collection] 1942, 14 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • My s urala [We are from the Urals] 1943, 72 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number


    • Otchii dom [My Father's House] 1959, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Kogda derev´ia byli bol´shimi [When the Trees were Large] 1961, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Siniaia tetrad´ [The Blue Exercise Book] 1963, 87 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Prestuplenie i nakazanie [Crime and Punishment] 1969, 209 minutes
      Call numberDVD 1, 106 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed versions and subtitles
      Call numberDVD 2, 103 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed versions and subtitles
      Call numberDVD 3, additional materials, in Russian with optional subtitles
    • Umirat´ ne strashno [Dying is Not Terrifying] 1991, 96 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Nezabudki [Forget-me-nots] 1994, 97 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also adocumentary on Kulidzhanov

    KULIDZHANOV, Lev and SEGEL´, Iakov

    • Dom, v kotorom ia zhivu [The House I Live in] 1957, 95 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number

    KULISH, Savva

    • Mertvyi sezon [Dead Season] 1968, 130 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vzlet [Take-Off] 1979, 139 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Skazki... skazki...skazki starogo Arbata [Tales... Tales...Tales of the Old Arbat] 1982, 102 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Tragediia v stile rok [Tragedy in the Style of Rock] 1988, 167 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KURIKHIN, Nikita and MENAKER, Leonid

    • Zhavoronok [The Lark] 1964, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ne zabud´... Stantsiia Lugovaia [Don't Forget... Lugovaia Station] 1966, 79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underVUL´FOVICH and KURIKHIN

    KUROCHKIN, Aleksandr

    • O chem molchala taiga [What the Taiga was Silent About] 1965, 80 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    KUSHNEREV, Iurii

    • Komediia davno minuvshikh dnei [A Comedy of Days Long Gone] 1980,in Russian
      Call number81 minutes
      Call number80 minutes
    • Moi liubimyi kloun [My Favourite Clown] 1986,in Russian
      Call number85 minutes
      Call number81 minutes

    KUSTOV, Andrei and MAZUR, Anisim

    • Kak possorilsia Ivan Ivanovich s Ivanom Nikiforovichem [How Ivan Ivanovich Quarelled with Ivan Nikiforovich] 1941, 66 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number

    KUZIN, Iurii

    • Kovcheg [The Ark] 2002, 87 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
      Call number

    KUZIN, Kirill

    • Samyi luchshii fil´m [The Best Film] 2007, 105 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Samyi luchshii fil´m 3-De [The Best Film 3D] 2010, 97 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian, Ukrainian, Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian subtitles
      Call number

    KUZNETSOV, Aleksandr and NIKICH, Oskar

    • U samogo Chernogo moria [Right by the Black Sea] 1975, 72 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KUZNETSOV, Georgii

    • Tol´ko vdvoem [Only Together] 1976, 79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Prosti - Proshchai [Forgive Me - Goodbye] 1979, 71 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Naiti i obezvredit´ [Find and Make Safe] 1982, 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Gruz 300 [Load 300] 1989, 74 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Zhitie Aleksandra Nevskogo [The Life of Aleksandr Nevskii] 1991, 79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KVASHNEV, Boris

    • Ameriken boi [American Boy] 1992, 111 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Missiia v Kabule [Mission in Kabul] 1970, 128 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Krakh inzhenera Garina [The Fall of Engineer Garin] 1973, 4 parts, 64 + 63 + 63 + 63 minutes, in Russian
      Call numberParts 1-3
      Call numberPart 4
      Call numberParts 1-4
    • Solomennaia shliapka [The Straw Hat] 1974, 126 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call number
    • Nebesnye lastochki [Heavenly Swallows] 1976, 126 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • 31-e iiunia [The 31st of June] 1978, 131 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Shliapa [The Hat] 1981, 87minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Meri Poppins, do svidaniia [Goodbye Mary Poppins] 1983, 138 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
      Call number
    • Drug [Friend] 1987, 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    KVIRIKADZE, Irakli

    • Mocurave [Plovets] [The Swimmer] 1981
      Call number70 minutes, in Georgian and Russian
      Call number76 minutes, in Georgian and Russian with English subtitles
    • Nikitskie vorota [The Nikitskie Gates] 6 minutes, in Moskva, ia liubliu tebia! Kinoal´manakh [Moscow, I Love You! A Film Almanac] 2010, 91 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Rasputin, 2013, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number(a re-edited version of Josée Dayan's 2011 film)


    • Kto sil´nee ego? [Who is Stronger Than Him?] 1984, approx. 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    LĀCIS, Ēriks (Latsis, Erik)

    • Podarok odinokoi zhenshchine [A Gift for an Unknown Woman] 1973, 64 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ispanskii variant [Spāņu variants] [The Spanish Version] 1980, 127 minutes, Russian dubbed version
      Call number

    LĀCIS, Normunds

    • Shosse entuziastov [Enthusiasts' Highway] 2002, 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    LADYNIN, Andrei

    • Mstitel´. Komediia [The Avenger. A Comedy] 24 minutes, in portmanteau film Semeinoe schast´e [Family Happiness] 1969, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Versiia polkovnika Zorina [Colonel Zorin's Version] 1978, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • V posledniuiu ochered´ [Lastly] 1981,84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number(image freezes 8 minutes from the end)
    • Piat´ minut strakha [Five Minutes of Fear] 1985, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    LADYNIN, Andrei and KHODZHIKIAN, Edgar

    • Pobeditel´ [The Victor] 1975, 95 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    LAIE, Aleksandr

    • V iiune 41-go [In June 1941] 2008, 52 minutes 1 second + 52 minutes 7 seconds + 51 minutes 57 seconds + 52 minutes 5 seconds = 208 minutes 10 seconds, in Russian and Ukrainian with some Polish and German with Russian voiceover and with optional English subtitles
      Call number(the English subtitles are of extremely poor quality)

    LAPIN, B.

    • Iubilei [The Jubilee] 1972, 30 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    LAPSHIN, Iaropolk

    • Pora taezhnogo podsnezhnika [The Time of the Taiga Snowdrop] 1958, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Shestnadtsataia vesna [The Sixteenth Spring] 1962, 82 minutes held, in Russian
      Call number, lacks ending
    • Igra bez pravil [Game without Rules] 1965, 91 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ugrium-reka [Ugrium River] 1968, 297 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call numberParts 1-2, 159 minutes
      Call numberParts 3-4, 138 minutes
    • Dym otechestva [The Smoke of the Fatherland] 1980, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Prodlis´, prodlis´, ocharovan´e... [Contine, Continue, Charm...] 1984, 69 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Zheleznoe pole [Iron Field] 1986, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Pered rassvetom [Before Dawn] 1989, 80 minutes in Russian
      Call numberlacks ending
      Call number
      Call number
    • Ia ob´´iavliaiu vam voinu [I Declare War on You] 1990, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Liubov´ po zakazu [Love by Order] 1992, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Usnuvshii passazhir [The Sleeping Passenger] 1993, 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Na polputi v Parizh [Half-Way to Paris] 2001, 76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Sel´ [The Mudflow] 2003, 94 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
      Call number

    LAPTEV, Vladimir

    • Na chuzhom prazdnike [At Someone Else's Feast] 1981, 73 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Zaliv schast´ia [The Bay of Happiness] 1987, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Okhota na edinoroga [Hunt for the Unicorn] 1989, 79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    LARIN, Nikolai

    • Doch´ kuptsa Bashkirova (Drama na Volge) [Merchant Bashkirov's Daughter (Drama on the Volga)] 1913, 42 minutes, Russian titles, English subtitles, added music track
      Call number
      Call number

    See also underUral´skii and Larin

    LAVRENT´EV, Evgenii

    • Afera [The Scam] 2001, 88 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
      Call number
    • Lichnyi nomer [Personal MyAV] 2004, 105 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Tantsui... [Dance...] 2007, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    LAVROV, German and LIUBSHIN, Stanislav

    • Pozovi menia v dal´ svetluiu [Call me to the Bright Distance] 1977, 92 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number

    LEBEDEV, Aleksei

    • Fuflo, 1989, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    LEBEDEV, Iurii and FRUMIN, Boris

    • Nelegal [The Illegal] 2005, 98 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number(followed by 55 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)
      Call number

    LEBEDEV, Nikolai Igorevich

    • Zmeinyi istochnik [The Snake Spring] 1997, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Poklonnik [The Admirer] 1999, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Zvezda [The Star] 2002, 97 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
      Call number
    • Izgnannik [The Iris Effect] [ExLife] 2004
      Call number88 minutes, in English with Russian voiceover and in Russian without subtitles
      Call number91 minutes, in English with optional Spanish subtitles
    • Volkodav iz roda serykh psov [The Wolf Hound] [The Wolf Hound from the Breed of Grey Dogs] 2006, 136 minutes
      Call numberin Russian without subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional English dubbed version and optional English subtitles
    • Fonogramma strasti [Phonogram of Passion] 2009, 97 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Legenda No 17 [Legend No. 17] 2012
      Call number134 minutes, in Russian
      Call number128 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Ekipazh [Flight Crew] 2016, 137 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles (but the English in the subtitles is very inadequate)
      Call numberin Russian (Blu ray disc)

    LEBEDEV, Nikolai Ivanovich

    • Fed´ka, 1936, 59 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Schastlivogo plavaniia [Happy Voyage] 1949, 74 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Navstrechu zhizni [To Meet Life] 1952, 78 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Chest´ tovarishcha [A Comrade's Honour] 1953, 77 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    LEBEDEV, Nikolai Ivanovich and IASAN, Ernest

    • V moei smerti proshu vinit´ Klavu K [Please Blame Klava K. for my Death] 1979, 72 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    LEGOSHIN, Vladimir

    • Beleet parus odinokii [The Lone White Sail] 1937, 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Poedinok [The Duel] 1944, in Russian
      Call number70 minutes 30 seconds
      Call number72 minutes (better edition)
      Call number70 minutes 30 seconds

    See also underFaintsimmer and Legoshin

    LEIMANIS, Leonid

    • Edgar i Kristina [Edgar and Kristina] 1966, 80 minutes, in Latvian dubbed into Russian
      Call number

    LENTSIUS, Oleg

    • Gde 042? [Where is 042?] 1969, 73 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Chernyi kapitan [The Black Captain] 1973, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    LESHCHENKO, Nikolai

    See underTakhmasib and Leshchenko

    LETUNOVSKII, Nikolai

    • Pingelape, 2009, 33 minutes 44 seconds, in Russian
      Call number


    • Lucky Village 1992, 86 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number

    LEVCHUK, Timofei

    • V stepiakh Ukrainy [In the Steppes of the Ukraine] 1952, 100 minutes, in Ukrainian
      Call number
    • Kalinovaia roshcha [Kalinov Grove] 1953, 106 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Kievlianka [The Woman of Kiev] 1958, 182 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Duma o Kovpake. Nabat. Fil´m pervyi [The Ballad of Kovpak. The Alarm Bell. Film 1] 1973, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Duma o Kovpake. Buran. Fil´m vtoroi [The Ballad of Kovpak. The Snowstorm. Film 2] 1975, 94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Duma o Kovpake. Karpaty, Karpaty... Fil´m tretii [The Ballad of Kovpak. The Carpathians, The Carpathians... Film 3] 1976, 145 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ot Buga do Visly [From the Bug to the Vistula] 1980, 133 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Esli vrag ne sdaetsia... [If the Enemy Does Not Surrender...] 1982, 77 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    LEVIN, Moisei

    • Puteshestvie v Arzrum [Journey to Erzerum] 1936, 74 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Amangel´dy, 1938, 73 minutes, in Russian or in Kazakh
      Call number(new version, 1966)

    LEVIN, Vasilii

    • Povest´ o pervoi liubvi [A Tale of First Love] 1957, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Doch´ Strationa [The Daughter of Stration] 1964, 70 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Zdravstvuite, doktor! [Hello, Doctor!] 1974, approx. 79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Petlia Oriona [Orion's Loop] 1980, 80 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed and subtitled versions
      Call number

    LEVKOEV, Grigorii

    • Pervopechatnik Ivan Fedorov [The First Printer, Ivan Fedorov] 1941, 45 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number

    LIALIN, Sergei

    • Smert´ shpionam! [Death to Spies!] 2007, 416 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    LIASHENKO, Iurii

    • "Mersedes" ukhodit ot pogoni [The "Mersedes" Gets Away] 1980, 79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    LIBIN, Stanislav

    • Zavtra vse budet po-drugomu [Tomorrow Everything Will Be Different] 2009, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    LINKOV, Sergei

    • Za Vetlugoi-rekoi [Beyond the Vetluga River] 1986, 70 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • V sviazi s perekhodom na druguiu rabotu [In Connection with Moving to a New Job] 1988, 130 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underKhudiakov and Linkov

    LIOZNOVA, Tat´iana

    • Pamiat´ serdtsa [The Memory of the Heart] 1958, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Evdokiia 1961, 101 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call number
    • Im pokoriaetsia nebo [They Conquer the Sky] 1963, 96 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Rano utrom [Early in the Morning] 1965, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • "Tri topolia" na Pliushchikhe ["The Three Poplars" on Pliushchikha] 1967, 74 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles (colourised version)
    • Semnadtsat´ mgnovenii vesny [Seventeen Moments of Spring] 1973, 828 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call numberEpisodes 1 and 2, 137 minutes
      Call numberEpisodes 3 and 4, 141 minutes
      Call numberEpisodes 5 and 6, 138 minutes
      Call numberEpisodes 7 and 8, 135 minutes
      Call numberEpisodes 9 and 10, 146 minutes
      Call numberEpisodes 11 and 12, 131 minutes
    • Karnaval [Carnival] 1981, 145 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian without subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional subtitles
    • My, nizhepodpisavshiesia [We, The Undersigned] 1981, 138 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    LIPSHITS, Grigorii

    • Katia-Katiusha, 1959, 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Artist iz Kokhanovki [The Artiste from Kokhanovka] 1961, 73 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Obratnoi dorogi net [No Way Back] 1970, 198 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    LIPSKAIA, Lika

    • Motylek [Butterfly] 2015, 14 minutes 53 seconds, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number

    LIPSKÝ, Oldrich

    • Cirkus v cirkuse [Solo dlia slona s orkestrom] [Solo for Elephant with Orchestra] 1975, 127 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    LISITSIAN, Tamara

    • Na granatovykh ostrovakh [On the Pomegranate Islands] 1981, approx. 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Taina villy "Greta" [The Secret of the Villa Greta] 1983, 101 minutes, in Russian
      Call number, lacks start
    • Zagadochnyi naslednik [The Enigmatic Heir] 1987, approx. 135 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    LITUS, Nikolai

    • Parol´ znali dvoe [Two People Knew the Password] 1985, approx. 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Sluchai iz gazetnoi praktiki [A Case in the Life of a Newspaper] 1987, approx. 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    LITUS, Nikolai andSHUN´KO, Vitalii

    • Dachnaia poezdka serzhanta Tsybuli [The Dacha Journey of Sergeant Tsybulia] 1979, 74 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underMishurin and Litus

    LITVINOVA, Renata

    • Boginia. Kak ia poliubila [Goddess:How I Fell in Love] 2004, 103 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Posledniaia skazka Rity [Rita's Last Fairy Tale] 2012, 97 minutes
      Call numberin Russian (followed by 55 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles and(CD soundtrack)
      Call numberin Russian

    LIUBAKOVA, Marina

    • Zhestokost´ [Cruelty] 2007, 89 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    LIUBIMOV, Pavel

    • Zhenshchiny [The Women] 1965, 98 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Begushchaia po volnam [The Woman Who Runs Along the Waves] [The Wave Runner] 1967, 88 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian, English and French subtitles
      Call number
    • Noven´kaia [The New Girl] 1968, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vperedi den´ [Day is Ahead] 1970, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Svoi paren´ [A Fellow Like Us] 1974, 63 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vesennii prizyv [Autumn Call-Up] 1976, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Shkol´nyi val´s [A School Waltz] 1977, 91 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
    • Bystree sobstvennoi teni [Faster than His Own Shadow] 1980, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Predel zhelanii [Summit of Desires] 1982, 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vtoroi raz v Krymu [The Second Time in the Crimea] 1984, 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Sledopyt [The Pathfinder] 1987, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Gol v Spasskie vorota [A Goal in the Spasskie Gates] 1990, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Prizrak doma moego [The Ghost of My House] 1994, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    LIUBOMUDROV, Vladimir

    • Ishchi vetra [Seek the Wind] 1987, 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Otel´ "Edem" [Hotel "Eden"] 1991, 97 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    LIUBSHIN, Stanislav

    See underLavrov, German

    LIVNEV, Sergei

    • Kiks [Kicks] 1991, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Serp i molot [Hammer and Sickle] 1994, 93 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number

    LOBAN, Sergei

    • Pyl´ [Dust] 2005, 110 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian or English subtitles
      Call number
    • Shapito-shou [Chapiteau-Show] 2011, in Russian
      Call number219 minutes
      Call number216 minutes (Blu ray disc)
      Call number30 minutes (CD of songs)

    LOKSHIN, Mikhail

    • Serebrianye kon´ki [Silver Skates] 2020, 137 minutes, in Russian with some English and French and with optional English subtitles
      Call number

    LOKSHINA, Khesia

    See underGarin and Lokshina

    LOMIDZE, Grigorii

    See underVarlamov and Lomidze

    LOMKIN, Sergei

    • Rokovye iaitsa [The Fatal Eggs] 1995, 117 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    LONSKOI, Valerii

    • Nebo so mnoi [The Sky is With Me] 1974, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Priezzhaia [The Newcomer] 1977, 94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Belyi voron [The White Raven] 1980, approx. 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Svoi krest [Your Own Cross] 1989, 151 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Barkhanov i ego telokhranitel´ [Barkhanov and His Bodyguard] 1996, 116 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    LOPACH, Viktoriia

    • V poriadke veshchei [In the Order of Things] 2009, 7 minutes 7 seconds, no dialogue
      Call number

    LOPUSHANSKII, Konstantin

    • Solo, 1980, 26 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Pis´ma mertvogo cheloveka [Letters of a Dead Man] 1986, 83 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Posetitel´ muzeia [The Visitor to the Museum] 1989, 128 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
    • Russkaia simfoniia [Russian Symphony] 1994
      Call number 115 minutes, in Russian
      Call number109 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    • Konets veka [The Turn of the Century] 2001
      Call number118 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call number151 minutes, director's cut, in Russian with English subtitles
    • Gadkie lebedi [The Ugly Swans] 2006, 109 minutes
      Call number(followed by 48 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series), in Russian without subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian, English, French, Spanish, Italian and German subtitles
    • Rol´ [The Role] 2013, 116 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Skvoz´ chernoe steklo [Through the Black Glass] 2018, 139 minutes, in Russian with some German
      Call number

    LOTIANU, Emil´

    • Tabor ukhodit v nebo [The Camp Goes Off Into the Sky] 1976, 95 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles and dubbed versions
      Call number
    • Moi laskovyi i nezhnyi zver´ [My Sweet and Tender Beast] [A Hunting Drama] 1978, 103 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed versions and subtitles
      Call number
    • Anna Pavlova, 1983, 145 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Pavlova. A Woman for All Time (Western version of Emil´ Lotianu's film Anna Pavlova, supervised by Michael Powell) 1983, 126 minutes, in English
      Call number

    LUKASHEVICH, Tat´iana

    • Gavrosh [Gavroche] 1937, 70 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Podkidysh [The Foundling] 1939, 68 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
      Call number
      Call numberrestored, colourised version
    • Uchitel´ tantsev [The Dance Teacher] 1952, 135 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Anna Karenina, 1953, 155 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Attestat zrelosti [Matriculation Certificate] 1954, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Oni vstretilis´ v puti [They Met on the Road] 1957, approx 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Slepoi muzykant [The Blind Musician] 1960, 74 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Khod konem [Knight's Move] 1962, 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number

    LUKASHEVICH, Tat´iana and RAVENSKIKH, Boris

    • Svad´ba s pridanym [Marriage with Dowry] 1953, 117 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number

    LUK´IANOV, Nikolai

    • Volki [Wolves] 1977, 18 minutes, in Russian
      Call number(part of the Film-AlmanacV profil´ i anfas)
    • Ne zabud´te vykliuchit´ televizor!... [Don't Forget to Switch off the Television!...] 1986, 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Chelovek iz chernoi "Volgi" [The Man from the Black "Volga"] 1990, 98 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    LUKIN, Vitalii

    • Proryv [Breakthrough] 2005, 84 minutes
      Call numberin Russian without subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles


    • Chuk i Gek [Chuk and Gek] 1953, 46 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Soldat Ivan Brovkin [The Soldier Ivan Brovkin] 1955, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ivan Brovkin na tseline [Ivan Brovkin in the Virgin Lands] 1958, 91 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Vzorvannyi ad [Hell Exploded] 1967, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Derevenskii detektiv [The Village Detective] 1968, 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Kolybel´naia dlia muzhchin [A Lullaby for Men] 1976, 67 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    LUKOV, Leonid

    • Bol´shaia zhizn´ [The Big Life] Part 1, 1939, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number75 minutes, version of the film reconstructed at Lenfil´m Studios in 1973, inKinopravda?series
      Call number85 minutes, re-edited version
      Call number92 minutes, original version
    • Noch´ nad Belgradom [Night over Belgrade] [Boevoi kinosbornik No. 8] [Fighting Film Collection No. 8] 1941, 27 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Aleksandr Parkhomenko, 1942, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Dva boitsa [Two Fighters] 1943, 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Eto bylo v Donbase [It was in the Donbas] 1945, 94 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Bol´shaia zhizn´ [The Big Life] Part 2, 1946, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number87 minutes, re-edited version
      Call number101 minutes, original version
    • Riadovoi Aleksandr Matrosov [Private Aleksandr Matrosov] 1947, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Donetskie shakhtery [Miners of Donetsk] 1950, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Varvary [Barbarians] 1953, 165 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Vassa Zheleznova, 1953, 104 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Raznye sud´by [Different Fates] 1956, 100 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
    • Dve zhizni [Two Lives] 1961, 185 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    LUNGIN, Aleksandr

    • Bol´shaiapoeziia [Great Poetry] 2019, 118 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    LUNGIN, Pavel

    • Taksi bliuz [Taxi Blues] 1990
      Call number106 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number110 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Liniia zhizni [Life line] 1996, 100 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Luna Park, 1992, 106 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number
    • Svad´ba [La Noce] [The Wedding] 2000, 109 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Oligarkh [The Oligarch] [Tycoon. A New Russian] 2002, 123 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Bednye rodstvenniki [Familles à Vendre] [Poor Relations] 2005, 107 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Delo o "Mertvykh dushakh". Fantaziia po proizvedeniiam N.V. Gogolia [The Case of the "Dead Souls". A Fantasy on the Works of Nikolai Gogol´] 2005, 366 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call numberParts 1-2, 92 minutes
      Call numberParts 3-4, 92 minutes
      Call numberParts 5-6, 92 minutes
      Call numberParts 7-8, 90 minutes
    • Ostrov [The Island] 2006, 110 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
    • Vetka sireni [A Lilac Branch] [Rakhmaninov] 2007
      Call number97 minutes, in Russian
      Call number93 minutes, in Russian with French subtitles
      Call number97 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    • Tsar´ [The Tsar] 2009, 119 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional French subtitles
    • Dirizher [The Conductor] 2012, 86 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Dama Pik [The Queen of Spades] [La Dame de Pique] 2016, 115 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional French subtitles
    • Bratstvo [Brotherhood] [Leaving Afghanistan] 2019, 113 minutes
      Call number in Russian
      Call numberin Russian with French subtitles or in French dubbed version (Blu ray disc)
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles

    LUTSIK, Petr

    • Okraina [Outskirts] 1998, 95 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles

    See also underSamoriadov


    See underTARAMAEV, Sergei AND L´VOVA, LIUBOV´

    LYRCHIKOV, Nikolai

    • My zhili po sosedstvu [We Were Neighbours] 1982, 73 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    LYSENKO, Iurii

    • Samolet ukhodit v 9 [The Plane Leaves at Nine] 1960, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • My, dvoe muzhchin [We, Two Men] 1962, 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call numberlacks very start
      Call number

    LYSENKO, Vadim

    • 13 poruchenii [Thirteen Errands] 1969, 63 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Poezd v dalekii avgust [A Train to Distant August] 1971, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Sleduiu svoim kursom [I am Following My Course] 1974, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Poslednii god Berkuta [Berkut's Last Year] 1977, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Otriad osobogo naznacheniia [Special Assigment Detachment] 1978, 73 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    MACHERET, Aleksandr

    • Chastnaia zhizn´ Petra Vinogradova [The Private Life of Petr Vinogradov] 1934, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Rodina zovet [The Motherland Calls] 1936, 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Bolotnye soldaty (Val´ter, Lager´ na bolote) [Swamp Soldiers (Walter, The Camp in the Swamp)] 1938, 66 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Oshibka inzhenera Kochina [Engineer Kochin's Mistake] 1939, 103 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Ia - chernomorets! [I'm A Black Sea Sailor!] 1944, 72 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MACHULSKI, Juliusz

    • Dezha viu [Déjà vu], 1988, 105 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian or English subtitles
      Call number

    MAEVSKAIA, Mechislava

    See underMasliukov and Maevskaia

    MAGITON, Isaak

    • Ni slova o futbole [Not a Word About Football] 1973, 72 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Zapakh vereska [The Smell of Heather] 2011, 98 minutes, in Russian
      Call number(followed by 59 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)

    MAIMAN, Robert

    See underDrapkin and Maiman

    MAIOROV, Aleksandr

    • Shans [Chance] 1984, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Strakhovoi agent [The Insurance Agent] 1985, 65 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MAIOROV, Dmitrii

    • Ty zabyl, vo chto my igrali? [Have You Forgotten What We Were Playing?] 2010, 32 minutes 22 seconds, in Russian
      Call number

    MAITRE, André and HANSEN, Kai

    • Kniazhna Tarakanova [Princess Tarakanova] 1910, 18 minutes, Russian titles, English subtitles, added music track
      Call number
      Call number

    MAKAROV, Il´ia

    • Telo budet predano zemle, a starshii michman budet pet´ [The Body Will Be Committed to the Ground and the Senior Warrant Officer Will Sing] 1998, 97 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Nebesnaia zhizn´ [Life in the Skies] 2005, 4 x 52 = 208 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Patrul´ [The Patrol] 2006, 83 minutes, in Russian with optional Ukrainian subtitles
      Call number

    MAKARYCHEV, Leonid

    • Skvoz´ ogon´ [Through Fire] 1982, 70 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MAKERANETS, Vladimir

    • Ty est´ [You Are] 1993, 95 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Vozvrashchenie skripki [The Return of the Violin] 1972, 72 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MAKHOVIKOV, Sergei

    • Tikhaia zastava [A Quiet Fort] 2010, in Russian
      Call number88 minutes
      Call number92 minutes (Blu ray disc)

    MAKSAKOV, Viacheslav

    • Gorod prinial [The Town Accepted] 1979, 74 minuteslacks first half minute, in Russian
      Call number
    • Improvizatsiia na temu biografii [Improvisation on a Theme of Biography] 1987, 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MAKSIMOV, Konstantin

    • Zapreshchennaia real´nost´ [Forbidden Reality] [The Interceptor] 2009, 90 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
    • Nesokrushimyi (Tankisty) [Indestructible (Tankers)] 2018, 89 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number

    MAKSIMOVA, Mariia

    • Bud´ so mnoi [Be with Me] 2009, 73 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MALAKHOV, Petr

    • Glubokii reid (Gordye sokoly) [The Deep Raid (The Proud Falcons)] 1937, 55 minutes, in Russian
      Call number, picture breaks up near the end
      Call number

    MALETSKII, Nikolai

    • Melodrama s pokusheniem na ubiistvo [Melodrama with Attempted Murder] 1992, 66 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MALIAN, Genrikh

    • My i nashi gory [We and Our Mountains] 1969, 90 minutes, in Armenian or in Russian dubbed version
      Call number
    • Poshchechina (Kusochek neba) [A Slap in the Face (A Little Piece of the Sky)] 1980, 87 minutes, in Armenian or in Russian dubbed version
      Call number

    MALIUKOV, Andrei

    • V zone osobogo vnimaniia [In the Zone of Particular Attention] 1977, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • 34-i skoryi [The 34 Express] 1981, 79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Liubov´ na ostrove smerti [Love on Death Island] 1991, 94 minutes, in Russian without subtitles (poor picture quality)
      Call number
    • Ia - russkii soldat [I am a Russian Soldier] 1995, 99 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Spetsnaz [Special Forces] 2002, 150 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Spetsnaz 2 [Special Forces 2] 2003, 197 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Diversant [The Saboteur] 2004, 206 minutes, in Russian
      Call numberDVD 1, 154 minutes
      Call numberDVD 2, 52 minutes and additional material
    • Grozovye vorota [The Storm Gate] 2006, 208 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian or English subtitles
      Call numberParts 1-2, 104 minutes
      Call numberParts 3-4, 104 minutes
    • My iz budushchego [We Are from the Future] 2008, 115 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Match [The Match] 2011, 118 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ostat´sia v zhivykh [Staying Alive] 2018
      Six episodes: 52 minutes 41 seconds + 52 minutes 12 seconds + 49 minutes 27 seconds + 50 minutes 22 seconds + 48 minutes 43 seconds + 46 minutes 4 seconds
      Total running time: 299 minutes 29 seconds, in Russian with some German with Russian voiceover and with optional English subtitles
      Call number

    MALKOV, Evgenii

    • Iskuplenie [Atonement] 2010, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MAL´KOV, Pavel

    See underFomin and Mal´kov

    MAMILOV, Sulambek

    • Osobo opasnye [Especially dangerous] 1979, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Damskoe tango [Ladies' Tango] 1983, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Den´ gneva [Day of Wrath] 1985, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ubiistvo na "Zhdanovskoi" [Murder at Zhdanovskaia Station] 1992, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MAMIN, Iurii

    • Zhelaiu vam... Provintsial´naia skazka [I Wish You... A Provincial Fairy Tale] 1982, 25 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Prazdnik Neptuna [Neptune's Feast] 1986, 44 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Fontan [The Fountain] 1988, 98 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Bakenbardy [Sidewhiskers] 1990, 100 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Okno v Parizh [A Window on Paris] French title Salades Russes 1993, 102 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Ne dumai pro belykh obez´ian [Don't Think about White Monkeys] 2008, 121 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See alsobelowand underAristov and Mamin

    MAMIN, Iurii and TIGAI, Arkadii

    • Gor´ko! [Kiss the Bride!] 1998, 96 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MAMULIIA, Dmitrii

    • Drugoe nebo [Another Sky] 2010, 86 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with optional English and French subtitles
      Call numberin Russian (followed by 50 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)

    MANAGADZE, Shota

    • Khevsurskaia ballada [A Khevsur Ballad] 1965, 94 minutes, dubbed into Russian from Georgian
      Call number


    • Ishchu moiu sud´bu [I am Searching for My Fate] 1974, approx. 95 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Utrennii obkhod [The Morning Round] 1979, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underSkuibin and Manasarova

    MANIUKOV, Vitalii

    • Iama. Nashi dni [The Pit. Our Days] 2017, 99 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MANSUROV, Bulat

    • Trizna [The Funeral Feast] 1972-1987, 78 minutes, in Russian or in Kazakh
      Call number
    • Blistaiushchii mir [The Brilliant World] 1984, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Sultan Beibars, 1989, 141 minutes, in Russian or in Kazakh
      Call number


    • Ubit´ litsedeia [To Kill an Actor] 1997, 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Trubka kommunara (Parizh 71-go goda) [The Communard's Pipe (The Paris of 71)] [La Pipe du Communard]1929, 47 minutes
      Call numberRussian titles, French subtitles, added music track
      Call numberRussian titles, French intertitles, silent with added music track
      Call numberRussian titles, French intertitles, optional English intertitles, silent with added music track

    MAREEV, Stas

    • Russkii spetsnaz [Russian Special Forces] 2002, 90 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call number
    • Spetsnaz po-russki 2 [Russian Special Forces 2] 2004, 410 minutes, in Russian
      Call numberDVD 1, 204 minutes
      Call numberDVD 2, 206 minutes

    MARIAGIN, Leonid

    • Pro Klavu Ivanovu [About Klava Ivanova] 1969, approx. 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Moia ulitsa [My Street] 1970, 74 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Dvoe v puti [Two on the Road] 1973, 74 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vylet zaderzhivaetsia [Take-Off is Delayed] 1974, 74 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vas ozhidaet grazhdanka Nikanorova [Citizen Nikanorova is Waiting For You] 1978, 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Nezvanyi drug [An Uninvited Friend] 1980, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Den´ rozhdeniia [Birthday] 1982, 77 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Gorod nevest [Bride Town] 1985, 95 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Dorogoe udovol´stvie [An Expensive Pleasure] 1988, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vrag naroda, Bukharin [Enemy of the People Bukharin] 1990, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • 101-i kilometr [The 101st Kilometre] 2001, 99 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MAR´IAN, David

    • Zhizn´ v rukakh [Life in Their Hands] 1930, 96 minutes, Russian titles, optional German subtitles, silent with added music track
      Call number

    MARKELOV, Anatolii

    • Po zakonam gostepriimstva [By the Laws of Hospitality] Part of "Sto gramm" dlia khrabrosti. Kinoal´manakh ["One Hundred Grammes" for Bravery. A Film Almanach] 1976, 17 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MARKOVA, Maia and KHRAMOV, Vladimir

    • Golubaia chashka [The Blue Cup] 1964, 54 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MARKOVSKII, Evgenii

    • Filial [The Branch] 1988, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MARUKHIN, Iurii

    • Chelovek, kotoryi bral interv´iu [The Man Who Took Interviews] 1986, 91 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Uik-end s ubiitsei [Weekend with a Murderer] 1992, 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MASHCHENKO, Nikolai

    • Vsiudu est´ nebo [Everywhere there is Sky] 1966, 64 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Komissary [Komisari] [The Commissars] 1969, 74 minutes, in Ukrainian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Kak zakalialias´ stal´ [How the Steel was Tempered] 1975, 363 minutes, in Russian
      Call number(double-sided disc)

    See also a film by Mashchenko in the Central and East European Feature Films index, Ukraine section

    MASHKOV, Vladimir

    • Sirota kazanskaia [The Sympathy Seeker] 1997, 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Papa, 2004, 94 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number


    • Gonshchiki [Racing Drivers] 1972, 77 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call number
    • Sentimental´nyi roman [A Sentimental Romance] 1976, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Iaroslavna, koroleva Frantsii [Iaroslavna, Queen of France] 1978, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Sherlok Kholms i doktor Vatson: Krasnym po belomu [Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson: Red on White] 1979, 133 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call number
    • Prikliucheniia Sherloka Kholmsa i doktora Vatsona: Korol´ shantazha. Smertel´naia skhvatka. Okhota na tigra [The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson: The King of Blackmail. The Fatal Encounter. The Tiger Hunt] 1980, 64 + 64 + 64 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call number
    • Prikliucheniia Sherloka Kholmsa i doktora Vatsona. Sobaka Baskervilei [The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson. The Hound of the Baskervilles] 1981, 146 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call number
    • Pikovaia dama [The Queen of Spades] 1982, 86 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Prikliucheniia Sherloka Kholmsa. Sokrovishcha Agry [The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson: The Treasures of Agra] 1983, 145 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call number
    • Zimniaia vishnia [Winter Cherries] 1985, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Prikliucheniia Sherloka Kholmsa. Dvadtsatyi vek nachinaetsia [The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson: The Twentieth Century Approaches] 1986, 149 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call number
    • Prodlenie roda [Continuation of the Kin] 1988, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Filipp Traum, 1989, 129 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Zimniaia vishnia-2 [Winter Cherries-2] 1990, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Zimniaia vishnia-3 [Winter Cherries-3] 1995, 153 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call number
    • Pis´ma k El´ze [Letters to El´za] 2002, 112 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Russkie den´gi [Russian Money] 2006, 115 minutes, in Russian with optional Ukrainian subtitles
      Call number


    • Pod kamennym nebom [Under en steinhimmel] [Under a Stone Sky] 1974, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MASLIUKOV, Aleksei and MAEVSKAIA, Mechislava

    • Mit´ka-Leliuk, 1938, 76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Pedagogicheskaia poema [A Pedagogical Poem] 1955, 104 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    MASLOV, Vladimir

    See underIufit and Maslov

    MASS, Vadim and EBNER, Ian

    • Poslednii zhulik [The Last Swindler] 1966, 63 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number


    • S Dona vydachi net [No Delivery from the Don] 2005, 86 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number


    • Zhena Stalina [Stalin's Wife] 2006, 176 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    MASTIUGIN, Iurii

    • V nachale igry [At the Beginning of the Match] 1981, 76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MATESHKO, Anatolii

    • Dvoe [Two of Them] 2010, 90 minutes, in Russian with some German with Russian voiceover
      Call number

    MATISON, Anna

    • Satisfaktsiia [Satisfaction] 2010, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number(followed by 47 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)

    MATVEEV, Evgenii

    • Liubov´ zemnaia [Earthly Love] 1974, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Vremia synovei [Time of the Sons] 1976, approx. 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Sud´ba [Fate] 1977, 160 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Osobo vazhnoe zadanie [An Especially Important Task] 1980, 131 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Beshenye den´gi [Crazy Money] 1981, 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Chasha terpeniia [The Cup of Patience] 1989, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Liubit´ po-russki [Love, Russian Style] 1995, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Liubit´ po-russki 2 [Love Russian Style, 2] 1996, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Liubit´ po-russki 3. Gubernator [Love Russian Style, 3. The Governor] 1999, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MAZUR, A.

    See underKustov and Mazur


    • Pervaia lastochka [The First Swallow] 1975, 73 minutes, dubbed into Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call number
    • Imeretinskie eskizy [Imeretian Sketches] 1979, 70 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Belaia roza bessmertiia [The White Rose of Immortality] 1984, 65 minutes, dubbed into Russian from Georgian, with optional Russian, English and French subtitles
      Call number

    MEDVEDKIN, Aleksandr

    • Derzhi vora [Stop, Thief!] [Au voleur!] 1930, 6 minutes, Russian titles with optional French or English subtitles
      Call number
    • Tit, ili... Skaz o bol´shoi lozhke [Tit, or... the Tale of the Big Spoon] [L'histoire de Tite] 1932, 16 minutes, Russian titles with optional French or English subtitles
      Call number
    • Schast´e [Happiness] [Le bonheur] aka Stiazhateli [The Money Grubbers] 1934, 62 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberFrench titles only, added music track
      Call numberFrench titles with optional English subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles, Russian and English Hyperkino commentary version
      Call numberRussian titles, optional English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese subtitles
    • Chudesnitsa [The Miracle Girl] 1936, 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Novaia Moskva [New Moscow] 1938, 77 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    See also adocumentary on Medvedkin

    MEDVEDKIN, Aleksandr and TRAUBERG, Il´ia

    • My zhdem vas s pobedoi. Kinokontsert. [We are Waiting For You With A Victory. A Cinema Concert] 1941, 35 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Boi s ten´iu 2. Revansh [Shadow-Boxing 2. The Revenge] 2007, 131 minutes, in Russian and in English with Russian voiceover, but without subtitles
      Call number
    • Temnyi mir [Dark World] 2010, 101 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Metro [Subwave], 2012
      Call number126 minutes, in Russian
      Call number132 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number126 minutes, in Russian with optional French subtitles or in French dubbed version (Blu ray disc)
    • Dvizhenie vverkh [Going Vertical] [Three Seconds] 2017, 134 minutes, in Russian with some English with Russian subtitles and with optional English subtitles
      Call number

    MELIAVA, Tamaz

    See underAbalov and Meliavaand also underShengelaia and Meliava

    MELIK-AVAKIAN, Grigorii

    See underKevorkov and Melik-Avakian

    MELIKIAN, Anna

    • Mars, 2004, 96 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Rusalka [Mermaid] [The Water Nymph] 2007
      Call number100 minutes, in Russian (followed by 67 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)
      Call number114 minutes, full director's cut, in Russian with optional Ukrainian subtitles
      Call number100 minutes, in Russian with optional English and Spanish subtitles
    • Zvezda [The Star] 2014
      Call number134 minutes, in Russian
      Call number128 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Pro liubov´ [About Love] 2015
      Call number115 minutes, in Russian
      Call number115 minutes, in Russian (better quality copy)
      Call number110 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Pro liubov´. Tol´ko dlia vzroslykh [About Love. Only for Adults] Pro liubov´. Tol´ko dlia vzroslykh [About Love. Only for Adults] various directors, a project of Anna Melikian, 2017, 109 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Nezhnost´ [Tenderness] 2018, 20 minutes 1 second, in Russian
      Call number
    • Nezhnost´ [Tenderness] 2020, 11 episodes: 20 minutes 1 second + 16 minutes 11 seconds + 18 minutes 30 seconds + 17 minutes 3 seconds + 20 minutes 20 seconds + 17 minutes + 20 minutes 25 seconds + 19 minutes 30 seconds + 18 minutes 54 seconds + 21 minutes 25 seconds + 21 minutes 13 seconds
      Total running time: 210 minutes 32 seconds, in Russian
      Call number
    • Feia [The Fairy] 2019, 152 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Troe [The Three of Them] 2020, 122 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MEL´NIK, Aleksandr

    • Novaia zemlia [Terra Nova] 2008
      Call number115 minutes, in Russian
      Call number120 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Territoriia [Territory] 2014, 153 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MEL´NIKOV, Vitalii

    • Nachal´nik Chukotki [The Boss of Chukotka] 1966
      Call number85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number86 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Mama vyshla zamuzh [Mum Got Married] 1969, 80 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian, English and German subtitles
    • Sem´ nevest efreitora Zbrueva [The Seven Fiancées of Lance-Corporal Zbruev] 1970, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Zdravstvui i proshchai [Hallo and Goodbye] 1972, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Kseniia, liubimaia zhena Fedora [Kseniia, the Beloved Wife of Fedor] 1974, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Starshii syn [The Elder Son] 1975, 131 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Zhenit´ba [Marriage] 1977, 93 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
    • Otpusk v sentiabre [Leave in September] 1979, 136 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Unikum [Unique] 1983, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Chuzhaia zhena i muzh pod krovat´iu [Someone Else's Wife and the Husband Under the Bed] 1984, 65 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
    • Vyiti zamuzh za kapitana [To Marry a Captain] 1985, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Pervaia vstrecha - posledniaia vstrecha [First Meeting - Last Meeting] 1987, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Poslednee delo Varenogo [Varenyi's Last Case] 1994, 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Lunoi byl polon sad [The Garden Was Full of Moonlight] 2000, 102 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Bednyi bednyi Pavel [Poor, Poor Paul] 2003, 101 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Agitbrigada 'Bei vraga!' [The 'Beat the Enemy!' Agit-Brigade] 2007, 123 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian or Ukrainian subtitles
      Call number
    • Poklonnitsa (L´vy, orly i kuropatki) [The Fan (Lions, Eagles and Partridges)] 2012, 102 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MENAKER, Leonid

    • Opoznanie [Identification] 1973, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Rasskaz o prostoi veschi [A Tale of a Simple Thing] 1975, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Molodaia zhena [The Young Wife] 1978, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Poslednii pobeg [The Last Escape] 1980, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Zaveshchanie professora Douelia [Professor Dowell's Testament] 1984, 86 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional dubbed versions or subtitles
    • Posledniaia doroga [The Last Road] 1986, 95 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Sobachii pir [A Dog's Feast] 1990, 105 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underKurikhin and Menaker

    MEN´SHIKOV, Aleksei

    • Idi i ne ogliadyvaisia [Go and Don't Look Back] 1992, 70 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number

    MEN´SHOV, Vladimir

    • Rozygrysh [The Practical Joke] 1976, 91 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Moskva slezam ne verit [Moscow doesn't Believe in Tears] 1979, 140 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed versions or subtitles
      Call numberand Call number
    • Liubov´ i golubi [Love and Pigeons] 1984, 101 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Shirli-myrli [What a Mess!], 1995, 135 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Zavist´ bogov [Envy of the Gods] 2000, 130 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian, English and French subtitles
      Call number

    MERKULOVA, Natal´ia

    • Istoriia tret´ia. Sestry [The Third Story. Sisters] 2020, 26 minutes,in Russian, part ofOchen´ zhenskie istorii [Very Female Stories] 2020, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MERKULOVA, Natasha and CHUPOV, Aleksei

    • Intimnye mesta [Intimate Places] 2013, 76 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Pro liubov´. Tol´ko dlia vzroslykh [About Love. Only for Adults] Pro liubov´. Tol´ko dlia vzroslykh [About Love. Only for Adults] various directors, a project of Anna Melikian, 2017, 109 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Chelovek, kotoryi udivil vsekh [L'Homme qui a surpris tout le monde] [The Man Who Surprised Everyone] 2018, 101 minutes, in Russian with French subtitles
      Call number


    • Kombinat "Nadezhda" [Hope Factory] 2014, 104 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number
    • Serdtse mira [Core of the World] 2018, 124 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MESKHIEV, Dmitrii

    • Gambrinus, 1990, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Nad temnoi vodoi [Over the Dark Water] 1992, 94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Amerikanka [The American Bet] 1997, in Russian
      Call number84 minutes
      Call number90 minutes
    • Bomba [The Bomb] 1997, 73 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
      Call number
    • Zhenskaia sobstvennost´ [Women's Property] 1998, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Mekhanicheskaia siuita [Mechanical Suite] 2000, 98 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Dnevnik kamikadze [A Kamikaze's Diary] 2002, 105 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Svoi [Our Men] 2004, 110 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with French subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • 7 kabinok [7 Cubicles] 2006, 91 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call numberFilm
      Call numberBonus material
    • Chelovek u okna [The Man at the Window] 2010, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Batal´on´´ [The Battalion] 2014, 124 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call numberin Russian (better quality copy)
    • Stena [The Wall] 2016, 156 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Dva bileta domoi [Two Tickets Home] 2018, 94 minutes, in Russan
      Call number

    MESKHIEV, Dmitrii and KONOPKIN, Iurii

    • Osobennosti natsional´noi politiki [Peculiarities of National Politics] 2003, 83 minutes, in Russian only without subtitles
      Call number

    MESTETSKII, Mikhail

    • Triapichnyi soiuz [Rag Union] 2014, 99 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    METAL´NIKOV, Budimir

    • Molchanie doktora Ivensa [The Silence of Doctor Ivens] 1973, 76 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles

    MEZENTSEV, Evgenii

    • Ol´ga i Konstantin [Olga and Konstantin] 1984, 64 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MIGUNOVA, Marina

    • Zerkala [Mirrors] 2013, 132 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Chemi bebia [Moia babushka] [My Grandmother] 1929
      Call number66 minutes, Russian titles with English subtitles, added music track
      Call number64 minutes, Russian titles with optional English voiceover narration

    MIKAELIAN, Margarita

    • Krasavets-muzhchina [A Handsome Man] 1978, 123 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MIKAELIAN, Sergei

    • Idu na grozu [I Walk Into the Storm] 1965, 140 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vsego odna zhizn´ [Just One Life] 1968, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Rasskazhi mne o sebe [Tell Me About Yourself] 1971, 98 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Premiia [The Bonus] 1974, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vdovy [The Widows] 1976, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Vliuben po sobstvennomu zhelaniiu [In Love of His Own Accord] 1982, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Reis 222 [Flight No. 222] 1985, 123 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Sto soldat i dve devushki [One Hundred Soldiers and Two Girls] 1989, 94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Razborchivyi zhenikh [A Discerning Bridegroom] 1992, 96 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Frantsuzskii val´s [A French Waltz] 1995, 89 minutes, in Russian and in French with Russian overdubbing, without subtitles
      Call number
    • Zvezdochka moia nenagliadnaia [My Beloved Little Star] 2000, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MIKHAILOV, Aleksandr

    • Tol´ko ne ukhodi [Just Don't Go] 1992, 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MIKHAILOV, Vadim

    • Mesiats avgust [The Month of August] 1971, 67 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Poka stoiat gory.. [While The Mountains Still Stand] 1976, 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Shtormovoe preduprezhdenie [Storm Warning] 1981, 76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Veruiu v liubov´ [I Believe in Love] 1986, approx. 79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Po dannym ugolovnogo rozyska [On Evidence of the Criminal Investigation Department] 1980, 70 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Tainaia progulka [A Secret Walk] 1985, 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MIKHALKOV, Artem

    • Job - Rabota, in Moskva, ia liubliu tebia! Kinoal´manakh [Moscow, I Love You! A Film Almanac] 2010, 91 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Ostanovka [The Stop] 1998, 12 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MIKHALKOV, Nikita

    • Devochka i veshchi [The Little Girl and the Things] 1967, 8 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Spokoinyi den´ v kontse voiny [A Peaceful Day at the End of the War] 1970, 32 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Svoi sredi chuzhikh, chuzhoi sredi svoikh [At Home Among Strangers, A Stranger at Home] 1974, 92 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed versions or subtitles
      Call number
    • Raba liubvi [A Slave of Love] 1975, 94 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
      Call number
    • Neokonchennaia p´esa dlia mekhanicheskogo pianino [Unfinished Piece for Mechanical Piano] 1976, 98 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
      Call number
    • Piat´ vecherov [Five Evenings] 1978, 98 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian voiceover and subtitled versions
    • Neskol´ko dnei iz zhizni I.I. Oblomova [Several Days in the Life of I.I. Oblomov] 1979, 140 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
      Call numberand Call number
    • Rodnia [Kinfolk] 1981, 92 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional voiceover and subtitled versions
    • Bez svidetelei [Without Witnesses] 1983, 90 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed and subtitled versions
      Call number
    • Oci Ciornie [Ochi chernye] [Dark Eyes] 1987, 117 minutes
      Call number, in Italian and Russian with English subtitles
      Call number, in Italian and Russian without subtitles
    • Avtostop [Hitchhiking] 1990, 52 minutes, in Italian with Russian voiceover and Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call number
    • Urga. Territoriia liubvi [Urga. Close to Eden] 1991
      Call number110 minutes, in Russian and Mongol with Russian voiceover; no subtitles
      Call number110 minutes, in Russian and in Mongol with Russian voiceover by Nikita Mikhalkov, and with optional English subtitles
    • Utomlennye solntsem [Soleil Trompeur / Burnt By the Sun] 1994
      Call number142 minutes, in Russian only without subtitles
      Call number135 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    • Sibirskii tsiriul´nik [The Barber of Siberia] 1999, 172 minutes
      Call numberin Russian and English without subtitles, Russian voiceover version, or Russian subtitled version
      Call numberin English and Russian with part English subtitles
    • 12, 2007
      Call number153 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number160 minutes, in Russian with optional English and French subtitles
    • Utomlennye solntsem 2. Predstoianie [Burnt by the Sun 2. Anticipation] [Exodus] 2010, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number173 minutes
      Call number146 minutes
    • Utomlennye solntsem 2. Tsitadel´ [Burnt by the Sun 2. The Citadel] 2011, 152 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Utomlennye solntsem 2. Polnaia versiia [Burnt by the Sun 2. The Full Version] 2011, 252 + 264 = 516 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Solnechnyi udar [Sunstroke] 2014, 173 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also adocumentary by Mikhalkovand adocumentary on Mikhalkov


    See underKonchalovskii, Andrei


    See underKonchalovskii, Egor


    See underVartanov and Mikhanovskii

    MIKHEEVA, Oksana

    • Rasfokusin, 2013, 18 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Istoriia pervaia. Es kak Dollar. Tochka, Dzhi [The First Story. S like a Dollar Sign. Stop. G.]2020, 15 minutes, in Russian, part ofOchen´ zhenskie istorii [Very Female Stories] 2020, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MIKHEEVA, Oksana and IATKOVSKAIA, Lika and MERKULOVA, Natal´ia and BIL´ZHO, Anton and SARUKHANOVA, Anna

    • Ochen´ zhenskie istorii [Very Female Stories] 2020, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MIL´KINA, Sof´ia

    See underShveitser and Mil´kina


    • Zhivite v radosti [Live in Joy] 1978, 72 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MIL´MAN, Rokhl

    See underShpis and Mil´man

    MILOVANOV, Boris

    • Alisha, 2018, 1 minute, no dialogue
      Call number

    MINAEV, Igor´

    • Pervyi etazh [Rez de Chaussée] [The Mezzanine] 1990, 66 minutes, in Russian with French subtitles
      Call number
    • Lunnye poliany [Les Clairières de Lune] [The Clearings of the Moon] 2002, 116 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Krasnyi Gollivud (Daleko or Sanset-Bul´vara) [Red Hollywood (Far from Sunset Boulevard)] 2005, 137 minutes, in Russian with French subtitles
      Call number

    MINDADZE, Aleksandr

    • Otryv [Soar] 2007, 83 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number(followed by 46 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)
      Call numberin Russian with optional Ukrianian subtitles
    • V subbotu [On Saturday] [Innocent Saturday] 2011, 95 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MINKIN, A. and FAINTSIMMER, Aleksandr

    • Morskoi batal´on [Naval Battalion] 1944, 75 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    MINKIN, Adol´f and RAPPAPORT, Herbert

    • Professor Mamlok, 1938, 100 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Gost´ (Shpion) [The Guest (The Spy)] 1939, 73 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MINKIN, Adol´f and SOROKHTIN, Igor´

    • Lunnyi kamen´ (Pamir) [The Moon Stone (The Pamirs)] 1935, 70 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    MINTS, Klimentii

    • Nastoiashchii patriot [A Real Patriot] [Boevoi kinosbornik No. 7] 1941, 3 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Prikliucheniia Korzinkinoi [The Adventures of Korzinkina] 1941, 35 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Samyi khrabryi [The Bravest of All] [Boevoi kinosbornik No. 7] 1941, 4 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Mody Parizha [Paris Fashions] in Shveik gotovitsia k boiu (Antifashistskii satiricheskii kinosbornik) [Švejk Gets Ready to Fight (An Anti-Fascist Satirical Film Collection] 1942, 61 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number

    MIRONER, Feliks

    • Uvol´nenie na bereg [Shore Leave] 1962, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MIRONER, Feliks and KHUTSIEV, Marlen

    • Vesna na Zarechnoi ulitse [Spring on Zarechnaia Street] 1956
      Call number90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number90 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call number90 minutes, in Russian, restored, colourised version
      Call number94 minutes, in Russian (Blu ray disc)

    MIRSKII, Lev

    • Eto bylo v razvedke [It Was in the Reconnaisance Forces] 1968, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Dva dnia chudes [Two Days of Miracles] 1970, 64 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underDovlatian and Mirskii

    MIRZOEV, Vladimir

    • Znaki liubvi. Skazka dlia vzroslykh [Signs of Love. A Fairy Tale for Adults] 2006, 128 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Boris Godunov, 2011, 123 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian (followed by 45 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Ee zvali mumu [Her Name was Mumu] 2016, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Topi (serial) 2021, 7 episodes, total running time 415 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MISHURIN, Aleksei andLITUS, Nikolai

    • Koroleva benzokolonki [The Queen of the Filling Station] 1962
      Call number78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number73 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian subtitles

    MITIN, Stanislav

    • Vdovii parokhod [Ship of Widows] 2010, approx 87 minutes, lacks start, in Russian
      Call number

    MITROFANOV, Evgenii andKHODAKOVSKAIA, Tat´iana

    • Okhota na Vervol´fa [Werewolf Hunt] 2009, 110 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number

    MITTA, Aleksandr

    • Bez strakha i upreka [Without Fear or Reproach] 1962, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Zvoniat, otkroite dver´ [They're Ringing, Open the Door] 1965, 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Gori, gori, moia zvezda [Shine, Shine, My Star] 1969, 89 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles and voiceover versions
      Call number
    • Tochka, tochka, zapiataia [Stop, stop, comma] 1972, in Russian
      Call number80 minutes
      Call number79 minutes
    • Skaz pro to, kak Tsar´ Petr arapa zhenil [The Tale of How Tsar´ Petr Married Off His Blackamoor] 1976, 97 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Ekipazh [The Crew] 1979, 119 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed versions or subtitles
      Call number
    • Skazka stranstvii [A Tale of Wanderings] 1982, 99 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Shag ('Zhivaia vaktsina') [The Step (Living Vaccine)] 1988, 122 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Zateriannyi v Sibiri [Lost in Siberia] 1991, 108 minutes, in the original English and Russian version, with optional Russian voceover, with optional Russian subtitles
      Call number
    • Granitsa. Taezhnyi roman [Border. A Taiga Romance] 2000, 416 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call numberParts 1-3, 156 minutes
      Call numberParts 4-6, 156 minutes
      Call numberParts 7-8, 104 minutes
    • Raskalennaia subbota [Scorching Saturday] 2002, 105 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Shagal-Malevich [Chagal-Malevich] 2013
      Call number121 minutes, in Russian
      Call number117 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles

    MITTA, Aleksandr and YOSHIDA, Kenji

    • Moskva, liubov´ moia [Mosukuwa waga ai] [Moscow, My Love] 1974, 89 minutes, in Russian with some Japanese with Russian voiceover
      Call number
      Call number

    See also underSaltykov and Mitta

    MIZGIREV, Aleksei

    • Kremen´ [Hard-Hearted] [Flint] 2007, 82 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Buben, baraban [Tambourine, Drum] 2009, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number(followed by 46 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)
    • Konvoi [Convoy] 2012, 80 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
    • Dueliant [The Duellist] 2016
      Call number105 minutes, in Russian
      Call number109 minutes, in Russian (Blu ray disc)
      Call number109 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles

    MKRTCHIAN, Al´bert

    • Lekarstvo protiv strakha [A Medicine against Fear] 1978, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Tango nashego detstva [The Tango of Our Childhood] 1984, 87 minutes, in Armenian or in Russian dubbed version
      Call number
    • Zakonnyi brak [Legal Wedlock] 1985, 88 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    MKRTCHIAN, Al´bert and KHODZHIKIAN, Edgar

    • Opekun [The Tutor] 1970, 81 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number

    MKRTCHIAN, Al´bert and POPOV, Leonid

    • Zemlia Sannikova [Sannikov's Land] 1972, 90 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles

    MOKHOV, Aleksandr

    • El´tsin. Tri dnia v avguste [Yeltsyn. Three Days in August] 2011, 96 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MOKRITSKII, Sergei

    • Chetyre vozrasta liubvi [Four Ages of Love] 2008, 98 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call number
    • Den´ uchitelia [Protest Day] [Teacher's Day] 2012, 78 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Bitva za Sevastopol´ [Nezlamna] [The Battle for Sebastopol] [Indestructible] 2015, 118 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with some English with optional English subtitles
    • Ia uchitel´ (Domashniaia voina, ili Zagovorshchiki) [Occupied] 2016, 89 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles with some untranslated German
      Call number

    MOLOCHNIKOV, Aleksandr

    • Mify [Myths] 2017, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MONAKHOV, Vladimir

    • Neproshennaia liubov´ [Unasked for Love] 1964, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Nezhdannyi gost´ [An Unexpected Guest] 1972, approx. 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MORGUNOV, Evgenii

    • Kogda kazaki plachut [When Cossacks Cry] 1963, 26 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MOROZ, Aleksei

    • R.V.S., 1977, 69 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MOROZ, Iurii

    • Podzemel´e ved´m [The Witches' Dungeon] 1990, 81 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Chernyi kvadrat [The Black Square] 1992, 115 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian, English, French, Spanish, Italian and German subtitles
      Call number
    • Kamenskaia [Kamenskaia] Fil´m pervyi: Stechenie obstoiatel´stv [Film One: Coincidence] 1999, 105 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian without subtitles
    • Kamenskaia [Kamenskaia] Fil´m vtoroi: Igra na chuzhom pole [Film Two: Playing Away] 2000, 104 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian without subtitles
    • Kamenskaia [Kamenskaia] Fil´m tretii: Ubiitsa ponevole [Film Three: An Involuntary Murderer] 2000, 105 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Kamenskaia. [Kamenskaia] Fil´m chetvertyi: Smert´ radi smerti [Film Four: Death for Death's Sake] 2000, 104 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian without subtitles
    • Kamenskaia [Kamenskaia] Fil´m piatyi: Shesterki umiraiut pervymi [Film Five: Errand Boys Die First] 2000, 105 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian without subtitles
    • Kamenskaia [Kamenskaia] Fil´m shestoi: Smert´ i nemnogo liubvi [Film Six: Death and a Little Love] 2000, 105 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian without subtitles
    • Kamenskaia [Kamenskaia] Fil´m sed´moi: Chuzhaia maska [Film Seven:. An Alien Mask] 2000, 105 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian without subtitles
    • Kamenskaia [Kamenskaia] Fil´m vos´moi: Ne meshaite palachu [Film Eight: Don't Hinder the Executioner] 2000, 105 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Kamenskaia-3. Sed´maia zhertva [Kamenskaia-3. The Seventh Victim] 2003, 176 minutes, in Russian
      Call numberDVD 1, 88 minutes
      Call numberDVD 2, 88 minutes
    • Tochka [The Spot] 2005, 85 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Brat´ia Karamazovy [The Brothers Karamazov] 2008, 528 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call numbersand
    • Pelagiia i belyi bul´dog [Pelagiia and the White Bulldog] 2009, 354 minutes, in Russian
      Call numbersand

    See also underIvanov and Moroz

    MOROZOV, Oleg and SCHMIDT, Andreas

    • Leningrad, noiabr´ [Leningrad, November] 1990, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MOROZOV, Vladimir

    • Meliuzga [Small Fry] 2004, 94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underKhotinenko, Morozov and Svetlov

    MOSKALENKO, Nikolai

    • Zhuravushka [My Dear Little Crane] 1968, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Molodye [The Young Ones] 1971, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Russkoe pole [The Russian Field] 1971, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MOSKALENKO, Vitalii

    • Kitaiskii serviz [Chinese Tea Service] 1999, 96 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MOTYL´, Vladimir

    • Zhenia, Zhenechka i "Katiusha" [Zhenia, Zhenechka and "Katiusha"] 1967, 80 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian, English and German subtitles
      Call number
    • Beloe solntse pustyni [The White Sun of the Desert] 1969, 85 minutes
      Call numberin Russian only without subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional subtitles and dubbed versions
    • Zvezda plenitel´nogo schast´ia [The Star of Captivating Happiness] 1975, 159 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional subtitles
    • Les [The Forest] 1980, in Russian
      Call number91 minutes
      Call number92 minutes
    • Neveroiatnoe pari, ili Istinnoe proisshestvie, blagopluchno zavershivsheesia sto let nazad [The Incredible Bet, or a True Story, which Concluded Happily One Hundred Years Ago] 1984, 76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Rasstanemsia, poka khoroshie [Let's Part While We Can] 1991, 131 minutes held, in Russian
      Call number(lacks ending)
    • Bagrovyi tsvet snegopada [The Crimson Colour of Snowfall] 2010, 121 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Le Brasier ardent [The Burning Crucible], 1923, 108 minutes, French titles with optional English subtitles, silent with added music track
      Call number

    MUNTEANU, Francisc

    • Tunnel´ [The Tunnel] 1966, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Pesni moria [Cîntecele mării] [Songs of the Sea] 1970, 81 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MURADIAN, Ruben

    • Liubov´ nemolodogo cheloveka [The Love of a Not Young Person] 1990, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MURADOV, Aleksei

    • Chelovek voiny [Man of War] 2005, 528 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call numberParts 1-3, 132 minutes
      Call numberParts 4-6, 132 minutes
      Call numberParts 7-9, 132 minutes
      Call numberParts 10-12, 132 minutes
    • Zhukov (Marshal Zhukov. Khroniki) [Zhukov (Marshal Zhukov. Chronicles)] 2011, 12 x 52 = 624 minutes, in Russian
      Call numbers,and

    MURATOV, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich

    • Khoristka [The Choir Girl] 1978, 18 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Tamozhnia [Customs] 1982, 74 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Vosem´ dnei nadezhdy [Eight Days of Hope] 1984, 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Kontrakt veka [Contract of the Century] 1985, 127 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Moonzund, 1987, 133 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Kriminal´nyi kvartet [Criminal Quartet] 1989, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Po prozvishchu "Zver´" [Nickname "Beast"] 1990, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Bul´varnyi pereplet [Boulevard Binding] 2003, 102 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number

    MURATOV, Aleksandr Igorevich

    • Gusi-lebedi letiat [Geese and Swans are Flying] 1974, 73 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Liubasha, 1978, 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Gonki po vertikali [Vertical Races] 1982, 198 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Get´ sorom [Doloi styd!] [Down with Shame] 1994, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MURATOVA, Kira and MURATOV, Aleksandr Igorevich

    • U krutogo iara [By the Steep Ravine] 1961, 43 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Nash chestnyi khleb [Our Honest Bread] 1964, 94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MURATOVA, Kira

    • Korotkie vstrechi [Short Meetings] 1967, 90 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Dolgie provody [The Long Farewell] 1971, 94 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian
    • Poznavaia belyi svet [Getting to Know the World] 1978, 75 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
      Call numberin Russian
    • Sredi serykh kamnei [Among the Grey Stones] 1983, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Peremena uchasti [A Change of Fate] 1987, 99 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Astenicheskii sindrom [The Asthenic Syndrome] 1989, 146 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
      Call numberin Russian (poor picture quality)
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
    • Uvlechen´ia [Enthusiasms] 1994, 107 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
      Call number

    See also films by Muratova in the Central and East European Feature Films index, Ukraine section, and seedocumentaries on Muratova.

    MURZENKO, Konstantin

    • Aprel´ [April] 2001, 105 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MUTANOV, Ivan and OLENIN, Aleksandr

    • Troe v voronke [Three in a Shell Crater] [Boevoi kinosbornik No. 1] [Fighting Film Collection No. 1] 1941, 10 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Vovochka, 2002, 96 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
      Call number

    MUZYKA, Iurii

    • Dezertir [The Deserter] 1997, 74 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MUZYKANT, Iurii

    Seebelow, underBogoliubov and Muzykantand also underDauson and MuzykantandMuzykant, Rafael´ and Muzykant, Iurii

    MUZYKANT, Iurii and KOSHEVEROVA, Nadezhda

    • Arinka, 1939, 76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MUZYKANT, Iurii and RASHEVSKAIA, Natal´ia

    • Dostigaev i drugie [Dostigaev and Others] 1959, 96 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    MUZYKANT, Rafael´ and MUZYKANT, Iurii

    • Za sovetskuiu rodinu (Padenie Kimas-ozera) (Pokhod Antikainena) [For the Soviet Motherland] (The Fall of Lake Kimas) (Antikainen's Campaign)] 1937, 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    NAKHAPETOV, Rodion

    • S toboi i bez tebia [With you and without you] 1973, in Russian
      Call number86 minutes
      Call number86 minutes
      Call number82 minutes
    • Na krai sveta [To the Edge of the World] 1975, approx. 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ne streliaite v belykh lebedei [Don't Shoot the White Swans] 1980, 135 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • O tebe [About You] 1981, 77 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Idushchii sledom [Following On] 1984, approx. 81 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Zontik dlia novobrachnykh [An Umbrella for the Newly-Weds] 1986, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Russkie v gorode angelov. Rebenok [Russians in the City of Angels. The Child] 2002, 105 minutes, in English with Russian voiceover and in Russian
      Call number

    NARLIEV, Khodzhakuli

    • Nevestka [The Daughter in Law] 1971, 75 minutes, in Turkmen dubbed into Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number

    NARODITSKII, Arkadii

    • Iunost´ poeta [The Youth of the Poet] 1936, 72 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number

    See also underRasheev and Naroditskii


    • Nam ne dano predugadat´... [We Cannot Foretell] 1985, 27 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Muzh i doch´ Tamary Aleksandrovny [The Husband and Daughter of Tamara Aleksandrovna] 1988, approx. 105 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Sobstvennaia ten´ [Her Own Shadow] 2000, 76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    NATANSON, Georgii

    • Vse ostaetsia liudiam [Everything is Left for People] 1963, 96 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Starshaia sestra [The Elder Sister] 1966, 96minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Eshche raz pro liubov´ [Once Again About Love] 1968, 94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Posol Sovetskogo soiuza [The Ambassador of the Soviet Union] 1969, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Za vse v otvete [Answerable for Everything] 1972, approx. 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Povtornaia svad´ba [Repeat Wedding] 1975, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Oni byli akterami [They Were Actors] 1981, approx. 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Valentin i Valentina [Valentin and Valentina] 1985, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Aelita, ne pristavai k muzhchinam [Aelita, Leave the Men Alone] 1988, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Pis´mo babushke Uine [A Letter to Grannie Uina] 4 minutes, in Moskva, ia liubliu tebia! Kinoal´manakh [Moscow, I Love You! A Film Almanac] 2010, 91 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    NATANSON, Georgii and EFROS, Anatolii

    • Shumnyi den´ [A Noisy Day] 1960, 101 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number


    • Leonardo, 1993, 80 minutes, in Georgian with Russian overdubbing
      Call number

    NAUMOV, Valerii

    • Puteshestvie v schastlivuiu Araviiu [A Journey to Happy Arabia] 1993, 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    NAUMOV, Vladimir

    • Vybor [The Choice] 1987, 134 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Zakon [The Law] 1989, 132 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Desiat´ let bez prava perepiski [Ten years Without the Right of Correspondence] 1990, 98 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Belyi prazdnik [White Festival] 1994, 96 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Chasy bez strelok [Clock without Hands] Avtorskaia versiia [Director's Cut] 2001, 107 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number

    See also underAlov and Naumov

    NAVROTSKII, Sigizmund

    See below and also underBriunchugin and Navrotskii

    NAVROTSKII, Sigizmund and DMOKHOVSKII, Boris

    • Zigmund Kolosovskii [Zigmund Kolosowski] 1945, 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number

    NAZAROV, Vladimir

    • Paket [The Packet] 1965, 68 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Khoziain taigi [Boss of the Taiga] 1968, 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • O druz´iakh-tovarishchakh [On My Friends and Comrades] 1970, 130 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    NAZAROVA, Natal´ia

    • Prostoi karandash [The Pencil] 2019, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Almazy shakha [The Shah's Diamonds] 1991, 130 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ubiistvo v Sanshain-Menor [Murder at Sunshine Manor] 1992, approx. 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    NECHAEV, Leonid

    • Prikliucheniia Buratino [The Adventures of Buratino] 1975, 133 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Pro krasnuiu shapochku. Prodolzhenie staroi skazki [About Little Red Riding Hood. The Continuation of an Old Tale] 1977, 132 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Primite telegrammu v dolg [Take a Telegram on Credit] 1979, 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    NEIMAND, Denis

    • Zhest´ [Junk] 2006, 110 minutes, in Russian with optional English and Russian subtitles
      Call number

    NEKRASOV, Andrei

    • Liubov´ i drugie koshmary [Lubov and Other Nightmares] 2001, 96 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
      Call number

    NEKRASOV, Evgenii

    • Son v ruku [The Dream Came True] [Boevoi kinosbornik No. 1] [Fighting Film Collection No. 1] 1941, 8 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    NEMOLIAEV, Vladimir

    • Doktor Aibolit [Doctor Oh It Hurts] 1938, 66 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Schastlivyi reis ("Mashina 22-12") [The Lucky Route. (Lorry No. 22-12)] 1949, 73 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Morskoi okhotnik [The Naval Hunter] 1954, 70 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Kapitan Dzhek [Captain Jack] 1972, 72 minutes, in Latvian dubbed into Russian
      Call number
    • Gadanie na baran´ei lopatke [Fortune Telling on a Ram's Shoulder-Blade] 1988, 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    NEVEZHIN, Viktor

    See underNikitchenko and Nevezhin.

    NEVZOROV, Aleksandr

    • Chistilishche [Purgatory] 1997, 115 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    NEVZOROV, Valentin

    • Sem´ia Ul´ianovykh [The Ul´ianov Family] 1957, 78 minutes
      Call number

    NGUYEN Suan Tian

    See underGasparov and Nguyen

    NIKICH, Oskar

    See underKuznetsov and Nikich

    NIKIFOROV, Viacheslav

    • Obochina [Roadside] 1978, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Gosudarstvennaia granitsa [The State Border] Film 5: God sorok pervyi [The Year 1941] 1986, 136 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Blagorodnyi razboinik Vladimir Dubrovskii [The Noble Robber Vladimir Dubrovskii] 1989, 98 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Reindzher iz atomnoi zony [The Ranger from the Atomic Zone] 1999, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Na bezymiannoi vysote [On the Nameless Height] 2003, 196 [49 + 49 + 49 + 49] minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number

    NIKIFOROV, Viacheslav andKHVAN, Aleksandr

    • Gruppa schast´ia [Group of Happiness] 2011, 8 x 50 = 400 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    NIKISHOV, Evgenii

    See under Fedorovich, Nikishov, Kostomarov and Gordeev

    NIKITCHENKO, Ivan and NEVEZHIN, Viktor

    • Ruslan i Liudmila [Ruslan and Liudmila] 1938, 50 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    NIKITIN, Mikhail

    • Kholostiaki [Bachelors] 1980, 27 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Drugi igrishch i zabav [Friends of our Revels] 1981, 23 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Buket mimozy i drugie tsvety [A Bouquet of Mimosa and Other Flowers] 1984, 69 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Moi boevoi raschet [My Military Calculation] 1987, 94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Novaia Shakherezada [The New Sheherezade] 1990, 125 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    NIKITIN, Oleg

    • Ot zimy do zimy [From Winter to Winter] 1981, approx. 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    NIKOLAENKO, Georgii

    • Shel chetvertyi god voiny [It Was the Fourth Year of the War] 1983, 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Dos´e na cheloveka v "Mersedese" [Dossier on the Man in the Mercedes] 1986, 128 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Pod maskoi Berkuta [Under the Mask of Berkut] 1991, approx. 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    NIKOLAEV, Igor´

    • Stekliannye busy [Glass Beads] 1978, 67 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Den´ komandira divizii [The Divisional Commander's Day] 1983, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    NIKOLAEV, Sergei

    • Moskva za 60 sekund [Moscow in 60 Seconds] 2018, 1 minute, no dialogue
      Call number

    NIKOLAEV, Valerii

    • Medvezh´ia okhota [The Bear Hunt] 2007, 115 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    NIKOLAEVA, Elena

    • Aborigen [The Aboriginee] 1988, 126 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Sled v okeane [A Trace in the Ocean] 1964, 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Trembita, 1968, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Surovye kilometry [Stern Kilometres] 1969, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Samyi sil´nyi [The Strongest One] 1973, 79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Kakaia u vas ulybka [What a Smile you Have] 1974, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vstretimsia u fontana [Let's Meet by the Fountain] 1976, approx. 76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ty pomnish´ [You Remember] 1979, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Arifmetika liubvi [The Arithmetic of Love] 1986, 79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Za kem zamuzhem pevitsa? [Who is the Singer Married to?] 1988, 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    NIKONENKO, Sergei

    • Tryn-trava [It's All the Same to Me] 1973, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Tseluiutsia zori [Dusk and Dawn Kiss] 1978, 72 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Tsyganskoe schast´e [Gypsy Happiness] 1981, 76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Liubliu. Zhdu. Lena [I Love You. I'm Waiting For You. Lena] 1983, 72 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Korabl´ prishel´tsev [Ship of Newcomers] 1985, 87 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Elki-palki!... [Hell's Bells!...] [Good Grief!...] 1988, 84 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
    • Khochu vashego muzha [I Want Your Husband] 1992, 68 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • A poutru oni prosnulis´ [But in the Morning They Woke Up] 2003, 90 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number

    NIKONOVA, Angelina

    • Portret v sumerkakh [Twilight Portrait] 2011, 105 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Velkam khom [Welkome Home] 2013, 116 minutes, in English and Armenian with Russian voiceover
      Call number
      Call number(better quality copy)

    NIKULIN, Grigorii

    • 713-yi prosit posadku [Flight 713 Asks Permission to Land] 1962, 73 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number

    NIKULIN, Grigorii and SHREDEL´, Vladimir

    • Nevesta [The Bride] 1956, 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    NIRENBURG, Boris

    • Soliaris, 1968, 142 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number


    • Fakir na chas [A Fakir for an Hour] 1971, 64 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    NOVAK, Vilen

    • Krasnye dipkur´ery [Red Diplomatic Couriers] 1977, 94 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Gu-Ga, 1989, 127 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Dikaia liubov´ [Wild Love] 1993, 117 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Printsessa na bobakh [The Princess on A Hill of Beans] 1997, 107 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call number

    NOVIKOV, Mikhail

    • Razborchivaia nevesta [The Discerning Bride] 1912, 8½ minutes, Russian titles, silent, no added music track
      Call number


    • Zvezdy [Stars] 2018, 94 minutes, in Russian with some Uzbek andsome untranslated Kirgiz
      Call number

    NUGMANOV, Rashid

    • Igla [The Needle] 1988
      Call number76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number76 minutes, in Russian only without subtitles
      Call number76 minutes, in Russian or in Kazakh
      Call number76 minutes, in Russian with optional Englishsubtitles
      Call number77 minutes, in Russian with optional English, French, German, Korean and Spanish subtitles, new HD master (Bluray disc)
      Call number77 minutes, in Russian with optional English, French, German, Korean and Spanish subtitles, new HD master (DVD)
    • Igla. Remix [The Needle. Remix] 2010
      Call numberapprox. 80 minutes, in Russian (followed by 53 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)
      Call number86minutes, in Russian with French subtitles (Blu ray disc)

    NUZHNYI, Aleksei

    • Ia khudeiu [I'm Losing Weight] 2018, 102 minutes, in Russian (Blu ray disc)
      Call number


    O'REILLY, Johnny

    • Priach´sia! [The Weather Station] 2010, 80 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Moskva nikogda ne spit [Moscow Never Sleeps] 2014, 100 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    OBUKHOV, Viktor

    • Alesha, 1980, 68 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    OCHKIN, Aleksei

    • Gonki bez finisha [Race without Finishing Line] 1977, approx. 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    OGANESIAN, Bagrat

    • Hndzan [Terpkii vinograd] [Sour Grapes] 1973, 73 minutes, in Armenian or in Russian dubbed version
      Call number

    OGANESIAN, Karen

    • Ia ostaius´ [I'm Staying] 2006, 112 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Domovoi [The House Spirit] 2008, 104 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Piat´ nevest [Five Brides] 2011, 104 minutes, in Russian
      Call number(Blu ray disc)
    • Marafon [The Marathon] 2012, 101 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Geroi [The Hero] 2019, 116 minutes, in Russian with some English and German with Russian subtitles
      Call number

    OGANESIAN, Nerses

    • Nevesta s severa [The Bride from the North] 1975, 81 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Priekhali na konkurs povara... [They Arrived for a Cookery Competition...] 1977, 70 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    OGANISIAN, Genrikh

    • Prikliucheniia Krosha [The Adventures of Krosh] 1961, 80 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Tri plius dva [Three Plus Two] 1963
      Call number85 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian or English subtitles
      Call number99 minutes, in Russian (Blu ray disc; restored 2014 version with extended credit sequence)
      Call number85 minutes, in Russian (Blu ray disc; 3:4 version)

    See also underDorman and Oganisian

    OGORODNIKOV, Valerii

    • Vzlomshchik [The Burglar] 1987
      Call number82 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number82 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number84 minutes, in Russian
    • Bumazhnye glaza Prishvina [Prishvin's Paper Eyes] 1989, 140 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Opyt breda liubovnogo ocharovaniia [Experiment in the Delirium of Love's Attraction] 1991, 103 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Barak [The Hut] 1999
      Call number110 minutes, in Russian
      Call number4 x 50 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    • Krasnoe nebo, chernyi sneg [Red Sky, Black Snow] 2003, 122 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    OKEEV, Tolomush

    • Nebo nashego detstva [The Sky of Our Childhood] 1966, 78 minutes, in Kirghiz, dubbed into Russian, with English subtitles
      Call number
    • Kok-serek [Liutyi] [The Fierce One] 1973
      Call number90 minutes, in Kazakh with English subtitles
      Call number92 minutes, in Russian or in Kazakh


    • Razrushitel´ voln [Destroyer of Waves] 1989, 27 minutes, in Russian with French subtitles
      Call number
    • Arbitr [The Arbiter] 1992, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Nastoiashchaia zhizn´ [Real Life] 6 minutes, in Moskva, ia liubliu tebia! Kinoal´manakh [Moscow, I Love You! A Film Almanac] 2010, 91 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    OLENIN, Aleksandr

    See underMutanov and Olenin

    OL´KHOVICH, Sergio

    • Esperansa [Hope] 1988, 135 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    OL´SHANSKII, Igor´

    • Pashka. 1921 god. Pskovskaia guberniya [Easter. Pskov Region 1921] 2013, 30 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number

    OL´SHEVSKII, Anton

    • Sovetskii soldat, kak simvol Pobedy [Soviet Soldier as a Symbol of Victory] 2018, 1 minute 34 seconds, no dialogue
      Call number

    OL´SHVANGER, Il´ia

    • Ego zvali Robert [We Called Him Robert] 1967, 80 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian, English and German subtitles

    OMAROVA, Gul´shad (Guka)

    • Shiza [Schizo] 2004
      Call number83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number87 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
    • Baksý, 2008, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number(followed by 65 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)

    OMIRBAEV, Darejan

    • Shilde [Juillet] [July] 1988, 24 minutes, in Russian with optional French subtitles
      Call number
    • Kairat, 1991, 65 minutes, in Kazakh and Russian with optional French and English subtitles
      Call number

    See alsoCentral Asian Feature Films

    ORDOVSKII, Mikhail

    • Sluchainye passazhiry [Chance Passengers] 1978, 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Kazhdyi desiatyi [Every Tenth Man] 1983, 67 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underAbakarov and Ordovskii

    ORDYNSKII, Vasilii

    • Chelovek rodilsia [A Person is Born] 1956, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Sverstnitsy [Contemporaries] 1959, 76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • U tvoego poroga [At Your Threshold] 1962, 74 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Bol´shaia ruda [The Big Ore] 1964, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Pervaia liubov´ [First Love] 1969, 72 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Khozhdenie po mukam [The Road to Calvary] 1974-1977, 79 + 75 + 70 + 87 + 65 + 77 + 73 + 78 + 63 + 73 + 67 + 73 + 73 minutes; total running time 954 minutes, in Russian (double-sided disc)
      Call number

    ORKO, Risto

    See underGaidai and Orko

    ORLOV, Aleksandr

    • Zhenshchina, kotoraia poet [The Woman Who Sings] 1978, 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Strannaia istoriia doktora Dzhekila i mistera Khaida [The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde] 1985, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Na nozhakh [At Daggers Drawn] 1998, in Russian
      Call numberParts 1-3, 52 + 52 + 50 minutes
      Call numberParts 4-6, 52 + 56 + 52 minutes
      Call numberParts 7-9, 56 + 49 + 51 minutes
      Call numberParts 10-11, 51 + 47 minutes

    ORLOV, Gleb

    • Nasha Rasha. Iaitsa sud´by [Our Russia. The Eggs of Fate] 2010, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Poddubnyi [Iron Ivan] 2012, 122 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    ORLOV, Nikita

    • Gonka veka [Race of the Century] 1986, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Zhertva dlia imperatora [A Martyr for the Emperor] 1991, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    OSEP´IAN, Mark

    • Tri dnia Viktora Chernysheva [Three Days of Viktor Chernyshev] 1967, 98 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ivanov kater [Ivan's Launch] 1972, 97 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
      Call numberin Russian
    • Odnoliuby [Constant Lovers] 1982, 76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Stekliannyi labirint [The Glass Labyrinth] 1989, 97 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    See underKonchalovski, Andrei and Ostashenko, E.


    • Prostaia istoriia [A Simple Story] 2007, 96 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Sdelano v SSSR [Made in the USSR] 2011, 685 minutes, in Russian
      Call numbers,and
    • Topor. 1943 [The Axe. 1943] 2021, 106 minutes, in Russian with some German with Russian voiceover and with irremovable Russian subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing
      Call number

    OSYKA, Leonid

    • Kamennyi krest [The Stone Cross] 1968, 76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Trevozhnyi mesiats veresen´ [The Alarming Month of Veresen´] 1976, in Russian
      Call number88 minutes
      Call number90 minutes

    OTSEP, Fedor

    • Zemlia v plenu [Captive Land] 1927, 70 minutes, in Russian, added music track
      Call number
      Call number
    • Zhivoi trup [The Living Corpse] 1929, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See below and also adocumentary on Otsep

    See also underOzepin the Index of Feature Films from other countries on Russian, Central and East European Subjects, and films made in other countries by Directors originally from Russia, Central Europe and Eastern Europe

    OTSEP, Fedor with BARNET, Boris

    • Miss Mend (Prikliucheniia trekh reporterov) [Miss Mend (The Adventures of Three Reporters)] 1926
      Call number190 minutes, Russian intertitles only; silent with no added music score
      Call numbersand250 minutes, English titles, added music score

    OVCHAROV, Sergei

    • Nebyval´shchina [Tall Tales] 1983, 77 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Levsha [Lefty] 1986, 84 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
      Call numberin Russian
    • Ono. Biurokraticheskii epos [It. A Bureaucratic Epic] 1989, 117 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Barabaniada [Drum Rolls] 1992, 96 minutes, no dialogue
      Call number
    • Faraon [Pharaoh] 1999, 10 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Podvigi Gerakla [Feats of Hercules] [The Labours of Hercules] 2000, 13 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Sochinushki [Russian Dreams] 2000, 11 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Skaz pro Fedota-Strel´tsa [The Tale of Soldier Fedot] 2001, 102 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Sad [The Garden] 2008, 98 minutes, in Russian
      Call number(followed by 64 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)

    See also aninterview with Ovcharov

    OZEROV, Iurii

    • Kochubei, 1958, 108 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Osvobozhdenie [Liberation] Film 1: Ognennaia duga [Ark of Fire] 1968, 88 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles (double-sided disc)
    • Osvobozhdenie [Liberation] Film 2: Proryv [The Breakthrough] 1968, 85 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles (double-sided disc)
    • Osvobozhdenie [Liberation] Film 3: Napravlenie glavnogo udara [Aiming the Main Blow] 1970, 122 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles (double-sided disc)
    • Osvobozhdenie [Liberation] Film 4: Bitva za Berlin [Battle for Berlin] 1971, 79 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles (double-sided disc)
    • Osvobozhdenie [Liberation] Film 5: Poslednii shturm [The Final Storm] 1971, 71 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles (double-sided disc)
    • Stalingrad. Fil´m pervyi [Stalingrad. Film 1] 1989, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Stalingrad. Fil´m vtoroi [Stalingrad. Film 2] 1989, 98 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Angely smerti [Angels of Death] 1993, 94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number(increasingly poor picture quality)
    • Tragediia veka. Stalingrad [Tragedy of the Century. Stalingrad] 1993, 46 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Velikii polkovodets Georgii Zhukov [The Great Commander Georgii Zhukov] 1995, 126 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number

    See also underGurov and Ozerov


    PANFILOV, Gleb

    • V ogne broda net (O Tane Tetkinoi i ee risunkakh) [No Ford Under Fire] (The Story of Tania Tetkina and her Drawings)] 1967, 89 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional French subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Nachalo [The Beginning] [The Debut] 1970, 86 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional French subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Proshu slova [I Wish to Speak] 1975, 137 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional French subtitles
    • Tema [The Theme] 1979, 93 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional French subtitles
    • Valentina, 1980, 94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vassa, 1982, 131 minutes, in Russian with optional voiceover and subtitled versions
      Call numberfirst 67 minutes
      Call numberlast 64 minutes
    • Mat´ [Mother] 1991
      Call number(Film 1, Parts 1-2, Film 2, Part 1) and Call number(Film 2, Part 2),204 minutes, in Russian
      Call number189minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Romanovy. Ventsenosnaia sem´ia [The Romanovs. An Imperial Family] 2000, 136 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • V kruge pervom [The First Circle] 2006
      Call numberEpisodes 1-5, 227 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call numberEpisodes 6-10, 200 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number10 episodes: total running time 449 minutes 21 seconds, in Russian with English subtitles
    • Khranit´ vechno [Keep Forever] 2007, 125 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Bez viny vinovatye [Guilty without Guilt] 2008, 137 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ivan Denisovich, 2020, 104 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    PANFILOV, Maksim

    • Ivan syn Amira [Ivan, Amir's Son] 2014, 149 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    PANIN, Andrei

    See underVladimirtseva and Panin

    PANIN, Vasilii

    • Gospoda artisty [Artists] 1992, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Bul´varnyi roman [A Boulevard Romance] 1995, 95 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Opiat´ nado zhit´ [You Have to Live Again] 1999, 76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    PANKRATOV, Aleksandr

    • Portret zheny khudozhnika [Portrait of the Artist's Wife] 1981, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Schastlivaia, Zhen´ka! [Good Luck, Zhen´ka!] 1984, 76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Prodelki v starinnom dukhe [Old-Fashioned Trickery] 1986, 70 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Proshchai, shpana Zamoskvoretskaia... [Goodbye, Zamoskvorech´e Riffraff...] 1987, 97 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Vzroslyi syn [The Grown-Up Son] 1979, approx. 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Salon krasoty [The Beauty Salon] 1985, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Ukrainskaia rapsodiia [Ukrainian Rhapsody] 1961, 83 minutes, in Ukrainian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Tsvetok na kamne [The Flower on the Stone] 1962, 72 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Tini zabutikh predkiv [Teni zabytykh predkov] [Les Chevaux de feu] [Shadows of Our Forgotten Ancestors] 1964, 92 minutes
      Call numberin Ukrainian with optional French and English subtitles
      Call numberin Ukrainian with optional Russian voiceover and optional English, French and Spanish subtitles
      Call numberin Ukrainian with optional dubbed Russian version and optional Russian, English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Portuguese and Dutch subtitles
    • Kievskie freski. Proby akterov [The Kiev Frescoes. Screen Tests] 1966
      Call number14 minutes, in Russian, no dialogue
      Call number14 minutes 36 seconds, in Russian with optional English subtitles (Blu ray disc)
    • Tsvet granata [The Colour of Pomegranates] (Nran Gouyne/Sayat Nova) 1969
      Call number78 minutes, Armenian text and titles with English subtitles
      Call number78 minutes, Armenian text and titles with English subtitles
      Call number69 minutes, in Armenian with optional Russian voiceover translation
      Call number69 minutes, Russian text and titles with optional English subtitles
      Call number80 minutes, in Armenian with optional English subtitles (Blu ray disc; 4K restoration with optional annotated commentary)
      Call number73 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles (Blu ray disc; restoration with optional commentary)
      Call number80 minutes, in Armenian with optional English subtitles (The Criterion Collection; from a 4K restoration with optional commentary)

    See below and alsodocumentaries on Paradzhanovanddocumentaries by Paradzhanov

    PARADZHANOV, Sergei and ABASHIDZE, David

    • Legenda o suramskoi kreposti [The Legend of the Surami Fortress] 1984, 87 minutes
      Call number87 minutes, Georgian titles and dialogue with English subtitles
      Call number87 minutes, in Georgian with Russian overdubbing, with optional dubbed versions or subtitles
      Call number83 minutes, in Georgian with optional Russian voiceover and optional English, French and Spanish subtitles
    • Ashik Kerib, 1988
      Call number80 minutes, in Georgian with English subtitles
      Call number73 minutes, in Georgian with optional subtitles and optional dubbed versions
      Call number73 minutes, in Georgian with optional Russian voiceover and optional English, French and Spanish subtitles

    PARADZHANOV, Sergei and BAZELIAN, Iakov

    • Andriesh, 1954, 59 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number


    • Tantsuiut vse! [Everyone's Dancing!] 2005, 88 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Gagarin. Pervyi v kosmose [Gagarin. First in Space] 2013, 108 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call numberin Russian

    PARMAS, Anna

    • Davai razvedemsia [Let's Get Divorced] [Another Woman] 2019, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    PASCARU, Vasile

    • Marianna, 1967, 72 minutes, in Russian
      Call number(re-edited video version)
      Call number(re-edited video version, 2001)
    • Mosty [Bridges] 1973, 96 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Krepost´ [The Fortress] 1978, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    PASHOVKIN, Aleksandr

    • Tikhoe sledstvie [A Quiet Investigation] 1986, 65 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Griboedovskii val´s [The Griboedov Waltz] 1995, 56 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    PAVLOV, Gennadii

    • Sledstvie vedut znatoki. Delo semnadtsatoe. On gde-to zdes´ [The Investigation is Carried Out by Experts. Case No. 17. He's Somewhere Here] 1982, 171 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Sledstvie vedut znatoki. Delo dvadtsat´ vtoroe. Mafiia [The Investigation is Carried Out by Experts. Case No. 22. The Mafia] 1989, 177 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    PAVLOV, Iurii

    • Sotvorenie Adama [The Creation of Adam] 1993, 96 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Brak po raschetu [Marriage by Design] 2002, 100 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Platki [Kerchiefs] 2006, 95 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    PAVLOV, Ivan

    • Osennii detektiv [Autumn Detective Story] 2002, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    PAVLOVIĆ, Vladimir

    • Okovani soferi [Edinstvennaia doroga] [The Only Road] 1974, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Barkhatnyi sezon [Velvet Season] 1978, 97 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    PAVLOVSKII, Aleksandr

    • Trest, kotoryi lopnul [The Trust That Broke] 1982, 194 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call number
    • Zelenyi furgon [The Green Van] 1983, 137 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Svetlaia lichnost´ [A Bright Personality] 1989, 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Rebenok k noiabriu [A Child by November] 1992, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Atlantida [Atlantic] 2002, 102 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    PCHELKIN, Leonid

    • Mat´ i machekha [ Mother and Stepmother] 1964, 77 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    PECHENKIN, Pavel

    • Liubimchik [The Favourite] 1991, 77 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Na okraine, gde-to v gorode... [Somewhere on the Edge of Town...] 1988, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Samoubiitsa [The Suicide] 1990, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ochen´ vernaia zhena [A Very Faithful Wife] 1992, 76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ia svoboden, ia nichei [I am Free, I Belong to No One] 1994, 90 minutes in Russian
      Call number
    • Komu ia dolzhen - vsem proshchaiu [I forgive all those I owe] 1998, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    PENTSLIN, Eduard

    • Istrebiteli [Fighter Bombers] 1939, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Tainstvennyi ostrov [The Mysterious Island] 1941, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Doroga k zvezdam [The Road to the Stars] 1942, 61 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    PEREL´MAN, Vadim

    • Uroki farsi [Uroki persidskogo] [Persian Lessons] 2020, 122 minutes, in French and German with optional English subtitles
      Call number

    PEREL´SHTEIN, Rafail

    See underAl´tsev and Perel´shtein


    • Krasnye d´iavoliata [Little Red Devils] 1923
      Call number68 minutes, in Russian
      Call number83 minutes, Russian titles, silent with no added music score
    • Savur-mogila (Na trudovom fronte) (Iz skazok nashikh dnei) [Savur-Grave (On the Work Front) (From the Tales of Our Days)] 1926, 71 minutes, Russian titles, added music track
      Call number


    • Kidnepping [Kidnapping] 2003, 108 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number

    PETRITSKII, Anatolii

    • Prichaly [Moorings] 1987, 79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    PETROV, Vladimir

    • Groza [The Storm] 1934, 80 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
      Call number
    • Petr Pervyi [Peter the Great] Part 1 1937
      Call number102 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number98 minutes, in Russian
      Call number98 minutes
    • Petr Pervyi [Peter the Great] Part 2 1938
      Call number100 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number117 minutes, in Russian
      Call number95 minutes
    • Chapaev s nami [Chapaev is with us] 1941, 5½ minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Kutuzov, 1943, 103 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
    • Iubilei [The Jubilee] 1944, 38 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Bez viny vinovatye [Guilty without Guilt] 1945, 92 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
      Call number
    • Stalingradskaia bitva [The Battle of Stalingrad] 1949
      Call numberPart 1, 91 minutes, in Russian
      Call numberPart 2, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call numberPart 1 only, 91 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call numberParts 1 and 2, 95 + 88 = 183 minutes, in Russian with optional English and German subtitles
    • Sportivnaia chest´ [Sporting Honour] 1951, 101 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Revizor [The Government Inspector] 1952
      Call number128 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number124 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    • Poedinok [The Duel] 1957, in Russian
      Call number79 minutes
      Call number98 minutes
    • Nakanune [On the Eve] 1959, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underAnnenskii and Petrov


    • Pugachev, 1937, 101 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
      Call number
    • Razgrom Iudenicha (Oborona Petrograda) [The Rout of Iudenich (The Defence of Petrograd)] 1940
      Call number69 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number70 minutes, in Russian without subtitles

    PETROVA, Natal´ia

    See underKozakova

    PETRUKHIN, Aleksei

    • Uchilka [The Teacher] 2015, 127 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    PETRUKHIN, Fedor

    • Na Muromskoi dorozhke [On the Murom Road] 1993, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    PETRUSHIN, Vladimir

    • Ia khotelby videt´ vas zdes´ [I Wish You Were Here] 2018, 59 seconds, no dialogue
      Call number

    PEZHEMSKII, Maksim

    • Perekhod tovarishcha Chkalova cherez Severnyi polius [Comrade Chkalov Crosses the North Pole] 1990, 20 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Plenniki udachi [Captives of Success] 1993, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Mama ne goriui [Out of This World] 1997, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Kak by ne tak [Why Not Like That?] 2003, 101 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Mama ne goriui 2 [Out of This World 2] 2005, 103 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Liubov´- morkov´ 2 [Lovey Dovey 2] 2008, 94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    P´IANKOVA, Natal´ia

    • S novym godom, Moskva! [Happy New Year, Moscow!] 1993, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Strannoe vremia [Strange Time] 1997, 91 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Marsh Slavianki [The Slav Woman's March] 2002, 100 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    PICHUL, Vasilii

    • Vy ch´e, starich´e?... [Whose Are You, Old Folks?...] 1982, 35 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Malen´kaia Vera [Little Vera] 1988
      Call number128 minutes, in Russian
      Call number110 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    • V gorode Sochi temnye nochi [Dark Nights in Sochi] 1989, 134 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Mechty idiota [Dreams of an Idiot] 1993, 87 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Nebo v almazakh [The Diamond Sky] 1999, 100 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    PIESTRAK, Marek

    • Doznanie Pilota Perksa [Test Pilota Pirxa] [The Interrogation of Pilot Perks] 1978, 95 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
    • Zakliatie doliny zmei [Klątwa doliny węży] [The Curse of Snake Valley] 1987, 100 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Sleza kniazia t´my [Łza Księcia Ciemności] [The Tear of the Prince of Darkness] 1992, 94 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles

    PIMANOV, Aleksei

    • Aleksandrovskii sad. Novye serii [The Alexander Garden. New Episodes] 2007, 342 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call numberParts 1-4, 196 minutes
      Call numberParts 5-7, 146 minutes
    • Krym [Crimea] 2017, 96 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underRiaskov and Pimanov

    PIMENOVA, Tat´iana

    • Spasite nashi dushi! [SOS] 1987, 70 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    PIPINASHVILI, Konstantin

    • Zolotaia tropa [The Gold Path] 1945, 77 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
      Call number
    • Taina dvukh okeanov [The Secret of Two Oceans] [Geheimnis zweier Ozeane] Part 1, 1955, and Part 2, 1956, 97 minutes, German dubbed version, no Russian dialogue
      Call number(NB, this is a greatly shortened version of both parts of the film, which in the original version runs 83 + 68 = 151 minutes)


    • Padenie [The Fall] 1993, 94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    PLETNEV, Kirill

    • Nastia, 2015, 34 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Zhgi! [Burn!] 2017, 95 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    PLOTNIKOV, Vladimir

    • Zariazhennye smert´iu [Loaded with Death] 1991, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Tvoia volia, Gospodi! [Thy Will, O Lord!] 1993, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    PLUCHEK, Valentin

    • Iabloko razdora [The Bone of Contention] 1962, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Okh, uzh eta Nastia! [Oh, That Nastia!] 1971, 73 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underEgorov

    POGODIN, Oleg

    • Rodina zhdet [The Motherland Expects] 2003, 312 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call numberParts 1-3, 156 minutes
      Call numberParts 4-6, 156 minutes
    • Nepobedimyi (Cheloveka vostoka) [Invincible (The Man of the East)] 2008, approx. 110 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Dom [The House] 2011, 127 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    POGONICHEVA, Natal´ia

    • Teoriia zapoia [Theory of Hard Drinking] 2002, 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    POLIENKO, Valera

    • Nochnye zimnie liudi [Nocturnal Winter People] 2014, 20 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    POLIN, Vladimir

    See underKovalev and Polin

    POLOKA, Gennadii

    • Respublika ShKID [The Republic of ShKID] 1966, 96 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian, English and German subtitles
    • Interventsiia [Intervention] 1968, 102 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian, English and German subtitles
      Call number
    • Odin iz nas [One of Us] 1970, in Russian
      Call number104 minutes
      Call number98 minutes
    • Odinozhdy odin [One Times One] 1974, 94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • A byl li Karotin [But Did Karotin Exist?] 1989, 145 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vozvrashchenie Bronenostsa [Return of the Battleship] 1996, TV version, 4 x 52 minutes, in Russian
      Call numberand Call number

    POLYNNIKOV, Aleksandr

    • Greshnaia liubov´ [Sinful Love] 1997, 76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Tonkaia shtuchka [The Cunning Type] 1999, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    PONOMAREV, Valerii

    • Delo dlia nastoiashchikh muzhchin [A Matter for Real Men] 1983, 68 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    POPKOV, Vladimir

    • Doping dlia angelov [Doping for Angels] 1990, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Doroga k moriu [The Road to the Sea] 1960, in Russian
      Call number72 minutes
      Call number72 minutes
    • Dzhamilia [Djamilia] 1968, 78 minutes, in Russian with optional voiceover and subtitled versions
      Call number
    • Vasilii i Vasilisa [Vasilii and Vasilisa] 1981, 97 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ocharovannyi strannik [The Enchanted Wanderer] 1990, 103 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number


    • Prostye veshchi [Simple Things] 2007, 106 minutes
      Call numberin Russian (followed by 57 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Kak ia provel etim letom [How I Ended This Summer] 2010, 124 minutes
      Call numberin Russian without subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Optimisty [The Optimists], 2017, Thirteen episodes: 73 minutes 1 second + 51 minutes 16 seconds + 52 minutes 28 seconds + 48 minutes 52 seconds + 51 minutes 59 seconds + 43 minutes 44 seconds + 52 minutes 28 seconds + 50 minutes 29 seconds + 52 minutes 30 seconds + 52 minutes 26 seconds + 43 minutes 53 minutes + 49 minutes 45 seconds + 45 minutes 18 seconds
      Total running time: 668 minutes 9 seconds, in Russian
      Call numbers(episodes 1-6) and(episodes 7-13)

    See also underKhlebnikov and Popogrebskii

    POPOV, Fedor

    • Kavkazskaia ruletka [Caucasian Roulette] 2002, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vse v poriadke, mama [Everything is OK, Mum] 2010, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Koridor bessmertiia [Corridor of Immortality] [Convoy 48] 2019, 140 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number

    POPOV, Ivan

    • Radosti i pechali malen´kogo lorda [The Joys and Sorrows of a Little Lord] 2002, 90 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
      Call number

    POPOV, Leonid

    See underMkrtchian and Popov

    POPOV, Sergei Aleksandrovich

    • Otryv [Breakout] 2011, 380 minutes, in Russian
      Call numbersand
    • Doroga na Berlin [The Road to Berlin] 2015, 82 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number

    POPOV, Vladimir and TRET´IAKOV, Stanislav

    • Nezhnost´ k revushchemu zveriu [Tenderness to the Roaring Beast] 1982, 196 minutes, in Russian
      Call numberParts 1-2, 132 minutes
      Call numberPart 3, 64 minutes

    PORECHENKOV, Mikhail

    • Den´ D [D Day] 2008, 81 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Tsenzuru k pamiati ne dopuskaiu [I allow no censorship into my memory] 1991, 113 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    POTAPOV, Vladimir

    • "Nol´-sed´moi" meniaet kurs [07 Changes Course] 2006, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Krik tishiny [The Cry of Silence] 2019, 96 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    POTEMKIN, Sergei

    • Gorod bez solntsa [Town Without Sun] 2005, 101 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    POTEPALOV, Sergei

    • Podslushannyi razgovor [An Overheard Conversation] 1984, 74 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Ispolniaiushchie obiazannosti [The Deputy] 1973, 81 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Alen´kii tsvetochek [The Little Scarlet Flower] 1977, 65 minutes, in Russian with optional English and French voiceover versions and optional Russian, English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Swedish, Japanese, Chinese, Arabic and Hebrew subtitles
      Call number

    POVOLOTSKII, Dmitrii and DRUGOI, Mark

    • Moi papa Baryshnikov [My Dad Baryshnikov] 2011, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    POZHENIAN, Grigorii

    • Proshchai [Farewell] 1966, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    PRAVOV, Ivan

    • Vo vlasti zolota [In the Power of Gold] 1957, in Russian
      Call number90 minutes
      Call number93 minutes
    • Odna stroka [A Single Line] 1960, 95 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underPreobrazhenskaia and Pravov

    PRAZDNIKOV, Aleksei

    • Istoriia bolezni [The Story of an Illness] 1990, 40 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Baby riazanskie [Women of Riazan´] [Le Village du Péché] 1927, 88 minutes, silent with added music track
      Call numberFrench intertitled version
      Call numberFrench intertitled version, with optional English subtitles


    • Poslednii attraktsion (Agitfurgon) [The Last Attraction (the Agitvan)] 1929, 71 minutes, Russian titles silent, no music track
      Call number
    • Tikhii Don [And Quiet Flows the Don] 1930 (1933 version), 80 minutes, Russian titles, silent with added music track
      Call number
    • Vrazh´i tropy [Enemy Paths] 1935, 96 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Stepan Razin, 1939, 115 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
      Call number
    • Paren´ iz taigi [The Lad from the Taiga] 1941, 83 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    PRIEMYKHOV, Valerii

    • Shtany [Trousers] 1988, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Kto, esli ne my [Who, If Not Us] 1998, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    PROKHOROV, Viktor

    • Serafim Polubes i drugie zhiteli Zemli [Serafim Polubes and Other Inhabitants of the Earth] 1983, approx. 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underALEKSANDROV, Aleksandr AND PROKHOROV, Viktor

    PRONIN, Vasilii

    • Komendant ptich´ego ostrova [The Commandant of Bird Island] 1939, 55 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
      Call number
    • Patriotka [The Patriot] Boveoi kniosbornik, No. 4] [Fighting Film Collection No. 4] 1941, 21 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Mart - aprel´ [March - April] 1943, 58 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Syn polka [Son of the Regiment] 1946, 75 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
      Call number
    • Kazaki [The Cossacks] 1961, approx. 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Nash dom [Our House] 1965, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    PRONIN, Vasilii and ABBAS, KhwajaAkhmad

    • Khozhdenie za tri moria (Afanasii Nikitin) [Journey Beyond Three Seas (Afanasii Nikitin)] 1957, 143 minutes, in Russian with optional voiceover and subtitled versions
      Call numberDVD 1, 91 minutes
      Call numberDVD 2, 52 minutes

    PROSHKIN, Aleksandr

    • Opasnyi vozrast [A Dangerous Age] 1981, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Mikhailo Lomonosov
      Fil´m 1. Ot nedr svoikh [Mikhailo Lomonosov. Film One. From His Depths], Fil´m 2. Vrata uchenosti [Film 2. The Gates of Scholarship], Fil´m 3. Vo slavu otechestva [Film 3. To the Glory of the Fatherland] 1986, 646 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Kholodnoe leto piat´desiat tret´ego [The Cold Summer of Fifty Three] 1987, 95 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles and optional dubbed versions
      Call number
    • Uvidet´ Parizh i umeret´ [See Paris and Die] 1992, 115 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Chernaia vual´ [The Black Veil] 1995, 96 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Russkii bunt [The Captain's Daughter] 1999
      Call number111 minutes, in Russian
      Call number123 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Trio, 2003, 102 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Doktor Zhivago [Doctor Zhivago] 2005, 500 minutes
      Call numberParts 1-3, 137 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call numberParts 4-6, 136 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call numberParts 7-9, 136 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call numberParts 10-11, 91 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call numberParts 1-3, 137 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call numberParts 4-6, 136 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call numberParts 7-9, 136 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call numberParts 10-11, 91 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Zhivi i pomni [Live and Remember] 2008, 100 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Chudo [The Miracle] 2009, 110 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Iskuplenie [Atonement] 2011, 120 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call numberin Russian
    • Okhrana [The Guard] 2015, 111 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Raiskie kushchi [Paradise] 2015, 104 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    PROSHKIN, Andrei

    • Spartak i Kalashnikov [Spartak and Kalashnikov] 2002, 95 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Igry motyl´kov [Games of Moths] 2003, 101 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Soldatskii dekameron [Soldiers' Decameron] 2005, 94 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Minnesota, 2009, 91 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number(followed by 59 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)
    • Apel´sinovyi sok [Orange Juice] 2010, approx 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Orda [The Horde] 2011, 129 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Orlean [Orleans] 2015, in Russian
      Call number110 minutes
      Call number106 minutes (better quality copy)

    PROSKURINA, Svetlana

    • Detskaia ploshchadka [Children's Playground] 1987, 74 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Sluchainyi val´s [A Chance Waltz] 1989, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Udalennyi dostup [Remote Access] 2004, 89 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
      Call number
    • Luchshee vremia goda [The Best of Times] 2007, 93 minutes
      Call number(followed by 70 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series), in Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
    • Peremirie [Truce] 2010, in Russian
      Call number95 minutes, (followed by 53 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)
      Call number99 minutes
    • Voskresen´e [Sunday] 2019, 82 minutes,in Russian
      Call number

    PROTAZANOV, Iakov and THIEMANN, Elizaveta

    • Ukhod velikogo startsa (Zhizn´ L.N. Tolstogo) [The Departure of a Great Old Man (The Life of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoi)] 1912
      Call number33 minutes, Russian titles, English subtitles, added music track
      Call number31 minutes, Russian titles, English subtitles, added music track
      Call number33 minutes, Russian titles, English subtitles, added music track

    See also adocumentary on Protazanov


    • Pikovaia dama [The Queen of Spades] 1916
      Call number63 minutes, Russian titles, English subtitles, added music track
      Call number63 minutes, Russian titles, French subtitles, added music track
      Call number63 minutes, Russian titles, English subtitles, added music track
      Call number16 minutes 29 seconds extract, Russian titles withEnglish subtitles, silent with no added music track
    • Satana likuiushchii [Satan Triumphant] 1917, 19 minutes 29 seconds extract, Russian titles with English intertitles, silent with no added music track
      Call number
      Call number
    • Otets Sergii [Father Sergius] 1918
      Call number84 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number76 minutes, some Russian titles, French subtitles
      Call number78 minutes, Russian titles, added music track
    • Aelita, 1924
      Call number111 minutes, English intertitles, no Russian titles
      Call number81 minutes, with optional intertitles
      Call number81 minutes, Russian intertitles only; silent with added music score
    • Zakroishchik iz Torzhka [The Tailor From Torzhok] 1925, 59 minutes, Russian intertitles only; silent with added music score
      Call number
    • Protsess o trekh millionakh [The Three Million Trial] 1926, 64 minutes, Russian intertitles only; silent with added music score
      Call number
    • Sorok pervyi [The Forty First] 1926, 52 minutes, Russian titles with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Chelovek iz restorana [The Man from the Restaurant] 1927
      Call number68 minutes, in Russian
      Call number68 minutes, in Russian (better quality copy)
      Call number68 minutes, in Russian, added music track
      Call number69 minutes, Russian titles, with optional English subtitles, silent with added music track
    • Don Diego i Pelageia [Don Diego and Pelageia] 1927, 58 minutes, Russian titles, with optional English subtitles, silent with added music track
      Call number
    • Belyi orel (Gubernator) [The White Eagle (The Governor)] 1928, 67 minutes, Russian titles with optional English subtitles, silent with added music track
      Call number
    • Chiny i liudi (Chekhovskii al´manakh) [Ranks and People (A Chekhov Almanac)] [Les Grades et les hommes] 1929, 64 minutes, some Russian titles, French subtitles, no music track
      Call number
    • Prazdnik Sviatogo Iorgena [The Feast of St Jorgen] 1930, 82 minutes, Russian titles only; silent with added music score
      Call number
      Call number79 minutes
      Call number80 minutes
    • Marionetki [The Marionettes] 1934, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Bespridannitsa [Without a Dowry] 1936, 81 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Salavat Iulaev, 1940, 71 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Nasreddin v Bukhare [Nasreddin in Bukhara] 1943, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also adocumentary on Protazanov

    PRYGUNOV, Roman

    • Odinochestvo krovi [Solitude of Blood] 2001, 96 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Dukhless, 2011, 101 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    PTASHUK, Mikhail

    • Voz´mu tvoiu bol´ [I'll Take Your Pain] 1980, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Znak bedy [Sign of Misfortune] 1986, 142 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number
    • Nash bronepoezd [Our Armoured Train] 1988, 140 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Kooperativ "Politbiuro", ili Budet dolgim proshchanie [The "Politbureau" Co-Operative or It Will be a Long Goodbye] 1992, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Igra voobrazheniia [The Play of Imagination] 1995, 72 minutes
      Call number
    • V avguste 44-go... [In August 1944...] 2000, 117 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • V iiune 41-go [In June 1941] [The Burning Land] [The Song of Rose] 2002, 87 minutes, in English and Russian with Russian voiceover
      Call number

    PTUSHKO, Aleksandr

    • Novyi Gulliver [The New Gulliver] 1935, in Russian
      Call number68 minutes
      Call number73 minutes
    • Zolotoi kliuchik [The Litle Golden Key] 1939, 79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Kamennyi tsvetok [Ural´skii skaz] [The Stone Flower (A Urals Tale)] 1946, 83 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed and subtitled versions
      Call number
    • Sadko, 1952, 84 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
      Call number
    • Il´ia Muromets [Il´ia of Murom] 1956, 87 minutes, in Russian with optional voiceover and subtitled versions
      Call number
    • Alye parusa [Scarlet Sails] 1961, 83 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed versions and subtitles
      Call number
    • Skazka o poteriannom vremeni [The Tale of Lost Time] 1964, 75 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed versions and subtitles
      Call number
    • Skazka o tsare Saltane [The Tale of Tsar Saltan] 1966, 81 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed versions and subtitles
      Call number
    • Ruslan i Liudmila [Ruslan and Liudmila] 1972, 149 [73 + 76] minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed versions and subtitles
      Call numberand Call number


    • Antoshu korset pogubil [Antosha Ruined by a Corset] 1916
      Call number16 minutes, Russian titles, English subtitles, added music track
      Call number16 minutes, Russian titles without subtitles, with a new soundtrack by Pakava It´
      Call number15 minutes, 22 seconds, Russian titles, with a new soundtrack by Pakava It´
      Call number16 minutes, Russian titles, English subtitles, added music track

    PUCHINIAN, Stepan

    • Skhvatka [The Skirmish] 1972, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Den´ svad´by pridetsia utochnit´ [The Wedding Day Must Be Specified] 1979, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Iz zhizni nachal´nika ugolovnogo rozyska [From the Life of the Head of the Criminal Investigation Department] 1983, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Tainy madam Vong [The Secrets of Madame Wong] 1986, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number91 minutes
      Call number86 minutes
      Call number86 minutes
    • Gangstery v okeane [Gangsters in the Ocean] 1992, 127 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underDurov and Puchinian

    PUDOVKIN, Vsevolod

    • Mat´ [The Mother] 1926, 81 minutes, Russian intertitles, English subtitles
      Call number
    • Konets Sankt Peterburga [The End of St Petersburg] 1927, Russian intertitles, English subtitles
      Call number88 minutes
      Call number88 minutes
    • Potomok Chingis-Khana [The Heir to Genghis Khan] [Storm over Asia] 1928
      Call number125 minutes, English subtitles
      Call number103 minutes, Russian titles with optional English subtitles, Russian and English Hyperkino commentary version
      Call number103 minutes, Russian titles with optional English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese subtitles
    • Prostoi sluchai (Ochen´ khorosho zhivetsia) [Simple Chance / A Simple Case (It's a Very Good Life)] 1930, 71 minutes, Russian titles with optional English subtitles, silent with added music track
      Call number
    • Dezertir [The Deserter] (Teplokhod "Piatiletka") 1933, 106 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number
    • Admiral Nakhimov 1946, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Potomok Chingis-Khana [Storm over Asia] 1949 sound version, 87 minutes, English subtitles
      Call number
    • Vozvrashchenie Vasiliia Bortnikova [The Return of Vasilii Bortnikov] 1953, 102 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    PUDOVKIN, Vsevolod and DOLLER, Mikhail

    • Pobeda (Samyi schastlivyi) [Victory (The Luckiest)] 1938, 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Minin i Pozharskii [Minin and Pozharsky] 1939, 103 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Suvorov, 1940, 101 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
    • Pir v Zhirmunke [A Feast at Zhirmunka] [Boevoi kinosbornik No. 6] [Fighting Film Collection No. 6] 1941, 31 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    PUDOVKIN, Vsevolod and SHPIKOVSKII, Nikolai

    • Shakhmatnaia goriachka [Chess Fever] 1925, 27 minutes
      Call numberRussian intertitles
      Call number20 minutes, Russian titles, French subtitles
      Call number20 minutes, Russian titles, French subtitles, added music track
      Call number19 minutes, Russian intertitles, added music track

    PUDOVKIN, Vsevolod and TARICH, Iurii

    • Ubiitsy vykhodiat na dorogu [The Murderers go out on to the Road] 1942, 59 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    PUDOVKIN, Vsevolod and VASIL´EV, Dmitrii

    • Vo imia Rodiny [In the Name of the Motherland] Also known as 'Russkie liudi' [Russian People] 1943, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Zhukovskii, 1950, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    PUSKEPALIS, Sergei

    • Klinch [The Clinch] 2015, 98 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    PUUSTUSMAA, Andres

    • 1814, 2007, 96 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    PUZYREVSKII, Evgenii

    • On byl ego drugom [He Was a Friend of His] 2015, 27 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number

    PYR´EV, Ivan

    • Konveier smerti (Tovar ploshchadei) [Conveyer of Death (Goods of the Squares)] 1933, 61 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Partiinyi bilet [The Party Card] 1936, 93 minutes
      Call numberin Russian without subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Bogataia nevesta [The Rich Bride] 1937
      Call number80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number85 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    • Traktoristy [Tractor Drivers] 1939, 82 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Liubimaia devushka [Beloved Girl] 1940, 83 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Svinarka i pastukh [The Swineherd and the Shepherd] 1941, 82 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Sekretar´ Raikoma [The Regional Committee Secretary] 1942, 86 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • V shest´ chasov vechera posle voiny [At Six O'Clock in the Evening after the War] 1944, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Skazanie o zemle Sibirskoi [A Tale of the Siberian Land] 1947, 97 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
      Call number
    • Kubanskie kazaki [Kuban´ Cossacks] 1949, 104 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Ispytanie vernosti [A Test of Loyalty] 1954, 112 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Idiot [The Idiot] 1958, 116 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Belye nochi [White Nights] 1959, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Nash obshchii drug [Our Mutual Friend] 1961, 115 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Brat´ia Karamazovy [The Brothers Karamazov] 1968
      Call number+ Call number217 minutes, on 2 tapes, in Russian
      Call numbersand218 minutes, in Russian
      Call number218 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles

    See also a documentary onPyr´ev


    RAFIKOV, Marat

    See underBasov and Rafikov

    RAIKIN, Arkadii and KHRAMOV, Vladimir

    • Liudi i manekeny [People and Dummies] 1974-1975, 294 minutes, in Russian
      Call numbersand

    RAISKAIA, Elena

    • Rol´ [The Role] 1993, 81 minutes, dubbed into English with Russian voiceover
      Call number
    • Prezident i ego zhenshchina [The President and His Woman] 1996, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    RAIZMAN, Iulii

    • Letchiki [Fliers] 1935, 75 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
      Call number
    • Posledniaia noch´ [The Last Night] 1936, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Podniataia tselina [Virgin Soil Upturned] 1939, 108 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Mashen´ka 1942, 72 minutes
      Call numberin Russian without subtitles
      Call numberin Russian without subtitles (better quality recording)
      Call numberin Russian without subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Nebo Moskvy [The Moscow Sky] 1944, 81 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Poezd idet na vostok [A Train Goes East] 1947, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Kavaler zolotoi zvezdy [The Chevalier of the Golden Star] 1950, 110 minutes, in Russian
      Call numberpreceded and followed by discussion in theKinopravda?series
      Call number(better quality recording)
      Call number
    • Urok zhizni [A Lesson in Life] 1955, approx 102 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Kommunist [The Communist] 1957, 105 minutes
      Call numberin Russian without subtitles
      Call numberin Russian without subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • A esli eto liubov´? [But what if it's Love?] 1961, 96 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
      Call numberin Russian
    • Tvoi sovremennik [Your Contemporary] 1967, 138 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number
    • Strannaia zhenshchina [A Strange Woman] 1977, 139 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
      Call numberin Russian
    • Chastnaia zhizn´ [Private Life] 1982, 102 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
      Call numberin Russian
    • Vremia zhelanii [Time of Desires] 1984, 97 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian

    RAPOPORT, Vladimir

    See underZharov and Rapoport

    RAPPAPORT, Herbert

    • Sto za odnogo [One Hundred for One] [Boevoi kinosbornik No. 2] 1941, 18 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
      Call number
    • Van´ka [Boevoi kinosbornik No. 12] [Fighting Film Collection No. 12] 1942, 29 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vozdushnyi izvozchik [The Aerial Cabby] 1943, 71 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Mastera russkogo baleta [Masters of the Russian Ballet] 1953, in Russian
      Call number83 minutes
      Call number79 minutes
    • Cheremushki [Cherry Town] 1962
      Call number88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number87 minutes, in Russian with optional English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Chinese subtitles
    • Dva bileta na dnevnoi seans [Two Tickets to the Daytime Show] 1966, 94 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian, English and German subtitles
    • Krug [The Circle] 1972, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Menia eto ne kasaetsia [It's No Concern of Mine] 1976, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underIvanovskii and Rappaportand underMinkin and Rappaport

    RAPPAPORT, Herbert and BYKOV, Leonid

    • Kak verevochka ni v´etsia [However the Rope Turns] 1961, 7 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    RAPPAPORT, Herbert and EISYMONT, Viktor

    • Aleksandr Popov, 1949, in Russian without subtitles, 87 minutes
      Call number

    RASHEEV, Nikolai and NARODITSKII, Arkadii

    • Bumbarash, 1970, 135 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    RASHEVSKAIA, Natal´ia

    See underBergunker and Rashevskaiaand also underMuzykant and Rashevskaia

    RAUKH, Ian

    See underDulerain, Koriagin and Raukhand also underDulerain and Raukh


    See underLukashevich


    • Vremia zhatvy [Time of Harvest] 2004, 67 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Iar [The Ravine] 2007, 108 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number(followed by 64 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)
      Call number

    RAZENKOV, Andrei

    • Testy dlia nastoiashchikh muzhchin [Tests for Real Men] 1998, 69 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Severnoe siianie [Aurora Borealis / Northern Lights] 2001, 93 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call number
    • Iantarnye kryl´ia [Amber Wings] 2003, 94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Kromov´´ [Kromov] 2009, 112 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • On i ona [He and She] 6 minutes, in Moskva, ia liubliu tebia! Kinoal´manakh [Moscow, I Love You! A Film Almanac] 2010, 91 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    RAZUMNYI, Aleksandr

    • Tovarishch Abram [Comrade Abram] 1919, 18 minutes, silent with English intertitles only, no added music track
      Call number
    • Banda Bat´ka Knysha [Bat´ka Knysh's Band] 1924, 64 minutes, in Russian, silent with no added music score
      Call number
    • Kara-Bugas "Chernaia past´" [Kara Bugas "Black Paw"] 1935, 77 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Timur i ego komanda [Timur and his Team] 1940, 76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
    • Boi pod Sokolom [The Fighting Near Sokol] 1942, 51 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Miklukho-Maklai, 1947, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Razvlechenie dlia starichkov [A Pastime for Little Old Men] 1976, approx. 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Mordashka [Pretty Face] 1990, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    RAZUMOVSKII, Andrei and USKOV, Sergei

    • Genial´naia ideia [A Brilliant Idea] 1991, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    RAZYKOV, Iusup

    • Turetskoe sedlo [Sella Turcica] 2017, 72 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    REBROV, Viacheslav

    • Aliaska, ser [Alaska, Sir] 1992, 100 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    REINOLS, Robert

    • Lysyi kinooperator [Baldie the Cameraman] 1916, 3 minutes, no titles, with a new soundtrack by Zapreshchennye barabanshchiki
      Call number
      Call number
    • Lysyi priglashen na uzhin [Baldy is Invited to Dinner] 1916, 1½ minutes, incomplete, Russian titles, with a new soundtrack by Zapreshchennye barabanshchiki
      Call number
      Call number
    • Lysyi vliublen v tantsovshchitsu [Baldy in Love with a Dancer] no titles, with a new soundtrack by Zapreshchennye barabanshchiki
      Call number3 minutes
      Call number4 minutes, 50 seconds

    REISCH, Günter

    • Unterwegs zu Lenin [Na puti k Leninu] [On the Way to Lenin] 1970, 102 minutes, in Russian with some German with Russian voiceover
      Call number

    See also featurefilms by Reisch in the Central and East European Feature Films index, Germany section.

    REKHVIASHVILI, Aleksandr

    • Gruzinskaia khronika XIX veka [A Georgian Chronicle of the Nineteenth Century] 1978, 63 minutes, in Georgian with Russian voiceover, with optional Russian, English and French subtitles
      Call number
    • Put´ domoi [The Way Home] 1981, 74 minutes, in Georgian with Russian voiceover
      Call number
    • Sapirhurin [Stupen´] [The Step] 1986, 84 minutes, in Georgian or in Georgian with Russian voiceover, with optional Russian, English and French subtitles
      Call number

    REMIZOV, Oleg

    • Vezuchaia [The Lucky Woman] 1987, approx. 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Lunnye nochi [Moonlit Nights] 1966, approx. 66 minutes, in Russian
      Call number,lacks start

    REZNIKOV, Igor´

    • Bol´shoe zoloto Mistera Grinvuda [Mr Greenwood's Big Gold] 1991, 67 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    RIABOKON´, Oleg

    • Fiziki [The Physicists] 1988, 97 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Shagi imperatora [The Emperor's Steps] 1991, 73 minutes, in Russian
      Call number;
      Call number(better quality copy)

    RIASHINA, Ol´ga

    • Luchshii gorod zemli [Allergic to the Truth] 2015, 15 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number

    RIASKOV, Oleg

    • Sluga gosudarev [Servant of the King] 2007, 126 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call number

    RIASKOV, Oleg and PIMANOV, Aleksei

    • Aleksandrovskii sad [The Alexander Garden] 2005, 606 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call numberParts 1-4, 206 minutes
      Call numberParts 5-8, 200 minutes
      Call numberParts 9-12, 200 minutes

    RIAZANOV, El´dar

    • Karnaval´naia noch´ [Carnival Night] 1956, 72 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Devushka bez adresa [The Girl With No Address] 1957, in Russian
      Call number88 minutes
      Call number85 minutes
    • Chelovek niotkuda [The Man from Nowhere] 1961, 77 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
      Call number
    • Kak sozdavalsia Robinzon [How Robinson was Created] part of Sovershenno ser´ezno [Absolutely Serious] Komediinyi al´manakh No. 1, 1961, 13 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Gusarskaia ballada [A Hussar Ballad] 1962, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Daite zhalobnuiu knigu [Give me the Complaints Book] 1965, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Beregis´ avtomobilia [Beware of the Car] 1966
      Call number88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number88 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call number88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number94 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles, with restored image and sound, colourised
    • Zigzag udachi [The Zigzag of Luck] 1968, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Stariki-razboiniki [The Old Rascals] 1971, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Neveroiatnye prikliucheniia ital´iantsev v Rossii [Una matta, matta, matta corsa in Russia / Le incredibili avventure degli italiani in Russia] [The Improbable Adventures of Some Italians in Russia] 1973
      Call number108 minutes, in Russian
      Call number98 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Ironiia sud´by, ili s legkim parom! [The Irony of Fate, or Have a Good Sauna!] 1975, 184 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional subtitles
    • Sluzhebnyi roman [An Office Romance] 1977, 151 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Garazh [The Garage] 1979, 96 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • O bednom gusare zamolvite slovo [Put in a Word for the Poor Hussar] 1980, 161 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Vokzal dlia dvoikh [Station for Two] 1982, 133 minutes, in Russian with optional voiceover, dubbed and subtitled versions
      Call numberfirst 64 minutes of the film
      Call numberlast 64 minutes of the film
    • Zhestokii romans [Cruel Romance] 1984, 137 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberand Call numberin Russian with optional dubbed versions and subtitles
    • Zabytaia melodiia dlia fleity [Forgotten Melody for Flute] 1987, 126 minutes,in Russian with optional English and French voiceover versions and optional English, French, German, Italian and Spanish subtitles
      Call number
    • Dorogaia Elena Sergeevna [Dear Elena Sergeevna] 1988, 94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Nebesa obetovannye [Promised Heavens] 1991, 118 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Predskazanie [Prophecy] 1993, 115 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Privet, duralei! [Hallo, Little Fools!] 1996, 112 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Starye kliachi [Old Nags] 2000, 128 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian subtitles
    • Tikhie omuty [Quiet Backwaters] 2000, 133 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Kliuch ot spal´ni [The Bedroom Key] 2003, 136 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
      Call number
    • Andersen. Zhizn´ bez liubvi [Andersen. A Life Without Love] 2006, 138 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Karnaval´naia noch´ 2, ili 50 let spustia [Carnival Night 2, or 50 Years Later] 2006, 129 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    RODCHENKO, Valerii

    • Mladshii nauchnyi sotrudnik [Junior Researcher] 1978, 25 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Dva dolgikh gudka v tumane [Blow the Whistle Twice in the Fog] 1980, 75 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian, English or German subtitles
      Call number

    RODIMIN, Denis

    • Chuzhaia mat´ [An Alien Mother] 2011, 79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    RODIONOVA, Tamara

    • Vragi [Enemies] 1953, 150 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    ROGOVOI, Vladimir

    • Ofitsery [Officers] 1971, 90 minutes, In Russian with optional dubbed and subtitled versions
      Call number
    • Iunga severnogo flota [Cabin Boy of the Northern Fleet] 1973, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Gorozhane [Townspeople] 1975, 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Nesovershennoletnie [Under Age] 1976, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Balamut [The Troublemaker] 1978, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Zhenatyi kholostiak [The Married Bachelor] 1982, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    ROGOVOI, Vladimir and SEVELA, Efim

    • Goden k nestroevoi [Fit for Non-Combat Duty] 1968, 72 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    ROGOZHKIN, Aleksandr

    • Radi neskol´kikh strochek [For the Sake of a Few Lines] 1985, 72 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Miss millionersha [Miss Millionairess] 1988, 91 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Karaul [The Guard] 1989
      Call number97 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    • Tret´ia planeta [The Third Planet] 1991, 94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Chekist [The Member of the Cheka] 1992, 85 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Osobennosti natsional´noi okhoty [Peculiarities of the National Hunt] 1995, 93 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call number
    • Operatsiia 'S novym godom' [Operation Happy New Year] 1996, 110 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
    • Blokpost [Checkpoint] 1998, 91 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call number
    • Osobennosti natsional´noi rybalki [Peculiarities of National Fishing] 1998, 94 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call number
    • Osobennosti natsional´noi okhoty v zimnii period [Peculiarities of the National Hunt in the Winter Period] 2000, 73 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call number
    • Uboinaia sila. Kredit doveriia [Destructive Force. Trust Credit] 2000, 60 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Kukushka [The Cuckoo] 2002
      Call number99 minutes, in Russian, Finnish and Saami
      Call number103 minutes, in Russian, Finnish and Saami with optional English subtitles
    • Utrennik dlia vzroslykh [A Matinée for Adults] 2002, 60 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Svoia chuzhaia zhizn´ [Your Own Another's Life] 2004, 116 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Peregon [Transit] 2006, 140 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Vopros chesti [A Question of Honour] 2010, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Oruzhie [Weapon] 2011, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    ROIZMAN, Zinovii

    • Poslednii bronepoezd [The Last Armoured Train] 2006, 208 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Smersh, 2007, 208 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    ROMANOV, Boris

    • Ishchite i naidete [Seek and You Will Find] 1969, 76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number

    ROMASHKOV, Vladimir

    • Sten´ka Razin (aka Ponizovaia vol´nitsa) 1908, 6 minutes
      Call numberRussian titles, English subtitles, added music track
      Call numbersome Russian titles, French subtitles, added music track
      Call numberRussian titles, English subtitles, added music track

    ROMM, Mikhail

    • Pyshka [Boule de Suif] 1934, 63 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
      Call number
    • Trinadtsat´ [The Thirteen] 1936, 82 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Lenin v Oktiabre [Lenin in October] 1937
      Call number103 minutes, original version, in Russian, preceded and followed by discussion in theKinopravda?series
      Call number97 minutes, re-edited version, in Russian
      Call number97 minutes, re-edited version, in Russian
      Call number97 minutes, re-edited version, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Lenin v 1918 godu [Lenin in 1918] 1939
      Call number105 minutes, re-edited version, in Russian
      Call number125 minutes, original version, in Russian
      Call number106minutes, re-edited version, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Mechta [The Dream] 1941, 100 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Chelovek No. 217 [Person No. 217 / Girl No. 217] 1944, 99 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Russkii vopros [The Russian Question] 1947, 88 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Sekretnaia missiia [The Secret Mission] 1950
      Call number86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number83 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    • Admiral Ushakov, 1953, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Korabli shturmuiut bastiony [The Ships Storm the Bastions] 1953, 89 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Ubiistvo na ulitse Dante [Murder on Dante Street] 1956, 99 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • 9 dnei odnogo goda [Nine Days of One Year] 1961, 104 minutes, in Russian with optional voiceover and subtitled versions
      Call number

    See also adocumentary by Romm

    See also underKlimov

    RONDELI, David

    • Mamliuk [The Mamluk] 1958, 94 minutes
      Call numberdubbed into Russian from Georgian
      Call numberin Georgian, with optional Russian and French dubbed versions and optional Russian and English subtitles

    ROOM, Abram

    • Tret´ia meshchanskaia [Third Meshchanskaia Street] [English title Bed and Sofa] 1927
      Call number68 minutes, in Russian
      Call number68 minutes, in Russian, no music track
      Call number87 minutes, English intertitles
      Call number87 minutes, Russian intertitles
      Call number87 minutes, Russian titles, optional German subtitles, silent with added music track
    • Prividenie, kotoroe ne vozvrashchaetsia [The Ghost That Does Not Return] [Le Fantôme qui ne revient pas] [Also known as 'Pytka svobodoi' and 'Prizrak'] 1929
      Call number70 minutes, in Russian
      Call number67 minutes, French titles only, added music track
    • Strogii iunosha [A Stern Young Man] 1936, 96 minutes
      Call numberin Russian (poor quality recording, but with interesting 25 minute introduction)
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian, remastered version
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Eskadril´ia No. 5 (Voina nachinaetsia) [Squadron No. 5 (war Begins)] 1939, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number, picture breaks up near the end
      Call number
    • Veter s vostoka [The Wind from the East] 1940, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Nashestvie [Invasion] 1944, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number94 minutes
      Call numberremastered version, 94 minutes
      Call number90 minutes
    • V gorakh Iugoslavii [In the Mountains of Yugoslavia] 1946, 74 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Sud chesti [Court of Honour] 1948, 96 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Shkola zlosloviia [The School for Scandal] 1952, 152 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Serebristaia pyl´ [Silvery Dust] 1953, 98 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Serdtse b´etsia vnov´... [The Heart is Beating Once More...] 1956, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Granatovyi braslet [The Garnet Bracelet] 1964, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Tsvety zapozdalye [Late Flowers] 1969, 94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Prezhdevremennyi chelovek [The Premature Man] 1971, 96 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also adocumentary on Room

    ROSHAL´, Grigorii

    • Ego prevoskhoditel´stvo [His Excellency] 1927, 80 minutes, silent with English intertitles only, no added music track, lacks first reel
      Call number
    • Zori Parizha [The Dawns of Paris] 1936, 96 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Sem´ia Oppengeim [The Oppenheim Family] 1938, 97 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Delo Artamonovykh [The Artamonov Affair] 1941, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Akademik Ivan Pavlov [The Academician Ivan Pavlov] 1949, 97 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Musorgskii, 1950, 113 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Sestry [Sisters] 1957, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number87 minutes
      Call number98 minutes
    • Vosemnadtsatyi god [1918] 1958, 99 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    See also underStroeva and Roshal´and also below underRoshal´ and Andzhaparidze

    ROSHAL´, Grigorii and ANDZHAPARIDZE, M.

    • Khmuroe utro [Misty Morning] 1959, 99 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    ROSHAL´, Grigorii and KAZANSKII, Gennadii

    • Rimskii Korsakov, 1952, 107 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    ROSHAL´, Marianna and SHREDEL´, Vladimir

    • Belyi pudel´ [The White Poodle] 1955, 71 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    ROSS, Viacheslav (Slava)

    • Sibir´. Monamour (Zabytye v Sibiri) [Siberia. Mon Amour (Forgotten in Siberia)] 2011
      Call number100 minutes, in Russian
      Call number104 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles

    ROSTOTSKII, Stanislav

    • Delo bylo v Pen´kove [It Happened in Pen´kovo] 1957, 94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Maiskie zvezdy [May Stars] 1959, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Na semi vetrakh [On Seven Winds] 1962, 101 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Geroi Nashego vremeni (Maksim Maksimych. Taman´) [A Hero of Our Times. Maksim Maksimych. Taman´] 1965, 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Geroi Nashego vremeni (Bela) [A Hero of Our Times. Bela] 1966, 107 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Dozhivem do ponedel´nika [We'll Survive Till Monday] 1968, 100 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • A zori zdes´ tikhie [The Dawns Are Quiet Here] 1972, in Russian with optional dubbed and subtitled versions
      Call numberfirst 76½ minutes of the film and extra features
      Call numberlast 81½ minutes of the film and extra features
    • Belyi Bim chernoe ukho [White Bim, Black Ear] 1976, in Russian with optional subtitles and voiceover versions
      Call numberPart 1, 90 minutes
      Call numberPart 2, 82 minutes
    • I na kamniakh rastut derev´ia [Trees Grow Even on Stones] [Norwegian title: Dragens fange] 1985
      Call number137 minutes, in Russian
      Call number77 minutes, in Russian with some Norwegian with Russian voiceover and with optional English subtitles

    See also aninterview with Rostotskii

    ROSTOTSKII, Stanislav andKHUBOV, Nikita

    • Eskadron gusar letuchikh [A Squadron of Flying Hussars] 1980, 158 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call number

    ROSTOV, Boris and SAMOKHVALOV, Aleksandr

    • My iz budushchego 2 [We are from the Future 2] [Paradox Soldiers] 2010, 98 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles

    ROU, Aleksandr

    • Po shchuch´emu veleniiu (Skazka pro Emeliu) [As The Pike Ordered (The Tale of Emelia)] 1938, 57 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vasilisa Prekrasnaia [Vasilisa the Fair] 1939, 70 minutes
      Call numberin Russian only without subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional subtitles
    • Konek-gorbunok [The Little Hump-Backed Horse] 1941, 77 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Kashchei bessmertnyi [Kashchei the Immortal] 1944
      Call number63 minutes, in Russian
      Call number63 minutes, in Russian
      Call number64 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Maiskaia noch´, ili utoplennitsa [A May Night, or The Drowned Girl] 1952, 55 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Novye pokhozhdeniia kota v sapogakh [The New Adventures of Puss in Boots] 1957, 83 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles and optional English dubbed version
      Call number
    • Mar´ia-Iskusnitsa [Mar´ia the Artificer] 1959, 76 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles and voiceover versions
      Call number
    • Vechera na khutore bliz Dikan´ki (Noch´ pered Rozhdestvom) [Evenings on a Farm Near Dikan´ka (The Night Before Christmas / Christmas Eve)] 1961, 64 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles and voiceover versions
      Call number
    • Korolevstvo krivykh zerkal [The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors] 1963, 75 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed versions and subtitles
      Call number
    • Morozko [Father Frost] 1964, 84 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed versions and subtitles
      Call number
    • Ogon´, voda i... mednye truby [Through Fire, Water... and Brass Pipes] 1967, 81 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed versions and subtitles
      Call number
    • Varvara-Krasa, dlinnaia kosa [Barbara the Fair with the Silken Hair] 1969, 81 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed versions and subtitles
      Call number
    • Zolotye roga [The Golden Horns] 1972, 70 minutes, in Russian with optional voiceover versions and subtitles
      Call number

    ROU, Aleksandr and GENDEL´SHTEIN, Al´bert

    • Rovno v sem´ [At Seven O'Clock Precisely] [Boevoi kinosbornik No. 7] 1941, 5 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number

    ROZANTSEV, Nikolai

    • Gosudarstvennyi prestupnik [State Criminal] 1964, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Zagovor poslov [The Ambassadors' Plot] 1965, 88 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Eshche ne vecher [It's Not Evening Yet] 1974, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    ROZENBERG, Andris

    • Chelovek svity [A Man from the Entourage] 1987, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    ROZHNOV, Valerii

    • Nazad v SSSR [Back to the USSR] 2011, 4 x 48 = 192 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    RUBINCHIK, Valerii

    • Poslednee leto detstva [The Last Summer of Childhood] 1974, 194 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Gamlet shchigrovskogo uezda [A Hamlet of the Shchigrovsk District] 1975, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Dikaia okhota korolia Stakha [The Savage Hunt of King Stakh] 1979, 105 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles and dubbed versions
      Call number
    • Kul´tpokhod v teatr [A Cultural Outing to the Theatre] 1982, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Komicheskii liubovnik, ili Liubovnye zatei sera Dzhona Fal´stafa [A Comical Lover or the Amorous Adventures of Sir John Falstaff] 1983, 70 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Komediia o Lisistrate [A Comedy about Lysistrata] [Lysistrata] 1989, approx. 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Kino pro kino [Film About Film] 2002, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Nankinskii peizazh [Nanking Landscape] 2005, 97 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    RUDAKOV, Aleksei

    • Zhizn´ po limitu [Life on the Margins] 1989, approx. 70 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Alisa i bukinist [Alisa and the Second Hand Bookseller] 1992, in Russian
      Call number83 minutes
      Call number76 minutes

    RUDNIK, Lev

    • Zhizn´ snachala [Life Over Again] 1961, 74 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underBerezantseva and Rudnik

    RUF, Maksim

    • Ssora v Lukashakh [The Quarrel in Lukashi] 1959, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Pestrye rasskazy [Colourful Tales] 1961, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    RUMIANTSEV, Evgenii

    • Bobaka Saskervilei [The Bound of the Saskervilles] 1998, 62 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    RUMINOV, Pavel

    • Deadline [Kliuchevoe deistvie] 2004, 50 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Chelovek kotoryi molchal [The Silent Man] 2005, 71 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • My - benzokolonki! [We are Petrol Stations!] 2015, 8 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Pro liubov´. Tol´ko dlia vzroslykh [About Love. Only for Adults] Pro liubov´. Tol´ko dlia vzroslykh [About Love. Only for Adults] various directors, a project of Anna Melikian, 2017, 109 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    RUSAKOV, Sergei

    • Povelitel´ luzh [Master of the Puddles] 2001, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    RYBAKOV, Anatolii

    • Delo No. 306 [Case MyAV 306] 1956, 76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vasilii Surikov, 1959, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • V nachale veka [At the Beginning of the Century] 1961, 83 minutes
      Call number

    RYBAREV, Valerii

    • Menia zovut Arlekino [My Name is Arlekino] 1988, 126 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Prikovannyi [Chained] 2002, 104 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
      Call number

    RYK, Mikhail

    • Rassledovanie [The Investigation] 1980, 69 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    RYTSAREV, Boris

    • Valera, 1964, 64 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Volshebnaia lampa Aladdina [Aladdin's Magic Lamp] 1966, 79 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed versions and subtitles
      Call number
    • Veseloe volshebstvo [Merry Magic] 1969, 65 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Printsessa na goroshine [The Princess and the Pea] 1976, 84 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed versions and subtitles
      Call number
    • Na zlatom kryl´tse sideli... [Sitting on the Golden Porch...] 1986, 68 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call number
    • Imia [The Name] 1988, 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underKalik and Rytsarev


    SAAKIAN, Mariia

    • Proshchanie [Farewell] 2003, 25 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Maiak [The Lighthouse] 2006, 75 minutes, in Russian and Armenian with optional English subtitles
      Call number

    SAAKOV, Iurii and TSVETKOV, Iurii

    • Eta veselaia planeta [This Merry Planet] 1973, 91 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    SAAKOV, Leon

    • Na dorogakh voiny [On the Roads of War] 1958, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Poslednie zalpy [The Last Salvoes] 1960, approx. 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vesna na Odere [Spring on the Oder] 1967, in Russian
      Call number102 minutes
      Call number97 minutes
    • Reportazh s linii ognia [A Report from the Front Line] 1984, approx. 71 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SADILOVA, Larisa

    • S liubov´iu, Lilia [With Love, Lilia] 2002
      Call number96 minutes, in Russian
      Call number97 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Nichego lichnogo [Nothing Personal] 2007, 92 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Synok [Sonny] 2009, 6½ + 96 + 69 minutes, inZakrytyi pokazseries, in Russian
      Call number

    SADKOVICH, Nikolai

    • Shumi gorodok [Noise Town] 1939, 71 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Tri tankista [Three Tank Crew] [Boevoi kinosbornik No. 8] [Fighting Film Collection No. 8] 1941, 22 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Kar´era leitenanta Goppa [Lieutenant Hopp's Career] [Boevoi kinosbornik No. 11] [Fighting Film Collection No. 11] 1942, 21 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Tri gvardeitsa [Three Guardsmen] 1943, 27 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
      Call number

    SADOVSKII, Viktor

    • Udar! Eshche udar! [A Shot! Another Shot!] 1968, 91 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vse reshaet mgnovenie [The Moment Decides Everything] 1978, 94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Devushka i Grand [The Girl and Grand] 1981, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Sopernitsy [The Rivals] 1985, 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Moi luchshii drug - General Vasilii, syn Iosifa. Stseny vremen eshche nerazvitogo sotsializma [My Best Friend, General Vasilii, Son of Iosif. Scenes from a Time of as yet undeveloped Socialism] 1991, 91 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SAFINA, Kamila

    • Chippendeil [Chippendale] 2013, 16 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Kak menia zovut [Name Me] [What's My Name?] 2014, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Pro liubov´. Tol´ko dlia vzroslykh [About Love. Only for Adults] Pro liubov´. Tol´ko dlia vzroslykh [About Love. Only for Adults] various directors, a project of Anna Melikian, 2017, 109 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vernost´ [Fidelity] 2019, 79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SAKHAROV, Aleksei

    • Kollegi [Colleagues] 1962, 96 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Chistye prudy [Clear Ponds] 1965, 81 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Sluchai s Polyninym [The Case of Polynin] 1970, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number,lacks end
      Call number
    • Chelovek na svoem meste [A Man in His Place] 1972, 96 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • S vesel´em i otvagoi [With Merriment and Bravery] 1973, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vremia letat´ [Time to Fly] 1987, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Lestnitsa [The Staircase] 1989, 108 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Baryshnia-Krest´ianka [Lady into Peasant] 1995, 106 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Na boikom meste [In a Busy Place] 1998, 99 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SAKHAROV, Aleksei and SHENGELAIA, El´dar

    • Snezhnaia skazka [A Snowy Tale] 1959, 66 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SAKHAROVA, Marina and SHCHEGOLEV, Ivan

    • Ia vam bol´she ne veriu [I Don't Trust You Any More] 2000, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SALAVATOV, El´dar

    • PiraMMMida, 2010, 105 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SALTYKOV, Aleksei

    • Predsedatel´ [The Chairman] 1964, 156 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vozvrata net [No Way Back] 1973, 96 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Sem´ia Ivanovykh [The Ivanov Family] 1975, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Polyn´ trava gor´kaia [Wormwood is a Bitter Herb] 1982, approx. 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Krik del´fina [The Cry of the Dolphin] 1986, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SALTYKOV, Aleksei and MITTA, Aleksandr

    • Drug moi, Kol´ka!... [My Friend, Kol´ka!...] 1961, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number

    SALYKOV, Kalykbek

    • Balkon [The Balcony] 1988, 80 minutes, in Russian or in Kazakh
      Call number

    SALYNSKII, Dmitrii

    • Ia sdelal vse, chto mog [I Did Everything I Could] 1986, 79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    See underShvachko.

    SAMOKHVALOV, Aleksandr

    See underRostov and Samokhvalovand also underFAIZIEV, Dzhanik AND SHURKHOVETSKII, Ivan AND SAMOKHVALOV, Aleksandr

    SAMORIADOV, Aleksei and LUTSIK, Petr

    • Kanun [The Eve] 1989, 29 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number(better quality copy)

    SAMSONOV, Samson

    • Poprygun´ia [The Grasshopper] 1955, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Za vitrinoi univermaga [Behind the Department Store Window] 1955, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
      Call number
    • Ognennye versty [Fiery Versts] 1957, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Optimisticheskaia tragediia [An Optimistic Tragedy] 1963, 114 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Tri sestry [Three Sisters] 1964, 114 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Kazhdyi vecher v odinnadtsat´ [Every Evening at Eleven] 1969, 77 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Mnogo shuma iz nichego [Much Ado About Nothing] 1973, 77 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Chisto angliiskoe ubiistvo [A Purely English Murder] 1974, 159 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Beshenoe zoloto [Mad Gold] 1976, in Russian
      Call number87 minutes
      Call number82minutes
    • Zhuravl´ v nebe [A Giraffe in the Sky] 1977, approx. 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Torgovka i poet [The Woman Trader and the Poet] 1978, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vos´moe chudo sveta (Sportivnaia fantaziia) [The Eight Wonder of the World (A Sporting Fantasy)] 1981, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Odinokim predostavliaetsia obshchezhitie [The Hostel is there for the Lonely] 1983, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Tantsploshchadka [The Dance Pavilion] 1985, 81 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Neprikaiannyi [A Lost Soul] 1989, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Myshelovka [The Mousetrap] 1990, in Russian
      Call numberapprox. 86 minutes
      Call number85 minutes
    • Milyi drug davno zabytykh let... [Dear Friend of Long Forgotten Years...] 1996, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SANAEV, Pavel

    • Poslednii uikend [The Last Weekend] 2005, 87 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    SANDU, Vladlena

    • Kira, 2015, 20 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SANISHVILI, Nikolai

    • Chermen, 1970, 74 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed and subtitled versions
      Call number

    SARUKHANOV, Vladimir

    • Konets imperatora Taigi [The End of the Emperor of the Taiga] 1978, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ne stav´te leshemu kapkany ... [Don't Lay Traps for the Wood-Goblin] 1981, 73 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number


    • Istoriia piataia. Vystavka [The Fifth Story. The Exhibition] 2020, 15 minutes, in Russian, part ofOchen´ zhenskie istorii [Very Female Stories] 2020, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SAUTS, Mariia and SUKHOBOKOV, Vladimir

    • Krasnyi galstuk [The Red Tie] 1948, 67 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    SAVCHENKO, Igor´

    • Garmon´ [The Accordion] 1934, 56 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Sluchainaia vstrecha [A Chance Meeting] [also known as 'Mesiats mai' and 'Irinkin rekord'] 1936, 62 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Duma pro kozaka Golotu [The Ballad of the Cossack Golota] 1937, 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vsadniki [Guerilla Brigade] 1939
      Call number88 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number89 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    • Bogdan Khmel´nitskii, 1941, 108 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
      Call number
    • Kvartal No. 14 [Block No. 14] [Boevoi kinosbornik No. 9] [Fighting Film Collection No. 9] 1942, 18 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Levko, in Iunye partizany. Boevoi kinosbornik [Young Partisans. Fighting Film Collection] 1942, 27 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Partizany v stepiakh Ukrainy (Ukraina 1941) [Partisans in the Ukrainian Steppes (Ukraine 1941)] 1942, 74 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Ivan Nikulin - russkii matros [Ivan Nikulin - A Russian Sailor] 1944, 85 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
      Call number
    • Starinnyi vodevil´ [An Old Vaudeville] 1946, 66 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Tretii udar [The Third Blow] 1948, 106 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Taras Shevchenko, 1951, 108 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SAVEL´EVA, Era and BEREZANTSEVA, Tat´iana

    • Staromodnaia komediia [An Oldfashioned Comedy] 1978, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SCHMIDT, Andreas

    See underMorozov and Schmidt

    SCHMIDT, Jan

    • Koloniia Lanfier [The Lanfier Colony] 1969, 81 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SEDOVA, Violetta

    See underKhotinenko and Sedova

    SEGAL, Mikhail

    • Franz + Polina, 2006, 119 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with some German with optional English subtitles and optional Russian titles for the German
    • Rasskazy [Stories] 2012
      Call number110 minutes, in Russian
      Call number107 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian, English, German and French subtitles (Blu ray disc)
    • Kino pro Alekseeva [A Film about Alekseev] 2014, 91 minutes
      Call numberIn Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
    • Glubzhe! [Deeper!] 2020, 108 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SEGEL´, Iakov

    • Seraia bolezn´ [Grey Sickness] 1966, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Razbudite Mukhina [Wake Up Mukhin!] 1967, 79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Risk - blagorodnoe delo [Risk is a Noble Thing] 1977, 77 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Inoplanetianka [The Woman from Another Planet] 1984, 79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underKulidzhanov

    SEJI, Rodoh

    • Rin. Legenda ob ikone [Rin. The Legend of the Icon] 1992, 117 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number

    SELEZNEVA, Inessa

    • Dnevnoi poezd [Day Train] 1976, 95 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vsem - spasibo!... [Thanks to Everyone!...] 1981, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vospitanie zhestokosti u zhenshchin i sobak [Inculcating Cruelty in Women and Dogs] 1992, 136 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SEL´IANOV, Sergei

    • Den´ angela [Saint's Day] 1980/1988, 72 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Dukhov den´ [Whit Monday] 1990, 110 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Vremia pechali eshche ne prishlo [The Time of Sadness Has Not Yet Come] 1995, 95 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also adocumentary by Sel´ianov

    SELIVANOV, Valentin

    • Bol´shoe kosmicheskoe puteshestvie [The Big Space Flight] [The Big Space Trip] 1974, 62 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles

    SELIVERSTOV, Konstantin

    • Stseny iz zhizni bogemy [Scenes from Bohemian Life] 2008, 97 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number
    • Protsess [The Trial] 2013, 103 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number

    SEMAKOV, Vladimir

    • Priatnogo appetita [Enjoy Your Meal] 1961, 11 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Pod kupolom tsirka [Under the Circus Tent] 1989, 132 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underAgranovich and Semakov

    SENTSOV, Sergei

    • Mishen´ [The Target] 2010, 3 minutes 54 seconds, no dialogue
      Call number


    • Postel´nye stseny [Bed Scenes] 2003, 69 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ragin, 2004, 92 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Izobrazhaia Zhertvu [Playing the Victim] 2006
      Call number100 minutes, in Russian
      Call number102 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Iur´ev den´ [St Iurii's Day] 2008, 133 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number(followed by 67 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)
      Call number
    • Potselui krevetki [A Prawn's Kiss] 2009, 22 minutes, in Korotkoe zamykanie [Short Circuit] [Crush. Five Stories about Love] Almanac
      Call numberin Russian with optional English and French subtitles
      Call numberin Russian, followed by 50 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series
    • Izmena [Betrayal] 2012, 115 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Uchenik [The Student] 2016, 113 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
    • Leto [Summer] 2018, 128 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
    • Petrovy v grippe [The Petrovs' Flu] 2020, 146 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SERGEEV, Viktor

    • Palach [The Executioner] 1990, 154 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Genii [The Genius] 1991, 151 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Strannye muzhchiny Semenovoi Ekateriny [The Strange Men of Ekaterina Semenova] 1992, 143 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Grekh. Istoriia strasti [Sin. A Story of Passion] 1993, 109 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian, English and French subtitles
      Call number
    • Shizofreniia [Schizophrenia] 1997, 147 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call number


    • Der Aussiedler [Pereselenets] [Resettler] 2010, 52 minutes, in German with Russian voiceover
      Call number(followed by 53 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)


    • Belye tuchi [Bili khmary] [White Clouds] 1968, 64 minutes, in Ukrainian
      Call number

    SERIKOV, Vasilii

    • Pritiazhenie [Attraction] 2002, 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SERYI, Aleksandr

    • Dzhentl´meny udachi. Neliricheskaia komediia [Gentlemen of Fortune. An Unlyric Comedy] 1971
      Call number84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number84 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed versions and subtitles
      Call number87 minutes, in Russian (Blu ray disc)
    • Ty - mne, ia - tebe [You - Me and I - You] 1976, 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Beregite muzhchin! [Take Care of the Men!] 1982, 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
      See also underZhuk and Seryi

    SEVELA, Efim

    See underRogovoi and Sevela


    • Kontrol´naia po spetsial´nosti [An Exam on Your Speciality] 1981, 71 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SHAGALOVA, Ekaterina

    • Sobaka Pavlova [Pavlov's Dog] 2005, 72 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Odnazhdy v provintsii [Once Upon a Time in the Provinces] 2008, 106 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
      Call number(followed by 68 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)
    • Primeta na schast´e [Sign of Good Fortune] 2012, approx. 100 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Strannye vzroslye [Strange Adults] 1974, 76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Pervyi reis [First Trip] 1976, in Russian
      Call number78 minutes
      Call number74 minutes
    • Deti kak deti [Children Like Children] 1978, 69 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Svet v okne [A Light in the Window] 1980, 76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Mif [Myth] 1986, 129 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Rok [Rock] 2013, 30 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number


    • Dobriaki [The Good Fellows] 1979, in Russian
      Call number83 minutes
      Call number78 minutes
    • My iz dzhaza [Jazzmen] 1983, 83 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles and dubbed versions
      Call number
    • Zimnii vecher v Gagrakh [A Winter Evening in Gagry] 1985
      Call number85 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call number85 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles and dubbed versions
    • Kur´er [Messenger Boy] 1986, 83 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with Russian surtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional subtitles and dubbed versions
    • Gorod Zero [Zero City] 1988, 97 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Tsareubiitsa [Assassin of the Tsar] 1991
      Call numberDVD 1, 98 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
      Call numberDVD 2, 100 minutes, in English with optional Russian subtitles, director's cut
    • Sny [Dreams] (co-directed with Aleksandr Borodianskii), 1993, 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Amerikanskaia doch´ [The American Daughter] 1995, 93 minutes, in Russian and English with optional voiceover and subtitled versions
      Call number
    • Den´ polnoluniia [The Day of the Full Moon] 1998, 88 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Iady, ili Vsemirnaia istoriia otravlenii [Poisons, or A Universal History of Poisoning] 2001, 99 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Vsadnik po imeni Smert´ [A Rider Named Death] 2004, 102 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Ischeznuvshaia imperiia [The Vanished Empire] 2007, 105 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
    • Belyi tigr [The White Tiger] 2012, 104 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
    • Liubov´ v SSSR [Love in the USSR] (A newly edited version of his 2007 filmIscheznuvshaia imperiia), 2012, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Anna Karenina. Istoriia Vronskogo [Anna Karenina. Vronskii's Story] 2017, 132 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number(better quality copy)

    SHAKHNAZAROV, Karen with GORNOVSKII, Aleksandr

    • Palata No 6 [Ward No. 6] 2009, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number(followed by 53 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)
      Call number
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles


    • Dvoe v novom dome [Two in a New House] 1978, 76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Predchuvstvie liubvi. Skazka dlia vzroslykh [Presentiment of Love. A Fairy Tale for Adults] 1982, in Russian
      Call numberapprox. 67 minutes
      Call number64 minutes

    SHALAEVA, Mariia

    • Remont Moskva-Parizh [Repair Moscow-Paris] 2018, 47 seconds, no dialogue
      Call number

    SHALIAPIN, Roman

    • Besy [The Devils] 2014, 67 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SHAL´OPA, Andrei

    See underDRUZHININ, Kim AND SHAL´OPA, Andrei

    SHAMIROV, Viktor

    • Dikari [Wild Men] 2006, 108 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Uprazhneniia v prekrasnom [Exercises in the Fine] 2011, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • So mnoiu vot chto proiskhodit [This is What is Happening to Me] 2012, 72 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Igra v pravdu [Playing at Truth] 2013, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SHAMSHIEV, Bolotbek

    • Vystrel na perevale Karash [A Shot in the Karash Pass] 1968, 96 minutes, in Russian or in Kazakh
      Call number
    • Rannie zhuravli [Early Cranes] 1979, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SHAMSHURIN, Vladimir

    • Bezottsovshchina [Fatherlessness] 1976, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Opasnye druz´ia [Dangerous Friends] 1979, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Taina zapisnoi knizhki [The Secret of the Notebook] 1981, 77 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Zachem cheloveku kryl´ia (Vasia-akusher) [Why Would a Person Need Wings? (Vasia the Midwife)] 1984, 81 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Zatianuvshiisia ekzamen [The Drawn out Exam] 1986, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Aktsiia [The Action] 1987, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Seraia mysh´ [The Grey Mouse] 1988, approx. 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ustritsy iz Lozanny [Oysters from Lausanne] 1992, 77 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Maestro vor [Master Thief] 1994, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SHAPIRO, Iosif

    • Poslednie dni Pompei [The Last Days of Pompeia] 1972, 73 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underBatalov and Shapiro

    SHAPIRO, Mikhail

    • Shest´desiat dnei (Komandiry zapasa) [Sixty Days (Reserve Commanders)] 1940, 69 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Katerina Izmailova, 1966, 112 minutes, in Russian with optional English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Chinese subtitles
      Call number

    See also underKosheverova and Shapiro

    SHATROV, Igor´

    • Muzhskoi razgovor [A Man to Man Conversation] 1968, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Poshchechina, kotoroi ne bylo [The Slap in the Face That Did Not Happen] 1987, 81 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SHAVLAK, Igor´

    • Otrazhenie [Reflection] 1998, 94 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Putevoi obkhodchik [Trackman] 2007, 80 minutes, in Russian or in English with optional English or Spanish subtitles
      Call number

    SHAZHIMBAI, Aiagan

    • Zhansebil´, 1991, 75 minutes, in Kazakh with optional Russian voiceover version
      Call number


    • Amerikanskii dedushka [The American Grandfather] 1993, 74 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    See also underSakharova and Shchegolev

    SHCHEGOL´KOV, Vladimir

    • S dnem rozhdeniia, Lola [Happy Birthday, Lola] 2001, 81 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
      Call number
    • Odna liubov´ na million [A Love in a Million] 2007, 105 minutes, in Russian with optional Ukrainian subtitles
      Call number
    • Zabytyi [Forgotten] 2011, 205 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SHCHEKIN, Aleksandr

    • Metro 2033, 2011, 155 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Sapery (Bez prava na oshibku) [Sappers (Without the Right to Make a Mistake)] 2007, 88 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number(the subtitles are of extremely poor quality)

    SHCHERBIN, Sergei

    • Strasti po Chapaiu [The Passion According to Chapai] 2012, 12 x 52 = 624 minutes, in Russian
      Call number(double-sided disc)

    SHCHUKIN, Georgii

    • Mesta tut tikhie [It's Quiet Here] 1967, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • "Sto gramm" dlia khrabrosti ["One Hundred Grammes" for Bravery] Part of "Sto gramm" dlia khrabrosti. Kinoal´manakh ["One Hundred Grammes" for Bravery. A Film Almanach] 1976, 35 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underTumanov and Shchukin

    SHEIN, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich

    • Izmena [Betrayal] 1998, 7 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Smesitel´ [The Mixer Tap] 2001, 77 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SHEIN, Aleksandr Samuilovich

    • Nervy. Strashnii rasskaz [Nerves. A Frightening Story] 9 minutes, in portmanteau film Semeinoe schast´e [Family Happiness] 1969, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number

    SHELIAKIN, Evgenii

    • Pro liubov´. Tol´ko dlia vzroslykh [About Love. Only for Adults] Pro liubov´. Tol´ko dlia vzroslykh [About Love. Only for Adults] various directors, a project of Anna Melikian, 2017, 109 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SHENGELAIA, El´dar

    • Arachveulebrivi gamopena [Neobyknovennaia vystavka] [An Unusual Exhibition] 1968, 87 minutes, dubbed into Russian
      Call number
    • Machekha Samanishvili [Stepmother Samanishvili] 1977, 80 minutes, dubbed into Russian from Georgian
      Call number
    • Cisperi mtebi anu daudzherebeli ambavi [Golubye gory, ili Nepravdopodobnaia istoriia] [Blue Mountains, or An Incredible Story] 1983
      Call number90 minutes, dubbed into Russian from Georgian
      Call number92 minutes, in Georgian with Russian subtitles or in Russian with optional subtitles and optional voiceover options

    See also underSakharov and Shengelaia

    SHENGELAIA, El´dar and MELIAVA, Tamaz

    • Belyi karavan [The White Caravan] 1963, 88 minutes, dubbed into Russian from Georgian
      Call number

    SHENGELAIA, Georgii

    • On ubivat´ ne khotel... [He Did Not Want to Kill...] 1966, 86 minutes, in Georgian dubbed into Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Pirosmani, 1969, 84 minutes, in Georgian or in Russian with optional Russian, English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Dutch subtitles
      Call number
    • Melodii Veriiskogo kvartala [Melodies of the Veriiskii Quarter] 1973, 93 minutes, in Georgian with optional dubbed and subtitled versions
      Call number
    • Puteshestvie molodogo kompozitora [The Journey of a Young Composer] 1984, 98 minutes, in Georgian with Russian voiceover translation
      Call number
    • Khareba i Gogi [Khareba and Gogi] 1987, 136 minutes, in Georgian with Russian voiceover with optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call number
    • Orpeosis sikvdili [Smert´ Orfeia] [The Death of Orpheus] 1996, 85 minutes, in Georgian with Russian voiceover
      Call number

    See also underChiaureli and Shengelaia

    SHENGELAIA, Nikolai

    • Dvadtsat´ shest´ komissarov [Les 26 Commissaires] [The Twenty Six Commissars] 1932, 106 minutes, Russian titles, French subtitles, added music track
      Call number

    SHENGELIIA, Georgii

    • Nasha dacha [Our Dacha] 1990, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Menialy [The Money Changers] 1992, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Strelets neprikaiannyi [The Restless Archer] 1993, 96 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ekhai! [Drive!] 1995, 94 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Klassik [Classic] 1998, 100 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Musorshchik [The Refuse Collector] 2001, 94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Flesh.ka [Flash Drive] 2006, 105 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call number

    SHEPIT´KO, Larisa

    • Kryl´ia [Wings] 1966, 85 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Rodina elektrichestva [Homeland of Electricity] 1967
      Call number37 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number39 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles (Blu ray disc. The Criterion Collection No. 1063)
    • Ty i ia [You and I] 1971, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Voskhozhdenie [The Ascent] 1976, 109 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
      Call number(Blu ray disc. Digitally restored. The Criterion Collection No. 1063)

    SHERGOVA, Galina

    See underKharchenko and Shergova


    • Iunga so shkhuny "Kolumb" [The Ship's Boy from the Schooner the Columbus] 1963, 72 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Akvalangi na dne [Aqualungs on the Bottom] 1965, 81 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Tumannost´ Andromedy [The Andromeda Nebula] 1967
      Call number76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number68 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    • Sokrovishcha pylaiushchikh skal [Treasures of the Burning Cliffs] 1969, 76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Tol´ko ty [Only You] 1972, 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ne plach´, devchonka [Don't Cry, Little Girl] 1976, 70 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Tachanka s iuga [The Cart from the South] 1977, 81 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Miatezhnyi "Orion" [The Rebellious "Orion"] 1978, 76 minutes, in Russian with some English and German with Russian voiceover
      Call numberlacks ending
      Call number
    • Proekt "Al´fa" [Project Alpha] 1990, approx. 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Proryv [The Breakthrough] 1992, 77 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SHESHUKOV, Igor´

    • Polkovnik v otstavke [The Retired Colonel] 1975, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vtoraia popytka Viktora Krokhina [Viktor Krokhin's Second Attempt] 1977, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Preferans po piatnitsam [Preference on Fridays] 1984, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Tank - "Klim Voroshilov-2" [Tank "Klim Voroshilov-2"] 1990, 99 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underKhamraev and Sheshukov


    • Nalet´´ [The Raid] 1995, 79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SHEVCHENKO, Vladimir

    • Kontrudar [Counterblow] 1985, 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SHILENKO, Boris

    • Pod svist pul´ [Under the Whistle of Bullets] 1981, 64 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SHILKINA, Ul´iana

    • Zolotoi telenok [The Golden Calf] 2006, 365 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call numberParts 1-2, 92 minutes
      Call numberParts 3-4, 90 minutes
      Call numberParts 5-6, 93 minutes
      Call numberParts 7-8, 90 minutes

    SHILOVSKII, Vsevolod

    • Million v brachnoi korzine [A Million in a Wedding Basket] 1985, 89 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian or English subtitles
      Call number
    • Aferisty [The Scammers] 1990, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Bluzhdaiushchie zvezdy [Wandering Stars] 1991, 140 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Liniia smerti [Death Line] 1991, 91 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Prigovor [The Verdict] 1994, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Mest´ [Revenge] 1989, 100 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number(Blu ray disc)
      Call number(DVD)

    SHIPENKO, Klim

    • Neproshchennye [The Unforgiven] 2008, 107 minutes, in Russian with censored or uncensored soundtrack
      Call number
    • Saliut-7, 2017, 106 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian (better quality copy)
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Kholop [The Serf] 2019, 104 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Tekst [Text] 2019, 131 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number

    SHMAIN, Khanan and IL´INSKII, Igor´

    • Odnazhdy letom [One Summer] 1936, 70 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number

    SHMANOV, Bulat

    • Poterpevshie pretenzii ne imeiut [The Victims Have No Complaints] 1986, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SHMARUK, Isaak and IVCHENKO, Viktor

    • Sud´ba Mariny [Marina's Fate] 1953, 94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SHMARUK, Isaak

    • Bez vesti propavshii [Lost Without Trace] 1956, 72 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Golubye molnii [Blue Lightning] 1978, 81 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SHMELEV, Vadim

    • Obratnyi otschet [Countdown] 2006, 105 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Podol´skie kursanty [Podolsk Cadets] [The Final Stand] [The Last Frontier] 2020, 136 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number


    • Makar Nechai (Akademiki) [Makar Nechai (The Academics)] 1940, 76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SHNEIDER, Evgenii

    • Vysokaia nagrada [A High Reward] 1939, 89 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Sluchai v vulkane [Incident in a Volcano] 1940, 63 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • V tylu vraga [In the Enemy Rear] 1941, 60 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    SHNEIDER, Evgenii and GOL´DBLAT, M.

    • Poslednii tabor [The Last Camp] 1935, 78 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    SHNEIDEROV, Vladimir

    • Dzhul´bars [Julbars] 1935, 73 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Zolotoe ozero [The Golden Lake] 1935, 79 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Ushchel´e alamasov [The Gorge of the Alamas] 1937, 68 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SHPALIKOV, Gennadii

    • Dolgaia, schastlivaia zhizn´ [A Long and Happy Life] 1966, 70 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number

    SHPIKOVSKII, Nikolai

    • Khlib (Khleb. Tysiacha deviat´sot dvadtsatyi god)[Bread (Bread. The Year 1920)] 1929, 44 minutes, Ukrainian titles with optional English subtitles, silent with added music score
      Call number
      Call number(digitally restored)

    See also underPudovkin and Shpikovskii

    SHPIS, Boris and MIL´MAN, Rokhl

    • Vozvrashchenie Neitana Bekkera [The Return of Nathan Becker] 1932, 84 minutes, reel 1 in Yiddish, re-edited part of reel 1 and other reels in Russian, with English subtitles
      Call number

    SHREDEL´, Vladimir

    • Nochnoi gost´ [The Night Guest] 1958, 55 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Dela davno minuvshikh dnei [Matters of Days Long Ago] 1972, 95 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Chuzhaia [Someone Else's Woman] 1978, 74 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Pozdniaia vstrecha [Late Meeting] 1978, 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Lichnaia zhizn´ direktora [The Private Life of the Director] 1981, 130 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underAronov and Shredel´, underNikulin and Shredel´, and underRoshal´ and Shredel´

    SHTEIN, Petr

    • Zona [The Zone] 2006, 50 x 45 minutes (2250 minutes), in Russian without subtitles
      Call numberParts 1-4, 180 minutes
      Call numberParts 5-8, 180 minutes
      Call numberParts 9-12, 180 minutes
      Call numberParts 13-16, 180 minutes
      Call numberParts 17-19, 135 minutes
      Call numberParts 20-22, 135 minutes
      Call numberParts 23-25, 135 minutes
      Call numberParts 26-28, 135 minutes
      Call numberParts 29-31, 135 minutes
      Call numberParts 32-34, 135 minutes
      Call numberParts 35-37, 135 minutes
      Call numberParts 38-40, 135 minutes
      Call numberParts 41-43, 135 minutes
      Call numberParts 44-46, 135 minutes
      Call numberParts 47-48, 90 minutes
      Call numberParts49-50, 90 minutes

    SHTROM, Oleg

    • Ekaterina III [Catherine the Third] 2010, 54 + 57 + 56 = 167 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SHUKSHIN, Vasilii

    • Iz Lebiazh´ego soobshchaiut [News from Lebiazh´e] 1960, 32 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Zhivet takoi paren´ [There is a Lad] 1964, 95 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
      Call numberin Russian without subtitles
    • Vash syn i brat [Your Son and Brother] 1965, 87 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number
    • Strannye liudi (Tri rasskaza) [Strange People (Three Tales)] 1969, 99 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number
    • Pechki-lavochki [Happy-go-lucky] 1972, 96 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call number
    • Kalina krasnaia [Snowball Cherry Red] [The Red Snowball Tree]
      Call number100 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number102 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number100 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number102 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles

    SHUL´MAN, Arkadii and DUDOROV, Anatolii

    • Vania, 1959, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SHUL´MAN, Iosif

    • Chelovek ne sdaetsia [Man Does Not Give In] 1960, 81 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Chuzhoe imia [Someone Else's Name] 1966, 96 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vsego odna noch´ [Just One Night] 1976, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vstrecha v kontse zimy [A Meeting at the End of Winter] 1978, 74 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Nechaiannaia liubov´ [Unexpected Love] 1979, 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SHUN´KO, Vitalii

    See underLitus and Shun´ko


    Seebelowand also underFAIZIEV, Dzhanik AND SHURKHOVETSKII, Ivan AND SAMOKHVALOV, Aleksandr


    • Tuman [The Fog] 2010, 151 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SHUSTER, Solomon

    • Pristan´ na tom beregu [A Jetty on the Other Shore] 1971, 61 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Den´ priema po lichnym voprosam [Office Hours] 1974, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vsegda so mnoiu... [Always With Me...] 1976, 95 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Sergei Ivanovich ukhodit na pensiiu [Sergei Ivanovich Retires] 1980, 79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ogni [Fires] 1984, 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Kanuvshee vremia [Fallen Time] 1989, 111 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SHVACHKO, Aleksei

    • Vdali ot Rodiny [Far from the Motherland] 1960, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SHVACHKO, Aleksei and SAMBORSKII, Igor´

    • Razvedchiki [The Scouts] 1968, 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number

    SHVEITSER, Mikhail

    • Chuzhaia rodnia [Alien Kin] 1955, 93 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Michman Panin [Midshipman Panin] 1960, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Voskresenie [Resurrection] 1960-1961, 161 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Zolotoi telenok [The Golden Calf] 1968, 164 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Karusel´. Iz rasskazov i zapisnykh knizhek A.P. Chekhova [Carousel. From the Tales and Notebooks of Anton Chekhov] 1970, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Begstvo mistera Mak-Kinli [The Flight of Mr McKinley] 1975, 152 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Smeshnye liudi! [Funny People!] 1977, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Malen´kie tragedii [Little Tragedies] 1979, 228 minutes
      Call numbersandin Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Mertvye dushi [Dead Souls] 1984, in Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call number(parts 1 and 2), Call number(parts 3 and 4) and Call number(part 5), total running time:386 minutes
      Call number385minutes

    Seebelowand also underVengerov and Shevitser

    SHVEITSER, Mikhail and MIL´KINA, Sof´ia

    • Vremia, vpered! [Time, Forward!] 1965, 147 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Kreitserova Sonata [The Kreutzer Sonata] 1987, 158 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number
    • Kak zhivete, karasi? [How are You, Carp?] 1991, 116 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number


    • Ikona sezona [Icon of the Season] 2010, 79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SHVYREV, Iurii

    • Ballada o Beringe i ego druz´iakh [The Ballad of Bering and His Friends] 1970, 92 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
    • Prikhod luny [The Moon's Arrival] 1987, 72 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SIDELEV, Sergei

    • Aleko, 1953, 57 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ulitsa polna neozhidannostei [The Street is Full of Unexpected Things] 1957, 67 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Povest´ o molodozhenakh [A Tale of Newly-Weds] 1959, 81 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vodianoi [The Water-Sprite] 1961, 35 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SIDOROV, Aleksei

    • Brigada [The Brigade] 2002
      • Parts 1-3, in Russian with optional English subtitles
        Call number51, 52 + 52 minutes
        Call number52, 52 + 52 minutes
      • Parts 4-6, in Russian with optional English subtitles
        Call number51, 51 + 51 minutes
        Call number52, 52 + 52 minutes
      • Parts 7-9, in Russian with optional English subtitles
        Call number52, 52 + 52 minutes
        Call number52, 52 + 52 minutes
      • Parts 10-12, in Russian with optional English subtitles
        Call number51, 52 + 51 minutes
        Call number52, 52 + 52 minutes
      • Parts 13-15, in Russian with optional English subtitles
        Call number52, 55 + 55 minutes
        Call number52, 52 + 52 minutes
      Call number'Fil´m o s´´emkakh', deleted scenes, interviews, in Russian without subtitles
    • Boi s ten´iu [Shadowboxing] 2005, 127 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Boi s ten´iu 3. Poslednii raund [Shadow Boxing 3. The Last Round] 2011, 126 minutes, in Russian with some English with Russian voiceover
      Call number(Blu ray disc)
    • T-34 [Iron Fury], 2018
      Call number139 minutes, in Russian with some German with Russian voiceover
      Call number108 minutes, dubbed into English from Russian with optional English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing

    SIDOROV, Gennadii

    • Starukhi [Old Women] 2003, 103 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Roman s kokainom [A Novel with Cocaine] 2012, 101 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number(better quality copy)

    SIGAREV, Vasilii

    • Volchok [Wolfie] 2009
      Call number88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number88 minutes, in Russian (followed by 65 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)
      Call number86 minutes,inRussian with English subtitles
    • Zhit´ [To Live] 2011, 119 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
    • Strana Oz [The Land of Oz] 2015, in Russian
      Call number100 minutes
      Call number96 minutes (better quality copy)

    SIL´VESTROV, Andrei

    • Prorub´ [The Ice Hole] 2017, 66 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SIMM, Peeter

    • Arabella - doch´ pirata [Arabella the Pirate's Daughter] 1982, 69 minutes, dubbed into Russian from Estonian with optional Ruissian and English subtitles
      Call number

    SIMONOV, Aleksei

    • Moi nezhno liubimyi detektiv [My Tenderly Beloved Detective] 1986, 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SIRENKO, Arkadii

    • Rodnik [The Source] 1981, approx. 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Dvazhdy rozhdennyi [Born Twice] 1983, 81 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Obida [Offence] 1986, approx. 81 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Sof´ia Petrovna, 1989, 95 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Iskushenie B [Temptation B] 1990, 79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Shukshinskie rasskazy [Shukshin Tales] 2002, 300 minutes, in Russian with subtitles
      Call number

    SIVERS, Anton

    • Potselui babochki [Butterfly's Kiss] 2006, 95 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Kacheli (Kuvalda i Tania) [The Swing (Sledgehammer and Tania)] 2007, 87 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Dom na obochine [The House on the Roadside] 2011, approx. 100 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SIVERSEN, Vladimir

    • Drama v tabore podmoskovnykh tsygan (Drama pod Moskvoiu) [Drama in a Gypsy Camp Near Moscow](A Drama near Moscow) 1908, 2 minutes, preserved without titles, added music track
      Call number
      Call number

    SKOLKOV, Igor´ and TKACHEV, Evgenii

    • Startap [Start-Up] 2014, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SKOPINA, Iana

    See under Kost´kin and Skopina

    SKUIBIN, Nikolai

    • Kto stuchitsia v dver´ ko mne... [Who's That Knocking at my Door?] 1982, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Iz zhizni Potapova [From the Life of Potapov] 1985, approx 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • BOMZh. Bez opredelennogo mesta zhitel´stva [Of No Fixed Abode] 1988, approx. 94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SKUIBIN, Vladimir

    • Na grafskikh razvalinakh [On the Ruins of Counts] 1957, 64 minutes held of 69, in Russian
      Call number
    • Zhestokost´ [Cruelty] 1959, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number

    SKUIBIN, Vladimir and MANASAROVA, Aida

    • Sud [Judgement] 1962, 72 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Po zakonam voennogo vremeni [By the Laws of Wartime] 1982, 79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SLAVINSKII, Evgenii

    • Den´ venchaniia (Yom Hakhupe) [Wedding Day] 1912, 11 minutes, preserved without titles, added music track
      Call number
      Call number
    • Baryshnia i khuligan [The Lady and the Hooligan] [La Demoiselle et le Voyou] 1918, 44 minutes, French titles only, added music track
      Call number
      Call number

    SLICHENKO, Tamilla

    • Grekh [Sin] 2016 , 13 minutes 37 seconds, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number

    SLUPSKII, Iulii

    • Poslednii geim [The Last Game] 1981, 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SLUTSKII, Mikhail

    • Kontsert frontu [A Concert for the Front] 1942, 57 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SMIRNOV, Aleksandr

    • Zveroboi [Beast Fighter] 2008, 1440 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SMIRNOV, Andrei

    • Angel, 1967, 34 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number
    • Belorusskii vokzal [The Belorussian Station] 1970, 95 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call number
    • Osen´ [Autumn] 1974, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Veroi i pravdoi [By Faith and Truth] 1979, 138 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Zhila-byla odna baba [There Once Lived a Woman] 2011, 149 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number(followed by 54 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)
    • Frantsuz [The Frenchman] 2019, 128 minutes, in Russian with some French with Russian subtitles
      Call number

    See also adocumentary on Smirnov, Andrei

    SMIRNOV, Andrei and IASHIN, Boris

    • Piad´ zemli [An Inch of Land] 1964, 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number

    SMIRNOVA, Avdot´ia [Dunia]

    • Sviaz´ [Relationship] 2006, 80 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Ottsy i deti [Fathers and Sons] 2008, 176 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Dva dnia [Two Days] 2011, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Kokoko, 2012, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Istoriia odnogo naznacheniia [The Story of an Appointment] 2018, 109 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SNEZHKIN, Sergei

    • Ei, na linkore! [Hey, on the Battleship!] 1985, 38 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • ChP raionnogo masshtaba [Emergency on a Regional Scale] 1988, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Tsvety kalenduly [Marigolds] 1998, 120 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Brezhnev, 2005
      Call numberFour episodes: 208 minutes, in Russian
      Call numberFour episodes: 52 minutes 41 seconds + 51 minutes 57 seconds + 50 minutes 17 seconds + 51 minutes 29 seconds. Total running time: 206 minutes 24 seconds, in Russianwith optional English subtitles
    • Pokhoronite menia za plintusom [Bury me behind the Baseboard] 2008,
      Call number121 minutes, in Russian
      Call number110 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian, English, French, German, Spanish, and Italian subtitles
    • Belaia gvardiia [The White Guard] 2011, 369 minutes
      Call numbersandin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles (double-sided disc)
    • Kontributsiia [The Contribution] 2015, 164 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SOKOLOV, Evgenii

    • Ty - eto ia [You are Me] 2005, 132 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SOKOLOV, Kirill

    • Byvaet i khuzhe [Could Be Worse] 2012, 13 minutes 38 seconds, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number(Blu ray disc)
    • Sizif schastliv [Sisyphus is Happy] 2012, 25 minutes 42 seconds,in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number(Blu ray disc)
    • Iskhod [The Outcome] 2013, 10 minutes 20 seconds,in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number(Blu ray disc)
    • Ogon´ [The Flame] 2015, 30 minutes,in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number(Blu ray disc)
    • Papa, sdokhni [Why Don't You Just Die!] 2018, 98 minutes,in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number(Blu ray disc)

    SOKOLOV, Viktor

    • Druz´ia i gody [Friends and Years] 1965, 131 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Goluboi led [Blue Ice] 1969, 65 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ia - aktrisa [I am an Actress] 1980, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vstretimsia v metro [Let's Meet in the Metro] 1985, 91 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Predlagaiu ruku i serdtse [I Offer My Hand and My Heart] 1988, 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SOKUROV, Aleksandr

    • Odinokii golos cheloveka [The Solitary Voice of Man] 1978-1987, 82 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Razzhalovannyi [The Sacked Man] 1980, 30 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Skorbnoe beschuvstvie [Anaesthesia Dolorosa / Heartbreak House] [Mournful Unconcern] 1986
      Call number93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number92minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    • Dni zatmeniia [Days of Eclipse] 1988, 130 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Spasi i sokhrani [Save and Protect] [Sauve et protège] 1989, 165 minutes, in Russian with French subtitles
      Call number
    • Krug vtoroi [The Second Circle] 1990, 85 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
      Call number(2005 restoration)
    • Mat´ i syn [Mother and Son] [Mutter und Sohn] 1997, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number73 minutes
      Call number68 minutes
    • Molokh [Moloch] 1999
      Call number122 minutes, in Russian
      Call number108 minutes, in German with optional English subtitles
      Call number123 minutes, in German with optional Russian voiceover and optional Russian subtitles
    • Telets [Taurus] 2000, 101 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian subtitles
    • Russkii kovcheg [Russian Ark] 2002, 95 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Otets i syn [Father and Son] 2003
      Call number80 minutes, in Russian only without subtitles
      Call number82 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Solntse [The Sun] 2004, 110 minutes
      Call numberin Japanese with optional Russian voiceover and subtitles
      Call numberin Japanese with some English and optional English subtitles
    • Aleksandra, 2006, 91 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian or English subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Kamen´ [Stone] Director's cut, 2009, 75 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Spasi i sokhrani [Save and Protect] Director's Cut, 2009
      Call number120 minutes, in Russian
      Call number127 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number133 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number133 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    • Faust, 2011
      Call number134 minutes, in German with optional Russian voiceover, with optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call number134 minutes, in German with optional English subtitles
      Call number139 minutes, in German with optional English subtitles(Blu ray disc)
    • Tikhie stranitsy [Whispering Pages] [1993], new director's cut, 2012, 69 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Call number(Blu ray disc)
      Call number(DVD)
    • Francofonia. Le Louvre sous L'Occupation [Francofonia. The Louvre under the Occupation] 2015, 84 minutes
      Call numbers(the film) and(the supplements), in Russian and French, with French subtitles for the Russian, with some English and German with French subtitles and with optional French subtitles for the hard of hearing
      Call numberin Russian and French with some English and German with optional English subtitles (Blu ray disc)
      Call numberin Russian and French with some English and German with English subtitles

    See alsodocumentaries by Sokurovanddocumentaries about Sokurov

    SOLNTSEVA, Iuliia

    • Egor Bulychov i drugie [Egor Bulychov and Others] 1953, 150 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Poema o more [Poem of the Sea] 1958, 105 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Povest´ plamennykh let [A Tale of the Fiery Years] 1960, 100 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles

    SOLODUKHIN, Mikhail

    • Doloi kommertsiiu na liubovnom fronte, ili Uslugi po vzaimnosti [Down with Commerce on the Love Front, or Mutual Favours] 1988, 71 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number

    SOLOV´EV, Sergei

    • Ot nechego delat´. Dachnyi roman [From Nothing To Do. A Dacha Romance], 24 minutes, in portmanteau film Semeinoe schast´e [Family Happiness] 1969, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Predlozhenie. Shutka [The Proposal. A Joke] 24 minutes, in portmanteau film Semeinoe schast´e [Family Happiness] 1969, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Egor Bulychov i drugie [Egor Bulychov and Others] 1971, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Stantsionnyi smotritel´ [The Station Master] 1972, 64 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Sto dnei posle detstva [One Hundred Days After Childhood] 1975, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Melodii beloi nochi [Byakuya no shirabe] [Melodies of the White Night] 1976, 91 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with some Japanese with Russian voiceover
      Call number in Russian with some Japanese with Russian voiceover
      Call number in Russian with some Japanese and with English subtitles
    • Spasatel´ [Lifeguard] 1980, 95 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Izbrannye [Los Elegidos] [The Elected Ones] 1982, 132 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Naslednitsa po priamoi [Direct Descendent] 1982, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Chuzhaia belaia i riaboi [The Wild Pigeon] 1986, 94 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional French dubbed version and optional English, French, Spanish, Italian and German subtitles
      Call numberin Russian or in Kazakh
    • ASSA, 1987
      Call number144 minutes,in Russian
      Call number144 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number150 minutes, in Russian with optional French subtitles (Blu ray disc, restored)
      Call numbersand144 minutes, in Russian with optional French subtitles (DVD, restored)
    • Chernaia roza emblema pechali, krasnaia roza emblema liubvi [Black Rose Stands for Sadness, Red Rose Stands for Love] 1989, 131 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Dom pod zvezdnym nebom [A House Beneath the Starry Sky] 1991, 114 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Nezhnyi vozrast [Tender Age] 2000, 112 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • O liubvi [About Love] 2004, 112 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • 2 ASSA 2, 2008, 120 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Anna Karenina, 2009, 5 x c. 50 = 247 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Odnoklassniki [Classmates] 2010, 99 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number(followed by 54 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)
    • Ke-Dy [Sneakers] 2016, 97 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SOLOVOV, Ivan

    • Chernyi okean [The Black Ocean] 1998, 71 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Goriachaia tochka [Hot Spot] 1998, 70 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Lavina [Avalanche] 2001, 104 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Moia granitsa [My Border] 2003, 540 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Zheleznodorozhnyi romans [A Railway Romance] 2003, 102 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Slova i muzyka [Words and Music] 2004, 114 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Otets [The Father] 2007, 82 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Zhena generala [The General's Wife] 2011, 180 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SOLOVTSOV, Nikolai

    • Ves´egonskaia volchitsa [The Ves´egonsk She-Wolf] 2004, 101 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    SOROKHTIN, Igor´

    See underMinkin and Sorokhtin

    SOROKIN, Aleksandr

    • Pchelka [Little Bee] 1993, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SOROKIN, Viacheslav

    • Zhil-byl doktor... [There Once Was a Doctor...] 1984, 81 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Plata za proezd [The Fare] 1986, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Soblazn [Temptation] 1987, 100 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Totalitarnyi roman [Totalitarian Romance] 1998, 117 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SPESHNEV, Aleksei, with Vladimir Korsh-Sablin and P. Armand

    • Moskva - Genuia [Moscow - Genoa] 1964, 95 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SPESHNEV, Aleksei

    • Khronika nochi [Chronicle of a Night] 1972, 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SPLOSHNOV, Sergei

    • Maska [The Mask] 1938, 25 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Nalim [The Burbot] 1938, 11 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Nashi sosedi [Our Neighbours] 1957, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Teshcha [The Mother-in-Law] 1973, 69 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    STABOVOI, Georgii

    • Dva dnia [Two Days] 1927, 57 minutes, Ukrainian titles, optional English subtitles
      Call number

    STAMBULA, Nikolai

    • Karusel´ na bazarnoi ploshchadi [Carousel on the Market Square] 1986, 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Za poslednei chertoi [Over the Edge] 1991, 102 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Volch´ia krov´ [Wolf's Blood] 1995, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Marsh Brosok [Sprint March] 2003, 110 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    STAREWICZ, Władysław

    • Noch´ pered rozhdestvom [Christmas Eve] (aka Cherevichki [The Slippers]) 1913
      Call number41 minutes, English titles
      Call number37 minutes, Russian titles, with a new soundtrack by Messer Chups
      Call number37 minutes, Russian titles, added music track
    • Portret [The Portrait] 1915, 7 minutes 53 seconds extract, no intertitles, silent with no added music track
      Call number
      Call number

    See alsoAnimationby Starewicz

    STASENKO, Svetlana

    • Angel na obochine [Angel on Roadside] 2003, 111 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    STASHEVSKAIA, Ekaterina

    • Mal´chiki [The Boys] 1971, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Berega [Shores] 1973, approx. 77 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Kontsert dlia dvukh skripok [Concerto for Two Violins] 1975, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call numberlacks start

    STATSKII, Konstantin

    See underKOTT, Aleksandr AND STATSKII, Konstantin

    STEBUNOV, Ivan

    • Kak vsegda [As Always] 2009, 14 minutes 29 seconds, in Russian
      Call number

    STEFANOVICH, Aleksandr

    • Pena [Foam] 1979, 79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Dusha [The Soul] 1981, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underGvasaliia and Stefanovich

    STEPANOV, Boris

    • Al´piiskaia ballada [An Alpine Ballad] 1965, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Volch´ia staia [Pack of Wolves] 1975, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Garantiruiu zhizn´ [I Guarantee your Life] 1977, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Gosudarstvennaia granitsa [The State Border] Film 1: "My nash, my novyi..." ["We our new..."] 1980, 132 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Gosudarstvennaia granitsa [The State Border] Film 2: Mirnoe leto 21-go goda [The Peaceful Summer of 21] 1980, 145 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Gosudarstvennaia granitsa [The State Border] Film 3: Vostochnyi rubezh [The Eastern Frontier] 1982, 133 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Gosudarstvennaia granitsa [The State Border] Film 4: Krasnyi pesok [Red Sand] 1984, 140 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Gosudarstvennaia granitsa [The State Border] Film 6: Za porogom Pobedy [Beyond the Threshold of Victory] 1987, 134 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Vii, 2013
      Call number127 minutes, in Russian
      Call number130 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles

    STOLBOV, Aleksandr

    • Obyknovennyi chelovek [An Ordinary Man] 1956, 97 minutes,lacks start, in Russian
      Call number

    STOLPER, Aleksandr and IVANOV, Boris

    • Zakon zhizni [The Law of Life] 1940, 95 minutes, in Russian
      Call numberpreceded and followed by discussion in theKinopravda?series
      Call number
    • Paren´ iz nashego goroda [A Lad from our Town] 1942, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Zhdi menia [Wait For Me] 1943, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    STOLPER, Aleksandr

    • Dni i nochi [Days and Nights] 1944, 87 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Nashe serdtse [Our Heart] 1946, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Povest´ o nastoiashchem cheloveke [The Tale of a Real Man] 1948, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Daleko ot Moskvy [Far From Moscow] 1950, 100 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Doroga [The Road] 1955, 96 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Nepovtorimaia vesna [The Unrepeatable Spring] 1957, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Trudnoe schast´e [Difficult Happiness] 1958, 98 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Zhivye i mertvye [The Living and the Dead] 1963, 189 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Vozmezdie [Vengeance] 1967, in Russian
      Call number126 minutes
      Call number120 minutes
    • Chetvertyi [The Fourth] 1972, in Russian
      Call number79 minutes
      Call number79 minutes
      Call number67 minutes
    • Otklonenie - nol´ [Deviation - Nil] 1977, 77 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    STOLPOVSKAIA, Ol´ga and TROITSKII, Dmitrii

    • Ia liubliu tebia [I Love You] 2004
      Call number87 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
      Call number83 minutes, in Russian without subtitles


    • Nebo. Samolet. Devushka [The Sky. The Plane. The Girl] 2002, 86 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Frantsuz [The French Guy] 2003, 104 minutes, in Russian and in French with Russian overdubbing
      Call number
      Call number
    • Grecheskie kanikuly [Greek Holiday] 2005, 87 minutes, in Russian, English and Greek, with Russian voiceover of the English and Greek, but without subtitles
      Call number
    • Puteshestvie s domashnimi zhivotnymi [A Journey with Pets] 2007
      Call number96 minutes, in Russian without subtitles (followed by 22 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)
      Call number96 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number97 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Skoro vesna [Spring Will Soon Be Here] 2009, 88 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number(followed by 75 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)
      Call number
    • Kompensatsiia [Compensation] 2010, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Skripach [The Violinist] 6 minutes, in Moskva, ia liubliu tebia! Kinoal´manakh [Moscow, I Love You! A Film Almanac] 2010, 91 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Moi paren´ - angel [My Boyfriend is an Angel] 2011, 93 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Deviat´ dnei i odno utro [Nine Days and One Morning] 2014, 95 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    STREIČS, Jānis

    • Vernyi drug Sancho [Their Faithful Friend Sancho] 1974, 76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Pomnit´ ili zabyt´ [To Remember or to Forget] 1981, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Chuzhie strasti [Alien Passions] 1983, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    STRELIANAIA, Aleksandra

    • Sukhodol, 2011, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number(followed by 56 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)
      Call number
    • More [The Sea] 2012, 79 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number

    STRELKOV, Vladimir

    • Allegro s ognem [Allegro With Fire] 1979, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Podvig Odessy [The Valour of Odessa] 1985, 131 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    STRIZHENOV, Aleksandr

    • Ot 180 i vyshe [One Metre 80 and Taller] 2005, 93 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Liubov´- morkov´ [Lovey Dovey] 2006, 104 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Iulen´ka, 2009, 99 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underGinzburg and Strizhenov

    STROEVA, Vera

    • Pokolenie pobeditelei [Generation of Victors] 1936, 104 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Syn boitsa [A Fighter's Son] [Boevoi kinosbornik No. 12] [Fighting Film Collection No. 12] 1942, 24½ minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Marite, 1947, 87 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number
    • Bol´shoi kontsert [The Big Concert] 1951, 103 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Poliushko-pole [Field, Oh Field] 1956, approx. 95 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    STROEVA, Vera and ROSHAL´, Grigorii

    • Peterburgskaia noch´ [A Petersburg Night] 1934, 99 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • V poiskakh radosti [In Search of Joy] 1939, 106 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    STUDENNIKOV, Vladimir and GRIGOR´EV, Mikhail

    • Komediia strogogo rezhima [Maximum Security Comedy] 1992, 76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
      Call number

    STUKOV, Fedor

    • Adaptatsiia [Adaptation] 2017, total running time: 405 minutes, in Russian
      Call numberand Call number

    SUBBOTINA, Ol´ga

    • Pro liuboff [About Liuboff] 2010, 106 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SUKACHEV, Garik [Igor´]

    • Krizis srednego vozrasta [Mid-Life Crisis] 1997, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Prazdnik [The Birthday] 2000
      Call number90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number89 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    • Dom solntsa [House of the Sun] 2009, 95 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SUKHOBOKOV, Vladimir

    • Volki i ovtsy [Wolves and Sheep] 1952, 175 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Nochnoi patrul´ [Night Patrol] 1957, 101 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underDormenko and Sukhobokovand underSauts and Sukhobokov

    SUKHOCHEV, Aleksandr

    • Printsipial´nyi i zhalostlivyi vzgliad [A Principled and Pitying Glance] 1996, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SUMHU, Badrahyn

    See underErmolaev and Sumhu

    SUNI, Elina

    • Veronika ne pridet [Veronika Won't Come] 2008, 113 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SURIKOV, Valerii

    • Kostroma, 2002, 81 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    SURIKOVA, Alla

    • Sueta suet [Vanity of Vanities] 1978, 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Bud´te moim muzhem [Be My Husband] 1981, 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ishchite zhenshchinu [Cherchez la femme] 1982, 146 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Iskrenne vash... [Sincerely Yours...] 1985, 81 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Chelovek s bul´vara Kaputsinov [The Man From the Boulevard des Capucines] 1987, 93 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Dve strely. Detektiv kamennogo veka [Two Arrows. A Stone Age Detective Story] 1989, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Choknutye [Crazies] 1991, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Moskovskie kanikuly [Moscow Holidays] 1995, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Deti ponedel´nika [Monday's Children] 1997, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Khochu v tiur´mu [I Want to Go To Jail] 1998, 94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Taina volch´ei pasti [The Secret of Wolf Jaw] 2004, 95 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Vy ne ostavite menia [You Won't Leave Me] 2006, 112 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    SURIN, Aleksandr

    • Ballada o komissare [The Ballad of the Comissar] 1967, 68 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Doroga domoi [The Road Home] 1969, approx. 79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Antratsit [Anthracite] 1971, approx 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Dva dnia trevogi [Two Days of Alarm] 1973, approx. 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Strakh vysoty [Fear of Heights] 1975, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • My vesely, schastlivy, talantlivy [We are Merry, Happy, Talented] 1986, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • 1000 dollarov v odnu storonu [1000 Dollars One Way] 1991, approx. 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Tsvety ot pobeditelei [Flowers from the Victors] 1999, 97 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call number
    • Vnimanie, Govorit Moskva! [Attention, Moscow Speaking!] 2005, 176 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    SUSLOVICH, Rafail

    See underDerevianskii and Suslovich

    SVETLOV, Aleksandr

    • Chegemskii detektiv [A Chegem Detective Story] 1986, approx. 79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underKhotinenko, Morozov and Svetlov

    SVETLOV, Boris

    • Kar´era Spir´ki Shpandyria [Spir´ka Shpandyr´'s Career] 1926, 53 minutes, Russian titles only, silent with added music score
      Call number

    SVETOZAROV, Dmitrii

    • Proryv [The Breach] 1986, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Chetyrnadtsat´ tsvetov radugi (Russkaia skazka) [Fourteen Colours of the Rainbow (A Russian Fairy Tale)] 2000, 111 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Prestuplenie i nakazanie [Crime and Punishment] 2007, 416 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles

    SVIRIDOVA, Liubov´ and KLIMOV, Igor´

    • Zastava [The Fort] 2007, 528 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call numberParts 1-6, 264 minutes
      Call numberParts 7-12, 264 minutes

    SYCHEV, Sergei

    • Berega [Banks] 1977, 25 minutes, in Russian
      Call number(part of the Film-AlmanacV profil´ i anfas)



    • Keto i Kote [Keto and Kote] 1948, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number


    See below and also underZarkhi, Kheifits and Takhmasib

    TAKHMASIB, Rza and LESHCHENKO, Nikolai

    • Arshin-mal-alan, 1945, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number

    TALANKIN, Dmitrii

    See underTalankin, Igor´ and Talankin, Dmitrii

    TALANKIN, Igor´

    • Vstuplenie [Introduction] 1962, 95 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Dnevnye zvezdy [Stars by Day] 1966, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Chaikovskii [Tchaikovsky] 1969, 72 and 75 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed versions and subtitles
      Call numberand Call number
    • Vybor tseli [Choice of Target] 1974, 140 minutes, in Russian with some English and German with Russian voiceover
      Call number
    • Zvezdopad [Starfall] 1981, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vremia otdykha s subboty do ponedel´nika [Leisure Time from Saturday to Monday] 1984, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number

    TALANKIN, Igor´ and DANELIIA, Georgii

    • Serezha [co-directed with Georgii Daneliia] 1960, 76 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
      Call number

    TALANKIN, Igor´ and TALANKIN, Dmitrii

    • Osen´. Chertanovo [Autumn. Chertanovo] 1988, 99 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Besy (Nikolai Stavrogin) [The Devils (Nikolai Stavrogin)] 1992, 144 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Nezrimyi puteshestvennik [The Invisible Traveller] 1998, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    TALPA, Igor´

    • Rikoshet [Ricochet] 1991, 104 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Poezd v Kaliforniiu [A Train to California] 1993, 97 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Tango nad propast´iu [Tango Over the Abyss] 1997, 136 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Muzhskoi kharakter, ili Tango nad propast´iu-2 [Man's Character, or Tango over the Abyss 2] 1999, 95 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Akhillesova piata [Achilles Heel], 2001, 65 + 65 + 65 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Sarmat, 2004, 528 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call numberParts 1-4, 176 minutes
      Call numberParts 5-8, 176 minutes
      Call numberParts 9-12, 176 minutes

    TAMAROV, Nikita

    • Portfolio, 2015, 16 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian


    • Metamorfozis [Metamorphosis] 2015, 103 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    TARASOV, Sergei

    • Peters, 1972, 96 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Strely Robin Guda [Robin Hood's Arrows] 1975, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ballada o doblestnom rytsare Aivengo [The Ballad of the Valiant Knight Ivanhoe] 1982, approx. 91 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Chernaia strela [The Black Arrow] 1985, approx. 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Perekhvat [Capture] 1986, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Kniaz´ Iurii Dolgorukii [Prince Iurii Dolgorukii] 1998, 105 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Feierverk [Fireworks] 2003, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    TARICH, Iurii

    • Lesnaia byl´ (Grishka-svinopas) [A Forest Tale (Grishka the Swineherd)] 1927, 94 minutes, silent with Russian intertitles, no added music track
      Call number
    • Kapitanskaia dochka [The Captain's Daughter] 1928, 87 minutes, Russian titles with optional English subtitles, silent with added music track
      Call number
    • Put´ korablia [The Ship's Journey] 1935, 84 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    See also underPudovkin and Tarich


    • Krest´ianskii syn [The Peasant's Son] 1975, 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    TARKOVSKII, Andrei and GORDON, Aleksandr

    • Ubiitsy [The Killers] 1956, 20 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call numberin Russian without subtitles
    • Segodnia uvol´neniia ne budet... [There Will Be No Leave Today...] 1958, 47 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    TARKOVSKII, Andrei

    • Katok i skripka [The Steamroller and the Violin] 1960
      Call number44 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number44 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number45 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles (The Criterion Collection)
    • Ivanovo detstvo [Ivan's Childhood] 1962
      Call number91 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
      Call number95 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number91 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number95 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles (Blu ray disc)
    • Andrei Rublev (Strasti po Andreiu) [The Passion According to Andrew] 1964-1966
      Call number197 minutes, in Russian
      Call number205 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call numberand Call number174 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed versions and subtitles
      Call number174 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles, restored version, Mosfil´m, 2004
      Call number(Blu ray disc - the film) and Call number(Blu ray disc - the supplements) 183 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number183 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles (2K restoration, The Criterion Collection)
      Call number205 minutes, in version known as Strasti po Andreiu [The Passion According to Andrew], in Russian with English subtitles (The Criterion Collection)
    • Soliaris [Solaris] 1969-1972, 165 minutes
      Call numberand Call numberin Russian with optional dubbed versions and subtitles
      Call numberand Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number160 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number(Blu ray disc - the film) and Call number(Blu ray disc - the supplements) 166 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Zerkalo [The Mirror] 1974
      Call number106 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number102 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
      Call number102 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles, restored version, Mosfil´m, 2008
      Call number(Blu ray disc - the film) and Call number(Blu ray disc - the supplements) 106 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number(Blu ray disc - the film and a documentary) and Call number(Blu ray disc - the other supplements) 106 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles, 2K digital restoration (The Criterion Collection, No. 1084)
    • Stalker, 1979, 161 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numbersandin Russian with optional subtitles
      Call number155 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number(Blu ray disc - the film) and Call number(Blu ray disc - the supplements) 162 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number162 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles (The Criterion Collection, Blu ray disc. 2K digital restoration)
    • Nostalghia, 1981-82
      Call number126 minutes, in Italian and Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number126 minutes, in Russian and Italian with optional English subtitles
      Call number126 minutes, in Italian with optional Russian subtitles or voiceover
      Call number121 minutes, in Russian and Italian with optional German dubbed version or with optional German subtitles
      Call number121 minutes, in Russian and Italian with optional English subtitles
      Call number(Blu ray disc - the film) and Call number(Blu ray disc - the supplements), 126 minutes, in Russian and Italian with optional English subtitles
    • Offret [The Sacrifice] 1986
      Call number142 minutes, in Swedish, English and French with English subtitles
      Call number142 minutes, in Swedish, English and French with optional English subtitles
      Call number142 minutes, in Swedish, English and French with optional English subtitles
      Call number(Blu ray disc - the film) and Call number(Blu ray disc - the supplements), 149 minutes, in Swedish, English and French with optional English subtitles

    See also adocumentary by Tarkovskii,documentaries on Tarkovskii,Musorgskii's Boris Godunov directed by TarkovskiiandWestern feature films by Tarkovskii.

    TASHKOV, Evgenii

    • Zhazhda [Thirst] 1959, 76 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Prikhodite zavtra... [Come Tomorrow...] 1963
      Call number92 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call number97 minutes, in Russian (Blu ray disc, 2K restoration)
      Call number93minutes, in Russian with English subtitles, colourised version (subtitles are of poor quality)
    • Maior "Vikhr´" [Major "Whirlwind"] 1967, 66 + 70 + 78 = Total running time: 214 minutes, in Russian without subtitles with some German, some of it untranslated, some of it with Russian voiceover
      Call number
    • Ad´´iutant ego prevoskhoditel´stva [His Excellency's Adjutant] 1969, 360 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call numberParts 1-3
      Call numberParts 4-5
    • Deti Vaniushina [Vaniushin's Children] 1973, 97 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Uroki frantsuzskogo [French Lessons] 1978, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Podrostok [A Raw Youth] 1983, 76 + 74 + 71 + 72 + 75 + 71 minutes, in Russian
      Call number Parts 1-2
      Call number Parts 3-4
      Call number Parts 5-6

    TASIN, Georgii

    • Karmeliuk, 1938, 80 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Doch´ moriaka [The Sailor's Daughter] 1941, 68 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number

    TATARSKII, Evgenii

    • Zolotaia mina [The Golden Mine] 1977, 130 minutes, in Russian
      Call numbersand
    • Klub samoubiits, ili Prikliucheniia titulovannoi osoby (Prikliucheniia printsa Florizelia) [The Suicide Club, or Adventures of a Titled Personage (The Adventures of Prince Florizel)] 1979, 192 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Bez vidimykh prichin [Without Obvious Cause] 1981, 76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Dzhek Vos´merkin -"Amerikanets" [Jack Vosmerkin -"The American"] 1986, Three episodes: 63 minutes 4 seconds +63 minutes 19 seconds + 66minutes 39 seconds
      Total running time: 193 minutes 2 seconds, in Russian
      Call number
    • Prezumptsiia nevinovnosti [Presumption of Innocence] 1988, 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Tiuremnyi romans [Prison Romance] 1993, 99 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    TELEGINA, Ekaterina

    • Poryv vetra [A Gust of Wind] 2009, 23 minutes 3 seconds, in Russian
      Call number
    • Kronshtadt 1921, 2015, 101 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    TEPTSOV, Oleg

    • Gospodin oformitel´ [Mr Designer] 1988, 103 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Posviashchennyi [The Initiate] 1989, 120 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    TEREKHOVA, Margarita

    • Chaika [The Seagull] 2004, 117 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    TERENICHEV, Denis and TERENICHEVA, Ekaterina

    • Tvoi syn [Your Son] 2012, 7 minutes 30 seconds, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number

    THIEMANN, Elizaveta

    See underProtazanov

    TIAGUNOV, Nikita

    • Noga [The Leg] 1991, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    TIGAI, Arkadii

    • Lokh - pobeditel´ vody [Lokh - Victor Over Water] 1991, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underMamin


    • Evgenii Onegin, 1958, 106 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number
    • Pikovaia dama [The Queen of Spades] 1960
      Call number101 minutes, in Russian
      Call number103 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    • Krepostnaia aktrisa [The Serf Actress] 1963, 93 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
    • Kogda pesnia ne konchaetsia [When the Song Does Not End] 1964, 81 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Kniaz´ Igor´ [Prince Igor] 1969, 109 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number


    • Ikh znali tol´ko v litso [They Knew Them Only by Sight] 1966, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Eksperiment doktora Absta [Doctor Abst's Experiment] 1968, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    TIMOSHENKO, Iurii and BEREZIN, Efim

    • Ekhali my, ekhali... [We Rode and Rode...] 1962, 73 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underBerezin and Timoshenko


    • Tri tovarishcha [Three Comrades] 1935, 77 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vratar´ [ The Goalkeeper] 1936, 71 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Nebesnyi tikhokhod [The Celestial Sloth] 1945, 73 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Zapasnoi igrok [The Reserve] 1954, 78 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian, English and German subtitles
      Call number

    TITOV, Viktor

    • Val´s [The Waltz] 1969, approx. 62 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ekhali v tramvae Il´f i Petrov [Il´f and Petrov were Riding in a Tram] 1971, 66 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Zdravstvuite, ia vasha tetia! [Charley's Aunt] 1975, 98 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Otpusk za svoi schet [Leave at Your Own Expense] 1981, 126 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Kadril´ [Quadrille] 1999, 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    TIURIN, Dmitrii

    • Liubov´ s ogranicheniiami [Love with Limitations] 2016, 103 minutes, in Russian
      Call number(Blu ray disc)

    TKACHEV, Evgenii

    See underSkolkov and Tkachev

    TKACHEV, Sergei

    • Shchit Minervy [The Shield of Minerva] 2002, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Utro [Morning] 2009, 77 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    TKACHUK, Evgenii

    See under Vorob´ev and Tkachuk

    TOCHILIN, Petr

    • Khottabych, 2006, 92 minutes, in Russian wihtout subtitles
      Call number


    See underMassarygin and Todorovskaia


    See also underD´iachenko and Todorovskii

    • Vernost´ [Loyalty] 1965, 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Fokusnik [The Conjurer] 1967, 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Gorodskoi romans [An Urban Romance] 1970, 95 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Posledniaia zhertva [The Last Victim] 1975, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • V den´ prazdnika [On the Day of Celebration] 1978, 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Liubimaia zhenshchina mekhanika Gavrilova [The Beloved Woman of the Mechanic Gavrilov] 1981, 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Voenno-polevoi roman [A Military Field Romance] 1983, 87 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call number
    • Po glavnoi ulitse s orkestrom [Along the Main Street with an Orchestra] 1986, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Interdevochka [Intergirl] 1989
      Call number134 minutes, in Russian
      Call number143 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Ankor, eshche ankor! [Encore, again Encore!] 1992, 96 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Kakaia chudnaia igra [What a Wonderful Game] 1995, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Retro vtroem [Ménage à trois] 1998, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • V sozvezdii byka [In the Constellation of the Bull] [The Taurus Constellation] 2003, 97 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Zhizn´ zabavami polna [Life is Full of Amusements] 2003, 95 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Riorita, 2008, 95 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    TODOROVSKII, Valerii

    • Liubov´ [Love] 1991, 106 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Podmoskovnye vechera [Katia Izmailova] 1994, 91 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian, English and French subtitles
      Call number
    • Strana glukhikh [The Country of the Deaf] 1998, 114 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Liubovnik [The Lover] 2002, 100 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Moi svodnyi brat Frankenshtein [My Stepbrother Frankenstein] 2004, 111 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Tiski [Grip] [The Vice] 2007, 126 minutes, in Russian with optional Ukrainian subtitles
      Call number
    • Stiliagi, 2008, 131 minutes
      Call numberin Russian without subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
    • Ottepel´ [The Thaw] 2013, 12 episodes, total running time 639 minutes, in Russian
      Call numbers,and
    • Bol´shoi [The Bolshoi] 2016
      Call number126 minutes, in Russian
      Call number126 minutes, in Russian(better quality copy)
      Call number131 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Odessa, 2019, 130 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Gipnoz [Hypnosis] 2020, 107 minutes, in Russian with some German
      Call number

    TOKAREV, Boris

    • Nochnoi ekipazh [The Night Crew] 1987, 94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    TOKAREVA, Vera

    • Brelok s sekretom [The Trinket with a Secret] 1981, 69 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    TOLKACHIKOV, Vladimir

    • Prazdnik [Holiday] 1988, 19 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Maiakovskii. Dva dnia [Maiakovskii. Two Days] 2011, 8 x 44 = 352 minutes, in Russian
      Call numbersand

    TOPOL´, Eduard

    See underKubaev, Zakirov and Topol´

    TÓTH, Tamás

    • Deti chugunnykh bogov [Children of the Iron Gods] 1993, 74 minutes, in Russian with French subtitles
      Call number


    • Soroka-vorovka [The Thieving Magpie] 1958, 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Istoriia s pirozhkami [The Story of the Pies] 1961, 7 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vystrel [The Shot] 1966, 74 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    TRAUBERG, Il´ia

    • Pauki [Spiders] [Boevoi kinosbornik No. 11] [Fighting Film Collection No. 11] 1942, 18 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underMedvedkin and Trauberg

    TRAUBERG, Leonid

    • Aktrisa [Actress] 1943, 72 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Mertvye dushi [Dead Souls] 1960, 98 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underTrauberg and Tutyshkin, and underKozintsev and Trauberg

    TRAUBERG, Leonid and TUTYSHKIN, Andrei

    • Vol´nyi veter [A Free Wind] 1961, 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Na voine kak na voine [In War as in War] 1968, 85 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Dauriia, 1971, 172 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed versions or subtitles
      Call numberand Call number
    • Starye steny [Old Walls] 1973, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Obratnaia sviaz´ [Feedback] 1977, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ukhodia - ukhodi [If You're Going, Go] 1978, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Trizhdy o liubvi [Three Times About Love] 1981, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Magistral´ [Main Line] 1983, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Prokhindiada, ili beg na meste [A Rogue's Saga, or Running on the Spot] 1984, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vot moia derevnia... [Here is My Village...] 1985, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Bashnia [The Tower] 1987, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    TRET´IAKOV, Stanislav

    See underPopov and Tret´iakov

    TROFIM, Oleg

    • Led [Ice] 2017, 118 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number

    TROFIMOV, Aleksandr

    • Shal´naia baba [Crazy Woman] 1991, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    TROFIMOV, Sergei and BEKMAMBETOV, Timur

    • Deviataev, 2021, 106 minutes, in Russian with some untranslated German
      Call number

    TROITSKII, Dmitrii

    See underStolpovskaia and Troitskiiand also underDulerain and Troitskii

    TROSHCHENKO, Nataliia

    • Pani Mariia, 1979, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Dolgaia doroga k sebe [The Long Road to Yourself] 1983, 77 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Soshedshie s nebes [Descended From the Heavens] 1986, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underVekhotko and Troshchenko

    TSABADZE, Aleko

    • Laka [Piatno] [The Stain] 1985, 85 minutes, in Georgian and Russian with English subtitles
      Call number
    • Russkii treugol´nik [Russian Triangle] 2007, 111 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    TSARENKO, Vladimir

    • Smotri instruktsiiu [Look at the Instructions] 2010, 25 minutes 54 seconds, in Russian
      Call number

    TSATSUEV, Aleksandr

    • Eger´ [The Huntsman] [Forest Guard] 2004, 101 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
      Call number
    • Ispanets [The Spaniard] 2011, 90 minutes, in Russian with some Spanish with Russian voiceover
      Call number

    TSOI Guk In

    See underVovnianko, Igor´ and Tsoi Guk In


    • Ofitsiant s zolotym podnosom [The Waiter with the Golden Tray] 1992, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Bereg iunosti [The Shore of Youth] 1969, 81 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Posviashchenie v liubov´ [Initiation into Love] 1994, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    TSVETKOV, Iurii

    • Proshlogodniaia kadril´ [Last Year's Quadrille] 1978, approx. 68 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underSaakov and Tsvetkov

    TSYBUL´NIK, Sulamif´

    • Net neizvestnykh soldat [There are No Unknown Soldiers] 1965, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Inspektor ugolovnogo rozyska [The Criminal Investigation Department Inspector] 1971, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    TSYMBAL, Evgenii

    • Rekviem po fileiu [Requiem for Fillet] 1985, 23 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Zashchitnik Sedov [Defence Counsel Sedov] 1988, 43 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian
    • Povest´ nepogashennoi luny [The Tale of the Unextinguished Moon] 1990, 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also adocumentary by Tsymbal


    • Grazhdanin ubegaiushchii [Citizen Running Away] 1987, 40 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Kamyshovyi rai [Reed Paradise] 1989, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Na Tebia upovaiu [In Thee I Trust] 1992, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Kogda ia stanu velikanom (Neskol´ko istorii iz zhizni Petra Kopeikina, vos´miklassnika i poeta) [When I Become a Giant (Several Stories from the Life of Petr Kopeikin, a Student of the Eighth Class and a Poet)] 1978, 73 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Souchastniki [Accomplices] 1984, 94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Kommentarii k prosheniiu o pomilovanii [Commentary on an Appeal for Pardon] 1988, 124 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Otvetnyi khod [Reverse Move] 1981, 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Sluchai v kvadrate 36-80 [Incident in Quadrant 36-80] 1982, 70 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Polosa prepiatstvii [Zone of Obstacles] 1984, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Odinochnoe plavanie [Solo Voyage] [The Detached Mission] 1985, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • "Avariia" - doch´ menta ["Avariia", the Cop's Daughter] 1989, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Zaveshchanie Stalina [Stalin's Testament] 1993, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    TUMANOV, Semen

    • Ko mne, Mukhtar! [Heel, Mukhtar!] 1964, 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Zabludshii [Lost] 1966, approx. 74 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Zhizn´ na greshnoi zemle [Life on Sinful Earth] 1973, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    TUMANOV, Semen and SHCHUKIN, Georgii

    • Aleshkina liubov´ [Aleshka's Love] 1960, 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Liubov´ Serafima Frolova [The Love of Serafim Frolov] 1968, approx. 79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    TURBIN, Viktor

    • Sledstvie vedut znatoki. Delo shestnadtsatoe. Iz zhizni fruktov [The Investigation is Carried Out by Experts. Case No. 16. From the Life of Fruit] 1981, 147 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Sledstvie vedut znatoki. Delo vosemnadtsatoe. Poludennyi vor [The Investigation is Carried Out by Experts. Case No. 18. The Midday Thief] 1985, 164 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    TUROV, Viktor

    • Cherez kladbishche [Across the Cemetery] 1964, approx 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ia rodom iz detstva [I Come From Childhood] 1966, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Voina pod kryshami [War Under the Roofs] 1967, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Synov´ia ukhodiat v boi [The Sons Go off to Battle] 1969, 100 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Voskresnaia noch´ [Easter Night] 1976, 96 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Tochka otscheta [Counting Point] 1979, 91 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vysokaia krov´ [High Blood] 1989, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    TURZHANSKII, Viacheslav (Viktor Tourjansky in emigration)

    See underTourjanskyin the the Index of Feature Films from other countries on Russian, Central and East European Subjects, and films made in other countries

    TUTYSHKIN, Andrei

    • Bezumnyi den´ [A Mad Day] 1956, 64 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • K Chernomu moriu [To the Black Sea] 1957, 69 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Svad´ba v Malinovke [A Wedding in Malinovka] 1967
      Call number87 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call number92 minutes, in Russian (Blu ray disc)

    See also underDostal´ and Tutyshkin, and underTrauberg and Tutyshkin


    • Klass korrektsii [Correction Class] 2014, 89 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Zoologiia [Zoology] 2016, 91 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Podbrosy [Jumpman] 2018, 83 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number

    See also a documentary by Ivan I. Tverdovskii


    UBUKEEV, Melis

    • Belye gory [White Mountains] 1964, 63 minutes, in Russian and Kirgiz dubbed into Russian, with optional English subtitles
      Call number

    UCHITEL´, Aleksei

    • Maniia Zhizeli [Giselle's Mania] 1995, 91 minutes, in Russian with optional English and French subtitles
      Call number
    • Dnevnik ego zheny [His Wife's Diary] 2000, 104 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Progulka [The Stroll] 2003, 88 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Kosmos kak predchuvstvie [Dreaming of Space] 2005, 87 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Plennyi [The Captive] 2008, 80 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number(followed by 68 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)
      Call number
    • Krai [The Edge] 2010, 119 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Vos´merka [Break Loose] 2013, 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Matil´da [Matilda] [Mathilde] 2017
      Call number108 minutes, in Russian
      Call number104 minutes, in Russian (better quality copy)
      Call number108 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Tsoi, 2020, 97 minutes, in Russian with some Latvian with Russian subtitles
      Call number

    See also a documentary film by Uchitel´

    UCHITEL´, Il´ia

    • Strel´tsov, 2020, 97 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    UGAROV, Mikhail

    • Brat´ia Ch. [The Brothers Ch.] 2014, 102 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    UGLITSKIKH, Natalia

    • Na kriuchke [On the Hook] 2010, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number(Blu ray disc)

    UL´IANOV, Mikhail

    • Samyi poslednii den´ [The Very Last Day] 1972, approx. 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • V stepi [In the Steppe] 1951, 41 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    URAL´SKII, Aleksandr and LARIN, Nikolai

    • Trekhsotletie tsarstvuiushchago Doma Romanovykh 1613-1913. Istoricheskiia kartiny [The Tricentenary of the House of Romanov 1613-1913. Historical Pictures] [extracts] 1913, 10½ minutes, Russian titles, no subtitles
      Call number

    See also underGoncharov, Hansen, Ural´skii and others

    URAZBAEV, El´dor

    • Transsibirskii ekspress [Transsiberian Express] 1977, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Smotri v oba! [Look Out!] 1981, 73 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Inspektor GAI [The Traffic Cop] 1982
      Call number79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number76 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
    • Vizit k minotavru [Visit to the Minoatur] 1987, 355 minutes, in Russian
      Call numbersand
    • Tram-tararam, ili Bukhty-barakhty [Tram-tararam, or Without Rhyme or Reason] 1993, 77 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Khagi-Tragger, 1994, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Khoziain "Imperii" [The Boss of "The Empire"] 2001, 104 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    URINOV, Iakov

    • Dve vstrechi [Two Meetings] 1932, 82 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Intrigan (Sladchaishii polet) [Intriguer (The Sweetest Flight)] 1935, 76 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    URSULIAK, Sergei

    • Russkii regtaim [Russian Ragtime] 1993, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Letnie liudi [Dachniki] [Summer Folk] 1995, 95 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Sochinenie ko Dniu Pobedy [Composition for Victory Day] 1998, 107 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional subtitles
    • Dolgoe proshchanie [The Long Farewell] 2004, 109 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Likvidatsiia [Liquidation] 2007, 638 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call numberParts 1-4, 182 minutes
      Call numberParts 5-9, 228 minutes
      Call numberParts 10-14, 228 minutes
    • Isaev, 2009, 698 minutes, in Russian
      Call numbersand
    • Zhizn´ i sud´ba [Life and Fate] 2012
      Call numberFilm 1, Parts 1 and 2, 48 + 32 minutes AND Film 2, Parts 1 and 2, 32 + 33 minutes AND Film 3, Parts 1 and 2, 44 + 42 minutes:Total Films 1-3 = 231 minutes
      Call numberFilm 4, Parts 1 and 2, 42 + 28 minutes AND Film 5, Parts 1 and 2, 35 + 33 minutes AND Film 6, Parts 1 and 2, 43 + 35 minutes: Total Films 4-6 = 216 minutes
      Total running time of all 6 films: 447 minutes, in Russian
      Call numberFilm 1, Parts 1 and 2, 48 minutes 54 seconds + 35minutes 18 seconds = 84 minutes 12 seconds AND Film 2, Parts 1 and 2, 32 minutes 26 seconds+ 36minutes 48 seconds = 73 minutes 14 secondsAND Film 3, Parts 1 and 2, 48 minutes 2 seconds + 44 minutes 48 seconds = 92 minutes 50 seconds: Total Films 1-3 = 250 minutes 46 seconds
      Call numberFilm 4, Parts 1 and 2, 42 minutes 58 seconds + 32 minutes 22 seconds = 75 minutes 20 seconds AND Film 5, Parts 1 and 2, 38minutes 34 seconds + 36minutes 21 seconds = 74 minutes 55 seconds AND Film 6, Parts 1 and 2, 46 minutes 20 seconds+ 36minutes 53 seconds = 233 minutes 28 seconds: Total Films 4-6 = 233 minutes 28 seconds
      Total running time of all 6 films: 484 minutes 14 seconds, in Russian with some Ukrainian and with English subtitles and English language narration
    • Tikhii Don [Quiet Flows the Don] 2015, total running time: 602 minutes, in Russian
      Call numbers,and
    • Odesskii parokhod [Odessa Steamer] 2019, 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    USKOV, Sergei

    See underRazumovskii and Uskov

    USKOV, Valerii

    See underKrasnopol´skii and Uskov

    USOV, Igor´

    • Tabachnyi kapitan [The Tobacco Captain] 1972, 81 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • ... A vy liubili kogda-nibud´? [...But Have You Ever Loved?] 1973, 79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Segodnia ili nikogda [Today or Never] 1978, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Sitsilianskaia zashchita [The Sicilian Defence] 1980, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    USOV, Igor´ and CHALIN, Stanislav

    • Khotite- ver´te, khotite - net [Believe it or Not] 1964, 62 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    VABALAS, Raimondas

    • Smok i malysh [Smoke and Shorty] 1976, 225 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    VAGARSHIAN, Laert and ERZINKIAN, Iurii

    • Pesnia pervoi liubvi [The Song of First Love] 1958
      Call number94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number98 minutes, in Russian or in Armenian

    VAINSHTOK, Vladimir

    • Deti kapitana Granta [The Children of Captain Grant] 1936, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ostrov sokrovishch [Treasure Island] 1937, 88 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Iunost´ komandirov [The Youth of the Commanders] 1939, 81 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Vsadnik bez golovy [The Headless Horseman] 1973, 94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vooruzhen i ochen´ opasen Vremia i geroi Frensisa Bret Garta [Armed and Very Dangerous The Time and Heroes of Francis Bret Harte] 1977, 94 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call number

    VAISBERG, Marius

    • Gitler Kaput! [Hitler is Kaput!] 2008, 95 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Liubov´ v bol´shom gorode [Love in the Big City] 2009, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number

    VARLAMOV, Dmitrii (Mito) and LOMIDZE, Grigorii

    • Druz´ia iz tabora [Friends from the Camp] 1938, 55 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    VARTANOV, Aleksandr

    • Sobiratel´ pul´ [Bullet Collector] 2011, 121 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number


    • Dubrovskii, 2014, 125 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number


    • Brat geroia [Brother of the Hero] 1940, 66 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    VASIL´EV, Dmitrii

    • Sobaka B. [Dog B.] 2000, 29 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Dva [Two] 2002, 57 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    VASIL´EV, Dmitrii Ivanovich

    • Taina vechnoi nochi [The Secret of Eternal Night] [Geheimnis der ewigen Nacht] 1955, 76 minutes, German dubbed version, no Russian dialogue
      Call number
    • Nad Tissoi [Over the Tisza] 1958, 73 minutes held of 79, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underPudovkin and Vasil´ev

    VASIL´EV, Evgenii

    • Chrezvychainye obstoiatel´stva [Extraordinary Circumstances] 1980, 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Proshchanie slavianki [The Slav Woman's Goodbye] 1985, 79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    VASIL´EV, Evgenii and FRUNTOV, Rudol´f

    • Taktika bega na dlinnuiu distantsiiu [The Tactics of Long Distance Running] 1978, 65 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    VASIL´EV, Gennadii

    • Finist - iasnyi sokol [Finist - The Bright Falcon] 1975, 75 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles and voiceover versions
      Call number
    • Novye prikliucheniia kapitana Vrungelia [The New Adventures of Captain Vrungel´] 1978, 77 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed and subtitled versions
      Call number
    • Polet s kosmonavtom [Flight With A Cosmonaut] 1980, 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vasilii Buslaev, 1982
      Call number81 minutes, in Russian
      Call number77 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed versions and subtitles
    • Rus´ iznachal´naia [Primordial Russia] 1985, in Russian
      Call number140 minutes
      Call number139 minutes
    • Tsar´ Ivan Groznyi [Tsar Ivan the Terrible] 1991, 132 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    VASIL´EV, Georgii and VASIL´EV, Sergei

    • Chapaev, 1934, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number(poor picture quality, but preceded and followed by discussion in theKinopravda?series)
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional subtitles
      Call number95 minutes, in Russian with English voiceover translation
    • Volochaevskie dni [Volochaevka Days] 1937, 102 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Tsaritsyn (Oborona Tsaritsyna = "Pokhod Voroshilova" and "Oborona") [Tsaritsyn (The Defence of Tsaritsyn = "Voroshilov's Campaign" and "The Defence")] 1942, 96 + 92 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call numbersand
    • Front [The Front] 1943, 110 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    VASIL´EV, Iurii

    • Geroi [The Hero] 2016, 76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    VASIL´EV, Ivan

    • Na pomoshch´, brattsy! [Help Me, Brothers!] 1988, 66 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    VASIL´EV, Sergei

    • Geroi Shipki [Heroes of the Sipka] 1954, 116 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call numberin Russian
    • V dni Oktiabria [In the Days of October] 1958, 96 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underVasil´ev, Georgii and Vasil´ev, Sergei

    VASIL´EV, Vladimir

    See below and also underBelinskii and Vasil´ev

    VASIL´EV, Vladimir and ERMOLAEV, Boris

    • Fuete [Fouete] 1986, 94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    VASILEVSKII, Radomir

    • Bez osheinika [Without a Collar] 1995, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    VASILEVSKII, Vladimir

    • Ekipazh mashiny boevoi [The Crew of a Fighting Machine] 1983, 67 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    VASIL´KOV, Vladimir

    • A v Rossii opiat´ okaiannye dni [Accursed Days Again in Russia] 1990, 115 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    VATAGIN, Vadim

    • Shchelchok [The Snap] 2013, 28 minutes 25 seconds, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number

    VEDYSHEV, Mikhail

    • Strannik [The Wanderer] 1987, 97 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Komu na Rusi zhit´... [Who Can Live in Russia...] 1989, 136 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    VEKHOTKO, Anatolii

    • Lichnoi bezopasnosti ne garantiruiu ... [I Do Not Guarantee Your Personal Safety ...] 1980, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    VEKHOTKO, Anatolii and ERSHOV, Roman

    • Chuzhie zdes´ ne khodiat [Strangers Do Not Walk Here] 1985, 72 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    VEKHOTKO, Anatolii and TROSHCHENKO, Nataliia

    • Razreshite vzlet! [Permit Take-Off!] 1971, approx. 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • O tekh, kogo pomniu i liubliu [About Those I Remember and Love] 1973, 76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Kadkina vsiakii znaet [Everyone Knows Kadkin] 1976, 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Trassa [The Routeway] 1978, 88 minutes, in Russian and Czech with Russian overdubbing
      Call number

    VELEDINSKII, Aleksandr

    • Russkoe [Russian] 2004, 117 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call number
    • Zhivoi [Alive] 2006, 92 minutes, in Russian with optional English, French and Russian subtitles
      Call number
    • Geograf globus propil [The Geographer Drank his Globe Away] 2013
      Call number116 minutes, in Russian
      Call number120 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Ladoga. Doroga zhizni [Ladoga. The Road of Life] 2013
      Call number199 minutes, in Russian
      Call number212 minutes, in Russian with some German with Russian voiceover and with English subtitles
    • V keiptaunskom portu... [In Capetown Port...] 2018, 103 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Sapozhki [Little Boots] 2008, 24 minutes 18 seconds, in Russian
      Call number

    VENGEROV, Vladimir

    • Zhivoi trup [A Living Corpse] 1952, 170 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Dva kapitana [Two Captains] 1955, 91 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Gorod zazhigaet ogni [The Town Lights its Lights] 1958, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Baltiiskoe nebo [The Baltic Sky] 1960-1961, 163 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Porozhnii reis [Empty Journey] 1962, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Rabochii poselok [Worker Settlement] 1965, 129 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Zhivoi trup [A Living Corpse] 1969, 134 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Strogovy [The Strogovs] 1976, 533 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call numberParts 1-2, 132½ minutes
      Call numberParts 3-4, 129 minutes
      Call numberParts 5-6, 137½ minutes
      Call numberParts 7-8, 136 minutes

    VENGEROV, Vladimir and SHVEITSER, Mikhail

    • Kortik [The Dirk] 1954, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    VERNER, Mikhail

    • Devushka speshit na svidanie [A Girl Hurries to her Date] 1936, 63 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number

    VETROV, Igor´

    • Tukhachevskii, Zagovor marshala [Tukhachevskii. The Marshal's Plot] 2010, 151 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    VETROV, Igor´ andGIRBA, Aleksei

    • I primknuvshii k nim Shepilov [And their Associate Shepilov] 2011, approx. 125 minutes, in Russian
      Call numberlacks ending


    • Ia - "bereza" [I am "Birch Tree"] 1964, approx. 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Po tonkomu l´du [On Thin Ice] 1966, 165 minutes, in Russian
      Call numbersand
    • Doktor Vera [Doctor Vera] 1967, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Liudi kak reki [People are like Rivers] 1968, 49 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Zoloto [Gold] 1969, approx. 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Korpus generala Shubnikova [General Shubnikov's Corps] 1980, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Vorota v nebo [Gates to The Sky] 1983, 89 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Poslednii shag [The Last Step] 1984, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underDréville and Viatich-Berezhnykh

    VIKTIUK, Roman

    • Igroki [The Gamblers] 1978, 96 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    VIKTOROV, Nikolai

    • Cherez ternii k zvezdam. Novaia versiia [Per ardua ad astra. A New Version] 2001, 117 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Mologa, Russkaia Atlantida [Mologa, the Russian Atlantis] 2011, approx. 104 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    VIKTOROV, Richard

    • Vperedi krutoi povorot [Sharp Turn Ahead] 1960, 76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Tret´ia raketa [The Third Rocket] 1963, 76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Liubimaia [Beloved] 1965, 79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Moskva - Kassiopeia [Moscow- Cassiopeia] 1973, 80 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call number
    • Otroki vo vselennoi [Adolescents in the Universe] 1974, 80 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
    • Obelisk [The Obelisk] 1976, 94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Cherez ternii k zvezdam [Per ardua ad astra] [To the Stars by Hard Ways] 1980, 140 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
    • Kometa [The Comet] 1983, 68 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    VIL´NER, Vladimir

    • Benia Krik (Kar´era Beni Krika) [Benia Krik (Benia Krik's Career)] 1926
      Call number93 minutes, silent with English intertitles only, no added music track
      Call number105 minutes, in Russian, silent with added music track


    See underBilinskii and Vingranovskii

    VINIARSKII, Mikhail

    • Ten´ u pirsa [The Shadow by the Pier] 1955, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Koordinaty neizvestny [Coordinates Unknown] 1957, 87 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    VINNIK, Viacheslav

    • Legkaia voda [Easy Water] 1972, 70 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    VINOGRADOV, Valentin

    • Zhdi menia, Anna [Wait for me, Anna] 1969, 68 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number

    VINOKUROV, Sergei

    • Upyr´ [The Vampire] 1997, 72 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    VISKOVSKII, Viacheslav

    • Poslednee tango (Pod znoinym nebom Argentiny) [The Last Tango (Under the Burning Sun of Argentina)] 1918, 8 minutes preserved, Russian titles, added music track
      Call number

    VIZIR´, Aleksandr

    • Niagara, 1991, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    VISHNEVSKII, Dufunia and DMITRIEVSKII, Vladimir

    • Greshnye apostoly liubvi [Sinful Apostles of Love] 1995, 116 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    VLADIMIRTSEVA, Tamara andPANIN, Andrei

    • Vnuk kosmonavta (Vnuk Gagarina) [The Cosmonaut's Grandson (Gagarin's Grandson)] 2007, approx. 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    VODE, George

    • Leto riadovogo Dedova [Private Dedov's Summer] 1971, 66 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    VOIAZOS, Antonis-Janis

    • Variant "Omega" [The "Omega" Variant] 1975, 357 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call numberParts 1-2, 140 minutes
      Call numberParts 3-4, 146 minutes
      Call numberPart 5, 69 minutes

    VOINOV, Konstantin

    • Troe vyshli iz lesa [Three Came Out of the Forest] 1958, 91 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Solntse svetit vsem [The Sun Shines for Everyone] 1959, 91 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vremia letnikh otpuskov [Summer Holiday Time] 1960, approx. 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Molodo-zeleno [Young and Green] 1962, 91 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Zhenit´ba Bal´zaminova [Bal´zaminov's Wedding] 1964, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Diadiushkin son [Uncle's Dream] 1966, in Russian
      Call number86 minutes
      Call number86 minutes
      Call number81 minutes
    • Chudnyi kharakter [A Wonderful Character] 1970, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number;lacks start
      Call number
    • Dacha [The Dacha] 1973, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Rudin, 1976, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Shapka [The Fur Hat] 1990, 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Nenagliadnyi moi [My Darling] 1983, approx. 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underBorisov and Voitetskii

    VOITETSKII, Vitalii

    See underAlekseev and Voitetskii

    VOITINSKII, Aleksandr and KISELEV, Dmitrii

    • Chernaia molniia [Black Lightning] 2009, 102 minutes, in Russian with optional English and German soundtracks and with optional English, German, Arabic, Danish, Finnish, Icelandic, Norwegian, Swedish and Turkish subtitles
      Call number

    VOLCHEK, Boris

    • Sotrudnik ChK [The Cheka Worker] 1963, 96 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Komandir schastlivoi "Shchuki" [The Commander of the Lucky "Pike"] 1972, 98 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    VOLKOV [VOLKOFF], Aleksandr [Aleksandre]

    • Kean, ou Désordre & Génie [Kean, or Wildness and Genius] 1923, 136 minutes, French titles with optional English subtitles, silent with added music track
      Call number
    • Casanova, 1927, 132 minutes in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number

    See also underAzagarov

    VOLKOV, Viktor

    • Publikatsiia [The Publication] 1988, 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    VOLKOVA, Ira

    • Dialogi [Dialogues] 2013, 92 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    VOLMER, Hardi

    • All my Lenins [Vse moi Leniny] 1997, 98 minutes, in several languages, overdubbed in Russian
      Call number

    VOLOBUEV, Roman

    • Kholodnyi front [A Cold Front] 2015, in Russian
      Call number92 minutes
      Call number89 minutes (better quality copy)
    • Blokbaster [Blockbuster] 2017, 78 minutes, in Russian
      (Roman Volobuev took his name off the titles of the film. This version has the name Natasha Tiul´panova for the director.)
      Call number


    • Bessmertnaia pesnia [The Immortal Song] 1957, 70 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    VOLODARSKII, Matvei and KRASII, Nikolai

    • Kubantsy [People of the Kuban´] 1939, 72 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    VOLOSHIN, Igor´

    • Nirvana, 2008, 89 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Ia [I Am] 2009, 89 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Olimpius Inferno, 2009, 90 minutes, in Russian with some Georgian with Russian voiceover
      Call number
    • Beduin [The Bedouin] 2011, 96 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number(followed by 58 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)
      Call number(Blu ray disc)
    • Skoryi Moskva-Rossiia [The Moscow-Russia Express] 2014, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    Von WANGENHEIM, Gustav

    • Bortsy [Kämpfer] [Fighters] 1936, 89 minutes, German language version
      Call number

    VOROB´EV, Daniil and TKACHUK, Evgenii

    • Molitva [The Prayer] 2010, 2 minutes 58 seconds, in Russian
      Call number

    VOROB´EV, Vitalii

    • Dnevnoi predstavitel´ [The Representative of Day] 2003, 94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Nesluzhebnoe zadanie [An Unofficial Task] 2004, 93 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Protivostoianie [Resistance] 2005, 107 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Sekretnoe oruzhie [Secret Weapon] 2006, 103 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Ballada o bombere [The Bomber] 2011, 181 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number

    VOROB´EV, Vitalii and KRIVORUCHKO, Ivan

    • Vzryv na rassvete. Nesluzhebnoe zadanie 2 [Explosion at Dawn. An Unofficial Task 2] 2005, 81 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    VOROB´EV, Vitalii and ZVEZDAKOV, Evgenii

    • Sil´nee ognia [Stronger Than Fire] 2007, 200 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    VOROB´EV, Vladimir

    • Truffal´dino iz Bergamo [Truffaldino from Bergamo] 1977, 128 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call number

    VORONETSKAIA, Tat´iana and BOGATYREV, Andrei

    • Belye nochi [White Nights] 2017, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    VORONIN, Gennadii

    • Ballada o starom oruzhii [The Ballad of the Old Weapon] 1986, 77 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Dva berega [Two Shores] 1987, 73 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    VORONKOV, Maksim

    • Pod poliarnoi zvezdoi [Under The Polar Star] 2002, 52 + 62 + 47 +62 + 64 + 64 minutes, in Russian
      Call numberParts 1-3
      Call numberParts 3-6
    • Intimnaia zhizn´ Sevast´iana Bakhova [The Intimate Life of Sebastian Bakhov] 2003, 76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Kolkhoz interteinment [Kolkhoz Entertainment] 2003, 103 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    VORONTSOV, Ol´gerd

    • Allo, Varshava! [Hallo, Warsaw] 1971, 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Severnyi variant [The Northern Version] 1974, approx. 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Klad [Treasure] 1975, approx. 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Gonka s presledovaniem [The Chase] 1979, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vot takaia muzyka... [That Kind of Music...] 1981, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • V polose priboia [In the Strip of Surf] 1990, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    VORSKLA, Igor´

    • Zakrytye prostranstva [Closed Spaces] 2008, 90 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number

    VOVNIANKO, Igor´ and TSOI Guk In

    • Man´chzhurskii variant [The Manchurian Variant] 1989, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Zhrebii [Destiny] 1974, 79 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Akvanavty [Aquanauts] [Aquanauten] 1979, 76 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberGerman dubbed version, no Russian dialogue
    • Priznat´ vinovnym [To Find Guilty] 1983, 76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Vnimanie! Vsem postam!... [Attention! To All Posts!...] 1985, 77 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Ideal´noe prestuplenie [An Ideal Crime] 1989, 91 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    VUL´FOVICH, Teodor

    • Ulitsa N´iutona, Dom 1 [1 Newton Street] 1963, 94 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Krepkii oreshek [The Hard Nut] 1967, 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Tovarishch general [Comrade General] 1973, 90 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Shestvie zolotykh zverei [A Procession of Golden Animals] 1978, approx. 84 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    VUL´FOVICH, Teodor and KURIKHIN, Nikita

    • Poslednii diuim [The Last Inch] 1958, 84 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles

    VYRYPAEV, Ivan

    • Eiforiia [Eupohoria] 2006, 71 minutes
      Call numberin Russian without subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional German, English, Dutch and Russian subtitles
    • Kislorod [Oxygen] 2008, 73 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Oshchushchat´ [Feel it] 2009, 10½ minutes, in Korotkoe zamykanie [Short Circuit] [Crush. Five Stories about Love] Almanac
      Call numberin Russian with optional English and French subtitles
      Call numberin Russian, followed by 50 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series
    • Tanets Deli. Sem´ fil´mov Ivana Vyrypaeva [Delhi Dance. Seven Films by Ivan Vyrypaev] 2012, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Spasenie [Salvation] [Zbawienie] 2015, 90 minutes, in Polish and English with Russian voiceover
      Call number


    • V kvadrate 45 [In Quadrant 45] 1955, 65 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Kogda raskhoditsia tuman [When the Fog Clears] 1970, approx. 97 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Okean [The Ocean] 1973, approx. 88 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    WARGNIER, Régis

    • Vostok - Zapad [Est-Ouest] [East-West] 1999, 121 minutes
      Call numberin French and Russian with Russian subtitles
      Call numberin French and Russian with optional English or French subtitles

    WOLF, Konrad

    • Goiia, ili tiazhkii put´ poznaniia [Goya, or the Arduous Road to Knowledge] 1971, 128 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also featurefilms by Konrad Wolf in the Central and East European Feature Films index, Germany section.


    ZACHARIAS, Manos

    • Na uglu Arbata i ulitsy Bubulinas [On the Corner of the Arbat and Bubulinas Street] 1972, 98 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underIashin and Zacharias

    ZAIKIN, Vladimir

    • Liubov´ zla... [Love is Evil...] 1998, 72 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Bashmachnik [The Cobbler] 2002, 100 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    ZAITSEV, Andrei

    • 14+ [14 Ans. Premier Amour], 2015
      Call number106 minutes, in Russian
      Call number106 minutes, in Russian (better quality copy)
      Call number102 minutes, in Russian with optional French subtitles

    ZAITSEV, Dmitrii

    • Mezhdu zhizn´iu i smert´iu [Between Life and Death] 2002, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    ZAITSEV, Igor´

    • Esenin, 2005, 560 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call numberEpisodes 1-4, 207 minutes
      Call numberEpisodes 5-8, 200 minutes
      Call numberEpisodes 9-11, 153 minutes
    • Diversant. Konets voiny. [The Saboteur. The End of War] 2007, 505 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call numberParts 1-5, 254 minutes
      Call numberParts 6-10, 251 minutes
    • Kanikuly strogogo rezhima [Maximum Security Holidays] 2009, 146 minutes, in Russian
      Call number(full version)
    • Chkalov, 2012, 8 x 50 = 400 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Tobol [The Conquest of Siberia] 2018, 104 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number
    • Bender. Nachalo [Bender. The Beginning] 2021, 93 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Bender. Zoloto imperii [Bender. The Gold of Empire] 2021, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    ZAKHAROV, Aleksandr

    • Chelovek-nevidimka [The Invisible Man] [Der unsichtbare Mensch] 1984, 84 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberGerman dubbed version, no Russian dialogue

    ZAKHAROV, Mark

    • 12 stul´ev [The Twelve Chairs] 1977, 288 minutes, in Russian
      Call numbersand
    • Obyknovennoe chudo [An Ordinary Miracle] 1978, 137 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Tot samyi Miunkhgausen [That Same Munchhausen] 1979, 134 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Dom, kotoryi postroil Svift [The House that Swift Built] 1982, 126 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Formula liubvi [The Formula of Love] 1984
      Call number86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number90 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Ubit´ drakona [To Kill the Dragon] 1988, 116 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles

    ZAKIROV, Munid

    • Khorosho sidim! [We're Sitting Comfortably!] 1986, 76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    See also underKubaev, Zakirov and Topol´

    ŽALAKEVIČIUS, Vytautas

    • Niekas nenorejo mirti [Nikto ne khotel umirat´] [Nobody Wanted to Die] 1965
      Call number98 minutes, in Russian
      Call number 100 minutes, in Lithuanian with optional English subtitles (poor picture quality)
    • Zver´ vykhodiashchii iz moria [A Beast Emerging from the Sea] 1992, 106 minutes, dubbed into Russian
      Call number

    ZARKHI, Aleksandr and KHEIFITS, Iosif

    • Moia Rodina (Most) (Liudi OKDVA) [My Motherland (The Bridge), (Men of the Special Red Flag Far Eastern Army)] 1933, 81 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Goriachie denechki [Hectic Days] 1935, 88 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Deputat Baltiki [Baltic Deputy] 1936
      Call number95 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
      Call number90 minutes, in Russian
    • Chlen pravitel´stva [Member of the Government] 1939, 99 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Ego zovut Sukhe-Bator [His Name is Sukhe-Bator] 1942, 70 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
      Call number
    • Malakhov kurgan (stseny oborony Sevastopolia 1941-1942 gg.) [Malakhov kurgan. (Scenes from the Defence of Sevastopol, 1941-1942)] 1944, 77 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Vo imia zhizni [In the Name of Life] 1946, 97 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Dragotsennye zerna [Valuable Seeds] 1948, 87 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    ZARKHI, Aleksandr, KHEIFITS, Iosif and TAKHMASIB, Rza

    • Ogni Baku [The Fires of Baku] 1950, in Russian
      Call number76 minutes
      Call number72 minutes

    ZARKHI, Aleksandr

    • Vysota [Height] 1957, 91 minutes
      Call number in Russian
      Call number in Russian
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
    • Liudi na mostu [The People on the Bridge] 1959, 96 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Moi mladshii brat [My Younger Brother] 1962, 99 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
    • Anna Karenina, 1967, 143 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed versions and subtitles
      Call number
      Call number
    • Povest´ o neizvestnom aktere [The Tale of an Unknown Actor] 1976, 78 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Dvadtsat´shest´ dnei iz zhizni Dostoevskogo [Twenty Six Days in the Life of Dostoevsky] 1980, 79 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number


    • Liubov´ pod psevdonimom [Love under a Pseudonym] 1979, 19 minutes, part of Al´manakh. Poezdka cherez gorod [An Almanac. A Journey Across Town] in Russian
      Call number
    • Slushat´ v otsekakh [Listen in the Compartments] 1985, 130 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    ZASEEV-RUDENKO, Nikolai and KOVALEVA, Oksana

    • Babii Iar, 2002, 115 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    ŽEBRIŪNAS, Arūnas [ZHEBRIUNAS, Arunas]

    • Malen´kii prints [The Little Prince] 1966, 63 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number
    • Turtuolis vargšas [Bogach, bedniak...] [Rich Man, Poor Man ...] 1982-1983, in Russian
      Four episodes: 74 minutes 42 seconds + 74 minutes + 84 minutes 23 seconds + 70 minutes 48 seconds
      Total running time: 303 minutes 53 seconds
      Call numberParts 1-2
      Call numberParts 3-4

    ZEL´DOVICH, Aleksandr

    • Moskva [Moscow] 2000, 142 minutes
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian subtitles
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles
    • Zima, vesna [Winter, Spring] 2004, 44 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Mishen´ [The Target] 2011, 154 minutes
      Call numberin Russian (followed by 56 minutes of studio discussion in theZakrytyi pokazTV series)
      Call numberin Russian with optional English subtitles

    ZEMGANO, Igor´

    See underDerevianskii and Zemgano

    ZERNOV, Aleksei

    • Shekspiru i ne snilos´ [Shakespeare Could Never Imagine] 2007, 104 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call number

    ZGURIDI, Aleksandr

    • Belyi klyk [White Fang] 1946, 79 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
      Call number
    • Povest´ o lesnom velikane [The Tale of the Forest Giant] 1954, 75 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Chernaia gora [The Black Mountain] 1970, 83 minutes, in Hindi with Russian voiceover or in Russian and with optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call number
    • Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, 1975, 73 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call number

    ZHALNIN, Timofei

    • Dvoe [Coupled (Twain)] 2018, 96 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    ZHAROV, Mikhail

    • Bespokoinoe khoziaistvo [A Troubled Household] 1946, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number

    See also a documentary onZharov

    ZHAROV, Mikhail and IVANOV, Vitalii

    • I snova Aniskin [Aniskin Again] 1978, 197 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    ZHAROV, Mikhail and RAPOPORT, Vladimir

    • Aniskin i Fantomas [Aniskin and Fantomas] 1974, 130 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Papirosnitsa ot Mossel´proma [The Cigarette Girl from Mossel´prom] 1924
      Call number81 minutes, Russian intertitles only; silent with added music score
      Call number112 minutes, English titles only, restored, silent with added music track

    ZHIGAEVA, Elena

    • Ubit´ vecher [To Kill the Evening] 2003, 94 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call number

    ZHIGALOV, Roman

    • Les [The Forest] 2017, 97 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    ZHIGULENKO, Evgeniia

    • V nebe "Nochnye ved´my" [The "Night Witches" are in the Sky] 1981, 76 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles
    • Bez prava na proval [Without the Right to Fail] 1984, 74 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    ZHIGUNOV, Sergei

    • Tri mushketera [Three Musketeers] 2013, 119 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    ZHILIN, Viktor

    • Ispravlennomu verit´ [Trust the Reformed Man] 1959, 76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Zapadnia [The Trap] 1965, 60 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    ZHIVOLUB, Viktor

    • Tanets orla [Dance of the Eagle] 1975, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Garmoniia [Harmony] 1977, 70 minuteslacks ending, in Russian
      Call number
    • Pravo na vystrel [The Right to Shoot] 1981, 80 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Kazach´ia zastava [The Cossack Outpost] 1982, 76 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Prikazano vziat´ zhivym [With Orders to Take Him Alive] 1983, 83 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    ZHUK, Konstantin and SERYI, Aleksandr

    • Inostranka [The Foreign Woman] 1965, 71 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    ZHUKOV, N.

    • Tuchi pokidaiut nebo [The Clouds Leave the Sky] 1959, 85 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    ZHUKOVA, Ol´ga

    • Tango na Dvortsovoi ploshchadi [Tango on Palace Square] 1993, 74 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    ZHULINA, Ol´ga

    • Potselui ne dlia pressy [A Kiss Not for the Press] 2008, 100 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    ZHURAVLEV, Vasilii

    • Kosmicheskii reis [The Cosmic Flight] 1935
      Call number65 minutes, in Russian
      Call number80 minutes, in Russian with optional German and English subtitles
    • Granitsa na zamke [The Border is Locked] 1937, 71 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Gibel´ Orla [The Loss of the Eagle] 1940, 76 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
      Call number
    • Piatnadtsatiletnii kapitan [The Fifteen-Year-Old Captain] 1945, 78 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
      Call number
    • Mal´chik s okrainy [The Boy from the Outskirts] 1947, 82 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Nerazluchnye druz´ia [Inseparable Friends] 1952, 77 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Lavina s gor [An Avalanche from the Mountains] 1958, approx. 95 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Chernyi biznes [Dirty Business] 1965, 96 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • Morskoi kharakter [A Naval Character] 1970, 97 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    See underDudorov and Zil´bershtein

    ZLATOPOL´SKII, Viacheslav

    • Dom vetra [House of Wind] 2011, 103 minutes, in Russian
      Call number(followed by 54 minutes of studio discussion in the Zakrytyi pokaz TV series)


    See underLukinskii and Zlatoustovskii

    ZMOIRO, Eduard

    • Inostrantsy. Kinofel´eton [Foreigners. A Cinema Feulleton] 1961, 20 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    ZOBIN, Vadim

    • Dni khirurga Mishkina [The Days of the Surgeon Mishkin] 1976, 209 minutes, in Russian
      Call number

    ZOLOEV, Timur

    • Ozhidanie polkovnika Shalygina [Waiting for Colonel Shalygin] 1981, 82 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
    • V dvukh shagakh ot "Raia" [Two Steps from "Heaven"] 1984, 86 minutes, in Russian
      Call number


    • Svad´ba Krechinskogo [Krechinskii's Wedding] 1953, 153 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call numberPart 1, 83 minutes
      Call numberPart 2, 71 minutes

    ZVEZDAKOV, Evgenii

    • Dvoe i voina [The Two of Them and the War] 2006, 87 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number
    • Nevernost´ [Infidelity] 2006, 83 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number

    See also underVorob´ev and Zvezdakov


    • Vozvrashchenie [The Return] 2003
      Call number106 minutes, in Russian
      Call number106 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number110 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles (Blu ray disc)
    • Izgnanie [The Banishment] 2007
      Call number151 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
      Call number151 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number157 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles (Blu ray disc)
    • Apocrypha, a short film made for the collectionNew York, I love Youbut not included in the cinema release version, 2008, 13 minutes 19 seconds, in Russian
      Call number
    • Elena, 2011, 105 minutes, in Russian
      Call number
      Call number
      Call numberin Russian with optional Russian and English subtitles
      Call number109 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles (Blu ray disc)
    • Leviafan, 2014, in Russian with optional English subtitles
      Call number141 minutes (Blu ray disc)
      Call number136 minutes
    • Neliubov´ [Loveless] 2017, 127 minutes
      Call numberin Russian
      Call numberin Russian with English subtitles, optional English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing and optional English audio-description (Blu ray disc)

    ZYKOV, Maksim

    • Eto kazhetsia, chto proshlo, a, na samom dele, mozhet, i ne proshlo... [It Seems as if It's Over, but, in fact, perhaps, it Isn't...] 2010, 18 minutes 54 seconds, in Russian
      Call number