

MyAV·¶ News


Deltex Medical shares bequeathed to MyAV·¶

1 July 2008

Deltex Medical Group plc, the UK's leading haemodynamic monitoring company, has been informed that the trustees and executors of the Pauline Thomas Medical Charitable Trust have transferred 589,700 ordinary shares of 1p each to MyAV·¶ to fund medical research.


Pauline Thomas, who died aged 49 in 1996, was the founder and Chief Executive of Deltex Medical and was responsible for early commercialisation of prototypes of the oesophageal Doppler monitor developed by doctors now at MyAV·¶.

The trustees of the charitable trust set up after Pauline Thomas's death from a brain tumour include her mother and Nigel Keen, Chairman of Deltex Medical. The trustees agreed to donate the remaining shares owned by the trust to MyAV·¶ as an endowment to fund further research into oxygen delivery and uptake in critically ill patients. The transfer took place on 27 June 2008.

Professor Ed Byrne, Dean of MyAV·¶ Biomedical Sciences, commented: "I am delighted to hear of this generous gift of shares from the Pauline Thomas Medical Charitable Trust. This gift is a wonderful acknowledgement of the value and importance of the research on the mechanisms, monitoring and management of shock states. Adequate delivery of oxygen by the heart and lungs to the body's organs is a fundamental requirement for cellular metabolism.

"This donation contributes to maintaining MyAV·¶'s reputation as a global centre of excellence in medical research. On behalf of my colleagues in MyAV·¶ Medicine, please accept my sincere gratitude."

Nigel Keen commented: "It is very fitting that MyAV·¶ should benefit from Pauline Thomas's legacy. The research work being undertaken at MyAV·¶ into oxygen uptake by the tissues at times of acute illness makes it a very real possibility that Pauline's life work will be associated with not one, but two, groundbreaking medical technologies."