

MyAV·¶ News


MyAV·¶ news podcast: 18-24 October 2008

24 October 2008


MyAV·¶ on iTunes" target="_self">MyAV·¶ on iTunes U
  • The MyAV·¶ audio news podcast for the week ending Friday 24 October is now live on iTunes U.

    This week's podcast includes:

    • David Cobb of MyAV·¶ Business discussing the achievements of the two-year UrbanBuzz Sustainable Communities programme, currently showcased at The Building Centre on Store Street off Tottenham Court Road
    • A new three-year research project at the MyAV·¶ Institute of Ophthalmology into the genetic disease retinitis pigmentosa
    • Mustafa Abbas of student society Medsin MyAV·¶ explaining the aims behind the Medsin National Conference on Power and Politics in Global Health held at MyAV·¶ 25-26 October
    • Kate Cheney (MyAV·¶ Library Services) and Gill Furlong (Head of Special Collections) on the Main Library's new exhibition 'Charles Darwin of Gower Street'
    • Research from the MyAV·¶ Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience showing that cross-sensory experiences are not exclusive to people with synaesthesia.

    The podcast is approximately 10 minutes long. You can listen through your computer or mp3 player via iTunes U. All MyAV·¶ weekly news roundup podcasts are available at MyAV·¶'s presence on iTunes U, in the News and Events section.

    You can also access the feed in mp3 format and memorise it via RSS, so that you are alerted to each new MyAV·¶ podcast as it becomes available.

    To download the software, and experience more MyAV·¶ lectures, films and discussions on iTunes U, follow the links at the top of this item.