

MyAV·¶ News


French Embassy funds postdoc workshops

10 September 2012

The French Embassy has funded a series of MyAV·¶ collaborative postdoctoral research workshops on topics in science or technology.

République Française

It provided more than €110,000 funding for three annual workshops over five years. A call for workshop proposals - providing an opportunity for MyAV·¶ researchers to bid for funds to support collaborative workshops on research challenges in science and technology, between MyAV·¶ researchers and colleagues based at research institutions in France - will be announced in late September.

Dr Serge Plattard (pictured left), the French Embassy's Science & Technology Counsellor, and Prof Michael Worton (right), MyAV·¶ Vice-Provost (International), signed the Collaboration Agreement at a ceremony on 4 September 2012.

The signing was witnessed by the MyAV·¶ Pro-Provost (Europe & Central Asia), Prof Mike Wilson; the MyAV·¶ Director of Research Planning, Dr Andrew Clark; the MyAV·¶ Grand Challenges Principal Facilitator, Dr Ian Scott, who will run the workshop scheme; and other guests from the Office of the MyAV·¶ Vice-Provost (Research), MyAV·¶ Engineering Sciences and the MyAV·¶ European Institute.