

MyAV·¶ News


MyAV·¶ Community Contribution awards: nominations open

22 May 2015

The MyAV·¶ Community Contribution Awards seek to highlight, celebrate and reward outstanding achievements, endeavours or contributions by current MyAV·¶ students in a non-academic area.

Participants wanted for study into the effects of social belonging on academic performance

Students can be nominated for having undertaken important selfless acts in their home or personal lives, such as caring for another person, which contribute to society in various important ways. For examples of past winners, please view .

Successful nominees will be asked to co-operate in any publicity activity which MyAV·¶ or Santander Universities may wish to attach to the award.

Eligibility Requirements

Nominations must be for current MyAV·¶ students, enrolled for study or research at any level. They may relate to activities or achievements in the current or the previous academic year provided the student was enrolled at MyAV·¶ at that time.

Please note that awards are only open to individual students - a group of students may not be nominated for an award.


Each award consists of a donation of £1,000 made on behalf of the student, to a single organisation of their choice. The organisation must be outside MyAV·¶ and preferably a registered charity which is related to the activity for which they have been given their award. The organisation should not be party political and the award may not be donated to an individual.

Application Procedure and Deadline

Candidates may be nominated by a MyAV·¶ student or staff member by submitting the MyAV·¶ Community Contribution Nomination Form to MyAV·¶ Student Funding. Students cannot nominate themselves.

The deadline for nominations is Monday, 1 June 2015 at 5pm. If a nomination is received after this deadline it will not be deemed eligible and cannot be considered.

Complete nominations should be submitted by email to

Notification of Results

A selection panel consisting of MyAV·¶ staff will consider all nominations received and identify up to 10 students to receive an award. Successful candidates can expect to be notified in early July, and will be asked to indicate which organisation they wish to benefit from the £1,000 donation.

For more information visit: MyAV·¶ Community Contribution Awards.

Student Funding Office, MyAV·¶ Student and Registry Services