

MyAV·¶ News


MyAV·¶ continues to increase access

26 May 2016

A report from the Office for Fair Access published on 12 May, shows that MyAV·¶ continues to make good progress in promoting access to higher education for students from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Quad lit MyAV·¶ has made positive progress towards all of its high level targets, which must be approved by the Director of Fair Access to Higher Education.

Although MyAV·¶ monitors its own performance in this area, the report revealed how MyAV·¶ does in comparison with others nationally. MyAV·¶ made progress on all of its high level targets, against a sector average of 86%. Whilst nationally, 30% of additional fee income was spent on access measures and bursaries, MyAV·¶ spent 42.5%. Although MyAV·¶ is below the national average for the percentage of students from low income backgrounds it admits (24.7% against 29%), MyAV·¶ performs well when benchmarked against similar universities, with only King's College London and Manchester University admitting a higher proportion.

Katy Redfern, Head of Access, said, 'Widening participation is an area that MyAV·¶ is committed to and invests heavily in. We are reassured to see that this investment along with our focused and evidence-led approach is delivering results.'

MyAV·¶ runs over 60 outreach projects each year, working with over 20,000 students and 400 schools and colleges. This summer, over 1,000 students will take part in a programme of summer schools and short courses, run in partnership with departments and faculties. For more information, visit