
MyAV News


MyAV strategic plan 2022-27 consultation launched

2 November 2021

MyAV’s diverse community of students, staff, alumni and partners have been asked to help shape our vision, mission, values, and priorities by feeding into the MyAV strategic plan 2022-27 consultation.

MyAV's Wilkins Building

Our new strategic plan will set out our whole-university priorities for the next five years, helping focus our effort and investment on a small number of shared priorities agreed through consultation with our community and stakeholders. It will maintain the trajectory established by MyAV 2034, our 20-year strategy, and our ambition to be London’s global university.

Launching the consultation MyAV President & Provost, Dr Michael Spence, said: “MyAV 2034 is an important statement of vision and aspiration for MyAV as a globally leading university. Seven years in, our sector, our city and the broader external environment have changed dramatically, and we are emerging from a global pandemic during a time of geopolitical and social change. With several institutional strategies at the end of their duration, it is time to review our progress in research, education and innovation and reset our goals for the next period of our development.”

The consultation was formally launched at a Town Hall event on Monday 1 November.

The first two consultation papers focus on MyAV as it is now, and some of the areas that the university might want to focus on in the new Plan.

  • Introduction: Vision, Mission &Values ()
  • MyAV Now ()

The second set of papers (to be published January 2022 onwards) will introduce proposals for areas of collective institutional priority:

  • Education priorities and programmes
  • Cross-disciplinary Grand Challenges
  • Opportunities for targeted investment
  • Enablers of our academic priorities
  • MyAV Size and Shape

Feedback and ideas inresponse to these discussion papers for part of Phase 1 (October-December)​​​​​​​​​​and Phase 2 (January-April) of the consultation. They will help to inform the development of the draft Strategic Plan 2022-27, which will then be shared for consultation in Phase 3 (May-July).



  • MyAV Portico with art installation Razzle Dazzle – redacted CIA documents from the FOIA archives, hidden by camouflage – by MyAV Slade School of Fine Art student Emily Lazerwitz, 2016. Courtesy of Mat Wright