

MyAV·¶ Quantum Science and Technology Institute


MyAV·¶Q Quantum Tech Summer School

Our summer school provides undergraduates a comprehensive introduction to the exciting field of quantum technologies.

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Aimed at undergraduates with a background in engineering and computer science (but also open to those studying Natural Sciences), the summer school will provide a comprehensive introduction to the exciting field of Quantum Technologies, including quantum computing and quantum communication.

School Programme

For a week in early July students will have the opportunity to attend lectures from leading experts, including:

Fundamentals of quantum mechanics
  • Overview of basic quantum ideas and the ‘language’ of quantum mechanics
  • Introduction to the Schrödinger Equation, Dirac Notation, Operators and Superposition
Quantum computing and qubits
  • Introduction to qubits, Bloch sphere, simple one qubit and two qubit gates and circuits
  • Decoherence, qubit errors and a simple quantum error correction procedure
Quantum algorithms and quantum computing architectures
  • Introduction to quantum computing and algorithms theory and analysis
  • Overview of key quantum algorithms and applications giving provable quantum advantage (Shor's algorithm, Grover's algorithm, Hamiltonian simulation...)
  • Overview of recent heuristic quantum algorithms and applications (QAOA, VQE...)
Quantum cryptography and quantum communication
  • Quantum entanglement; Quantum teleportation
  • Quantum key distribution
  • Certified randomness
Key technology platforms for quantum computers
  • Overview of key quantum computing platforms, including superconducting circuits, trapped ions, semiconductor spin qubits, photonics and cold atoms
  • Summary of key quantum computing hardware developers in the field

Students will also have the chance to work hands-on in quantum technologies, including fabricating nanoscale devices and programming current-generation quantum processors. Additionally, students will be able to meet with MyAV·¶Q staff and students and have the opportunity to take part in smaller tutorials in quantum information and quantum technologies.

Dates and Fees

  • Dates: Monday 4 -  Friday 8 July 2022
  • Location: MyAV·¶ Bloomsbury Campus, London, UK
  • Course and accommodation fees will be fully covered by a grant from EPSRC
  • Travel: Students will have to cover any travel expenses, but to make the school as inclusive as possible there is also a small travel bursary available.

This year our summer school will be held in-person and on-site! However, the University may still have in place public health measures due to the ongoing covid-19 pandemic.  

How to apply

Applications for 2022 entry are now closed. We are shortlisting and will contact you regarding the outcome of your application soon. 

Deadline: 23:59 (BST) Sunday 1 May 2022.

Our application process is simple. We ask all applicants to complete our application form and include this with a copy of their CV and a short personal statement (one side of A4) detailing their motivation for attending our summer school.