

MyAV·¶ Department of Risk and Disaster Reduction


Lancet Countdown

The Lancet Countdown works to ensure that health is at the centre of how governments understand and respond to climate change.

The Lancet Countdown

16 September 2024

Our work ranges from ensuring policymakers have access to high-quality evidence-based guidance, through to providing the health profession with the tools they need to improve public health.

Challenge being addressed

Climate change threatens to undermine the last fifty years of gains in public health, intensifying heatwaves and other weather, altering the spread of infectious diseases, and exacerbating poverty and mental ill-health. Responses to climate change bring immense benefits for human health, with cleaner air, healthier diets, and more liveable cities.


  • To make clear how climate change is affecting our health, the consequences of delayed action and the health benefits of a robust response.
  • To bring together climate scientists, engineers, energy specialists, economists, political scientists, public health professionals, and doctors.

Funding details

Wellcome Trust

Project duration


Principal Investigator

Project coordinator/Co-applicants/Key people

  • Peng Gong
  • Hugh Montgomery
  • Marina Romanello

More information

Image: Screen capture from  video