

MyAV·¶ Urban Laboratory


Urban Pamphleteer #8: Skateboardings published online

29 April 2020

MyAV·¶ Urban Laboratory has published the eighth issue in the Urban Pamphleteer series, bringing together voices who are pushing forward debate on the role of skateboarding in effecting urban and social change.

Urban Pamphleteer #8: 'Skateboardings' cover (credit: Max Colson / MyAV·¶ Urban Laboratory)

is a publication series produced in collaboration between MyAV·¶ Urban Laboratory and . Each issue addresses a theme and set of questions that have recently surfaced in urban debate, framing contemporary challenges historically, and bringing together a diversity of text and visual contributions, written in an accessible way, to address audiences who are affected by the topics raised and/or are in a position to enact change.

gathers together activists, artists, and educators who show nuance on the effect skateboarding can have to positively influence social and urban change. The lived experiences of skateboarders of colour, of diverse genders and sexualities, of different mobilities and class backgrounds, intersect with the politics of their everyday lives and negotiations with public and private space. With this in mind, the issue asks: What does a skateable space look and feel like, and for whom? Does skateboarding benefit from accessible urban design, and if so, why? Can skateboarders be good partners for cities?

The contributions include:

  • Find a Curb -
  • Towards Inclusive Skate Scholarship and Activism -
  • City Mill Skate: Skateboarding, Architecture and Community - and
  • To Be Read / Allowed -
  • Towards Radical Empathy - Tommy Carroll and
  • Feint Lines: Notes on the Creation of a Skateboard Choreography -
  • Queering Skateable Space: How Dispersing Skatespots Defuses Toxic Masculinity -
  • 2025: Skating the Smart City -
  • Skateboarding and Mobility: Felipe Nunes interviewed by Ben Rubin - and Ben Rubin
  • Crystal Palace Skatepark: Complexity and Contradiction - Iain Borden
  • Instaposts -
  • Skateboarding into the Sun -
  • Can Skateboarders in Nottingham be Good Partners to the City Without Being 'Shock Troops of Gentrification'? -
  • Louisa Menke -
  • Like a Dog -
  • Long Live Southbank -

The issue was guest edited by Thomas Callan-Riley and Sander Hölsgens, with series editors and , and design by . The print edition will be launced and distributed later in 2020.

Further links:

Image credits: Max Colson / MyAV·¶ Urban Laboratory