


Thank you to the Supporters of the Grant Museum

Grant Museum of Zoology - a person stands in front of an open case of animal skeletons

The Grant Museum of Zoology has been a centre of research and discovery about the animal kingdom since 1828. Our collection is a source of inspiration to our visitors and a valuable resource to scientists working to protect the natural world. We would like to dedicate this page to our many supporters who help ensure our research, conservation and curatorial work continues.

Lifetime supporters

Recognising our lifetime supporters, and the specimen they chose to support:

Pat Aitchison

The African penguin skeleton
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Jack Ashby

The taxidermy platypus
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Robert Borden Jr.

The Taxidermy cuckoo
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"Cocoa the cuckoo"

Kimberley Boudville

The Dugong skeleton
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"In dedication to my late father, Clarence Boudville, I love you always."

Mee Kuon Cheong

The hippuris
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Professor Melody Clark

The stuffed golden mole
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Chris Cullander

The narwhal tusk
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Jill Davies

The marmoset brain
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Tracy Dunlop

The common dolphin skull
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Tanja Ettin

The taxidermy pangolin
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Lisa Francis

The giant golden mole taxidermy
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Nadine Gabriel

The Asian water buffalo skull
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Carrol Gabriel

The giant deer skull
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Brian & Leah Glass

The jerboa skeleton
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"Hummus Rocky Glass"

Margaret Goodson

The taxidermy woolly monkey
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Dr Sebastian Groh

The sun spider
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“Never stop marvelling, never stop learning”

Roger Hailey

The pentanymphon antarcticum
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David Hammerton

The long-eared owl
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Les Hearn

The wombat skeleton
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Bob Berry and Diane Hovenesian

The killer whale foetus
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Matthew Johnson

The bisected capuchin monkey head
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Dr Sally Karioth 

The jar of moles
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Anna Kierczynska

The red kangaroo skeleton
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Sulaimaan, Safiya, Zaki, Weelin & Sarah Lim

The Galapagos tortoise shell
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George & Angie Loudon

The Blaschka ercolania panceri
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Joe Martinez

The compsognathus cast
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Chris McManus

The macaque brain
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Rev. Stevin Azo Michels

The taxidermy koala
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"Cuddles the Koala"

Dr Jane McLauchlin

The brush-tailed possum
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Amarlie Moore

The tapeworm bothriocephalus latus
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Sumit Paul-Choudhury

The quagga
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The angel shark
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Mark Rapoza

The Blaschka slug
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Anne Rushbrooke

The bisected domestic cat with foetus fluid
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Louise Saturninus

The fawn
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The pink fairy armadillo
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Clive Siddall

The wild boar brain
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Dixie Tenny

The aardwolf skull
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Carolyn Thompson 

The gibbon skeleton
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"My teaching buddy"

Richard and Yvonne Walker

The hippo foot
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Chye Wei Sheng

The electric eel
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"Electrophorus tobyi"

Dr Werner Wiethege

The remora
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David Williams

The horseshoe crab
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"Horseshoe crabs will save the world. I don’t know how. But they will."

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