
MyAV Global


Announcing the 2024 ABSW Media Fellows

5 July 2024

MyAV Global Engagement is proud to support two MyAV academics through the Association of British Science Writers (ABSW) Media Fellowship scheme. Another three MyAV academics participating in this programme are supported by MyAV Engineering.

Announcing the 2024 ABSW Media Fellows

Dr Linzy Elton (MyAV Medical Sciences) and Dr Rebecca Irons (MyAV Population Health Sciences), who both collaborate internationally as part of their research, were selected to participate in this year’s scheme.

The ABSW Media Fellowships offer a unique opportunity for scientists, clinicians, and engineers to spend two to six weeks working within world-leading outlets such as the Guardian, BBC or WIRED.

The ABSW Media Fellowships scheme aims to bolster scientists' confidence in engaging with the media, address mistrust and misrepresentation, bridge the gap between journalists and scientists, and foster a better understanding of science and society.

For this year’s programme, Dr Elton and Dr Irons will be supported by MyAV Global Engagement, while three other MyAV academics will receive support from MyAV Engineering.

Dr Linzy Elton

Dr Linzy Elton is a Postdoctoral Research Associate at MyAV's Centre for Clinical Microbiology. Her research on genomics for diagnostics and antimicrobial resistance surveillance involves close collaboration with low- and middle-income countries, particularly in Africa.

As part of her ABSW Media Fellowship, Linzy will work with, engaging with digital content teams in the UK and African offices. She hopes her fellowship will “allow me to gain new skills, especially the use of innovative digital solutions, as well as helping to strengthen communication and trust between scientists and the public in both the Global North and Global South.”

Dr Rebecca Irons

Dr Rebecca Irons is a Medical Anthropologist and Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow at MyAV's Institute for Global Health. Her research focuses on reproductive and sexual health, HIV among marginalised populations, and the impacts of climate change on health in Pacific Latin America.

As part of her ABSW Media Fellowship, Rebecca will be on placement with BBC Climate and Science, enhancing her engagement in public media. She emphasised the importance of public engagement in global health, stating: "The wider public is at the heart of what global health academics do and why we do it, yet academics are rarely taught how to bridge the institution-public/media divide. The ABSW fellowship offers an amazing opportunity to collaborate and learn about wider engagement from media partners and form lasting networks and links."

Dr Linzy Elton (left) and Dr Rebecca Irons (right)
